
Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 26 января 2015 г. at 14:03:05

Artist: Marina and The Diamonds
Title: Primadonna
Tags: veus Gabe Black_Cherry_Ita BCI electra heart synthpop Lambrini Diamandis new wave
BPM: 128
Filesize: 5299kb
Play Time: 03:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. BakaCI's Easy (1,52 stars, 156 notes)
  2. Gabe's Insane (3,21 stars, 368 notes)
  3. Hard (2,71 stars, 323 notes)
  4. Normal (1,78 stars, 233 notes)
Download: Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop the pretty question right now baby!
Osu! needs more Alla Pugacheva!

бг уже получше, но только побольше 800х600 ничего не было?
чекни сови таги аимод говорит, что у тебя там конфликт
и превью тоже
2кк розовый, и бледно розовый, нуууу, попробуй заменить бледно-розовый на что-то и добавить еще 3й

BakaCI's Easy:
У тебя изи все с настройками для инвалидов :) все +1 мб?
00:35:568 (2) -
01:10:256 (2,3,4,5,6) - закруглим
01:18:693 (4) - я бы не стал 2 подряд такие длинные делать прямыми
01:56:662 (4) - чуть чуть повернем и будет получше
02:08:850 (1) - середину я бы сделал 30% звучит не так резко
02:12:600 (1) - ^
02:14:475 (2) - почему софт 15%? в музыке же совсем нет причин на это
02:38:381 (3) - 36:212
03:34:162 (1) - ну последний же слайдер, сделай его чуть интереснее

00:32:053 (2,3) - я бы сделал разный дс для 1\1 и 1\2 тут, просто подумай на твои будущие нормалы, будет там скажем 1.1х для 1\2 и 0.9х для 1\1 игроки все равно никогда не спутают.
01:08:381 (5) - давай угол сделаем как у 01:06:506 (3,4) - будет круто
01:55:725 (4,5) - как нибудь тут флоу может сделать
02:10:725 (4) -
02:14:006 (3) - аа не делай такие слайдеры прямыми, всмысле он длинный достаточно и просто лежит это же 2009 год, 12 градусов хотябы поверти
02:14:943 (4,5,6) - ну 15% софт слишком тихо же
03:35:100 (3) - я бы финиш воткнул вместо хлопка

00:35:100 (1) - ты же стакаеш их отключая грид снап, а этот забыл, да?
02:10:725 (1,2,2) - ну ты наверное сам если захочеш такое найдеш
01:13:537 (3,4,5) - 01:14:475 (1,2,3) - незаню на такое по-моему будут ругаться
03:35:100 (1) - финиш, да
круто же сделано!

Good Luck! xD
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:


бг уже получше, но только побольше 800х600 ничего не было? c мариной сложно найти хороший бг, очень :<
2кк розовый, и бледно розовый, нуууу, попробуй заменить бледно-розовый на что-то и добавить еще 3й думаю

BakaCI's Easy:
У тебя изи все с настройками для инвалидов :) все +1 мб? баланс настроек и прочая чушь. К тому же надо изю для расслабона мапать
00:35:568 (2) - я тут кликал по скрину с кнопкой "ОК" и е понимал почему не работает. потом осознал, и сделал уже у себя o3o/
01:18:693 (4) - я бы не стал 2 подряд такие длинные делать прямыми ну эти негнущиеся это часть нового стиля! Ну! Ну ен так же плохо! ;_;/
02:38:381 (3) - 36:212 треугольник же, ну круг там не очень по флоу!

