
Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年7月21日 at 13:15:40

Artist: Kitamura Eri
Title: Birth (TV Size)
Source: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Tags: 神さまのいない日曜日 Opening No_Gu Skystar Sunday Without God
BPM: 130
Filesize: 15169kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Gu's Easy (2.81 stars, 89 notes)
  2. Gu's Hard (4.86 stars, 213 notes)
  3. Insane (4.95 stars, 370 notes)
  4. Normal (4.13 stars, 142 notes)
Download: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size)
Download: Kitamura Eri - Birth (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#8 喜多村英梨 - Birth



Topic Starter
I'm the 1st this time.
why not 成熟
00:01:420 - 聲量減10%?

00:25:106 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 這麼慢的部份用不上大跳吧QAQ

00:19:963 (2,3) - 略坑
00:22:534 (4,5) - 最後一點往左移一格
01:24:934 (5) - 跟Insane一樣用soft whistle?

00:05:112 (1,2,3,4) - 好像歪了
00:28:877 (1) - 尾不疊在00:26:820 (2) - 上面?

00:06:035 (5) - 尾加whistle?

  • TAG还是加上GD mapper的ID吧,毕竟难度名里面没有。
[Gu's Easy]
  • 00:20:648 - 00:30:248 (break) - 这个break真的有必要吗,感觉比较突兀。虽然说背景音比较空,还是可以放一些简单的节奏。
    00:38:820 (3) - 把两个红色锚点右移一格看上去好看的多,也是比较对称。
    01:22:706 (2,3,4) - 这个排列对新人来说还是有迷惑性的,本来节奏就不太简单了。建议
  • 01:04:534 (3) - 难看,建议01:17:220 (2,3,4) - 如果想跟鼓点的话,建议2的起点延后至01:17:391,否则这段就成了一半跟vocal一半跟鼓。
    01:21:334 (5,6) - stack better pls.
[Gu's Hard]
00:30:077 (4) - 还是NC一下,我不说肯定也会被狗说。

  • 00:01:420 (1) - 尾部消音。顺便为什么是1/3?
    00:19:277 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 音效太没存在感了,确实是影响打图。前面几个diff其实这个Drum音效也是一样,但是比较简单所以没什么影响。对于这个比较难的来说还是建议使用比较有存在感的音效,其实normal组就行了。后面出现的几个串也是一样的问题,不再赘述。
    00:26:134 - 00:30:077 - 也是出现了跟背景音还是跟vocal不明确的问题。
    00:53:563 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 其实完全可以用normal组。
为什么我这么菜 打半天都不能SS 还是拉黑星爷
Gloria Guard
Wow.. Yuko san... lol Nice hitsound, Good rhythm

Good map XD
  1. 00:01:420 (1) - 为什么这么丑 还不如 00:01:420 (1,2) - 这2个开始都可以加whistle
  2. 00:05:112 (1) - 还有这个啊 这边24whistle好听???
  3. 00:13:704 (7) - stack with 00:13:772 (1) -
  4. 00:14:112 (3,1) - 因为这边鼓音好像是在00:14:397 要不要3做一个减速 然后1做一个加速用5/6+1/6
  5. 00:15:647 (4) - try this
  6. 00:19:620 (1,2,3,4) - 不好看也不好玩啊最主要这轨迹打那个slider不爽
  7. 00:21:591 (5) - 00:21:677 (6) - 00:21:848 (7) - add? 总之这里有点空旷
  8. 00:26:134 (1) - 00:27:506 (1) -
  9. 00:33:677 (5,6) - ctrl g?
  10. 00:35:563 (6,7,1) - 可以摆成类似这样的
  11. 00:37:448 (2) - ctrl g
  12. 00:39:163 (5) - 这个位置不太好 打着不舒服
  13. 00:49:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
  14. 00:54:934 (1) - 这finish带感....
  15. 00:58:020 (3,4,1,2,1,2) - 这一定是神作
  16. 01:00:248 (2,3) - 我觉得把这俩删了 放在前面会更fit一点01:00:163 (2,3) - 后面也是
  17. 01:13:963 (2,3) - 这边2个感觉也不太FIT 放滑条后面试试
  18. 01:18:248 (1,2,3) - suddenly death
  19. 01:21:163 (2,3) - ctrl g
  20. 01:24:934 (9) - 感觉不如默认的s-fin sad....
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

