
An - Xhroria [Osu|Taiko]

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yo' random mod.

  1. 00:08:618 (1,2) - Personellement, je trouve que ça sonne très mal et que le cercle (2) est un peu trop décalé du slider précédent. J'ai demandé l'aide de jericho2442 et il m'a confirmé que ça sonnait plus ou moins bien. Alors, il m'a suggéré ceci: , mais, je trouve que c'est pas très bien non plus. Bref, j'ai essayé d'autre pattern et j'ai tombé sur celui-ci, qui sonne très bien et qui suit la mélodie. Puisque dans le pattern que je t'ai montré il y avait un 1/4, je te suggère plus fortement ceci.. Voici un log avec jericho, c:
    log with jericho2442
    07:07 *Gabe is editing [ An - Xhroria [Beginner]]
    07:07 Gabe: 00:08:618 (1,2) - I feel like this is totally wrong, can you look at it with me? o3o
    07:09 jericho2442: sure
    07:09 jericho2442: dling...........slow
    07:09 Gabe: lawl
    07:11 Gabe: okay so, the slider (1) is placed on a downbeat and ends on a downbeat but, the next circle is placed on the second red line after the end of the slider, which sounds like the circle is way too far from it.
    07:13 jericho2442: ok got the song now
    07:14 jericho2442: yup sour right its wrong
    07:14 jericho2442: your right*
    07:14 Gabe: sour right
    07:14 jericho2442: sorry xD typo
    07:14 Gabe: that's fine, it was just funny
    07:14 Gabe: :3
    07:16 jericho2442: try this
    07:16 jericho2442: or you could use a slider instead of two notes in the screen
    07:16 jericho2442: and afk gonna go eating with bouncebabe
    07:17 Gabe: alright o3o
    07:17 Gabe: have a nice meal :D/
    07:17 jericho2442: it better?
    07:20 jericho2442: hello? xD
    07:21 Gabe: ohohosorry
    07:21 Gabe:
    07:21 Gabe: I guess this sounds better o:
    07:21 jericho2442: i did that too atfirst, but its a 1/2 in a easy
    07:21 Gabe: yeah..
    07:22 jericho2442: well yup you now have two suggestions
    07:22 jericho2442: and the reason the way it is sounds wrong atm is because its a red tick pattern
    07:22 jericho2442: and he has only mapped white ticks
    07:22 Gabe: or even this, which is the same thing
    07:22 jericho2442: yea thats better, a 1/2 slider is acceptable
    07:24 jericho2442: ok afk food
    07:24 Gabe: alright!
  2. 00:32:018 (2) - Avec le Grid Size 4, essaye d'avoir un spacing plus consistent avec l'object précédent et suivant car, présentement, c'est un peu décalé.
  3. 01:13:418 (1) - Not a big deal mais, comme à la suggestion précédente.
  4. 01:55:718 (2) - Le flow me trouble un peu car le slider précédent courbe vers le haut tandis que ce slider est placé en bas du slider précédent. Mais bref, c'est pas si "bad" que ça..
  1. 00:11:768 (3) - Ça sonne.. très mal? Je te suggère fortement de supprimer ce slider et d'y ajouter un cercle à 00:11:918 - .
  2. 01:36:518 (1,2,3) - Y'a une illusion avec le spacing ici. Puisque les deux slider sont très près et qu'il y a seulement qu'un cercle qui les séparent à x:432 y:104, l'illusion fait que les prochains objets sembles plus loin qu'ils le sont vraiment. C'est pas terrible mais, ça trompe l’œil.
  1. 00:06:218 (3,4,5) - Ces deux sliders peuvent être placé à x:336 y:112 (si tu les highlights). Pourquoi? Parce que esthétiquement, les deux sliders vont être placé entre le cercle précédent, ce qui est mieux.
  2. 00:37:418 (1) - Le spacing est très inconsistent ici, on vois la différence.
  3. 01:03:818 (4) - Trop, juste trop de reverse, un joueur peut être facilement confus à cause de ces reverses. Je te suggère de le séparé en deux slider, dont un reverse chaque. C'est le même son mais avec un objet en plus.
  1. 00:00:218 (1) - Je ne comprend pas pourquoi il y a un spinner ici lorsque tout les diffs en ont pas. Ça ne fait pas trop de sens.. Pour que les difficultées commencent en même temps, je te suggère de le supprimer.
Good o3ob

  1. 2 hard 4 me mais, c'est bon :3
Je te souhaite bonne chance!
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

Gabe wrote:

yo' random mod. => HELLO !!!!!! ♥

  1. 00:08:618 (1,2) - Personellement, je trouve que ça sonne très mal et que le cercle (2) est un peu trop décalé du slider précédent. J'ai demandé l'aide de jericho2442 et il m'a confirmé que ça sonnait plus ou moins bien. Alors, il m'a suggéré ceci: , mais, je trouve que c'est pas très bien non plus. Bref, j'ai essayé d'autre pattern et j'ai tombé sur celui-ci, qui sonne très bien et qui suit la mélodie. Puisque dans le pattern que je t'ai montré il y avait un 1/4, je te suggère plus fortement ceci.. Voici un log avec jericho, c:
    log with jericho2442
    07:07 *Gabe is editing [ An - Xhroria [Beginner]]
    07:07 Gabe: 00:08:618 (1,2) - I feel like this is totally wrong, can you look at it with me? o3o
    07:09 jericho2442: sure
    07:09 jericho2442: dling...........slow
    07:09 Gabe: lawl
    07:11 Gabe: okay so, the slider (1) is placed on a downbeat and ends on a downbeat but, the next circle is placed on the second red line after the end of the slider, which sounds like the circle is way too far from it.
    07:13 jericho2442: ok got the song now
    07:14 jericho2442: yup sour right its wrong
    07:14 jericho2442: your right*
    07:14 Gabe: sour right
    07:14 jericho2442: sorry xD typo
    07:14 Gabe: that's fine, it was just funny
    07:14 Gabe: :3
    07:16 jericho2442: try this
    07:16 jericho2442: or you could use a slider instead of two notes in the screen
    07:16 jericho2442: and afk gonna go eating with bouncebabe
    07:17 Gabe: alright o3o
    07:17 Gabe: have a nice meal :D/
    07:17 jericho2442: it better?
    07:20 jericho2442: hello? xD
    07:21 Gabe: ohohosorry
    07:21 Gabe:
    07:21 Gabe: I guess this sounds better o:
    07:21 jericho2442: i did that too atfirst, but its a 1/2 in a easy
    07:21 Gabe: yeah..
    07:22 jericho2442: well yup you now have two suggestions
    07:22 jericho2442: and the reason the way it is sounds wrong atm is because its a red tick pattern
    07:22 jericho2442: and he has only mapped white ticks
    07:22 Gabe: or even this, which is the same thing
    07:22 jericho2442: yea thats better, a 1/2 slider is acceptable
    07:24 jericho2442: ok afk food
    07:24 Gabe: alright!
    => J'ai pris le pattern de jericho, pas de 1/2 sur easy lol.
  2. 00:32:018 (2) - Avec le Grid Size 4, essaye d'avoir un spacing plus consistent avec l'object précédent et suivant car, présentement, c'est un peu décalé. => fixed.
  3. 01:13:418 (1) - Not a big deal mais, comme à la suggestion précédente. => ^
  4. 01:55:718 (2) - Le flow me trouble un peu car le slider précédent courbe vers le haut tandis que ce slider est placé en bas du slider précédent. Mais bref, c'est pas si "bad" que ça..=> Changé la courbe du slider.
  1. 00:11:768 (3) - Ça sonne.. très mal? Je te suggère fortement de supprimer ce slider et d'y ajouter un cercle à 00:11:918 - .=> yea, better :)
  2. 01:36:518 (1,2,3) - Y'a une illusion avec le spacing ici. Puisque les deux slider sont très près et qu'il y a seulement qu'un cercle qui les séparent à x:432 y:104, l'illusion fait que les prochains objets sembles plus loin qu'ils le sont vraiment. C'est pas terrible mais, ça trompe l’œil.=> o.o found another issue.
  1. 00:06:218 (3,4,5) - Ces deux sliders peuvent être placé à x:336 y:112 (si tu les highlights). Pourquoi? Parce que esthétiquement, les deux sliders vont être placé entre le cercle précédent, ce qui est mieux. => Je vois ce que tu veux me dire, je l'ai pas mis exactement là mais j'ai compris.
  2. 00:37:418 (1) - Le spacing est très inconsistent ici, on vois la différence. => SV change ? i consider this.
  3. 01:03:818 (4) - Trop, juste trop de reverse, un joueur peut être facilement confus à cause de ces reverses. Je te suggère de le séparé en deux slider, dont un reverse chaque. C'est le même son mais avec un objet en plus.=> Fixed.
  1. 00:00:218 (1) - Je ne comprend pas pourquoi il y a un spinner ici lorsque tout les diffs en ont pas. Ça ne fait pas trop de sens.. Pour que les difficultées commencent en même temps, je te suggère de le supprimer. => oops, j'avais oublié de le remove (ça remonte au mod de blissfulyoshi lol) merci.
Good o3ob

  1. 2 hard 4 me mais, c'est bon :3
Je te souhaite bonne chance!

Gabe, j'attendais l'arrivée d'une personne tant aimé, une personne traversant les mille cieux parcourant jours et nuit les chemins ardents pour aider une pauvre personne, misérable que je suis. Vous m'avez donné une étoile, une étoile venant de votre coeur, un étoile étincelante dont la lumière traverse mon âme sensible à votre lueur positive :3 Je ne vous oublierais jamais ♥

Thanks for you mod and the star icon, now let's find tBAT !!! D:
Petit recheck, vu le temps que j'ai pas fait de mods !
[General Swag]
Je sais pas pourquoi mais j'ai l'impression qu'il y a un décalage sur certaines notes.
Sinon le hitsounding est toujours très pauvre.