00:32:053 (2,3) - я бы сделал разный дс для 1\1 и 1\2 тут, просто подумай на твои будущие нормалы, будет там скажем 1.1х для 1\2 и 0.9х для 1\1 игроки все равно никогда не спутают. нет же! зачем? Этот оверлап очень милый <3
01:08:381 (5) - давай угол сделаем как у 01:06:506 (3,4) - будет круто не получается же :< там вне поля
02:10:725 (4) - cм. ниже
02:14:006 (3) - аа не делай такие слайдеры прямыми, всмысле он длинный достаточно и просто лежит это же 2009 год, 12 градусов хотябы поверти тут прямые слайдеры образуют флоу. Прямой слайдер создает иллюзию более быстрого движения, которая дает классный эффект (особенно с дт)
03:35:100 (3) - я бы финиш воткнул вместо хлопка вместе их!

applied everything

Good Luck! xD

Thank you!
Hello will mod 4 vodka

  1. 00:38:146 (2) - I don't like its placement, it plays bad. You could try to stack it on (3) or do something else.. <.<
  2. 01:14:943 (3) - Why this sudden jump?
  3. 01:53:850 (1) - You could stack it better.
  4. 01:55:725 (1) - Mhm.. i'm not sure but you can try to ctrl+g it..
  5. 02:30:646 (2,3) - Try this:
  6. 02:46:350 - Make break starts here like the other one?
  7. 03:06:271 (3) - Move to x:328 y:128 plz <.<
  • I know, it's a Normal, but I prefer AR6.. don't blame me. :<
  1. 01:14:943 (2,3,4) - Don't like how they are placed now, I suggest something like this, but it's your choice <.<
  2. 02:06:740 (4) - Well, kinda nazi but.. x:344 y:64?
  1. 01:11:193 (4,5) - Make them into a slider?
  2. 01:54:787 (2,3,4) -
  3. 02:43:068 (2,3,4) - :<?
Good map, good luck for ranking >.<
Topic Starter

Leader wrote:

Hello will mod 4 vodka

  1. 00:38:146 (2) - I don't like its placement, it plays bad. You could try to stack it on (3) or do something else.. <.< will change if someone else mention it. I'd like to keep that pattern, because it plays great for me
  2. 01:14:943 (3) - Why this sudden jump? fixed~
  3. 01:53:850 (1) - You could stack it better. but that is manual stack. it makes that pattern look better! :<
  4. 01:55:725 (1) - Mhm.. i'm not sure but you can try to ctrl+g it.. it'll make a huge jump, I'd like to keep this diff [Hard], not [Insane], what's more it will ruin my flow here :<
  5. 02:30:646 (2,3) - Try this: sure thing!
  6. 02:46:350 - Make break starts here like the other one? my bad, nice catch!
  7. 03:06:271 (3) - Move to x:328 y:128 plz <.< but what about that jump pattern? I guess that jump fits here and makes flow a bit.. eh.. a bit more enjoyable
  • I know, it's a Normal, but I prefer AR6.. don't blame me. :< Easy:AR2/Normal:AR5/Hard:AR8 it makes mapset more balanced. What's more AR5 is more common for [Normal] diffs and fits with my SV much better
  1. 01:14:943 (2,3,4) - Don't like how they are placed now, I suggest something like this, but it's your choice <.< Actually, I wanted to make them parallel and keep them straight. That's why I think that my pattern looks better here. Let's see what will other people say about this pattern, tho
  2. 02:06:740 (4) - Well, kinda nazi but.. x:344 y:64? well.. as I said I use parallel straigh lines. But using only straight patterns will make this diff boring. What's why I've moved this circle here. Don't you think that it looks kinda cute? :)
  1. 01:11:193 (4,5) - Make them into a slider? I've made (2,3) into slider to follow vocals.
  2. 01:54:787 (2,3,4) - It's BCI's part. Unfortunately, I have no rights to change anything in her part. So, it's up to BCI, let's wait for her response
  3. 02:43:068 (2,3,4) - :<? no way! Listen to vocals, Marina sings "The primadonna life, the rise and fall" and those sliders follow vocals here. ;_;/
Good map, good luck for ranking >.<
Thank you!