00:01:420 - 聲量減10%? 開頭不算太小聲

00:25:106 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 這麼慢的部份用不上大跳吧QAQ 因為鋼琴音比較密集QAQ

00:05:112 (1,2,3,4) - 好像歪了
00:28:877 (1) - 尾不疊在00:26:820 (2) - 上面? Normal還是不要疊的好QAQ

kiddly wrote:

  • TAG还是加上GD mapper的ID吧,毕竟难度名里面没有。 隊, 忘了
    关于副歌段的clap,其实我觉得没有必要使用一个新的,和前面的用一样就可以了。其实normal组都很好…… 因為想體現kiai的不同...
  • 01:04:534 (3) - 难看,建议 01:17:220 (2,3,4) - 如果想跟鼓点的话,建议2的起点延后至01:17:391,否则这段就成了一半跟vocal一半跟鼓。 那還是跟vocal吧
    01:21:334 (5,6) - stack better pls. yes
  • 00:01:420 (1) - 尾部消音。顺便为什么是1/3? 跟了那個尾音
    00:19:277 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 音效太没存在感了,确实是影响打图。前面几个diff其实这个Drum音效也是一样,但是比较简单所以没什么影响。对于这个比较难的来说还是建议使用比较有存在感的音效,其实normal组就行了。后面出现的几个串也是一样的问题,不再赘述。haoba
    00:26:134 - 00:30:077 - 也是出现了跟背景音还是跟vocal不明确的问题。這裡還算明確啊? 跟的是鋼琴音
    00:53:563 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 其实完全可以用normal组。我試過normal...這裡還是soft比較合適
为什么我这么菜 打半天都不能SS 还是拉黑星爷 lmsb

Chloe wrote:

  1. 00:01:420 (1) - 为什么这么丑 还不如 00:01:420 (1,2) - 这2个开始都可以加whistle 跟2呼應就不醜了 whistle這段只下24白線
  2. 00:05:112 (1) - 还有这个啊 这边24whistle好听??? 好聽啊
  3. 00:13:704 (7) - stack with 00:13:772 (1) - 因為1是變速啊 直接扔出去比較好
  4. 00:14:112 (3,1) - 因为这边鼓音好像是在00:14:397 要不要3做一个减速 然后1做一个加速用5/6+1/6 .........怎麼聽都是1/4啊
  5. 00:15:647 (4) - try this 這裡三連節奏不行
  6. 00:19:620 (1,2,3,4) - 不好看也不好玩啊最主要这轨迹打那个slider不爽 你這樣更難看了啊
  7. 00:21:591 (5) - 00:21:677 (6) - 00:21:848 (7) - add? 总之这里有点空旷 鋼琴音就是這樣啊沒辦法
  8. 00:26:134 (1) - 00:27:506 (1) - 同上節奏不動
  9. 00:33:677 (5,6) - ctrl g? 不太順, 雖然現在也不太順...
  10. 00:35:563 (6,7,1) - 可以摆成类似这样的 這個有點中
  11. 00:37:448 (2) - ctrl g 這裡不拉大間距後面那個3/4就讀不了了
  12. 00:39:163 (5) - 这个位置不太好 打着不舒服 整個改了下
  13. 00:49:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 似乎不錯
  14. 00:54:934 (1) - 这finish带感.... 隊 你也覺得吧
  15. 00:58:020 (3,4,1,2,1,2) - 这一定是神作 有啥區別嗎...由於00:57:334 (1,2) - 的關係這裡由上到下顯然flow更好
  16. 01:00:248 (2,3) - 我觉得把这俩删了 放在前面会更fit一点01:00:163 (2,3) - 后面也是 不太好動 打起來挺順
  17. 01:13:963 (2,3) - 这边2个感觉也不太FIT 放滑条后面试试 改掉了
  18. 01:18:248 (1,2,3) - suddenly death 不謝
  19. 01:21:163 (2,3) - ctrl g 跟01:19:791 (2,3) - 呼應
  20. 01:24:934 (9) - 感觉不如默认的s-fin sad.... 沒事反正背景音夠大聲了