[Another Swag]
00:09:368 (6) - A partir d'ici je te suis plus, car pour moi le violon est l'instrument principal, mais je te l'ai déjà dit :D
00:24:218 (1) - Il me semble décalé, le verrai sur le tick bleu personnelement, essayes et tu verra que ça sonne mieux. Meme si ça parait bizarre.
01:02:318 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Tu suis tout, sauf le rythme de la musique.
01:13:418 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - C'est moche, y'a pas vraiment de symmetrie, ça serait mieux de faire des paterns en triangle ou en carré tout en respectant le flow imo.
01:18:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - J'ai vraiment l'impression qu'il y a un décalage.
Voila voilà

[Hyper Swag]
01:13:385 (1) - Ce genre de pattern est beaucoup plus beau, 8 sliders comme tu fais c'est trop chiant a jouer :
02:00:935 (6) - Génial de finir une map sur un slider reverse. CHANGE

Flemme de faire le reste, j'éditerai dès que j'aurai l'envie. bisous mon amour <3
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

Arrival wrote:

Petit recheck, vu le temps que j'ai pas fait de mods !
[General Swag]
Je sais pas pourquoi mais j'ai l'impression qu'il y a un décalage sur certaines notes.
Sinon le hitsounding est toujours très pauvre.
La flemme de lire /me runs

[Another Swag]
00:09:368 (6) - A partir d'ici je te suis plus, car pour moi le violon est l'instrument principal, mais je te l'ai déjà dit :D => Si tu écoutes toute la partie, je suis le piano
00:24:218 (1) - Il me semble décalé, le verrai sur le tick bleu personnelement, essayes et tu verra que ça sonne mieux. Meme si ça parait bizarre. => uuh non
01:02:318 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Tu suis tout, sauf le rythme de la musique. => oops, non mais merci pour la reflexion, j'ai changé le hitsounding here lol
01:13:418 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - C'est moche, y'a pas vraiment de symmetrie, ça serait mieux de faire des paterns en triangle ou en carré tout en respectant le flow imo. => je sais, mais la flemme de trouver une autre issue lol
01:18:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - J'ai vraiment l'impression qu'il y a un décalage. => t'as du prendre trop de champignons qu'A K A i me filait hmm..
Voila voilà

[Hyper Swag]
01:13:385 (1) - Ce genre de pattern est beaucoup plus beau, 8 sliders comme tu fais c'est trop chiant a jouer : => consider
02:00:935 (6) - Génial de finir une map sur un slider reverse. CHANGE => Done.

Flemme de faire le reste, j'éditerai dès que j'aurai l'envie. bisous mon amour <3
Thanks for your mod CREUVARD :)
It's QATime!

01:52:118 - Remove red timing point. Even though a strong cymbal hit occurs here, this is a delayed hit, and no actual timing change occurs in the music. The downbeat should still be located at 01:51:818 for this measure, and the next measure's downbeat should be at 01:53:018 . Listen to the snare drum hits in this section: they should land on every 2nd and 4th white tick, not every 1st and 3rd.
00:05:468 - Your hitsounds in this section do not follow the accents in the music. Rather than focusing whistles on the head of your sliders I think you should add whistles on every note that's mapped to (what I'm assuming to be) the xylophone, so for example:
  1. 00:10:718 (1)
  2. 00:12:068 (4)
  3. 00:13:568 (1) - Here especially, I think a whistle is necessary because the emphasis on this note in the music is the same as at 00:13:718 , and putting a whistle on one but not the other disrupts the rhythm of accents.
  4. 00:14:318 (3)
There are others, but these are the ones that most significantly need whistle hitsounds in my opinion.

00:12:368 (5,6,7,1,2) - The rhythm here is strange and does not flow well. You're following the strings with your (6) and (7) sliders (because the xylophone doesn't play any note where you start the (6)) and then you skip over the note at 00:13:418 . If you add a whistle hitsound to (1) as I've mentioned above I think it make this section seem less awkward. I don't have any other ideas ;_;

00:14:318 (3,4) - Consider unstacking, especially since this is surrounded by 00:13:568 (1,2) and 00:16:268 (4,5) .

00:21:218 (4) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 241,6; endpoint to 294,64; readjust placement of 00:21:668 (5) for consistent distance snapping.

00:37:418 - Your use of stacks in this section is inconsistent.
  1. There are stacks at 00:41:168 (5,6) and 00:50:768 (6,7) and 00:55:568 (5,6) but not at 00:45:968 (6,7)
  2. There are stacks at 00:42:068 (1,2) and 00:51:668 (1,2) but not at 00:46:868 (1,2)
  3. There's a stack at 00:43:718 (7,8) but not at 00:38:618 (5,6) or 00:50:018 (4,5)
  4. There are stacks at 00:44:618 (1,2) and 00:49:418 (1,2) but not at 00:39:818 (1,2)
  5. There's a stack at 00:45:518 (4,5) but not at 00:40:418 (3,4) or 00:50:018 (4,5)
  6. There's a stack at 00:52:868 (5,6) but not at 00:38:468 (4,5) or 00:43:268 (5,6) or 00:47:768 (4,5)
This is not an inclusive list. This whole Kiai is pretty much the same musical section repeated four times, yet you switch around which notes you decide to stack in every iteration. While variation is sometimes good and prevents overly-repetitive play, here it just seems inconsistent, and really the question to ask is:

Why stack these particular notes? Is there anything in the music to you that suggests stacks at these particular sections? And if there are, considering that this part is the same musical phrase repeated three times - so everything you hear in one repeated section is still there in the next - why is your stacking not consistent?

To me, because of the inconsistency, some of these stacks just seem arbitrarily placed, or placed solely for the sake of mapping convenience. Overall I think most of these stacks disrupt the flow more than they facilitate it, and this problem is augmented due to their increased unpredictability arising from inconsistency.

But I do like your variation of hitobject patterns in this Kiai. For example, 00:53:468 (7,8) where you've previously used shorter sliders and hitcircles. For circumstances like this I think having inconsistencies in stacking is acceptable because you're using different objects, but there are many scenarios where you have the same objects, yet you don't stack where you have previously.

01:23:018 - Hitsounds in this section are inconsistent with the music.
  1. 01:28:568 (5) - This one is debatable. There seems to be somewhat of a snare hit here, but there's an even stronger one 1/2 beats later at 01:28:718 . I won't make suggestions for this one, since having Claps on either one seems to work.
  2. 01:29:018 (6) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  3. 01:29:618 (8) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  4. 01:38:168 (4) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  5. 01:38:618 (1) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  6. 01:39:218 (3) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  7. 01:39:818 (2) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  8. 01:40:268 (3) - Remove all Claps.
  9. 01:40:718 (4) - Remove Clap from repeat; add Clap to start of slider.
If you slow down the music here and listen to it through the Timing tab or whatever you'll notice that the snare drum keeps the same rhythm throughout this entire section: there's a snare hit at every 2nd and 4th white tick of each measure, and this doesn't change. Though the Clap rhythm you have currently is sort of cool I guess, they're mistimed with respect to the music, and will sound awkward for anyone who has their volume turned up enough to be able to hear the snare hits in song. It's best if you use hitsounds in a manner that's consistent with the music.

01:30:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Consider making this pattern neater by using Ctrl+Shift+D (Create Polygon Circles) with Beat Snap Divisor set to 1/1. Set Points to 9, Distance Snap to about 0.4x, and Offset Angle to around 10 degrees. It might be more accurate if you set the Beat Snap Divisor to 1/2 and use 0.7x Distance Snapping instead.

Or here, let me do that for you:
.osu code

01:54:518 (1) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 478,135; endpoint to 393,194.

01:55:118 (3) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 88,183. Sorry orz

01:56:618 - More hitsound inconsistencies.
  1. 01:57:368 (4) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to repeat.
  2. 01:57:818 (5) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  3. 01:58:418 (7) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  4. 01:59:018 (9) - Remove Clap.
See above for reasoning.
00:12:818 (5,6) - Again, awkward rhythm, but again, as with Hyper, I'm not sure how you can fix this orz

00:36:068 - Consider mapping with a hitcircle. You've been following the xylophone for this part, and then you skip over this xylophone note. You could also try extending 00:35:618 (5) to the red tick.

01:02:768 (1,2) - Consider unstacking. I think this stack is somewhat unnecessary, and it's also confusing given that your other double stacks have all been 1/2 beats.

01:12:818 (6,1) - Consider unstacking. Same reasoning as above. You could try something like this:
Since you don't have any overlapped triples in this difficulty, this arrangement wouldn't be particularly hard to read in my opinion. If you happen to like this arrangement, you could also try doing the same at 00:15:218 (1,2,3) .

01:17:318 (1,2,3) - Overmap. There are only two sounds here, and both of them are sustained string notes. Something like this would avoid overmapping and would play better in my opinion:
The 1/4 gap between the multirepeat and the long slider isn't a huge issue because the multiple repeats give the player time to accurately read the approach circle for the slider. Make sure that you overlap the start of the slider with the repeat, so that there's no spatial gap when slider leniency is taken into account. Also consider using slower SV and/or crumpling for the long slider.

