
30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, June 16, 2013 at 12:51:14 PM

Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
Title: This Is War
Tags: Cut Short Version
BPM: 160
Filesize: 4608kb
Play Time: 02:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Exquisite (5 stars, 377 notes)
  2. Fine (1.64 stars, 111 notes)
  3. Superior (3.22 stars, 163 notes)
Download: 30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Woo, 30 Seconds To Mars.

Thanks for modding (9)
Blue Dragon > Suggested me I should make an easy because it was a pretty unstable spread (Said the rest was fine)
Cubex > Couldn't find anything, thanks for checking it though
Topic Starter
First. fahk all of u
Rotten yellow
22 seconds to mars
first mod yey


-Add emo to tags aheuaheauehaue ok jk add splorg and lets see what happens
-I'd cut this intro hm.
-Hitsounds are loud for the beginning and end. Consider lowering the volume a bit
-Use thisand rename it to fit the drum sections
nvm lol they're all soft, just change the timing sections to S:C1


01:10:427 (1,3) - blanket pls
01:13:052 (4,1) - not perfect enough
01:29:927 (1,2,3) - Make the sliders just a bit more curved? they look weird this way imo
02:33:677 (3) - I seriously recomment you to ctrl g this. Flows really better
02:46:240 (4,5) - Moving them would make a nice jump

you made some jumps with the same difficulty before so this won't be a problem


00:54:115 (3) - Use a circle here instead and start spinner at 00:54:490 - ?
00:57:115 (1,2) - hm
01:10:427 (3) - Idea:

Follows the vocal better
01:17:927 (1,2) - >IMO< It was unexpected. I'd rather even use one more note 1/2 before them

You would have to fix spacing between 01:16:427 (3,1) - . No need to move the next notes
01:22:990 (1) - remove NC
01:30:115 (1,2,3) - Idea:

This follows both drums and voice. Without this it sounds really empty. Don't forget to use normal on the end of (2) if you do this. Note that (2) blankets with the end of 01:28:615 (2) - . You many need to fix spacing a bit for 01:30:865 (3) -
01:30:865 (3) - Idea:

Follows the rhythm waaaay better especially if you accept the previous suggestion. Don't forget to use normal on (4).
01:42:114 (1) - start this 1/2 later and... better explain with a pic
02:16:990 (1) - remove nc?
02:29:927 (2,1,2) - well if could do the same thing here again BUT since this already happened before with the map 9with doubles instead, if you fixed) you can let them be and it's easier to undertand. Your choice
02:47:177 (2,1) - blanket pls
02:54:115 - lol y u no note here? pls
02:55:615 - note here pls

Meh almost perfect mapset lolol
Topic Starter

[Luanny] wrote:

first mod yey


-Add emo to tags aheuaheauehaue ok jk add splorg and lets see what happens k
-I'd cut this intro hm. no )-:
-Hitsounds are loud for the beginning and end. Consider lowering the volume a bit k
-Use thisand rename it to fit the drum sections
nvm lol they're all soft, just change the timing sections to S:C1 ok lolol


01:10:427 (1,3) - blanket pls ok
01:13:052 (4,1) - not perfect enough ok
01:29:927 (1,2,3) - Make the sliders just a bit more curved? they look weird this way imo Changed them a bit
02:33:677 (3) - I seriously recomment you to ctrl g this. Flows really better This really plays great though >:
02:46:240 (4,5) - Moving them would make a nice jump Nice one, is this based on the lyrics? LOL ''To tha leeeft''

you made some jumps with the same difficulty before so this won't be a problem


00:54:115 (3) - Use a circle here instead and start spinner at 00:54:490 - ? okay
00:57:115 (1,2) - hm sure why not
01:10:427 (3) - Idea: meh i like how it is actually

Follows the vocal better
01:17:927 (1,2) - >IMO< It was unexpected. I'd rather even use one more note 1/2 before them Might be a bit unexpected but i think it's still pretty simple to follow

You would have to fix spacing between 01:16:427 (3,1) - . No need to move the next notes
01:22:990 (1) - remove NC okay
01:30:115 (1,2,3) - Idea: Okay