Zero__wind wrote:

星爷的diff 00:08:343 - 这里可以加根绿线把音量加到80% 谷子的diff最好在00:09:035 - 降音量 ? 其實都一樣...
SC1的clap的文件音量请务必增大因为根本听不到 如果涨绿线音量的话会让其他的soft声音显得太大 我聽得很清楚啊?這文件已經很大聲了
把你现在的combo color 2和3的顺序互换 因为3和4的颜色太相近了 .osu里面的color 1和color 2 才是osu编辑器里面的2和3 【如果能把3和4里面换掉一个就更好了……换一个人物身上的红色系的颜色】改顏色好煩的啦Q.Q

00:01:420 (1) - 感觉……还是拉到1/4的蓝线上就好了=。= 感覺是1/3 狗提了再說=.=
00:09:676 (1) - 这个不用default的finish太不爽了 啥也听不到 或者用你SC3的finish haoba 那就用normal hit
00:13:618 (6,7,1) - 6和7也分开比较好 因為插了紅線如果平鋪間距會不一樣
00:17:351 (5) - 这个其实不用snap到后面的红线?让它简单地做一个1/2 slider就好了 的样子 timing如此肯定要snap的啊...而且那條白線根本沒音
00:19:963 (1) - 这个slider头尾加2声soft的default finish会很爽 音量大一点 也可以让你跳得更…【合理化】一点 可惜的是我加不了default的finish了...而且也不需要吧
00:30:077 (4,5) - 这两个slider可以考虑在body上加whistle o.o 好
00:33:677 (5) - 漏finish 終於有人挑漏音效了 好感動QAQ
00:38:306 (5) - 感觉弧度太小了不舒服 (204,72)会好得多 改了還得改後面的 請允懶
00:42:591 (1) - 这个地方听着不是很像SC3的finish么 你發現了, 而且你會發現00:20:648 (1) - 這裡也很像 所以不用加了
00:49:106 (5) - 中心对称之后摆到(116,112)附近如何 ?
00:49:963 (4,5,6) - 5和6的位置其实没什么声音 直接soft掉就可以 6加个whistle也行 反正一定别莫名其妙在蓝线加个clap呀 这和你kiai部分的那种2个finish夹一个clap不太一样的 我覺得藍線clap挺爽的啊..尤其是BGM是個延時音
00:51:334 (3,3) - 这两个note离前面都太近了 因为之前是1/4 slider 所以导致误导性非常强,很容易被当做和1/4 slider一起构成3连打 故意的 不服別玩 <3
00:57:334 (1) - 这个NC移到00:57:677 (2) - 所在的长白线上比较好 然后把00:58:020 (1) - 的NC也去掉 后面的2个circle一NC什么的前面多个slider在里面也不会妨碍什么 這裡就是想弄上1下2的效果
01:11:563 (2,3) - ? 为了让234的角度大一点 這裡改了後面又要改 懶
01:19:620 (1) - 来个default finish 同前 改成normal hit

Fycho wrote:


00:33:677 (5) –finish+whistle 加上了finish
00:49:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – 感觉平淡不如00:48:077 (1,2,3,4,5) –而节奏上是加强了的 ?
@Gloria: Thanks! <3
星爷的diff 00:08:343 - 这里可以加根绿线把音量加到80% 谷子的diff最好在00:09:035 - 降音量 ?
SC1的clap的文件音量请务必增大因为根本听不到 如果涨绿线音量的话会让其他的soft声音显得太大
把你现在的combo color 2和3的顺序互换 因为3和4的颜色太相近了 .osu里面的color 1和color 2 才是osu编辑器里面的2和3 【如果能把3和4里面换掉一个就更好了……换一个人物身上的红色系的颜色】