01:23:018 - Hitsound inconsistencies.
  1. 01:28:568 (3) - See Hyper (same time) for this one.
  2. 01:29:018 (5,6) - Remove Claps. These sliders are somewhat unfortunate in the fact that the snare hits in the music occur at 01:29:318 and 01:29:918 , which are points in the middle of your sliders. If you want to have Claps at these locations you'll either need to choose a different object pattern or use a custom slidertick hitsound.
  3. 01:38:168 (3) - Remove Clap.
  4. 01:38:318 (4) - Add Clap to start.
  5. 01:38:618 (5,6) - Remove Claps. More unfortunate sliders.
  6. 01:40:568 (3) - Remove Clap.
  7. 01:41:018 (4) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  8. 01:41:468 (5) - Remove Clap from start; consider adding Clap to end.
  9. 01:57:368 (2) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to repeat.
  10. 01:57:818 (3) - Remove Clap from start; add to end.
  11. 01:58:418 (5) - Remove Clap from start; add to end.
  12. 01:59:018 (7) - Remove Clap.
01:58:418 (6) - Fix blanket. Start 161,89; mid 60,133; end 54,240.
This difficulty plays somewhat awkwardly for me, especially in those areas where you mix in rhythms that fall on red ticks. This is mostly the song's fault, though, and I don't think there's an easy way for you to make this difficulty any less awkward.

01:23:018 - Hitsound issues.
  1. 01:28:568 (2) - Remove Clap from end.
  2. 01:38:168 (2) - Remove Clap from end.
  3. 01:39:218 (3) - Remove Clap from end.
  4. 01:40:118 (1) - Remove Clap from end, add Clap to start.
  5. 01:56:918 (1) - Remove Clap from end.
  6. 01:57:818 (2) - Remove all Claps.
  7. 01:58:718 (3) - Remove Clap from end, add Clap to start.
[Closing]Overall, this is a solid mapset. Your arrangements look clean and your spacing is consistent. In every difficulty there were some issues with rhythm, and this might be unavoidable due to the nature of the song, but I would definitely advise you to look for ways to reduce rhythm awkwardness, especially in those sections without a steady percussive beat. I've skipped over Another because it's beyond my difficulty range, but you'll want to apply any changes you make to hitsounding there as well.

Good work, and good luck!

Hello! From the QAT Queue!

- The BG is low quality. Consider finding a better one?

- I know this isn't the hardest difficulty of the mapset, but I strongly recommend that you follow every suggestion I did for this diff since they would definitely give a better look. Plus, at the current status, this diff looks pretty similar to the Hard. There's only a tiny difficulty gap between the two. So I'd suggest you to increase the difficulty of the Hyper, since it's an Insane afterall, by considering the suggestions (especially the ones about 1/4 notes etc) down below.
00:08:618 (2,3) - Make them more curvy? You'd give a way better look and flow to the gameplay. Here's a suggestion.
00:11:018 (2,3) - ^
00:12:518 (6,7) - ^ and move the 00:12:968 (7) - a bit to the right for better flow.
00:13:718 (2) - Make it more curvy: Middle sliderpoint 1 grid down.
00:16:418 (5,6) - Make a blanket? Way better look and flow. Also, move the 00:17:018 (7) - like I did on the screenshot down below.
00:17:618 (9) - Make it more curvy? Would look better.
00:19:418 (6,7) - Why don't you turn them into hitcircles? It's an Insane after all. Way more fun to play.
00:19:718 (7,8) - Mhmh, the blanket is not properly done. Fix it?
00:21:818 (6,7) - Same suggestion of 00:19:418 (6,7) - .
00:32:318 (8) - ^
00:36:218 (1,2,3,4) - This linear position you gave them doesn't look good imo. You would probably do better by using something like this:
00:36:818 (4) - I'd turn this into hitcircles.
00:37:418 (1) - This feels too close to the previous objects imo. Why don't you move it downwards and make a sort of blanket with this slider 00:37:718 (2) - ? Something like this:
Or you could actually make a mirrored 00:38:168 (3) - ; resulting in ↓
00:40:418 (3) - Make it more curvy? This would be perfect, cause it also makes a nice play-feeling with the previous slider.
00:42:518 (3) - Make it more curvy?
00:44:768 (2) - ^
00:46:568 (9) - Turn this into hitcircles? Triplet, that is.
00:50:018 (4) - ^
00:55:718 (6) - New combo.
01:01:268 (3) - I'd turn this into a slider with a single sliderarrow. Plays way better. Explanatory pic:
01:05:918 - I'd add a note here and I'd shorten this slider 01:06:068 (2) - of 1/2 and remove its sliderarrow. The whole thing that would come out from these suggestions would play way better imo. Explanatory pic:
01:06:899 - If you follow the suggestion up ↑ you should add a hitcircle here to be consistent with the song.
01:08:018 (6,7) - Turn these into hitcircles? As I said, it's an Insane. More fun to play.
01:08:618 (1) - More curvy.
01:10:118 (6) - Turn this into hitcircles?
01:10:418 (7) - More curvy to give a better look to the slider cross with 01:11:018 (1) - .
01:12:518 (6) - Same suggestion of 01:10:118 (6) - .
01:13:418 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Huh? Come on! You could map this part in a better way! I'd give you some suggestions.
I'd turn these sliders 01:14:018 (3,4) - 01:15:218 (3,4) - 01:15:818 (1,2,3,4) - into hitcircles and then I'd care about the disposition of the notes:
I'd suggest you to do a sort of difficulty escalation, given by increasing jump-lenghts.
Here's an example (and also the code): I tried to respect your mapping style as much as I could.
Code. Don't worry about the hitsounds, I used exactly the same ones
01:17:318 (1,2,3) - I'd delete these sliders and place a spinner instead. It would start on this blue tick 01:17:093 - and end on this red tick 01:18:068 - .
01:20:468 (10) - New combo? Emphatizes this part.
01:22:418 (3,4) - I'd replace these sliders with a single stream. Plays way better imo. Example:
Make a slider, shape it like the stream in the pic and then use the "Convert slider to stream..." option.
01:23:918 (4) - Make it more curvy? Like this maybe 01:23:468 (3) -
01:26:918 (7) - More curvy?
01:32:468 (9) - ^
01:33:518 (3) - ^
01:34:718 (7) - ^
01:41:618 - Mhmh, starting from here and ending here 01:42:218 - , you can actually hear 1/4 beats in the song. What about making a stream on them instead of using these 01:41:768 (8,9) - ?
01:56:318 (8) - More curvy?
02:00:968 (2,3,4) - Increase the distance between the notes? It's an Insane, would be a better way to finish it. Explanatory image:

00:11:018 (2) - Center this and make a perfect blanket with 00:10:718 (1) - for a better looking.
00:12:068 (4) - Curve this a bit more?
00:53:918 (6) - Mhmh, you could blanket this as follows ↓ The current position ruins the flow a bit imo.
01:10:418 (5) - I'd switch this with a 1/1 slider. Be sure to give the slider a nice look.
01:20:468 (5) - New combo? Emphatizes this part.

00:06:218 (1) - Give it a better look?
00:09:968 (1,2,3) - Give them a better look?
00:32:318 (1,2,3,4,5) - Mhmhmh, I would stack them. And I'm saying this because we're still in the first part of the map here, which is calm, and I don't think it matches in a nice way those unstacked circles.
00:38:468 (7,8) - They should be placed higher for simmetry with 00:37:568 (2,3,4) -
00:38:918 (9,10,11) - Mhmh, give to these notes a better look? Also, I don't think that the triplet should be placed here, it ruins the flow. You should place the triplet here 00:38:468 - for consistency with 00:37:568 (2,3,4) - . Way better flow.
00:42:818 (2,3,4) - Flow issue here too. You are placing this triplet on the white tick whilst in the parts before you placed it on the red tick. You should be placed it here 00:43:268 - , also because you would be more consistent with the upcoming triplet 00:44:168 (1,2,3) - .
00:48:068 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Mhmh, these notes feel weird on flow. Between the 5 and 6 there's a considerable jump, but then between 6 and 7,8,9 there's a little distance. Plays very weirdly. I'd suggest you to move the notes as I did on the screenshot (flow is much better):
00:59:018 (1) - Make it more curvy?
01:00:068 (4) - ^
01:00:518 (5) - New combo for consistency with the song.
01:07:568 (6,7) - Mhmh, I wouldn't map this part like that. I'd prefer 1/2 notes and some triplets. I'll leave this to you.
01:20:468 (6) - New combo. Emphatizes this part.
01:58:418 (3,4,5) - Give them a better shape?
The last part is mapped way better! I liked it. There's still some inconsistency with the combos. But I'm sure somebody will mod them.

Nice map. Good luck. :3

Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Thank you all :)
I will reply to mods later (i may edit this post) and i'm currently busy with IRL things etc. And i spend A LOT of my free-time to apply your mods, so give me time to reply please :3
And i'm very sorry but... don't give me osu file codes because i have problems with my computer for reading osu files... It will be fixed soon...

Cherry Blossom wrote:

And i'm very sorry but... don't give me osu file codes because i have problems with my computer for reading osu files... It will be fixed soon...
You should open them with the notepad.
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

Kecco wrote:

Cherry Blossom wrote:

And i'm very sorry but... don't give me osu file codes because i have problems with my computer for reading osu files... It will be fixed soon...
You should open them with the notepad.

yes but i have problem with my notepad on my computer it will be fixed soon D:
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
It's time to apply your mods.
Well, mod reply.

11t's mod

11t wrote:

It's QATime!

01:52:118 - Remove red timing point. Even though a strong cymbal hit occurs here, this is a delayed hit, and no actual timing change occurs in the music. The downbeat should still be located at 01:51:818 for this measure, and the next measure's downbeat should be at 01:53:018 . Listen to the snare drum hits in this section: they should land on every 2nd and 4th white tick, not every 1st and 3rd. =>

blissfulyoshi wrote:

Is there a change a down beat at the end? The last chrous starts on a note one downbeat after the normal one (112118). If there is, you might need another timing section for it.
I removed the red timing section here but if another BAT tell me to add one i will re-do it.

