
5p Jester Mafia (Jester/Mafia win)

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Now why the unvote right now?

Vote: Lincolm
Don't mind me just reaction testing and pressuring.
Yeah Sakura is scum

Vote : NoHitter

What exactly reaction test you want to achieve WHEN MAFIA AND JESTER can vote me right now?

BS, Sakura.
Why would Jester vote you?
Why would Jester not vote himself right now?
If i'm scum why aren't you voting me?
How page 3 is 100% accurate?
So you think NH is scum?
Where is facepalm emo...

Do you want bring Jester in LyLo, seriously?

Lincolm wrote:

Where is facepalm emo...

Do you want bring Jester in LyLo, seriously?
That's what im asking YOU
No, you ask me that NH is scum or not.

I'm trying to get rid the Jester from LyLo and I'm asking you why you want Jester in LYLO.
If you want to get rid of the jester D1 why are you voting NH, do you believe his claim?
Yes. Why townie or mafia claiming as jester when jester can win WITH town or mafia.
Actually that's a good point.

Vote: Sakura
Oh well i can forget about this thread now

If you're town you're going to make us get killed.
No, I'm jester, i'm ccing NH, bye.
I thought the optimal jester strategy was to not show yourself as jester but as scummy if you're wondering why i didn't cc earlier, and that's also why i questioned you on why you believed NH.

Now let's turn things around if I was scum I wouldn't have any issue hammering NH regardless of him being town or jester, so if someone's scum is most probably NH.
Well not the result I was hoping for, but fair enough. My plan was to get Mafia to agree to my "proposal" then wagon whoever agrees.
Well, at least we can get the Jester out of the picture for D2 LyLo.

Vote: Sakura

I'm voting Jester since:
A) Game doesn't end when Jester wins.
B) We at least have a confirmed way of NOT losing D2. If we try to lynch scum today and fail, scum can opt to joint win with Jester tomorrow.

If you guys want, we can opt for a lynch today, but the moment we mislynch, I think it's gg for us unless Mafia decides to kill the Jester.
If we do that, my suspects will be either one from LS or BRBP.

Lincolm - Town (It's not in Mafia's best play to let Jester die D1, since Jester and Mafia can joint win D2)
Sakura - Jester (Claimed)
LS, BRBP - Null (By PoE Mafia should be here)
I just post the event every page :

Page 1 :
I self-voted as RVS.
LS thought that WIFOM and rarely RVS.
Sakura voted LS and BRBP voted NH as joined the RVS.
NH claimed as Jester who work for Mafia.

Self-note :
I think NH's Jester claims is very strong, this is extremely hard for town. I prefer end the life of Jester.

Fortunately NH don't know the mafia so NH didn't wagon someone. If he joined the mafia's vote (as no one will hammer) or wagon the mafia (who will hammer also), this is horrible for him.

Page 2 :
Yeah, it is good tactic for jester.
BRBP don't believe with NH's claim. He think this is stupid.
As BRBP didn't unvote, I voted NH also.
I asked Sakura to hammer NH, as Sakura's vote still in LS.
Sakura thought I am scum, so she voted me.
Sakura's unvote for reaction test and I already stated if Sakura unvote, I would unvote, so she voted me again because I unvote...

Self-note :
I think the part I italic is important part.

Somehow, I don't think Sakura is town because of that... I mean, she can unvote first if she is town. Why she sure about the place of her vote? Because if LS and Sakura are town or I and Sakura are town, hell... If Sakura is Jester, she didn't vote NH because she believed NH is scum.

Still, I can't judge when everyone didn't post.

I voted NH so NH would self-hammer, so we ended with LyLo without Jester.

Page 3 :
Dunno why Sakura so sure that I'm scum.
Uh... yes I believed with NH's claim in here, until the CC.

Self-note : Uh yes... If Sakura is Jester, she believed NH is scum. That's why she didn't hammer. But I don't think scum will claim as jester. Yeah WIFOM, but strong WIFOM here.

P-Edit :
Yeah thanks for the explanation from NH. Glad, I like it.

At least the poll go down. I think NH is town because of the claim. The WIFOM is too strong for me.
@Lincolm: i lied about me thinking you were scum, as I said, i was trying to look scummy to get lynched, since i thought that was the most optimal jester strategy, but since in this game, the game doesnt end with jester dead, i realized i dont really have a reason to not hide my role, and town doesnt have a reason to not lynch me D1, in fact, they'd rather lynch me D1 because scum could plot with the Jester on D2 LyLo to win.
I think future games should end if the Jester be lynched.
At the moment, the game is an insta-win for the Jester.
Welp, I just gonna try it again. Pieguy isn't online anyway. Everyone still can post.

Vote : Sakura
Topic Starter
Sakura (3) - Sakura, NoHItter, Lincolm
NoHItter (1) - BRBP

so it seems the person behind all these weird pranks turned herself in? Looks like we have no choice if we want to find the mafia. This setup is complete bulls-
*loud voice comes over speakers*
well hey, now I know better for next time. As for this time you can still win so get to work :P

Sakura - Jester - lynched D1
Sakura wins!

It is N1, mafia has till 8/4 8:00 GMT to send kill, I can end night earlier if they prefer
Topic Starter
sorry, my fault, fell asleep early

Everyone woke up only to one died?
It is D2. With 4 alive, it takes 3 to lynch. Deadline is 8/7/2013 8:00 GMT, 67:46 from now
Vote: No Lynch
No Lynch is still good idea as this prevent scum to act "no kill", though I'm p sure 100% NoHitter is town for this.

This is still hard...
Hey, NoHitter, do you want to still in MyLo with 1 confirmed town or LyLo without confirmed town?

You choose.

BRBP wrote:

Vote: LadySuburu

Last online 28 hours ago, lol.
I like how people ended the day inbetween the time I went to bed, and the time I got home from work.

Also, I'm going with Nolynch as well once we're done with discussion today.

You've posted just as little as I was able to, you know.
@LS : Why prefer NoLynch?

Lincolm wrote:

@LS : Why prefer NoLynch?
It lowers the number of people who could potentially be scum to 3 from 4.

NoHItter's smart enough to pull all of this off in order to be seen as a pretty much confirmed townie, I know from playing with him. I'd rather he state what he thinks today, so we can act on it tomorrow assuming he dies. If he doesn't, then assuming I'm alive I only have to choose between him and one other person, as opposed to two.

It works the same for all cases. It's better to have two other people to look at than three.
So, if I do something now that can confirm one of the townie, what do you think of it?

A little bit risky or not?

Lincolm wrote:

So, if I do something now that can confirm one of the townie, what do you think of it?

A little bit risky or not?
I don't see how it's possible to literally confirm someone in this setup.
Not the setup.

MyLo / LyLo condition.

Yet, I never done it before in my life.
I will wait NH's answer for that first.
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