00:01:420 (1) - 感觉……还是拉到1/4的蓝线上就好了=。=
00:09:676 (1) - 这个不用default的finish太不爽了 啥也听不到 或者用你SC3的finish
00:13:618 (6,7,1) - 6和7也分开比较好
00:17:351 (5) - 这个其实不用snap到后面的红线?让它简单地做一个1/2 slider就好了 的样子
00:19:963 (1) - 这个slider头尾加2声soft的default finish会很爽 音量大一点 也可以让你跳得更…【合理化】一点
00:30:077 (4,5) - 这两个slider可以考虑在body上加whistle
00:33:677 (5) - 漏finish
00:38:306 (5) - 感觉弧度太小了不舒服 (204,72)会好得多
00:42:591 (1) - 这个地方听着不是很像SC3的finish么
00:49:106 (5) - 中心对称之后摆到(116,112)附近如何
00:49:963 (4,5,6) - 5和6的位置其实没什么声音 直接soft掉就可以 6加个whistle也行 反正一定别莫名其妙在蓝线加个clap呀 这和你kiai部分的那种2个finish夹一个clap不太一样的
00:51:334 (3,3) - 这两个note离前面都太近了 因为之前是1/4 slider 所以导致误导性非常强,很容易被当做和1/4 slider一起构成3连打
00:57:334 (1) - 这个NC移到00:57:677 (2) - 所在的长白线上比较好 然后把00:58:020 (1) - 的NC也去掉 后面的2个circle一NC什么的前面多个slider在里面也不会妨碍什么
01:11:563 (2,3) - ? 为了让234的角度大一点
01:19:620 (1) - 来个default finish

00:06:612 (1) - 来个default的finish吧 或者SC3的 总之要个声音大的
00:30:077 (1) - body上可以加whistle?
00:31:620 (1) - 需要大声的finish
00:33:677 (2) - 挪到(368,200)一带不就可以让00:34:363 (1) - 不这么憋屈了?
00:42:591 (1) - 这个地方听着不是很像SC3的finish么
00:46:706 (1,2,3,4) - 感觉因为放得太近反而让水平不够的玩家觉得很难读
01:03:848 (3,4) - 3的尾巴换成clap 4加finish效果如何?
01:07:277 (1,2,1,2) - 为什么我觉得这两组12都应该互换顺序?不会变难多少吧……

00:01:420 (1) - 折返处whistle ?
01:15:506 (5,6,7) - 这个地方节奏建议改成
01:17:734 (3) - 这个可以换成01:17:906 - 这里的一个circle 当然也可以不 因为红线有鼓
01:18:248 (4) - 感觉少折返一次加个circle还没有现在这么坑



00:33:677 (5) –finish+whistle
00:49:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – 感觉平淡不如00:48:077 (1,2,3,4,5) –而节奏上是加强了的


  • 00:22:534 (4,5) –包好
    00:34:363 (1) –我觉得不好看;w;
    00:42:077 (2) –折返一次+note
    01:05:220 (1,2) –音量-10%略吵

nice diff

  • 00:20:648 –删绿线

As requested

  1. Remove "anime" from tags, it will be added in gentre when it gets ranked
  2. I am still unsure about all this timing sections (timing is fine for me but i am sure than 1 ot 2 sections on song like this should be enough), try to test it with different MP3.
  3. You and No_Gu using 5% sections to make ends of spinners not audible but thet still sounds & it hurts my ears. I have better one idea: add empty .wav file, rename it as "soft-hitnormal2.wav" (just example, you can rename it even as "soft-hitnormal666.wav to not ruin your hitsounds in other parts what used custom sample 2) and use it as custom sample at spinner ends. This will sounds much better, trust me!

Hard & insane used same stack leniency, maybe set 2 here to have insane more challenging?
Raise HP drain by 1 tick to have it more challenging & balansed.