00:05:468 - Your hitsounds in this section do not follow the accents in the music. Rather than focusing whistles on the head of your sliders I think you should add whistles on every note that's mapped to (what I'm assuming to be) the xylophone, so for example:
  1. 00:10:718 (1)
  2. 00:12:068 (4)
  3. 00:13:568 (1) - Here especially, I think a whistle is necessary because the emphasis on this note in the music is the same as at 00:13:718 , and putting a whistle on one but not the other disrupts the rhythm of accents.
  4. 00:14:318 (3)
There are others, but these are the ones that most significantly need whistle hitsounds in my opinion.
=> All fixed

00:12:368 (5,6,7,1,2) - The rhythm here is strange and does not flow well. You're following the strings with your (6) and (7) sliders (because the xylophone doesn't play any note where you start the (6)) and then you skip over the note at 00:13:418 . If you add a whistle hitsound to (1) as I've mentioned above I think it make this section seem less awkward. I don't have any other ideas ;_; => i added a whistle for now but let me think for a better way to get rid of that problem D:

00:14:318 (3,4) - Consider unstacking, especially since this is surrounded by 00:13:568 (1,2) and 00:16:268 (4,5) . => i unstacked.

00:21:218 (4) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 241,6; endpoint to 294,64; readjust placement of 00:21:668 (5) for consistent distance snapping. => almost fixed.

00:37:418 - Your use of stacks in this section is inconsistent.
  1. There are stacks at 00:41:168 (5,6) and 00:50:768 (6,7) and 00:55:568 (5,6) but not at 00:45:968 (6,7)
  2. There are stacks at 00:42:068 (1,2) and 00:51:668 (1,2) but not at 00:46:868 (1,2)
    fixed ^
  3. There's a stack at 00:43:718 (7,8) but not at 00:38:618 (5,6) or 00:50:018 (4,5)
    didn't fix ^
  4. There are stacks at 00:44:618 (1,2) and 00:49:418 (1,2) but not at 00:39:818 (1,2)
  5. There's a stack at 00:45:518 (4,5) but not at 00:40:418 (3,4) or 00:50:018 (4,5)
    ^ Fixed
  6. There's a stack at 00:52:868 (5,6) but not at 00:38:468 (4,5) or 00:43:268 (5,6) or 00:47:768 (4,5)
    =>^ Didn't fix
This is not an inclusive list. This whole Kiai is pretty much the same musical section repeated four times, yet you switch around which notes you decide to stack in every iteration. While variation is sometimes good and prevents overly-repetitive play, here it just seems inconsistent, and really the question to ask is:

Why stack these particular notes? Is there anything in the music to you that suggests stacks at these particular sections? And if there are, considering that this part is the same musical phrase repeated three times - so everything you hear in one repeated section is still there in the next - why is your stacking not consistent?

To me, because of the inconsistency, some of these stacks just seem arbitrarily placed, or placed solely for the sake of mapping convenience. Overall I think most of these stacks disrupt the flow more than they facilitate it, and this problem is augmented due to their increased unpredictability arising from inconsistency. True.... but i didnt know that consistency in stacking objects is really important D: i'm still a noob mapper/modder... D:

But I do like your variation of hitobject patterns in this Kiai. For example, 00:53:468 (7,8) where you've previously used shorter sliders and hitcircles. For circumstances like this I think having inconsistencies in stacking is acceptable because you're using different objects, but there are many scenarios where you have the same objects, yet you don't stack where you have previously.

01:23:018 - Hitsounds in this section are inconsistent with the music.
  1. 01:28:568 (5) - This one is debatable. There seems to be somewhat of a snare hit here, but there's an even stronger one 1/2 beats later at 01:28:718 . I won't make suggestions for this one, since having Claps on either one seems to work. => i prefer to keep
  2. 01:29:018 (6) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  3. 01:29:618 (8) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  4. 01:38:168 (4) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  5. 01:38:618 (1) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  6. 01:39:218 (3) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  7. 01:39:818 (2) - Remove Clap from start of slider; add Clap to end of slider.
  8. 01:40:268 (3) - Remove all Claps.
  9. 01:40:718 (4) - Remove Clap from repeat; add Clap to start of slider.
    All fixed ^
If you slow down the music here and listen to it through the Timing tab or whatever you'll notice that the snare drum keeps the same rhythm throughout this entire section: there's a snare hit at every 2nd and 4th white tick of each measure, and this doesn't change. Though the Clap rhythm you have currently is sort of cool I guess, they're mistimed with respect to the music, and will sound awkward for anyone who has their volume turned up enough to be able to hear the snare hits in song. It's best if you use hitsounds in a manner that's consistent with the music. => Okay i trust you :)

01:30:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Consider making this pattern neater by using Ctrl+Shift+D (Create Polygon Circles) with Beat Snap Divisor set to 1/1. Set Points to 9, Distance Snap to about 0.4x, and Offset Angle to around 10 degrees. It might be more accurate if you set the Beat Snap Divisor to 1/2 and use 0.7x Distance Snapping instead.

Or here, let me do that for you:
.osu code
=> Awh thanks but i have problem with osu files with my computer i dit it manually...

01:54:518 (1) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 478,135; endpoint to 393,194. => almost fixed.

01:55:118 (3) - Fix blanket. Midpoint to 88,183. Sorry orz => my osu can't D:

01:56:618 - More hitsound inconsistencies.
  1. 01:57:368 (4) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to repeat.
  2. 01:57:818 (5) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  3. 01:58:418 (7) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  4. 01:59:018 (9) - Remove Clap.
    All fixed.
See above for reasoning.

00:12:818 (5,6) - Again, awkward rhythm, but again, as with Hyper, I'm not sure how you can fix this orz => I fixed it :D

00:36:068 - Consider mapping with a hitcircle. You've been following the xylophone for this part, and then you skip over this xylophone note. You could also try extending 00:35:618 (5) to the red tick. => Fixed.

01:02:768 (1,2) - Consider unstacking. I think this stack is somewhat unnecessary, and it's also confusing given that your other double stacks have all been 1/2 beats. => Fixed

01:12:818 (6,1) - Consider unstacking. Same reasoning as above. You could try something like this:
Since you don't have any overlapped triples in this difficulty, this arrangement wouldn't be particularly hard to read in my opinion. If you happen to like this arrangement, you could also try doing the same at 00:15:218 (1,2,3) .
I like your idea, done.

01:17:318 (1,2,3) - Overmap. There are only two sounds here, and both of them are sustained string notes. Something like this would avoid overmapping and would play better in my opinion:
The 1/4 gap between the multirepeat and the long slider isn't a huge issue because the multiple repeats give the player time to accurately read the approach circle for the slider. Make sure that you overlap the start of the slider with the repeat, so that there's no spatial gap when slider leniency is taken into account. Also consider using slower SV and/or crumpling for the long slider.=> I made a funny slider D: Fixed.

01:23:018 - Hitsound inconsistencies.
  1. 01:28:568 (3) - See Hyper (same time) for this one.
  2. 01:29:018 (5,6) - Remove Claps. These sliders are somewhat unfortunate in the fact that the snare hits in the music occur at 01:29:318 and 01:29:918 , which are points in the middle of your sliders. If you want to have Claps at these locations you'll either need to choose a different object pattern or use a custom slidertick hitsound.
  3. 01:38:168 (3) - Remove Clap.
  4. 01:38:318 (4) - Add Clap to start.
    all fixed ^
  5. 01:38:618 (5,6) - Remove Claps. More unfortunate sliders.
  6. 01:40:568 (3) - Remove Clap.
    Did that same as you told me.
  7. 01:41:018 (4) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to end.
  8. 01:41:468 (5) - Remove Clap from start; consider adding Clap to end.
  9. 01:57:368 (2) - Remove Clap from start; add Clap to repeat.
  10. 01:57:818 (3) - Remove Clap from start; add to end.
  11. 01:58:418 (5) - Remove Clap from start; add to end.
  12. 01:59:018 (7) - Remove Clap.
    All fixed ^

01:58:418 (6) - Fix blanket. Start 161,89; mid 60,133; end 54,240. => Almost fixed.

This difficulty plays somewhat awkwardly for me, especially in those areas where you mix in rhythms that fall on red ticks. This is mostly the song's fault, though, and I don't think there's an easy way for you to make this difficulty any less awkward.

01:23:018 - Hitsound issues.
  1. 01:28:568 (2) - Remove Clap from end.
  2. 01:38:168 (2) - Remove Clap from end.
  3. 01:39:218 (3) - Remove Clap from end.
  4. 01:40:118 (1) - Remove Clap from end, add Clap to start.
  5. 01:56:918 (1) - Remove Clap from end.
  6. 01:57:818 (2) - Remove all Claps.
  7. 01:58:718 (3) - Remove Clap from end, add Clap to start.
    All fixed ^
[Closing]Overall, this is a solid mapset. Your arrangements look clean and your spacing is consistent. In every difficulty there were some issues with rhythm, and this might be unavoidable due to the nature of the song, but I would definitely advise you to look for ways to reduce rhythm awkwardness, especially in those sections without a steady percussive beat. I've skipped over Another because it's beyond my difficulty range, but you'll want to apply any changes you make to hitsounding there as well.

Good work, and good luck!
Kecco's mod.

Kecco wrote:

Hello! From the QAT Queue!

- The BG is low quality. Consider finding a better one? => it's okay, i will pick another one from reku (the Artist)'s pixiv...

- I know this isn't the hardest difficulty of the mapset, but I strongly recommend that you follow every suggestion I did for this diff since they would definitely give a better look. Plus, at the current status, this diff looks pretty similar to the Hard. There's only a tiny difficulty gap between the two. So I'd suggest you to increase the difficulty of the Hyper, since it's an Insane afterall, by considering the suggestions (especially the ones about 1/4 notes etc) down below. => That's okay !