  1. Add muted normal-sliderslide and soft-sliderslide. in tick-rate 2, slider's passing way is just noisy.

BakaCI's Easy

  1. 00:34:162 (4) - Move to x:234, y:105. makes more perfect blanket.
  2. 01:22:443 (4,5) - A little bad overlap. move to x:112, y:216.
  3. 01:29:006 (2) - How about this rhythm? it will more fit at downbeat sound.
    This is code.
  4. 02:08:850 (1) - Move to x:236, y:68. makes more perfect blanket.
  5. 02:14:475 (2) - Add clap on slider end? muted sound a little strange. it has high volume.
  6. 02:14:475 - 30~50% volume not here but 02:15:412 this place.
  7. 02:16:350 (1) - Why added finish sound 02:17:756 here? I can't hear any finish sound.
  8. 02:43:068 (2) - A little bad overlap. how about move to x:216, y:224?
  9. 02:44:475 (4) - Add 1 more repeat?
  10. 03:09:787 (2) - change curve shape to reverse?
  11. 03:22:912 (4) - Is it intentionally distance? unless, fit distance x1.1
  12. 03:34:162 (1) - How about this rhythm? insert clap 03:34:631 this point would be better song's finale.


  1. 00:52:443 (4) - How about this rhythm? vocal's downbeat was started since 00:52:678 here.
  2. 01:17:521 (2) - A little hard tempo to beginner. how about this rhythm?
    This is code.
  3. 01:20:100 (1) - Change to repeated 1/1 slider one? follow the lyrics wanted
  4. 01:23:850 (1) - 2/1 slider here. follow the lyrics need
  5. 01:46:350 (2) - Add clap on slider mid-point? because, this is your clap pattern.
  6. 01:57:600 (1) - More gentle this slider's shape. like this.
    01:58:537 (2) - If you followed before, move to x:252, y:16.
    This is code.
  7. 02:14:475 - Same as Easy diff.
  8. 02:14:943 (4) - Add clap?
  9. 02:44:475 (3) - Add 1 more repeat?
  10. 03:06:975 (3) - Move to x:192, y:312? it might more fit better for triangle shape.


  1. Stack Leniency -1~3. overlapped notes are a little many.
  2. 00:38:146 (2) - Delete? every sounds are almost muted.
  3. 01:01:350 (1) - This is a little boring kiai start. how about put to jump this slider?
    This is code.
  4. 01:25:490 - Add 1 circle here? like this.
  5. 02:19:631 (3) - Ctrl + G? jump is much better in this sound.
  6. 02:36:740 - Add 1 circle? follow the lyrics the world
  7. 03:02:756 (4) - Ctrl + G? it is before your pattern.
That's all :) ~ nice map & song GL ;)
no, i didn't forget you, okay


Consider changing the BG to 1024x768
Why no insane, whyyy .__. don't be lazy? <3


00:37:443 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part destroys the from you created -little break- flow.. you just place a note everywhere, know what I mean? consider deleting one or two, to follow the previous rhythm, it won't hurt xD
00:42:600 - This part, where she says pop dat little question, or whatever.. it's kinda powerful, but your current placed rhythm doesn't fit it very much! My suggestion: I suggest a zig zag pattern, which you lead-off with a nice bow slider.
00:53:850 (1) - The slider goes to the right, the circles are on the left, could you change it? I mean, it would have a better flow if both is similar
00:57:600 (1,2,3) - Is it on purpose that you didn't use the same DS here?
01:03:928 (2,3,4) - This .. core core core part could be placed better, so it fits. I know, you might follow the rhythm (which i can't really hear xD, my bad though) But in parts like this, i think lyrics should be in the foreground.
01:17:990 (3) - Move this some grids up. It will get a better bow, with the next and previous slider
01:19:162 (1) - Move some grids to the right, same reason as above!
01:57:600 (1) - As I said, i think this is one of the more powerful lyrics part, i think you should map this slider with circles instead.. i think you're going to deny all of these changes anyway ^^
02:19:631 (3) - IT GOES DOWN, WHY DOES IT GO UP omg i don't understand

looks good, really like it, but i would be glad if you change the rhythm things, it will bring some variety..


diner time, i'll be back xD

01:17:521 (2) - This throws normal players off, it doesn't follow anything, hm? delete it.
01:19:162 (4) - same here, why did you add it here? xD
02:17:287 (2) - bakari, go left, do you know what left is!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i'm just kidding
02:18:225 (3) - NC would be fine, not? If yes, keep adding NC at these parts

i'm bad at modding normal, sry xD But except these things, there aren't too much error. Just watch out what normal players could throw off!