  1. 00:01:420 - Green and red sections placed at the same time. Remove green sections & place settings from it at red one.
  2. 00:01:420 (1,2) - This jumps feels too weird & uncomfortable at suck calm part, please try to use lower distance between those sliders. Btw, i thing for better rhytm will be better to just replace those two sliders with one reverse-slider
  3. 00:05:112 (1) - imo to fit music better will be nice to begin new combo at 00:04:189 (3) instead of this note.
  4. 00:13:618 (6,7,1) - Discussed via QQ, this "triple" feels way odd because of suddenly timing change, so we decided to change 00:13:618 (6,7) - to one slider.
  5. 00:33:677 (5) - Please set new combo here due to spacing changing.
  6. 00:46:877 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - Raising of spacing here looks not so pretty and not really hard (i fc this in 1 try), so i suggest you use x0.90 or x1.00 spacing at the whole stream here.
  7. 00:52:191 (1,2,3,4,1) - stack perfectly? i just cant get it was done specially or not. And imo better keep it with perfect stack to have more pretty flow.
  8. 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Same as at 00:46:877, this is not really hard but makes your flow looks not-so-good. My suggestion instead: 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4) - keep it with x0.6, 00:54:248 (1,2,3,4) - keep it with x0.9 and 00:54:591 (1,2,3,4) - use x1.20 It will still hard but will make your flow looks more pretty instead off lacerated-like stream
  9. 01:18:248 (1,2,3) - 1/6 snap? Fits as well, nice work.
  10. 01:24:763 (8,9) - Stack them? Current placement looks a bit harrasing.
[Gu's Hard]

Raise OD by 1 tick to have settings more balanced.

  1. 00:06:612 (1) - I'g suggest you and this spinner at 00:08:573, silence end of it and add note at 00:09:676 - this will really fit the song better (current spinner sounds a bit strange)
  2. 00:20:477 (4) - Begin NC here instead of 00:20:648 (1) - first - it will fit the lyrics, second - it will help to read pattern. Dont look only on ticks, they are not the universal metric, listen to the song instead.
  3. 00:22:706 (5) - slidertick sounds ugly, silence it
  4. 00:30:077 (1,1) - First of all, form of 00:30:077 (1) - too ugly, sorry. Second, it is harassing to play because sliders like this is hell to aim. I even not tanking about this stack what looks like completely buraimaster-like (half of slider overlapped by other slider) This looks ugly & not fun to play, please change it
  5. 00:39:677 (4) - NC here instead of 00:39:848 (1) - for same reason
  6. 00:44:477 (3) - NC here instead of 00:44:648 (1) - for same reason
  7. 01:23:563 (4) - NC here intead of 01:23:734 (1) - for same reason
  8. 01:23:734 (1,2,3) - Suggestion: try to stack ends of those sliders perfectly:

    I really like this diff, but one ugly overlap ruins all :(

CS 3 looks too ugly here especially if you have an Easy diff, 4 will looks better.

  1. 00:06:958 (1) - This spinner exactly should begins at 00:06:612. It is enough long, so beginners will have enough time to focus on it.
  2. 00:16:499 (4) - New combo, current one too long for a normal diff
  3. 00:19:277 (2) - Tick sounds ugly, try to mute it.
  4. 01:15:506 (5) - New combo, current one too long for a normal diff
[Gu's Easy]

Raise OD by 1 tick to have your diff more balanced

  1. 00:06:727 (1) - Same as in Hard
  2. 01:19:620 (1) - Silence end of spinner
Nice map, good luck. Starred.
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

As requested

  1. Remove "anime" from tags, it will be added in gentre when it gets ranked Oh yes, I forgot it.
  2. I am still unsure about all this timing sections (timing is fine for me but i am sure than 1 ot 2 sections on song like this should be enough), try to test it with different MP3.
  3. You and No_Gu using 5% sections to make ends of spinners not audible but thet still sounds & it hurts my ears. I have better one idea: add empty .wav file, rename it as "soft-hitnormal2.wav" (just example, you can rename it even as "soft-hitnormal666.wav to not ruin your hitsounds in other parts what used custom sample 2) and use it as custom sample at spinner ends. This will sounds much better, trust me! In the case, 5% was enought and I was not requiring a wholly silence here.