00:08:618 (2,3) - Make them more curvy? You'd give a way better look and flow to the gameplay. Here's a suggestion. => Done.
00:11:018 (2,3) - ^ => Done.
00:12:518 (6,7) - ^ and move the 00:12:968 (7) - a bit to the right for better flow. => Done.
00:13:718 (2) - Make it more curvy: Middle sliderpoint 1 grid down.=> Done.
00:16:418 (5,6) - Make a blanket? Way better look and flow. Also, move the 00:17:018 (7) - like I did on the screenshot down below. => Done.
00:17:618 (9) - Make it more curvy? Would look better. => Done.
00:19:418 (6,7) - Why don't you turn them into hitcircles? It's an Insane after all. Way more fun to play. => More fun to play but 2 triplets with 200BPM is .... really hard for this diff imo, let me think.
00:19:718 (7,8) - Mhmh, the blanket is not properly done. Fix it? => almost fixed.
00:21:818 (6,7) - Same suggestion of 00:19:418 (6,7) - .=> same answer.
00:32:318 (8) - ^ => i agree here, done.
00:36:218 (1,2,3,4) - This linear position you gave them doesn't look good imo. You would probably do better by using something like this => Yes... done.:
00:36:818 (4) - I'd turn this into hitcircles. => Done.
00:37:418 (1) - This feels too close to the previous objects imo. Why don't you move it downwards and make a sort of blanket with this slider 00:37:718 (2) - ? Something like this:

Or you could actually make a mirrored 00:38:168 (3) - ; resulting in ↓
How to mirror ? D: Done.

00:40:418 (3) - Make it more curvy? This would be perfect, cause it also makes a nice play-feeling with the previous slider.
=> Done.
00:42:518 (3) - Make it more curvy? => Done.
00:44:768 (2) - ^ => Done.
00:46:568 (9) - Turn this into hitcircles? Triplet, that is. => Done.
00:50:018 (4) - ^ => You mean more curvy ? Done.
00:55:718 (6) - New combo. => Done.
01:01:268 (3) - I'd turn this into a slider with a single sliderarrow. Plays way better. Explanatory pic:
=> Yes it's nice but i prefer to keep my pattern.
01:05:918 - I'd add a note here and I'd shorten this slider 01:06:068 (2) - of 1/2 and remove its sliderarrow. The whole thing that would come out from these suggestions would play way better imo. Explanatory pic:
01:06:899 - If you follow the suggestion up ↑ you should add a hitcircle here to be consistent with the song. what the ? o.o i prefer here : 01:06:968
01:08:018 (6,7) - Turn these into hitcircles? As I said, it's an Insane. More fun to play. => Done, seems "too Insane" imo
01:08:618 (1) - More curvy. => Done.
01:10:118 (6) - Turn this into hitcircles? => No...
01:10:418 (7) - More curvy to give a better look to the slider cross with 01:11:018 (1) - .=> Done.
01:12:518 (6) - Same suggestion of 01:10:118 (6) - .=> No...
01:13:418 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Huh? Come on! You could map this part in a better way! I'd give you some suggestions.
I'd turn these sliders 01:14:018 (3,4) - 01:15:218 (3,4) - 01:15:818 (1,2,3,4) - into hitcircles and then I'd care about the disposition of the notes:
I'd suggest you to do a sort of difficulty escalation, given by increasing jump-lenghts.
Here's an example (and also the code): I tried to respect your mapping style as much as I could.
Code. Don't worry about the hitsounds, I used exactly the same ones
=> OMG, it is really nice but i said it "too insane" for this diff imo... i remapped this part, hope you will like it D:
01:17:318 (1,2,3) - I'd delete these sliders and place a spinner instead. It would start on this blue tick 01:17:093 - and end on this red tick 01:18:068 - . => Done.
01:20:468 (10) - New combo? Emphatizes this part. => Done.
01:22:418 (3,4) - I'd replace these sliders with a single stream. Plays way better imo. Example:
=> I prefer to keep my pattern.
Make a slider, shape it like the stream in the pic and then use the "Convert slider to stream..." option.
01:23:918 (4) - Make it more curvy? Like this maybe 01:23:468 (3) - => Done.
01:26:918 (7) - More curvy? => Not necessary.
01:32:468 (9) - ^ => Done.
01:33:518 (3) - ^ => Not necessary
01:34:718 (7) - ^ => Almost done.
01:41:618 - Mhmh, starting from here and ending here 01:42:218 - , you can actually hear 1/4 beats in the song. What about making a stream on them instead of using these 01:41:768 (8,9) - ? => Done.
01:56:318 (8) - More curvy? => Done.
02:00:968 (2,3,4) - Increase the distance between the notes? It's an Insane, would be a better way to finish it. Explanatory image:
=> Done @_@

00:11:018 (2) - Center this and make a perfect blanket with 00:10:718 (1) - for a better looking. => Done.
00:12:068 (4) - Curve this a bit more? => Done.
00:53:918 (6) - Mhmh, you could blanket this as follows ↓ The current position ruins the flow a bit imo. => Fixed.
01:10:418 (5) - I'd switch this with a 1/1 slider. Be sure to give the slider a nice look. => i prefer to use clap on a circle so, i didn't change.
01:20:468 (5) - New combo? Emphatizes this part. => Done.

00:06:218 (1) - Give it a better look? => Almost done.
00:09:968 (1,2,3) - Give them a better look?
00:32:318 (1,2,3,4,5) - Mhmhmh, I would stack them. And I'm saying this because we're still in the first part of the map here, which is calm, and I don't think it matches in a nice way those unstacked circles. => i don't really want to change it...
00:38:468 (7,8) - They should be placed higher for simmetry with 00:37:568 (2,3,4) - =>You mean with center ? no... i would do it, it is a symmetry but not with the center.
00:38:918 (9,10,11) - Mhmh, give to these notes a better look? Also, I don't think that the triplet should be placed here, it ruins the flow. You should place the triplet here 00:38:468 - for consistency with 00:37:568 (2,3,4) - . Way better flow. => Done, nice.
00:42:818 (2,3,4) - Flow issue here too. You are placing this triplet on the white tick whilst in the parts before you placed it on the red tick. You should be placed it here 00:43:268 - , also because you would be more consistent with the upcoming triplet 00:44:168 (1,2,3) - . => Baka mapper, fixed.
00:48:068 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Mhmh, these notes feel weird on flow. Between the 5 and 6 there's a considerable jump, but then between 6 and 7,8,9 there's a little distance. Plays very weirdly. I'd suggest you to move the notes as I did on the screenshot (flow is much better):
=> Done.
00:59:018 (1) - Make it more curvy? => almost done.
01:00:068 (4) - ^ => ^
01:00:518 (5) - New combo for consistency with the song. => Done.
01:07:568 (6,7) - Mhmh, I wouldn't map this part like that. I'd prefer 1/2 notes and some triplets. I'll leave this to you. => I keep these reversed sliders.
01:20:468 (6) - New combo. Emphatizes this part. => Done.
01:58:418 (3,4,5) - Give them a better shape? => not really necessary imo.
The last part is mapped way better! I liked it. There's still some inconsistency with the combos. But I'm sure somebody will mod them.

Nice map. Good luck. :3

Awh god, thank you guys for modding, thanks to QAT too. You taught me further things about mapping theories @_@ wow really nice. I wish i could improve my mapping style and my skills at modding/mapping. This map is my first map for ranking i was baka mapper 6 months ago :( but i'm still baka mapper D:

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Awh god, thank you guys for modding, thanks to QAT too. You taught me further things about mapping theories @_@ wow really nice. I wish i could improve my mapping style and my skills at modding/mapping. This map is my first map for ranking i was baka mapper 6 months ago :( but i'm still baka mapper D:
It's still a really nice map as a first map. And we're glad you think we've been helpful!

Again, Good Luck!

Just a quick recheck for the Hyper.

00:17:018 (7,8) - Distance error between these 2 notes.
00:42:218 (2,3) - Mhmh, flow issue. Align the end of the (2) and the begin of the (3). Look at the image below (and don't forget to fix the spacing with the other following objects if you fix this).
01:06:668 - A note here is really strongy recommended.
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

Kecco wrote:

Just a quick recheck for the Hyper.

00:17:018 (7,8) - Distance error between these 2 notes.
00:42:218 (2,3) - Mhmh, flow issue. Align the end of the (2) and the begin of the (3). Look at the image below (and don't forget to fix the spacing with the other following objects if you fix this).
01:06:668 - A note here is really strongy recommended.

All fixed, thanks for rechecking :3

3rd QAT Post :D

  1. 00:20:618 (1) - 3rg point x:458 y:209 for better blanking with 2
  2. 00:24:218 (1) - I´d suggest do end the SPinner on the previous white tick - sounds better
  3. 00:58:418 (1,2) - If you would add 2 Circles 1/1 before the Slider you can get rid of this really short break

  1. 00:11:018 (2) - 2nd Point x:396 y:42 for better blanking
  2. 00:48:668 (4) - Take this Code for a symmetric Slider - You just need to rotate it and put it in the right place
  3. 00:51:818 (1,2) - Because nearly every other Circle SLider Stack in this diff is based on 1/2 I guess many will click the Slider too early
  4. 01:08:618 (2) - 2nd Point x:37 y:171 3rd Point x:77 y:233 for Better blanking
  5. 01:13:418 (1) - 2nd Point x:218 y:147 for better blanking
  6. 01:13:418 (1) - 2nd Point x:382 y:81 for better blanking

  1. Not much to say - Diff is good except that one mega stack - Maybe you could replace it?

  1. 00:15:218 (1,3) - Is it intented that these are not in a Line? If not align them^^
  2. 00:53:918 (6) - 2nd Point x:416 y:128 for better blanking
  3. 01:17:018 (1) - If you press ctrl+h on this SLider you can see that it is not symmetrical


  • Nothing to say here - It was the diff which made the most fun to play :D

Really good work - Keep up :D
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Hello :)

Itachi_Uchiha wrote:

3rd QAT Post :D

  1. 00:20:618 (1) - 3rg point x:458 y:209 for better blanking with 2 => Almost fixed.
  2. 00:24:218 (1) - I´d suggest do end the SPinner on the previous white tick - sounds better => Done.
  3. 00:58:418 (1,2) - If you would add 2 Circles 1/1 before the Slider you can get rid of this really short break => I prefer no...

