
Touhou PyP IV (Game over - Mafia wins :>)

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Vote: Kanye
obv scum is obv
Kanye West
Hi, just woke up.

Vote: NoHitter
Hi guys.
Two's method again? It worked last time :D
Ok, i'm a secret bulletproof unlynchable dayvig cop.

NoHitter wrote:

Hi guys.
Two's method again? It worked last time :D
I'm fine with this.
yea yea fart, I have no doubt that you are fine with it ;)

if I learned anything from my games so far, then that massclaiming at day 1 is not a good idea.
EBWOP: This is different though. We have no idea how many VTs are there/if any at all. If everyone's a PR then it might turn out pretty ugly.
this is pyp, and also touhou. I think it's a safe bet that everyone is a PR
which btw. means that unless we outright scream our PRs out, it won't do anything :P
It didnt say it was role madness tho.
why would you give any touhou character a VT role?
also read OP. there it says that pieguy would choose matching abilities for every character, so unless someone wanted to be a plain boring human from the village, nobody will be a VT
What is wrong with being part of the human village
I guess we could confirm that by half-massclaiming. Everyone says if he's a PR a or not, without revealing the actual role.
EBWOP: But don't do that yet. Just a rough idea, need confirmation of this before actually doing it.
I don't really see the sense behind such action, though I don't see much harm in it either, since I am pretty convinced that everyone is a PR.
I didnt like that idea when NH did it on StD and i don't like it here either.
So here's some discussion.

I got a townread on fartownik, discuss!
null, he kinda wants to massclaim, but questions its usefullness.
I got a townread on him way before that
I got scumread on Sakura.

Also I just thrown the idea. I don't think it'd do much harm even if not everyone was a PR, it'd bring some information anyhow at least.
EBWOP: @Sakura: what's your base on your townread in me?
[quote="Tanz"00k1]null, he kinda wants to massclaim, but questions its usefullness.[/quote00k1]
How is he exactly questioning its usefulness? None of his posts show any doubt.

And Sakura, when you give out your reads, give your reasoning.

As of now, I have no reads on anyone yet. Game's still starting and I want to see everyone participate in the discussion before I give my reads.

Incidentally guys, for this setup, we need to massclaim both the character and the role. The abilities should correlate with the character through some way.

Then we have to set a time from X to Y for all the claims. (if only we could do the same as in IRC mafia for this...) The longer they take to claim, the more likely they may have to make fake claims. Then probably we can watch for any contradictions.

NoHitter wrote:

And Sakura, when you give out your reads, give your reasoning.
I am aware of that, the point of the discussion is whether you can guess why i'm townreading farto.

NoHitter wrote:

Incidentally guys, for this setup, we need to massclaim both the character and the role. The abilities should correlate with the character through some way.
So you think scum are not PRs by this? Even if they claim the flavor + role they might be null reads because they might be PRs as well (and they probably are anyways).
NH: How is it beneficial to town to inform scum of any possible OP roles?

Sakura wrote:

NoHitter wrote:

And Sakura, when you give out your reads, give your reasoning.
I am aware of that, the point of the discussion is whether you can guess why i'm townreading farto.
Please tell me and I will say if I think you're Town.
Well that's a horrible point of discussion then.
It looks as if you're getting us to say why "farto is town" then you'd just say "correct" and sheep one of the reasons given even if that wasn't your original reason.
Everything will come with time, i wanna hear everyone's thoughts on why i'm townreading you to see if everyone's seeing the same thing i'm seeing.
NH, fart said he wants to wait for more people to discuss, instead of directly forcing the massclaim out. for me, that is a questioning-ish action.

also, I won't claim.
I'm conditioned now to always feel like a lightning stroke me down whenever someone wants to massclaim day 1.

Tanzklaue wrote:

NH, fart said he wants to wait for more people to discuss, instead of directly forcing the massclaim out. for me, that is a questioning-ish action.

also, I won't claim.
I'm not NoHitter to claim in my first post already. I'm also not sure of all the pluses and minuses the action might give in the future, though I'm waiting for the opinions.
More people posted in between-

@fartownik: Flavor and common sense
Unless the mod made safeclaims, you'd expect scum roles to exist outside of traditional "town" roles. Also if the flavor of the character they claim doesn't quite fit the description, then lynch. I'm sure we have enough flavor-expert people to verify this.

Sakura wrote:

NH: How is it beneficial to town to inform scum of any possible OP roles?
It's the same reason as in Stacking the Deck. You may inform them yes, but in turn you also get information that will help town lynch them or plan ahead.
I townread fartownik because of noticing the blatant sheeping I did, and I asked to discuss that so we got out of RVS fast and we can start hunting information, and I love how I already got some reactions from my point of discussion.

Leaning Town: fartownik, Tanz
Leaning Scum: NH.
Null: Everyone else.

And no massclaiming PRs is not a good idea to hunt information.
claiming only PR has no pluses nor minuses.

claiming the exact roles doesn't help town all that much, while scum can pick out the better townroles.
And didnt you say, there were no VTs?
there arn't. but killing for example a cop is better than killing a FBI agent (I struggled to find a really useless role lol)
There may be a cop yes, there also may be a doctor, who's the scum gonna shoot first?
doctor, since you can't shoot the cop if the doctor has a functioning brain.
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