Hard & insane used same stack leniency, maybe set 2 here to have insane more challenging? I don't know but isn't 2 unrankable?
Raise HP drain by 1 tick to have it more challenging & balansed. Yeah but it will break the star rating.

  1. 00:01:420 - Green and red sections placed at the same time. Remove green sections & place settings from it at red one. Green section is placed for speed change, that's rankable.
  2. 00:01:420 (1,2) - This jumps feels too weird & uncomfortable at suck calm part, please try to use lower distance between those sliders. Btw, i thing for better rhytm will be better to just replace those two sliders with one reverse-slider Actually (1,2) are both sliders, they aren't even a jump at all. You can beat them easily in first try, right?
  3. 00:05:112 (1) - imo to fit music better will be nice to begin new combo at 00:04:189 (3) instead of this note. Looks logical.
  4. 00:13:618 (6,7,1) - Discussed via QQ, this "triple" feels way odd because of suddenly timing change, so we decided to change 00:13:618 (6,7) - to one slider. Yeah changed to a slider.
  5. 00:33:677 (5) - Please set new combo here due to spacing changing. Oh it helps, I always felt weird when playing orz.
  6. 00:46:877 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - Raising of spacing here looks not so pretty and not really hard (i fc this in 1 try), so i suggest you use x0.90 or x1.00 spacing at the whole stream here. Meh.. as you said, that's not really hard but that's hard to change.
  7. 00:52:191 (1,2,3,4,1) - stack perfectly? i just cant get it was done specially or not. And imo better keep it with perfect stack to have more pretty flow. It was specially, is that really terrible? ;_;
  8. 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Same as at 00:46:877, this is not really hard but makes your flow looks not-so-good. My suggestion instead: 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4) - keep it with x0.6, 00:54:248 (1,2,3,4) - keep it with x0.9 and 00:54:591 (1,2,3,4) - use x1.20 It will still hard but will make your flow looks more pretty instead off lacerated-like stream I don't get the difference between them...
  9. 01:18:248 (1,2,3) - 1/6 snap? Fits as well, nice work. Thanks. xD
  10. 01:24:763 (8,9) - Stack them? Current placement looks a bit harrasing. It would be hell if I stack them...
[Gu's Hard]

Raise OD by 1 tick to have settings more balanced.

  1. 00:06:612 (1) - I'g suggest you and this spinner at 00:08:573, silence end of it and add note at 00:09:676 - this will really fit the song better (current spinner sounds a bit strange)
  2. 00:20:477 (4) - Begin NC here instead of 00:20:648 (1) - first - it will fit the lyrics, second - it will help to read pattern. Dont look only on ticks, they are not the universal metric, listen to the song instead.
  3. 00:22:706 (5) - slidertick sounds ugly, silence it
  4. 00:30:077 (1,1) - First of all, form of 00:30:077 (1) - too ugly, sorry. Second, it is harassing to play because sliders like this is hell to aim. I even not tanking about this stack what looks like completely buraimaster-like (half of slider overlapped by other slider) This looks ugly & not fun to play, please change it
  5. 00:39:677 (4) - NC here instead of 00:39:848 (1) - for same reason
  6. 00:44:477 (3) - NC here instead of 00:44:648 (1) - for same reason
  7. 01:23:563 (4) - NC here intead of 01:23:734 (1) - for same reason
  8. 01:23:734 (1,2,3) - Suggestion: try to stack ends of those sliders perfectly:

    I really like this diff, but one ugly overlap ruins all :(

CS 3 looks too ugly here especially if you have an Easy diff, 4 will looks better. My Normal difficulties are always CS3 lol.

  1. 00:06:958 (1) - This spinner exactly should begins at 00:06:612. It is enough long, so beginners will have enough time to focus on it. Right, changed to 00:06:727 - .
  2. 00:16:499 (4) - New combo, current one too long for a normal diff Added.
  3. 00:19:277 (2) - Tick sounds ugly, try to mute it. Right.
  4. 01:15:506 (5) - New combo, current one too long for a normal diff Added.
[Gu's Easy]

Raise OD by 1 tick to have your diff more balanced

  1. 00:06:727 (1) - Same as in Hard
  2. 01:19:620 (1) - Silence end of spinner
Nice map, good luck. Starred.