  1. 00:11:018 (2) - 2nd Point x:396 y:42 for better blanking => Done.
  2. 00:48:668 (4) - Take this Code for a symmetric Slider - You just need to rotate it and put it in the right place
    Almost fixed...
  3. 00:51:818 (1,2) - Because nearly every other Circle SLider Stack in this diff is based on 1/2 I guess many will click the Slider too early => Fixed.
  4. 01:08:618 (2) - 2nd Point x:37 y:171 3rd Point x:77 y:233 for Better blanking => almost fixed.
  5. 01:13:418 (1) - 2nd Point x:218 y:147 for better blanking => ^
  6. 01:13:418 (1) - 2nd Point x:382 y:81 for better blanking => ^

  1. Not much to say - Diff is good except that one mega stack - Maybe you could replace it? => I prefer no but if it really annoys BATs etc. i will probably change it.

  1. 00:15:218 (1,3) - Is it intented that these are not in a Line? If not align them^^ => Fixed.
  2. 00:53:918 (6) - 2nd Point x:416 y:128 for better blanking => Almost done.
  3. 01:17:018 (1) - If you press ctrl+h on this SLider you can see that it is not symmetrical => really ? D: almost fixed.


  • Nothing to say here - It was the diff which made the most fun to play :D

Really good work - Keep up :D

Thanks for your mod :)
More QAT modding incoming. Stay tuned hehe! 8-)
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

BeatofIke wrote:

More QAT modding incoming. Stay tuned hehe! 8-)

Hehe don't worry, i'm still watching :) 24/24h

Hi~ from the QAT's queue!!

AIMod indicates errors, please check!

Otherwise, everything is shipshape!

OK, I think I will start off with something very basic and yet crucial. First of all, this is the easiest diff in this mapset. That said, it is not recommended at all to place objects in a way that they need to be clicked at indefinite time points.
00:27:818 (1,2,3,1,2) - This explains pretty much what I mean. These can confuse new players thoroughly, making the name Beginner completely unfitting. You need to do something about this.
01:37:418 (1,2) - There are many before this, but this is really unbelievably hard for players to recognize!

Personally disliked the diff. Mostly in terms of difficulty, but I don't like the diff in general. You need to get rid of wrong s.c. polarities (best explained by Charles445). That pretty much is what I am talking about above.

00:39:968 (2,3) - Not saying this is offbeat, but this is mostly what I mentioned above. Maybe this diff is harder, but still, that might be hard to hit correctly.
01:31:868 (4,1) - Spacing issue? This can be mistaken for the same time gap between the previous sliders.

This diff is a lot better than Beginner, so thumbs up to this.

00:54:818 (3,4) - Little blanketing issue.
01:03:518 (3,4,5) - The current arrangement of (4,5)(overlapping) is not beautiful at all, but in order to improve it, it is necessary that you re-arrange (3) as well. Please try to think of another pattern.

Not that bad, impressive actually.

00:19:418 (6,7) - There is no such beat in the song, only three beats 3/4-wise. Either adjust the sliders to the rhythm or make the hitsounds more subtle, so it doesn't shine over the feeling of the song.
00:20:018 (8) - Unappealing blanketing. Better use one more node.
00:21:818 (6,7) - Same as first aspect.
00:29:468 (1) - Remove NC to match the next combo or make both combos equally long, just for the sake of consistence.
00:32:318 (8,9,10,11,12) - I've listened to the song in slow-mo and noticed that (9) is redundant, erase it. Then, stack (10,12) onto where (11) is. A little jump just like that sure wouldn't hurt~
01:07:868 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - There is nothing in the background that makes these objects reasonably placed, erase them.

This diff is fun, not bad!

00:16:343 (5) - Unnecessary (overmapping). I'd strooooongly recommend erasing this object.
00:17:543 (5) - Same goes for this.
00:19:418 (3,4) - Not sure about this one, better wait for more opinions.
00:19:418 (3,4) - Also, I think this is redundant too, just there to make the map harder.

Please consider fixing overmapping on your own accord, I will no longer point them out, unless extraordinarily particular.

00:21:818 (6,7,8) - Not only is (7) redundant here, it also makes the pattern itself look bad. You need to erase it.
00:22:718 (1,2,3,4,1) - Nice idea, hehehe.
00:47:768 (4) - Ctrl G on this makes this pattern somewhat unique and creative, but for better flow, I'd still make (3) on (4)'s head after Ctrl G.
01:06:068 (3) - I'd use a smooth slider pattern, just sticking to my style though. I mostly only use red nodes when song allows it. Here, it doesn't. But again, my style.

All in all, the diff would work as a whole.... if there weren't these overmapped sections. Please fix them on your own accord.

Otherwise, the map is quite ok. I wish you luck~

Best of luck to you!

Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Hello :)

Quiz-chan wrote:

Hi~ from the QAT's queue!!

AIMod indicates errors, please check!

Otherwise, everything is shipshape!

OK, I think I will start off with something very basic and yet crucial. First of all, this is the easiest diff in this mapset. That said, it is not recommended at all to place objects in a way that they need to be clicked at indefinite time points.
00:27:818 (1,2,3,1,2) - This explains pretty much what I mean. These can confuse new players thoroughly, making the name Beginner completely unfitting. You need to do something about this.
01:37:418 (1,2) - There are many before this, but this is really unbelievably hard for players to recognize! => Fixed.

Personally disliked the diff. Mostly in terms of difficulty, but I don't like the diff in general. You need to get rid of wrong s.c. polarities (best explained by Charles445). That pretty much is what I am talking about above.[/color]
About Polarity i fixed some, but as 11t says, it might be unavoidable due to the nature of the song...

00:39:968 (2,3) - Not saying this is offbeat, but this is mostly what I mentioned above. Maybe this diff is harder, but still, that might be hard to hit correctly. Let me think...
01:31:868 (4,1) - Spacing issue? This can be mistaken for the same time gap between the previous sliders. => The new combo can justify it, but i prefer to follow your suggestion. Fixed

This diff is a lot better than Beginner, so thumbs up to this.

00:54:818 (3,4) - Little blanketing issue. => Fixed.
01:03:518 (3,4,5) - The current arrangement of (4,5)(overlapping) is not beautiful at all, but in order to improve it, it is necessary that you re-arrange (3) as well. Please try to think of another pattern. => Done.

Not that bad, impressive actually.

00:19:418 (6,7) - There is no such beat in the song, only three beats 3/4-wise. Either adjust the sliders to the rhythm or make the hitsounds more subtle, so it doesn't shine over the feeling of the song. Let me think about that.
00:20:018 (8) - Unappealing blanketing. Better use one more node. => fixed.
00:21:818 (6,7) - Same as first aspect.
00:29:468 (1) - Remove NC to match the next combo or make both combos equally long, just for the sake of consistence. => Fixed.
00:32:318 (8,9,10,11,12) - I've listened to the song in slow-mo and noticed that (9) is redundant, erase it. Then, stack (10,12) onto where (11) is. A little jump just like that sure wouldn't hurt~ Done.
01:07:868 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - There is nothing in the background that makes these objects reasonably placed, erase them. What do you mean by "nothing in the background" ? and, Hyper is a hard+/insane diff, i know that this stream may be really hard but the diff spread must be consistent.

This diff is fun, not bad!

00:16:343 (5) - Unnecessary (overmapping). I'd strooooongly recommend erasing this object.
00:17:543 (5) - Same goes for this.
00:19:418 (3,4) - Not sure about this one, better wait for more opinions.
00:19:418 (3,4) - Also, I think this is redundant too, just there to make the map harder.
let me think about these ^
Please consider fixing overmapping on your own accord, I will no longer point them out, unless extraordinarily particular.

00:21:818 (6,7,8) - Not only is (7) redundant here, it also makes the pattern itself look bad. You need to erase it. => i consider.
00:22:718 (1,2,3,4,1) - Nice idea, hehehe. really ? D: hehe
00:47:768 (4) - Ctrl G on this makes this pattern somewhat unique and creative, but for better flow, I'd still make (3) on (4)'s head after Ctrl G. yes true, done !
01:06:068 (3) - I'd use a smooth slider pattern, just sticking to my style though. I mostly only use red nodes when song allows it. Here, it doesn't. But again, my style. You mean wubwubwubwabwabwab style ? :D well i consider.

All in all, the diff would work as a whole.... if there weren't these overmapped sections. Please fix them on your own accord.

Otherwise, the map is quite ok. I wish you luck~

Best of luck to you!