00:34:162 (4) - Move some grids up, for a better blanket
00:34:162 (4,1,2) - DS error - you can see it yourself i guess. Fix it
02:11:662 (3,1) - same here.. or is this on purpose? xD

Nice shapes, nice flow, nice collab!

hope i was helpful for a bit ~
Topic Starter

scanter wrote:


  1. Add muted normal-sliderslide and soft-sliderslide. in tick-rate 2, slider's passing way is just noisy.uh.. will discuss it with people, not sure about this

BakaCI's Easy

  1. 00:34:162 (4) - Move to x:234, y:105. makes more perfect blanket. ~.~/
  2. 01:22:443 (4,5) - A little bad overlap. move to x:112, y:216. ~
  3. 01:29:006 (2) - How about this rhythm? it will more fit at downbeat sound. sure, nice idea!
    This is code.
  4. 02:08:850 (1) - Move to x:236, y:68. makes more perfect blanket. ~
  5. 02:14:475 (2) - Add clap on slider end? muted sound a little strange. it has high volume. ~
  6. 02:14:475 - 30~50% volume not here but 02:15:412 this place. this goes for vocals 'such a big deal', and I really want to keep it that way! Clap goes for music and then I follow vocals only for a second
  7. 02:16:350 (1) - Why added finish sound 02:17:756 here? I can't hear any finish sound. oh gosh, it should be on start of this slider ;_;/
  8. 02:43:068 (2) - A little bad overlap. how about move to x:216, y:224? uguu
  9. 02:44:475 (4) - Add 1 more repeat? No. It'll be totally off vocals, as we can hear she says 'fall and then she sings another line of vocals "you say that i'm kinda difficult...' and so on. Mixing these two parts is impossible!'
  10. 03:09:787 (2) - change curve shape to reverse? but that's my pattern! I use similar slider one, than anoher one... so I can get better effect while playing!
  11. 03:22:912 (4) - Is it intentionally distance? unless, fit distance x1.1 it's just my bad ;_;/
  12. 03:34:162 (1) - How about this rhythm? insert clap 03:34:631 this point would be better song's finale. but vocals here finish later than slider, so I just want to follow vocals loser and finish slider later


  1. 00:52:443 (4) - How about this rhythm? vocal's downbeat was started since 00:52:678 here. but "of" starts exactly rhere slider starts, so I'd like to keep rhythm consistent, where it is possible, sorry!
  2. 01:17:521 (2) - A little hard tempo to beginner. how about this rhythm? sure!
    This is code.
  3. 01:20:100 (1) - Change to repeated 1/1 slider one? follow the lyrics wanted ~
  4. 01:23:850 (1) - 2/1 slider here. follow the lyrics need ~
  5. 01:46:350 (2) - Add clap on slider mid-point? because, this is your clap pattern. ~
  6. 01:57:600 (1) - More gentle this slider's shape. like this. sure! nice catch
    01:58:537 (2) - If you followed before, move to x:252, y:16. ~
    This is code.
  7. 02:14:475 - Same as Easy diff. same as easy diff, sorry :<
  8. 02:14:943 (4) - Add clap? Yes!
  9. 02:44:475 (3) - Add 1 more repeat? Of course, no! Reaon is the same as [Easy]
  10. 03:06:975 (3) - Move to x:192, y:312? it might more fit better for triangle shape.Not sure about this one, I'd keep that thing on my own way, sorry