00:12:048 1,2,3这里摆的感觉不好看
00:13:618 tv size放这种会被喷的很惨的,建议不要玩什么连打的stack之类的了,单纯就是美观和流畅就行了。
00:19:106 稍微右下一点
00:42:934 这里slider变化感觉怪怪的,不是加分项,还是统一下slider类型比较好
01:07:106 这个还是摆到上面好一些?比如x:172 y:44?
01:10:363 这个遮的好莫名

[Gu's Hard]

00:04:189 这种前后没啥呼应的slider还是不怎么习惯

[Gu's Easy]
00:15:135 节奏错位
快 speed rank :)
昨天寫的那串英文沒存到 非常的憤怒 所以寫中文

  1. kiai考慮統一
  2. tag Sunday without god 原因你懂
  3. 00:09:676 - 我覺得這條有點off 早10ms左右應該準點
  1. 00:01:881 - / 00:02:804 - slidertick消音? 這裡音樂挺安靜的 slidertick的聲音顯得多餘且吵
  2. 00:01:420 - / 00:03:266 - 不覺得應該要whistle去配合音樂裡的叮叮聲嗎
  3. 00:12:247 (9) - 可以考慮放x:72, y:332跟(4,5,6,7,8)做個包之類的
  4. 00:19:963 (1) - 試試1.5倍slider速? 感覺這裡應該要加速 (那種串後面不帶加速太無感了) 而且音樂也有急促的感覺
  5. 00:21:506 - 怎麼感覺whistle有點多餘 吵吵的
  6. 00:28:534 - 倒是這裡需要whistle
  7. 00:34:020 (3,4,1) - (3)能在下去點 看上去窄窄的
  8. 00:40:363 (3,4) - 3/4? 音樂也有這種感覺 我不鬼畜啦
  9. 00:42:248 (8,9) - 怎麼突然小聲了 我反而覺得要營造點迎接慢速段的壓力 還是50%好
  10. 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - N sampleset? S太小聲就不爽了 然後最好弄個漸層
  11. 00:56:306 (1,2) - 不跳嗎
  12. 01:11:391 (1,2,3) - 打著不舒服 直線滑下去這種flow在高BPM還是少用的好 可以試試縮小點spacing 然後把(3)移到(2)的左邊
  13. 01:13:620 (5,6,7) - 感覺比前一段相同的地方弱很多耶
  14. 01:13:963 (7,1) - spacing蠢 突然縮小怎麼一回事啊
  15. 01:24:248 (4) - 為求人性 你必須NC提醒這裡的spacing坑了
[Gu's Hard]
  1. 00:23:391 (1,2) - 沒必要跳啊
  2. 00:52:191 (1) - 補個S的fin?
  1. 00:01:420 (1) - 頭尾上whistle 前面說過了
  2. 00:26:134 - whistle (你00:27:506 - 也有下)
  3. 00:52:191 (1) - 補個S的fin?
[Gu's Easy]
  1. 00:01:420 (1,2) - (1)的頭尾都上whistle (2)頭上whistle就行
  2. 00:52:191 (1) - 補S finish
  3. 01:02:134 (4) - 吐嘈一下形狀 兩邊彎的幅度不同
Topic Starter

wonders wrote:


00:12:048 1,2,3这里摆的感觉不好看 ?
00:13:618 tv size放这种会被喷的很惨的,建议不要玩什么连打的stack之类的了,单纯就是美观和流畅就行了。已改
00:19:106 稍微右下一点 hao
00:42:934 这里slider变化感觉怪怪的,不是加分项,还是统一下slider类型比较好 不好改其實...不過我覺得還行啊(?
01:07:106 这个还是摆到上面好一些?比如x:172 y:44? hao
01:10:363 这个遮的好莫名 這也叫遮? <3

Flask wrote:

