
Deep Spirit - No Cover Song (Manox Club Mix)

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oh god i love the song, and i love the difficulties too *w*

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Thanks :D
Starrrrr <3
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Well done :)
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starred ;)

+Taiko diff <3
kk, let's get some modding done on this map shall we

pretty much perfect

hmm, well pretty much okay

02:07:82 (1) - remove new combo
02:09:29 (7) - probably new combo
03:55:23 (1) - remove new combo

01:11:60 (5) - New combo
01:30:90 (6) - ^
02:07:82 (1) - remove new combo
02:21:87 (3) - kk, not so sure about this, but add new combo?
02:48:30 (4) - ^
04:42:21 (1) - wow, remove new combo here, and add new combo to next note, next note needs it rather than this one, due to crazy kind of jump :/
02:01:53 (2,3) - the spacing between these notes is a lil tricky for new ppl because its a change within the same combo, i think spacing this better would be good
02:07:82 (1) - this would look better lined up with the start of the slider


01:30:90 (5) - i think this suit more as a new combo then take the new combo off 01:32:58 (1) -
01:45:17 (3,4,1) - i think the volume on these are a lil too low

02:26:07 (9) - new combo would be nice here
02:59:32 (7,1) - all the rest of the parts with this pattern dont new combo here so its wierd how this one does
04:35:92 (2) - its nazi >_> but this really could do with lining up with 1

<333333 this map :D

all id say is go through and check your combo's and make sure then line up
i saw a few what didnt and might look better fixed,
too petty to post up them though for a epic song like this :P

epic song, epic map, just greatness, star
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Thanks EEeee, jericho2442. Updated!
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Scusa se non l'ho vista, sono stato occupatissimo.
La mappa ha 6 difficoltà e se hai letto il topic della mia coda, le mappe con più di 4 difficoltà sono vietate.

Comunque D:


Overall: Usi il 0,6x Distance Snap qui? Non ti sembra un pò troppo poco? D:

01:09:720 Rifai alla perfezione questo slider, come nella figura (usando tre waypoints è più facile e più simmetrico, con quattro waypoints è più difficle ottenere la simmetria)
01:20:418 Finish alla fine
01:22:306 Finish alla fine
01:23:355 Finish
Usa i finish in modo da esaltare il ritmo della canzone, come ad esempio:
01:24:194 (1,2,3,4,5) Finish, nei primi due solo il finish all'inizio dello slider.
01:27:550 Stranissimo slider, ed è anche bruttino. Forse volevi fare uno slider a forma di S, prova guardando qui:
01:30:906 Fallo dritto, in linea con la griglia
01:40:555 Meglio se fai una riflessione in orizzonale dello slider


01:09:720 Whistle all'inizio, rimuovi il whistle alla fine ( per seguire il ritmo degli hitsounds come qui 01:16:433)
01:18:740 Whistle
01:27:550 Fai uno slider più simmetrico.
01:45:170 Implilalo perfettamente con la fine dello slider precedente

[Jak64's Taiko]
Uhh il taiko D:

01:27:946 Whistle


01:09:720 whistel anche all'inizio; rimuovilo alla fine se non ti sembra idoneo (come qui 03:37:391)
01:27:550 Slider bruttissimo, correggilo D:
01:51:043 Come sopra, rifallo evitando i waypoints nel mezzo (sì, si notano)
02:00:273 Seguendo il ritmo (1 clap sul tick bianco e sul prossimo no) dovresti metere il clap anche alla fine dello slider
03:47:670 Muovi il secondo waypoint due quadrettini sopra


01:09:720 Come nella [Hard]
01:19:160 Nuova combo
01:20:418 Rimuovi la combo
01:21:257 Nuova combo
01:27:550 Rifai lo slider correggendo la simmetria
01:46:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) Disponili in modo migliore, come una S ruotata, ad esempio
01:47:792 Spacing errato
02:00:273 Clap anche alla fine
02:07:404 Clap
02:33:834 (3,4,5) Fai una linea diritta, così è molto brutto D:
04:36:974 Spacing errato, se lo posizioni li significa che il beat (4) l'ha posizionato qui: 04:36:764 (perchè i primi tre li hai posizionati sui tick bianchi, poi questo rosso sulla stessa posizione dei bianchi anche se si trovano prima di quelli dei rossi D:)
04:40:960 (8-19) Mi spieghi cos'è o_o riaggiusta gli ultimi hitcircles facendogli seguire il verso dei primi

Alcune cose possono essere sbagliate, ma prendi le mie segnalazioni solo come impressioni.
Stella D:
Topic Starter
Thanks Armin, Lokamp, some things fixed.
Card N'FoRcE
- Easy:
  • .Errors/Mistakes:
    01:52:30 (3) - 1/4 più lungo
- Normal:
  • .Opinions:
    Troppo difficile come Normal
- Hard:
  • .Opinions:
    Bene ^^
- Insane:
  • .Opinions:
    OMGWTF weird spacing o.o
    04:42:42 (1) - di tutti gli spacing strani, questo è l'unico che davvero mi ha disorientato. Forse per le nuove combo, boh...
    01:19:16 (9) - new combo?
Io avrei sfruttato il custom hitsound molto diversamente, ma cmq è una faccenda di gusti ^^
Bella mappa, Star'd
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Fixed thanks ^^
<3 this song
*[Taiko] is fine~

01:44:33 (1) - Could possibly end earlier so the next note is easier to hit, but it doesn't matter that much :S
Otherwise fine~

Fine :)

Fine :P

02:09:29 (5,6,7,8) - This is really hard to read. I had no ****ing idea what it was when it popped up @_@
Other than that, very nice :D
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Derekku Chan wrote:

<3 this song
*[Taiko] is fine~

01:44:33 (1) - Could possibly end earlier so the next note is easier to hit, but it doesn't matter that much :S
Otherwise fine~

Fine :)

Fine :P

02:09:29 (5,6,7,8) - This is really hard to read. I had no ****ing idea what it was when it popped up @_@
Other than that, very nice :D
Thanks for modding, fixed insane suggestion!
- I recommend to use a picture of singer or idol as a BG.
- Claps on ticks are sometimes louder than the general.

01:30:90 (1) - not align




01:52:30(3)-Id like it to be a reverse slider~




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Thanks guys :3
almost 5 minutes song. i think it is too long
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Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Starts Suggestions:

All seems ok.


It's ok


It's ok

[Jak64 taiko]

02:28:078 (6) - finish
02:29:062 (1) - finish + clap
02:30:045 (5) - ^
02:31:029 (1) - finish
02:32:013 (1) - finish + clap
02:32:097 (1) - finish
02:33:039 (3) - ^
02:33:081 (1) - finish + clap
02:34:023 (3) - ^
02:35:049 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:36:054 (2) - ^
02:36:096 (4) - ^
02:37:038 (6) - ^


It's ok


it's ok
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Thanks ;)
All difficulties~
Change BPM to 143.00 and remove 10ms to the offset. (280) Resnap all notes just in case. You probably won't have to move any inherited timing sections so that's good~

Jak64's Taiko~

Add "Jak64" to the tags for this difficulty.

02:56:488 (11) - New combo.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Thanks Bro <3
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Added Jak64 into the tags. ^_^
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