  1. Stack Leniency -1~3. overlapped notes are a little many. Why? I think that current one is cute and readable, so I'd like to keep it
  2. 00:38:146 (2) - Delete? every sounds are almost muted. and that's why it has a stack. Quite beat is stacked and next ne is jumpy, I do it to make this beat understandable and I really don't want to remove it :<
  3. 01:01:350 (1) - This is a little boring kiai start. how about put to jump this slider? no-no-no! This jump is too hard fo a [Hard] diff even though it's the hardest dff there. What's more I want to keep my blanketing here.
    This is code.
  4. 01:25:490 - Add 1 circle here? like this.
  5. 02:19:631 (3) - Ctrl + G? jump is much better in this sound. it's kinda out of my style and ruins my flow. I want to keep it this way, sorry.
  6. 02:36:740 - Add 1 circle? follow the lyrics the world ~
  7. 03:02:756 (4) - Ctrl + G? it is before your pattern. ~
That's all :) ~ nice map & song GL ;)

Irreversible wrote:

no, i didn't forget you, okay and I didn't forget you


Consider changing the BG to 1024x768 try to find decent BG with this resolution \:D/ this BG is the best I can do
Why no insane, whyyy .__. don't be lazy? <3 I'm not lazy, but this song simply doesn't need an [Insane] diff!


00:37:443 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part destroys the from you created -little break- flow.. you just place a note everywhere, know what I mean? consider deleting one or two, to follow the previous rhythm, it won't hurt xD it will. rhythm goes kinda tricky here, and I really want to keep it this way to make map a bit more challenging and interesting. keeping that pattern in mind, if people will compain more - I'll change
00:42:600 - This part, where she says pop dat little question, or whatever.. it's kinda powerful, but your current placed rhythm doesn't fit it very much! My suggestion: I suggest a zig zag pattern, which you lead-off with a nice bow slider. why not? sounds nice to me :3
00:53:850 (1) - The slider goes to the right, the circles are on the left, could you change it? I mean, it would have a better flow if both is similar but that's the point of my flow here! ;_;
00:57:600 (1,2,3) - Is it on purpose that you didn't use the same DS here? yes, why should I use different? D:
01:03:928 (2,3,4) - This .. core core core part could be placed better, so it fits. I know, you might follow the rhythm (which i can't really hear xD, my bad though) But in parts like this, i think lyrics should be in the foreground. whatever it was, I don't even remember. it's respaced now!
01:17:990 (3) - Move this some grids up. It will get a better bow, with the next and previous slider ~
01:19:162 (1) - Move some grids to the right, same reason as above! respaced on my own way, I kinda had to because after fixing suggestion above al spacing was wrong ;_;
01:57:600 (1) - As I said, i think this is one of the more powerful lyrics part, i think you should map this slider with circles instead.. i think you're going to deny all of these changes anyway ^^ no, I'm not going to deny them. Be a bit more self-confident! :)
02:19:631 (3) - IT GOES DOWN, WHY DOES IT GO UP omg i don't understand WHYYYYY DID I DO THAT WHYYYY

looks good, really like it, but i would be glad if you change the rhythm things, it will bring some variety.. uguuuu


diner time, i'll be back xD hope you've had a nice dinner :3

01:17:521 (2) - This throws normal players off, it doesn't follow anything, hm? delete it. moved :3
01:19:162 (4) - same here, why did you add it here? xD not the same. It's for vocals here ~.~/
02:17:287 (2) - bakari, go left, do you know what left is!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i'm just kidding no, I don't know
02:18:225 (3) - NC would be fine, not? If yes, keep adding NC at these parts but what abouut keeping my pattern? why should I break it here for this part?

i'm bad at modding normal, sry xD But except these things, there aren't too much error. Just watch out what normal players could throw off!