昨天寫的那串英文沒存到 非常的憤怒 所以寫中文

  1. kiai考慮統一
  2. tag Sunday without god 原因你懂 hao
  3. 00:09:676 - 我覺得這條有點off 早10ms左右應該準點 不是off, 那個音本來就跟不了... 不然後面就全錯了
  1. 00:01:881 - / 00:02:804 - slidertick消音? 這裡音樂挺安靜的 slidertick的聲音顯得多餘且吵 hao
  2. 00:01:420 - / 00:03:266 - 不覺得應該要whistle去配合音樂裡的叮叮聲嗎 感覺24沒問題
  3. 00:12:247 (9) - 可以考慮放x:72, y:332跟(4,5,6,7,8)做個包之類的 本意不是blanket!
  4. 00:19:963 (1) - 試試1.5倍slider速? 感覺這裡應該要加速 (那種串後面不帶加速太無感了) 而且音樂也有急促的感覺 hao
  5. 00:21:506 - 怎麼感覺whistle有點多餘 吵吵的 removed
  6. 00:28:534 - 倒是這裡需要whistle added
  7. 00:34:020 (3,4,1) - (3)能在下去點 看上去窄窄的 hao
  8. 00:40:363 (3,4) - 3/4? 音樂也有這種感覺 我不鬼畜啦 這個倒是沒想到, 不過現在難改了
  9. 00:42:248 (8,9) - 怎麼突然小聲了 我反而覺得要營造點迎接慢速段的壓力 還是50%好 hao
  10. 00:53:906 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - N sampleset? S太小聲就不爽了 然後最好弄個漸層 buyao
  11. 00:56:306 (1,2) - 不跳嗎 butiao
  12. 01:11:391 (1,2,3) - 打著不舒服 直線滑下去這種flow在高BPM還是少用的好 可以試試縮小點spacing 然後把(3)移到(2)的左邊 changed in other way
  13. 01:13:620 (5,6,7) - 感覺比前一段相同的地方弱很多耶 因為不是完全相同
  14. 01:13:963 (7,1) - spacing蠢 突然縮小怎麼一回事啊 故意的
  15. 01:24:248 (4) - 為求人性 你必須NC提醒這裡的spacing坑了 haoba
About the timing on this, is the mp3 a rip of some sort ? That could partially explain the fluctuating metronome a little.


BPM: 130.00, Offset: 1,426
BPM: 75.50, Offset: 6,502
BPM: 175.55, Offset: 9,680
BPM: 170.55, Offset: 16,515
BPM: 170.00, Offset: 17,922

Metronome resets of 170.00 BPM at 20,493 & 20,664

BPM: 78.00, Offset: 30,092
BPM: 163.00, Offset: 31,438
BPM: 175.00, Offset: 31,622
BPM: 173.00, Offset: 78,936
BPM: 175.00, Offset: 79,629
Nice set 8-)
Gu: 00:30:093 (1) - Please don't change it ;)
Yuko_Gu :D nice !!


uhh, so we fixed an unrankable slider and made a spinner end earlier in easy to make it more playable.

As well as made the spinner in hard consistent.

Yeah yeah everything works now.
Topic Starter
Thanks very much!!

Nyquill wrote:



No_Gu wrote:

Nyquill wrote:



00:34:280 (4) - how about using a normal spacing here? I found that you havent use this neta at the other parts so.
00:33:680 (1) - I guess you can remove this newcombo cuz you didnt use nc at same other parts.

[Gu's Hard]
01:24:944 (5) - a bit unti-flow for me, how about move this left like this?
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:

00:34:280 (4) - how about using a normal spacing here? I found that you havent use this neta at the other parts so. ok
00:33:680 (1) - I guess you can remove this newcombo cuz you didnt use nc at same other parts. just NC for spacing change...

[Gu's Hard]
01:24:944 (5) - a bit unti-flow for me, how about move this left like this? ok
wow~ :)
congrats :)
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:

Thanks E-neesan >3<
This was fast, wow.
eveless go rank my map plz


Flask wrote:

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