This follows both drums and voice. Without this it sounds really empty. Don't forget to use normal on the end of (2) if you do this. Note that (2) blankets with the end of 01:28:615 (2) - . You many need to fix spacing a bit for 01:30:865 (3) -
01:30:865 (3) - Idea: k

Follows the rhythm waaaay better especially if you accept the previous suggestion. Don't forget to use normal on (4).
01:42:114 (1) - start this 1/2 later and... better explain with a pic k
02:16:990 (1) - remove nc?k
02:29:927 (2,1,2) - well if could do the same thing here again BUT since this already happened before with the map 9with doubles instead, if you fixed) you can let them be and it's easier to undertand. Your choice Leaving it like this
02:47:177 (2,1) - blanket pls nazi pls
02:54:115 - lol y u no note here? pls fixed
02:55:615 - note here pls k

Meh almost perfect mapset lolol

all suggestions.

00:45:677 (2) - , 02:03:677 (1) - , 02:09:677 (2) - ,02:48:115 (1) - you don't use very many of these sliders... and the result is that the few that you use feel out of place. consider changing their shapes to be straight or curved, rather than sharp-angled?
01:32:552 - try adding an inherited timing point here, and changing the sampleset to drum. it sounds pretty cool imo (making the slider sound change to fit the drumroll)
02:42:677 (1) - make the start and very end of this slider have normal sampleset too (especially the head--soft feels a bit weird, since all of the other slider heads in the kiai have normal sampleset, so one without is unexpected to the player)

00:42:115 (1,2,3) - looks better as a blanket, since it's already close to one
00:52:615 (1,2) - i'm not a huge fan of this design, since the two sliders seem to "conflict" imo, something like may be nicer (since you did some similar overlap at 00:51:115 (1,2) - )
00:57:115 (1,2) - change to Sampleset: Drum (Additions as Soft). The Normal samplset feels a bit too strong, but keeping them soft like all the other stuff leaves out the drums in the music :< same for later occurrences, 01:03:115 (3) - , 02:08:740 (4,1) - , 02:15:115 (1) - , etc.
00:59:177 (4,5) - these two look cramped--move them a bit more horizontally apart
01:20:740 (2) - Sampleset: Normal (as a pickup to the kiai)?
01:27:115 (3,5) - these two sliders neaaaaaaarly intersect. i'd either move them farther apart or just make them overlap
01:32:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - please make the last two notes in the stream Normal sampleset too. while the current hitsounding sounds perfectly fine, it's jarring to play. the player starts streaming and hears the normal sampleset--all is good--but suddenly 01:32:927 (8,9) - the last two notes in the stream don't have the same feedback, and it feels real bad d00d
01:37:615 (1,3) - another occurrence of neaaaaaarly touching sliders
01:44:177 (3) - sexy slider
02:31:427 (1) - why spinner here but giant slider 01:19:427 (4) - here? anyhow, 02:31:427 (1) - setting the end of the spinner to Normal sampleset would be nice as a pickup to the kiai (as mentioned earlier for 01:20:740 (2) - )
02:39:115 (1,2) - more nearly touching sliders
02:44:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - another misleadingly hitsounded stream
02:47:177 (3,1,2) - not a huge fan of this design
02:50:740 (4) - i feel like this is missing a hitsound?

i suk at madding mops
ur mop luks purty sturdy tho 8-)
Topic Starter

RLC wrote:


all suggestions.

00:45:677 (2) - , 02:03:677 (1) - , 02:09:677 (2) - ,02:48:115 (1) - you don't use very many of these sliders... and the result is that the few that you use feel out of place. consider changing their shapes to be straight or curved, rather than sharp-angled? Imo it's more like a part that's different to make it a bit less boring
01:32:552 - try adding an inherited timing point here, and changing the sampleset to drum. it sounds pretty cool imo (making the slider sound change to fit the drumroll) Sounds nice, done
02:42:677 (1) - make the start and very end of this slider have normal sampleset too (especially the head--soft feels a bit weird, since all of the other slider heads in the kiai have normal sampleset, so one without is unexpected to the player) Lolol I applied hitsounds with shitty speakers instead of my headphones. Never again.