00:34:162 (4) - Move some grids up, for a better blanket yes!
00:34:162 (4,1,2) - DS error - you can see it yourself i guess. Fix it done!
02:11:662 (3,1) - same here.. or is this on purpose? xD of course not! it's just mistakes ;_;/

Nice shapes, nice flow, nice collab!

hope i was helpful for a bit ~
Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it!
Oh God! Marina! I Can Make Taiko? Muzu And Oni! <3
Topic Starter
Meh.. You asked me about making an Easy for one of my maps, I said 'yes and you didn't finish it. Now I can't trust you, sorry. ~.~/'
loool haha when i said why do you go up instead of down here, it was just a joke xDDD but awesome that you fixed it!

now it's perfect <3~
Meh.. my mod is too s**k. anyway, really sweet and clean map. GL again 8-)
Topic Starter
Oh, scanter, stop it! Your mod is really good. Thanks a lot!
А у кого тут есть бесполезный мод-пост? А у меня он есть :>

Пофикси различия в размере бг на изи и других диффах
Остальные диффы

BakaCI's Easy:

03:21:506 (3) и 03:22:912 (4) - между ними спейсинг "слишком" большой, стоит пофиксить.
Чудеса AiMod'a - This object is too close to the previous object 00:37:912 (3)


02:32:990 (3,4) - не понравилось, как стоит сёркл "3" - может, попробуешь его переставить к слайдеру "5"? Хотя, вроде и под музыку всё, так что, игнорируй.


Не знаю даже, вроде всё хорошо. Можешь пройтись AiMod'ом по спейсингу, на всякий случай.

Topic Starter
Fixed spacing mistakes, thank you!

As for weird BG-size changes, I'll fix it a bit later.

Irreversible wrote:

Why no insane, whyyy .__. don't be lazy? <3 I'm not lazy, but this song simply doesn't need an [Insane] diff!
so much about that xD
well, it's possible.

Topic Starter
How about deleting Gabe's Insane (actually, which insane), revive this mapset, get 2 more mods, and then we'll see?
Except Gabe is finally going to finish it, of course. XD
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Yeeeeah, let's do this o3o SOON

I'll be done for Monday.

I must be ):
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Monday is over, dude.

50% done tho.
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Potato-kun, you can do it!

inb4 you'll promise to finish it by next monday
you might want to update my diff o3o
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Gabe is the cutest potato I've ever met in my life.
Nice map :)
I gave some hitsounds suggestions but they are gone now I suppose...
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

Random mod.

Everything was fixed hitsoundwise. That was really, really helpful! By the way, I won't map the break because players need some rest!
Thanks a lot. Didn't care to check the hitsound before upldating the map @.@/

I am really sorry for being so freaking slow..
Pardon me, Bakari.

Also, can you rename the diff for Veus' Insane, please? (:
as you I requested

most nazi mod ever, because it's sou hard to find fault here ):)

[Veus' Insane]
  1. 00:54:787 (5,1) - this blanket isnt perfect :S (you may temporary set AR0 and verify this)
  2. 02:02:287 (3) - ctrl+g?
  3. 02:07:678 (2) - ctrl+middle anchor point of this slider (
  4. 02:10:725 (1,2) - this blanket isnt perfect
  5. 02:14:475 (1,2,3) - soft whistles on the beginning of every slider
  6. 02:14:475 (5,6) - swap them on timeline? :o
  7. 03:02:287 (4) - ctrl+g
  8. 03:05:100 (1) - finish
  9. 03:34:162 (7,8) - whistles on the beginning of sliders
  10. 01:45:412 - why is part after this isn't hitsounded with claps? :o
  11. 01:45:412 (1,3) - soft whistles
  1. 00:30:881 (1,1) - а этот спейсинг точно нормальный?
  2. 00:38:146 (2) - софтовую свистюльку сюда
  3. 01:17:990 (3) - ^
  4. 02:08:146 (2) - ^ на начало
  5. 03:28:537 (3) - ctrl+shift+s > 0,925 > ok
  6. 03:29:475 (1) - ^
  1. 01:02:287 (2) - что тут делает этот нормальный свисток? D:
Topic Starter
Applied everything for my diffs, waiting for Gabe to check his insane o/
...I just realize I forgot to hitsound my diff

rip gabe
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