Thanks for your mod :)
Good luck for rank :D/
I agree that polarity is quite difficult to manage on the easier difficulties (similar to this map). In this case, you might have to break some polarity and/or use semi-polarity. I'll try to explain that in my mod post. Stay tuned hehe.
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
if i really have to remap Beginner because of polarity issues, i could do so if i have time...
You don't have to remap the entire map! D:
That would be a hassle! ._. I remember doing that for my 2nd map! :(

Just try to readjust the rhythms in a way so that is more readable for an average novice player.
Try to focus on the most prominent instruments playing in the background music. :D
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
That's okay :) Now i'm waiting for more mods, thanks in advance :)

Another QAT mod storm incoming. More to come! 8-)

  1. Why does the Taiko difficulties has a 63% hitsound volume (seems kind of random)? Should it be 60% just like the standard difficulties? o.o
  2. According to the AIMod, the Uninherited (red) Timing Section conflicts with the other difficulties other than your Standard difficulty, which is unrankable.
    Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset. That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty. Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty. A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
    Basically, you have an extra Uninherited (red) Timing section at 01:52:118 on your Standard difficulty. To fix this problem, simply replace it with an Inherited (green) Timing Section.
  1. 00:06:218 (1,2) - Try not to start a rhythm with a hitcircle followed by a red tick slider as it is possible for novice players to miss. Instead, use a 3/2 reverse slider followed by a 1/1 slider (or a hitcircle) at 00:07:718 (2). That way this rhythm will be more readable and at the same time, have good polarity.
  2. 00:09:368 (2,3) - Optional, but you could turn these 2 circles into a 1/1 slider for simplicity.
  3. 00:11:018 (1,2) - Same as above: This rhythm can be more readable.
  4. 00:56:318 (1) - A new combo is not necessary here since there is a break time afterwards. Also to be consistent with your other difficulties as you didn't add combo at the same spot.
  5. 00:29:168 (2) - This part looks undermapped. Try adding a hitcircle here so it is easier to follow the rhythm.
  6. 01:25:718 (3) - I would insert a new combo here (and at 01:27:818 (5)) for better consistency with the musical sections.
  1. See General. Other than that, the map seem to be fine. Although using a white tick circle followed by a red tick slider in some notes can result in strange flow at times (semi-polarity). It's advised to use as many good polarities as possible. :3
According to the AIMod, the Uninherited (red) Timing Section conflicts with the other difficulties other than your Standard difficulty, which is unrankable.
Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset. That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty. Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty. A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
Basically, you have an extra Uninherited (red) Timing section at 01:52:118 on your Standard difficulty. To fix this problem, simply replace it with an Inherited (green) Timing Section.

  1. I'm not skilled enough to pass this difficulty, so I won't be able to mod this difficulty well. Expect only a few suggestions.
  2. 00:47:618 (3,4) - The hit circle is not perfectly stacked with the slider at 00:47:768 (4). I would consider this a nazi suggestion, thus you can feel free to ignore this suggestion as it does not affect gameplay at the slightest.
  3. 00:52:868 (4,5,6) - Similar suggestion as above (again feel free to ignore nazi suggestions if you disagree). It would look nice if you stack this pattern with the previous pattern at 00:51:368 (6,7,8).
That's pretty much it! Hard and Hyper seems fine! Your map is getting hotter! Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Hello :)

BeatofIke wrote:

Another QAT mod storm incoming. More to come! 8-)

  1. Why does the Taiko difficulties has a 63% hitsound volume (seems kind of random)? Should it be 60% just like the standard difficulties? o.o => I don't know lol, i will ask dialga.
  2. According to the AIMod, the Uninherited (red) Timing Section conflicts with the other difficulties other than your Standard difficulty, which is unrankable.
    Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset. That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty. Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty. A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
    Basically, you have an extra Uninherited (red) Timing section at 01:52:118 on your Standard difficulty. To fix this problem, simply replace it with an Inherited (green) Timing Section. I forgot to remove this timing point x_x baka mapper.
  1. 00:06:218 (1,2) - Try not to start a rhythm with a hitcircle followed by a red tick slider as it is possible for novice players to miss. Instead, use a 3/2 reverse slider followed by a 1/1 slider (or a hitcircle) at 00:07:718 (2). That way this rhythm will be more readable and at the same time, have good polarity.
    Done !
  2. 00:09:368 (2,3) - Optional, but you could turn these 2 circles into a 1/1 slider for simplicity. i prefer to keep these circles.
  3. 00:11:018 (1,2) - Same as above: This rhythm can be more readable. => Done.
  4. 00:56:318 (1) - A new combo is not necessary here since there is a break time afterwards. Also to be consistent with your other difficulties as you didn't add combo at the same spot. => Fixed
  5. 00:29:168 (2) - This part looks undermapped. Try adding a hitcircle here so it is easier to follow the rhythm. I consider this.
  6. 01:25:718 (3) - I would insert a new combo here (and at 01:27:818 (5)) for better consistency with the musical sections. => Done.
  1. See General. Other than that, the map seem to be fine. Although using a white tick circle followed by a red tick slider in some notes can result in strange flow at times (semi-polarity). It's advised to use as many good polarities as possible. :3 => yes but it's my first map for ranking i was lost @_@ lol
According to the AIMod, the Uninherited (red) Timing Section conflicts with the other difficulties other than your Standard difficulty, which is unrankable.
Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset. That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty. Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty. A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
Basically, you have an extra Uninherited (red) Timing section at 01:52:118 on your Standard difficulty. To fix this problem, simply replace it with an Inherited (green) Timing Section.

  1. I'm not skilled enough to pass this difficulty, so I won't be able to mod this difficulty well. Expect only a few suggestions.
  2. 00:47:618 (3,4) - The hit circle is not perfectly stacked with the slider at 00:47:768 (4). I would consider this a nazi suggestion, thus you can feel free to ignore this suggestion as it does not affect gameplay at the slightest.
  3. 00:52:868 (4,5,6) - Similar suggestion as above (again feel free to ignore nazi suggestions if you disagree). It would look nice if you stack this pattern with the previous pattern at 00:51:368 (6,7,8).
    You know that i hate nazi modder but i love nazi suggestion awh yeaaa /me runs far away
    All fixed
That's pretty much it! Hard and Hyper seems fine! Your map is getting hotter! Good Luck! :)

Getting hotter, wow :) Thanks for your mod ! :)

Quick check on Another

  • 00:16:418 (6) - this would look better as a wiggly slider, just as having two curves like this next to each other feels meh
    00:17:318 (3) - I'd rather space this to somewhere around 2|118, as there's a strong beat here and therefore, it feels more natural to move a bit more to the beat
    00:23:468 (3) - you can make that blanket 4 better (and adjust 2 then)
    00:28:718 (6) - would rather not stack this on 7, as then the vastly (to me, anyways) different piano sound on there doesn't get accentuated too well; i'd rather make it a bit of a jump - 327|312 feels nice to me
    00:29:468 (1) - similar; here, I'd suggest 22|180
    00:35:018 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - I'd rather suggest you to make this a 0.1x spacing stream, as currently, the osu! stacking makes it look fairly meh ingame
    00:38:018 (5) - again, stacking this takes away the pressure from each note; I'd rather have it put at 255|198 as that compliments both curves well and lets you have a curve-snap-curve transition; just plays very well for me
    00:40:268 (4) - similar; 279|362 could be a neat spot to put it
    00:44:618 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - same kind of thing
    00:47:618 (3) - ^
    00:49:418 (4) - ^
    00:50:468 (10) - I'd rather put this as two circles, as the big white tick is mostly something you should really hit on, and having a stream start on a slider and end on a slider at the same time just feels weird
    00:53:318 (7,8,1,2) - same thing as earlier, please don't stack these
    00:55:118 (12) - ^
    01:01:718 (6) - there's nothing this note lies on; it just feels overdone, so please remove it
    01:02:918 (4) - there should be a 1/1 slider here, as you have long vocalstring and also the violins (?) in the background going here and there's really no reason for the following slider, which just feels unnatural to hit
    01:03:368 (1,2) - swap NC
    01:06:068 (3) - this slider doesn't start on anything in the song; the vocals start on the blue tick before - also, I don't see a reason for this to be so wiggled, but that may just be me .-.
    01:04:868 (7,1) - swap NC
    01:07:568 (6,7) - there's no reason for 1/4 here, please change this (also, NC on 6)
    01:13:418 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this whole part just feels too "hard" - not like, difficulty hard, but hard in terms of the angles of the notes; you currently have to snap to every single of them and not play them as a melody, but rather as single objects, so to speak - I hope you understand me? this just makes it feel like it was meant to be on a beatheavy part and while there are beats here, they're really not the main focus, as that's still part of the background-ensamble themed part of the song, so I'd really advise you to change this
    01:16:118 (5,9,13) - add new combos here, just feels more in order that way and else, NC on 01:17:018 (1) - feels absolutely off
    01:32:768 (10,1) - I'd swap NC here, as 10 and 11 feel like an introduction and so, part of the next combo rather than still part of the previous one (specifically as they're nearly inaudible while the rest of the combo was fairly loud)
    01:51:968 (2,1) - ^
    01:54:068 (8,1) - as with earlier, the stack takes away pressure from the notes, which you really don't want in a kiai time
    01:54:818 (3,4) - ^

Fairly neat, just make sure to have an eye on this stuff o3o
85646464eme QAT post.