00:42:115 (1,2,3) - looks better as a blanket, since it's already close to one Fixed
00:52:615 (1,2) - i'm not a huge fan of this design, since the two sliders seem to "conflict" imo, something like may be nicer (since you did some similar overlap at 00:51:115 (1,2) - ) It flows great imo actually o-o
00:57:115 (1,2) - change to Sampleset: Drum (Additions as Soft). The Normal samplset feels a bit too strong, but keeping them soft like all the other stuff leaves out the drums in the music :< same for later occurrences, 01:03:115 (3) - , 02:08:740 (4,1) - , 02:15:115 (1) - , etc. Sounds good, added
00:59:177 (4,5) - these two look cramped--move them a bit more horizontally apart Alright
01:20:740 (2) - Sampleset: Normal (as a pickup to the kiai)? Yeah
01:27:115 (3,5) - these two sliders neaaaaaaarly intersect. i'd either move them farther apart or just make them overlap Moved them
01:32:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - please make the last two notes in the stream Normal sampleset too. while the current hitsounding sounds perfectly fine, it's jarring to play. the player starts streaming and hears the normal sampleset--all is good--but suddenly 01:32:927 (8,9) - the last two notes in the stream don't have the same feedback, and it feels real bad d00d meh, it sounds so good though )-: but ok
01:37:615 (1,3) - another occurrence of neaaaaaarly touching sliders fixed
01:44:177 (3) - sexy slider ahueahueh
02:31:427 (1) - why spinner here but giant slider 01:19:427 (4) - here? anyhow, 02:31:427 (1) - setting the end of the spinner to Normal sampleset would be nice as a pickup to the kiai (as mentioned earlier for 01:20:740 (2) - ) because YOLO ok no, I don't see why they should be the same though lol, added the hitsound
02:39:115 (1,2) - more nearly touching sliders fixed
02:44:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - another misleadingly hitsounded stream Fixed
02:47:177 (3,1,2) - not a huge fan of this design I am >:
02:50:740 (4) - i feel like this is missing a hitsound? it is

i suk at madding mops
ur mop luks purty sturdy tho 8-)
thanks for da mad
cubex best modder
Topic Starter

[Luanny] wrote:

cubex best modder
Of course I am.


I would highly suggest you to delete this map, it's causing cancer, aids and diarrhea.

[Exquisite Diarrhea]

02:14:552 (3) - This is not a rankable slider i guess:
- Seems pretty much perfect to me OAO;;

- 01:10:427 (3) - fix this blanket ty
- 01:11:927 (2) - could also be a little blanket under (3),or placed at x:216 & y:308
- 01:19:240 (1,2) - I'd rather stack this to keep it consistent with the stackings before this
02:05:177 (3) - wtf

02:29:927 (2,4) - baaaaaaaaah I dislike this sliderform ;__;
Topic Starter

Ayu wrote:

- Seems pretty much perfect to me OAO;; like yo mama ahueauehauea ok

- 01:10:427 (3) - fix this blanket ty fixed yo mama too
- 01:11:927 (2) - could also be a little blanket under (3),or placed at x:216 & y:308 could be, just like your mom, but it isn't meant to be *dramatic music*
- 01:19:240 (1,2) - I'd rather stack this to keep it consistent with the stackings before this stacked it like i stack yo mama
02:05:177 (3) - wtf that's what she said

02:29:927 (2,4) - baaaaaaaaah I dislike this sliderform ;__; made the form a bit different, like i formed the inside of your mom
ok ty

Cubex wrote:

Of course I am.


I would highly suggest you to delete this map, it's causing cancer, aids and diarrhea.

