
League of Legends

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< Buys Mecha Kha
< 3 weeks after on sales
Was reading /r/LeagueofLegends when I saw a post about the new patch.
I went through the comments to find this little conversation about Spirit Guard Udyr:

X: Can't wait for the million Udyr players.
Y: Can't blame them, Udyr is fun to play.
Z: Yup, always a button to press.

I just lost it at that last comment...
his skills don't have any cd (2sec) so... "always a button(skill) to press"
Literally 2 match history of wins, around 15-16 of ranked games and a few arams.

Nofool wrote:

his skills don't have any cd (2sec) so... "always a button(skill) to press"
Yes I got that, I meant that I almost fell off my chair laughing.

Fabi wrote:

Literally 2 match history of wins, around 15-16 of ranked games and a few arams.
Lucky bastard, gimme some of those wins!
Fuck it #yogo
Im gonna buy that retired skin pack, it's too tempting. Just gotta get the IP for gang :c
So Master Yi is getting a rework huh. That's neat.
From what I read in the thread though, sounds like there's only a viable AD build, since they said 'one cohesive' build. So no AP anymore. Alpha Strike will be physical damage.
maal ... ?t=1278103

we now get the black man

aaaaaaand for the video preview

adc with dash again ;_; ho wait idc i main adc 8D
whelp i'm out

this skill got something like 0,4 ap ratio/0,1 ad ratio, and "the number of shots scales with his AS"...omg

300% damage to minions, see you nash o/, see you anyone i guess ,_,
You do know this game has pretty much been "balanced" around ADC's right? Anything that was in the game that straight up hard countered them got nerfed or was removed from the game.

Frozen Heart
Randuins (like 8 times make that 9 including the one on PBE atm)
Frozen Mallet (Can't have people sticking to adc's you know)
Various bruisers and assassin's that had the power to remove them from a fight instantly.

Olaf (Oh shit this guy can't be CC'd when he charges me????? pls nerf)
Urgot (Before his nerf there was no ADC in the game that could win bot against him. His late game was a bit ridiculous back then though.)

I'd also like to point out that when something bot lane becomes a problem it's almost always a support that gets gutted, while an adc gets some minor tweak unless your name is sivir and urgot. It's got to the point that some of them work top lane because bruisers have been nerfed so much.
So I played my first promotion match

And after that I got promoted after only winning one match lol.
ap shaco pentakill

Nofool wrote:

this skill got something like 0,4 ap ratio/0,1 ad ratio, and "the number of shots scales with his AS"...omg

300% damage to minions, see you nash o/, see you anyone i guess ,_,
300% damage to minions, but NOT monsters.

Vulf wrote:

You do know this game has pretty much been "balanced" around ADC's right? Anything that was in the game that straight up hard countered them got nerfed or was removed from the game.

Frozen Heart
Randuins (like 8 times make that 9 including the one on PBE atm)
Frozen Mallet (Can't have people sticking to adc's you know)
Various bruisers and assassin's that had the power to remove them from a fight instantly.

Olaf (Oh shit this guy can't be CC'd when he charges me????? pls nerf)
Urgot (Before his nerf there was no ADC in the game that could win bot against him. His late game was a bit ridiculous back then though.)

I'd also like to point out that when something bot lane becomes a problem it's almost always a support that gets gutted, while an adc gets some minor tweak unless your name is sivir and urgot. It's got to the point that some of them work top lane because bruisers have been nerfed so much.

i tught it was balncd onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn suprots!!!!!1!!111!!!1
That meta has already happened, and it was brutally nerfed like a month later lol.

1.2 AP Nidalee heals
1.1 AP Taric heals
1.0 AP Soraka heals
Kanye West
you forgot the release vayne nerf

otherwise I agree with your sentiments.
how about proxy singed
this game lol


Kanye West wrote:

you forgot the release vayne nerf

otherwise I agree with your sentiments.
It was pretty much a summarisation of this thread on the LoL forums. ... ?t=3551106

I really hope some serious changes happen in season 4, because i don't think i can take a 3rd season of this stagnant meta. At least season 2 was still kinda interesting till the very end. Season 3 has been boring since the start. Competitive play is predictable and awful to watch. I find more enjoyment out of watching my bronze 5 friends play ranked, because of how random it is.

Macacito wrote:

how about proxy singed

Death count gold was adjusted this patch.
I started playing LoL in S3, it wasn't always like this?

Blaziken wrote:

I started playing LoL in S3, it wasn't always like this?
Nope XD
now i understand why people hate french people....
Kanye West
matched with entire teams of gold 3 to gold 5 in my silver 4 promos, wtf

eh, at least skipped and got promoted to silver 2 so it was worth

oh and also, season 1 had the best meta and changes

I really miss the days of two bans per team in ranked and true global ults
I miss the first tf ult's range ;_; what happened maal ?
Kanye West
The "first TF's" ult was actually a 70% global slow and vision reveal. His gold card was an AoE stun and his E was a 20-second CD global teleport.

Kanye West wrote:

The "first TF's" ult was actually a 70% global slow and vision reveal. His gold card was an AoE stun and his E was a 20-second CD global teleport.
What on earth..

Kanye West wrote:

The "first TF's" ult was actually a 70% global slow and vision reveal. His gold card was an AoE stun and his E was a 20-second CD global teleport.
Sounds ridiculously OP
I wanna try it.
Kanye West
Wow, must've been so fun back then.
It really was... Mostly because you never knew what you would go up against or what your team would really be composed of. Back then the meta wasn't really enforced hard like it is today. Lanes were completely random at one point. Bot and top was a random 2v2 mix of everything and ADC's and Junglers weren't mandatory at all really (until AD's started going mid). The 0 cs support role wasn't really a thing yet because stuff like Taric and Sion roamed (oh god roam sion D:). There was still a meta but it wasn't really enforced.
what a nice patch

was looking grim until after lane phase, then I got a quadra to end it =3=!

I'm almost in bronze 1. Then it's only one more division until silver. I dunno if i'm really a bronze player cause i've been shooting up, but i'd rather work my way up anyways. Also looking for serious ranked players to contact me, i'm always down to play some normals, discuss meta, etc.

My summoner name is "Dani Orz" 8-)
Just a heads up... there's currently a major bug that a lot of people have been abusing to avoid losses, here's a video showcasing the bug so I'm not going to explain it here. It's basically a drop-hack within the client so DO NOT attempt this because you'll likely get banned. I recommend avoiding ranked until Riot fixes this because there's a huge chance that somebody uses the bug and denies a win from you, especially in low ELO ranked where people are so desperate to climb.
Private video :<

Is it the Tiamat bug

those wrote:

Private video :<

Is it the Tiamat bug
Yep. I guess the guy took down the video.
And if no one knows what that bug is, here's a video of it since it came to my attention today as well :P
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

It really was... Mostly because you never knew what you would go up against or what your team would really be composed of. Back then the meta wasn't really enforced hard like it is today. Lanes were completely random at one point. Bot and top was a random 2v2 mix of everything and ADC's and Junglers weren't mandatory at all really (until AD's started going mid). The 0 cs support role wasn't really a thing yet because stuff like Taric and Sion roamed (oh god roam sion D:). There was still a meta but it wasn't really enforced.
taric garen and taric sion were the most op lanes, heck I even saw a taric brand, and ashe and corki were the best midlaners

also I remember streamers trying crazy stuff and winning in high elo, like rain man going 3 heart of gold roaming vlad or alistar blitzcrank double jungle, good stuff
Shyvana's new E has no cap on monsters. Have fun soloing baron and dragon faster than Nunu.
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