Wow! T'es en train de péter tout tes records cherry! Même après tous les mods que t'as eu, les nouveau que tu reçois sont toujours aussi long!
Je sent que toutes la QAT va y passer sur ta map et la refaire complètement XD. (Tiens je devrais faire un 3eme mod sur ta map, ça pourrait être fun! Apparemment il y a encore plein de truc a dire)

En tout cas ceci est un post d'encouragement!!!! Je sais que ça ressemble à un troll post mais je t'assures que non! Bon courage Cherry! Tiens le coup et tu vas la ranker cette fichu map!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Hello :)

Jenny wrote:

Quick check on Another

  • 00:16:418 (6) - this would look better as a wiggly slider, just as having two curves like this next to each other feels meh => Changed the slider.
    00:17:318 (3) - I'd rather space this to somewhere around 2|118, as there's a strong beat here and therefore, it feels more natural to move a bit more to the beat => hmm i prefer to keep my idea.
    00:23:468 (3) - you can make that blanket 4 better (and adjust 2 then) => fixed.
    00:28:718 (6) - would rather not stack this on 7, as then the vastly (to me, anyways) different piano sound on there doesn't get accentuated too well; i'd rather make it a bit of a jump - 327|312 feels nice to me
    00:29:468 (1) - similar; here, I'd suggest 22|180
    Both done.
    00:35:018 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - I'd rather suggest you to make this a 0.1x spacing stream, as currently, the osu! stacking makes it look fairly meh ingame
    00:38:018 (5) - again, stacking this takes away the pressure from each note; I'd rather have it put at 255|198 as that compliments both curves well and lets you have a curve-snap-curve transition; just plays very well for me => Done.
    00:40:268 (4) - similar; 279|362 could be a neat spot to put it => done, (different way)
    00:44:618 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - same kind of thing
    00:47:618 (3) - ^
    00:49:418 (4) - ^
    00:50:468 (10) - I'd rather put this as two circles, as the big white tick is mostly something you should really hit on, and having a stream start on a slider and end on a slider at the same time just feels weird => i consider.
    00:53:318 (7,8,1,2) - same thing as earlier, please don't stack these
    00:55:118 (12) - ^
    01:01:718 (6) - there's nothing this note lies on; it just feels overdone, so please remove it => Done.
    01:02:918 (4) - there should be a 1/1 slider here, as you have long vocalstring and also the violins (?) in the background going here and there's really no reason for the following slider, which just feels unnatural to hit => done.
    01:03:368 (1,2) - swap NC => done.
    01:06:068 (3) - this slider doesn't start on anything in the song; the vocals start on the blue tick before - also, I don't see a reason for this to be so wiggled, but that may just be me .-. x_x
    01:04:868 (7,1) - swap NC => Done.
    01:07:568 (6,7) - there's no reason for 1/4 here, please change this (also, NC on 6) => You hear something here, it's 1/8 or over, but i prefer to keep 1/4...
    01:13:418 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this whole part just feels too "hard" - not like, difficulty hard, but hard in terms of the angles of the notes; you currently have to snap to every single of them and not play them as a melody, but rather as single objects, so to speak - I hope you understand me? this just makes it feel like it was meant to be on a beatheavy part and while there are beats here, they're really not the main focus, as that's still part of the background-ensamble themed part of the song, so I'd really advise you to change this => I understand but i want to keep this beat before a stream, just my style o.o
    01:16:118 (5,9,13) - add new combos here, just feels more in order that way and else, NC on 01:17:018 (1) - feels absolutely off => done.
    01:32:768 (10,1) - I'd swap NC here, as 10 and 11 feel like an introduction and so, part of the next combo rather than still part of the previous one (specifically as they're nearly inaudible while the rest of the combo was fairly loud)
    01:51:968 (2,1) - ^
    both done
    01:54:068 (8,1) - as with earlier, the stack takes away pressure from the notes, which you really don't want in a kiai time => changed.
    01:54:818 (3,4) - ^ => didn't change because i want to keep the flow here. (and i really like it)

Fairly neat, just make sure to have an eye on this stuff o3o
Thanks for your mod :)
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom

rezoons wrote:

85646464eme QAT post.

Wow! T'es en train de péter tout tes records cherry! Même après tous les mods que t'as eu, les nouveau que tu reçois sont toujours aussi long!
Je sent que toutes la QAT va y passer sur ta map et la refaire complètement XD. (Tiens je devrais faire un 3eme mod sur ta map, ça pourrait être fun! Apparemment il y a encore plein de truc a dire)

En tout cas ceci est un post d'encouragement!!!! Je sais que ça ressemble à un troll post mais je t'assures que non! Bon courage Cherry! Tiens le coup et tu vas la ranker cette fichu map!!!!!!!!!!!

Uuuuuh nan c'est bon, casse toi pas Q pour me mod hehe :)

awh god double post

Secretpipe wrote:

^ D:
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
I'm a baka, problem ? :D
well,"TBAT*", not "BAT" BAKA !!!! (also "BAT" because my map will not be ranked lol)

/me runs far away, that's the only way :(
but thanks for supporting all :)
This should really be ranked.
Revive CB! Don't give up!!
Good !
As requested by Cherry Blossom, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to
Grey~ Explanations of my suggestions


[ Ex's Taiko Oni]

01:23:018 (23,24) - I'd suggest changing this green line to x0.9, and adding a x1.0 green line at 01:23:168, like this. ( This is to avoid having speed change in between of a 1/4 section which can be confusing at 1st sight )

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:13:268 (31) - Red note ? ( Since (32,33) have a significantly higher pitch than 31. By referring to the hitsounds patterns, I guess you're at least following instrumental pitch at an extent. So d kk fits quite nice imo )

00:14:318 (34,35) - o o ? ( I can't really understand the reasons for using K d, so I'll just throw out a suggestion of following instrumental pitch which mostly fits the previous parts of your diff :3 )

00:23:018 (40~42) - O O O / O O O ? ( This time I can guess that you used K D K to fit the background instrument. But I personally prefer following the pitch more because this sounds more intuitively closer to music. Optional but I think this will fit well :3 )

01:19:268 (6~10) - O O O O O ? ( Again pitch consideration. See if you agree this fits to the music more closely )

Overall ok
The feeling of the song is expressed nicely, accompanied by appropriate patterns and hitsounds ~


[ Ex's Taiko Muzukashii]

01:08:618 (27,28) - Similar to 01:23:018 in oni, move the green line to 01:08:918 ? ( This is to start the x0.87 section at 29 instead of 28 which provides more space between acceleration parts )

01:10:043 (34~40) - Consider this ? ( This helps reduce the difficulty of this section a bit, and fits the music more closely too imo )

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:13:268 (29) - Red note ? ( Same as oni )

00:14:318 (32,33) - o o ? ( Also same as oni )

00:24:218 (73,74) - Delete 74, and change 73 into red note ? ( The beat at 74 is too insignificant compared to (67~73), so I'd suggest deleting that )

00:45:518 (42,43) - o o ? ( Hitsound consistency with the previous parts of kiai. Suggested k d because the previous parts are made of dk / kd, and also pitch consideration )
00:54:218 (86,87) - o o ? ( ^, similar reason )

01:20:168 (10,11) - o O ? ( Refer to what I said in oni 01:19:268 )

01:28:118 (24,25) - o o ? ( Again pitch consideration, since I noticed you followed the main instrument at (26~30) )

Also overall ok
Could be quite for muzu, but imo acceptable because oni is acutally quite advanced


Both diffs look fine imo, so I think I'll taiko icon this after fixing :3

Star and good luck ~ ;)
Alright, if you have the taiko icon, QAT will check the standards :3
Will fix this tomorrow

Let's do it today

aabc271 wrote:

As requested by Cherry Blossom, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to
Grey~ Explanations of my suggestions


[ Ex's Taiko Oni]

01:23:018 (23,24) - I'd suggest changing this green line to x0.9, and adding a x1.0 green line at 01:23:168, like this. ( This is to avoid having speed change in between of a 1/4 section which can be confusing at 1st sight ) I prefer to keep it like this, because I don't like to put SV x0.9 on a kiai

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:13:268 (31) - Red note ? ( Since (32,33) have a significantly higher pitch than 31. By referring to the hitsounds patterns, I guess you're at least following instrumental pitch at an extent. So d kk fits quite nice imo ) yeah, but the previous sound has a lower pitch so i keep like this

00:14:318 (34,35) - o o ? ( I can't really understand the reasons for using K d, so I'll just throw out a suggestion of following instrumental pitch which mostly fits the previous parts of your diff :3 ) removed finisher

00:23:018 (40~42) - O O O / O O O ? ( This time I can guess that you used K D K to fit the background instrument. But I personally prefer following the pitch more because this sounds more intuitively closer to music. Optional but I think this will fit well :3 ) changed as K D D

01:19:268 (6~10) - O O O O O ? ( Again pitch consideration. See if you agree this fits to the music more closely ) sounds better like this, changed

Overall ok
The feeling of the song is expressed nicely, accompanied by appropriate patterns and hitsounds ~


[ Ex's Taiko Muzukashii]

01:08:618 (27,28) - Similar to 01:23:018 in oni, move the green line to 01:08:918 ? ( This is to start the x0.87 section at 29 instead of 28 which provides more space between acceleration parts ) No, same reason as Oni

01:10:043 (34~40) - Consider this ? ( This helps reduce the difficulty of this section a bit, and fits the music more closely too imo ) changed

Suggested patterns ~
Here are the minor suggestions of patterns / hitsounds. It's your own choice whether to follow these suggestions.

00:13:268 (29) - Red note ? ( Same as oni ) same as Oni

00:14:318 (32,33) - o o ? ( Also same as oni ) removed finisher

00:24:218 (73,74) - Delete 74, and change 73 into red note ? ( The beat at 74 is too insignificant compared to (67~73), so I'd suggest deleting that ) changed

00:45:518 (42,43) - o o ? ( Hitsound consistency with the previous parts of kiai. Suggested k d because the previous parts are made of dk / kd, and also pitch consideration ) changed
00:54:218 (86,87) - o o ? ( ^, similar reason ) changed

01:20:168 (10,11) - o O ? ( Refer to what I said in oni 01:19:268 ) changed

01:28:118 (24,25) - o o ? ( Again pitch consideration, since I noticed you followed the main instrument at (26~30) ) changed

Also overall ok
Could be quite for muzu, but imo acceptable because oni is acutally quite advanced


Both diffs look fine imo, so I think I'll taiko icon this after fixing :3

Star and good luck ~ ;)
Thanks! I was waiting for this for a very long time, it finally happened!
Diffs updated:
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
Finally updated ! :) Thanks a lot, and lets rank it !
Bon tu la rank ou tu te touches encore longtemps ? :D
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