[Exquisite Diarrhea]

02:14:552 (3) - This is not a rankable slider i guess:
ty cubex for bat
Mod for mod request
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. u need smth like this on creator's words instead of emo descriptions k
  2. bg lion????? y
  1. 00:54:677 (1) - start on 00:54:865 - ? plays weird on osu!mania if this spinner starts on red tik
  2. 01:30:115 (1,2) - Plays really weird. how about fits music pattern better
  3. 01:43:427 (1) - start this on the white tick after this tick? because osu!mania
  4. 02:55:427 (2) - Remove hitnormal from sliderstart?
  5. kaas
  1. AR -1? AR5 feels too fast here
  2. 00:51:490 - add note?
  3. 01:11:927 (2) - how if make it like (blankets the long slider)
  4. 01:19:427 (2) - why don't you expand this slider until 01:20:740 - ? fills music better imo
  5. 01:27:490 - pls add note
  6. 02:05:177 (3) - looks ugli. idk
  7. 02:56:177 (4) - add finish on end? sounds empty with just soft-hitnormal
  8. 02:57:865 (1) - WHY KANKERNC??? also pls add finish
  9. debiel
  1. 01:06:115 (1) - why nc
  2. 01:20:552 (1) - why nc??
  3. 01:44:177 (3) - oh a dildo, nice
  4. joden
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

Mod for mod request
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. u need smth like this on creator's words instead of emo descriptions k no i dun )-: i stopped doing that
  2. bg lion????? y
because that's how the creator of the album cover wanted it to be o-o

  1. 00:54:677 (1) - start on 00:54:865 - ? plays weird on osu!mania if this spinner starts on red tik It's not made for mania, it'd be weird for standard to start it later because of the vocals
  2. 01:30:115 (1,2) - Plays really weird. how about fits music pattern better okaey
  3. 01:43:427 (1) - start this on the white tick after this tick? because osu!mania Same as before
  4. 02:55:427 (2) - Remove hitnormal from sliderstart? Nuh, fits here >:
  5. kaas dildo
  1. AR -1? AR5 feels too fast here k
  2. 00:51:490 - add note? nuh >:
  3. 01:11:927 (2) - how if make it like (blankets the long slider) okay
  4. 01:19:427 (2) - why don't you expand this slider until 01:20:740 - ? fills music better imo doesn't fit the vocals at all
  5. 01:27:490 - pls add note k
  6. 02:05:177 (3) - looks ugli. idk yo mama looks ugli )-:
  7. 02:56:177 (4) - add finish on end? sounds empty with just soft-hitnormal Added a normal-hitnormal
  8. 02:57:865 (1) - WHY KANKERNC??? also pls add finish LOL removed nc didnt add finish cuz no fit )-:
  9. debiel yo mama
  1. 01:06:115 (1) - why nc idk lol
  2. 01:20:552 (1) - why nc?? idk
  3. 01:44:177 (3) - oh a dildo, nice no, it's a dick
  4. joden hitler
ty kankerdebielnohomo ok
Sorry I'm late.

  1. 00:44:177 (2) - I don't really like this shape, you should either change it or add another symmetric slider or something which makes it look less out of place
  2. 00:45:490 (1) - move this to 00:45:677 - so it fits the vocals more? ik you placed it where he starts singing, but i feel like you should rather map according to the stressed word "warning" in the lyrics, i would additionally shorten it so it still ends on 00:46:240 -
  3. 00:48:677 - i'd say you need to start a slider here to fit the vocals, that means you have a circle where (1) started before and add a new slider here
  4. 00:53:177 - similar stuff at this point
  5. 00:54:677 (1) - I would make the spinner shorter so you can map the next phrase without making it too sudden for beginners.. that being said I'd like you to map from 00:57:115 - 00:58:615 - as it doesn't feel right to leave that empty space
  6. 00:58:615 (1) - this slider seems out of place imo, what is it mapped to? =/
  7. 01:00:490 (2,1) - delete (2), move (1) on 01:00:677 - and let it end on 01:01:615 -
  8. 01:36:115 (1) - ? Why such a long slider?
  9. 01:40:615 (2) - remove the reverse arrow and add a circle at 01:41:740 -
  10. 01:57:677 - same thing as the above stuff, i'd focus more on the main vocals here
  11. 01:58:615 (3) - this is an example of what i think fits well, the reverse arrow stresses the vocals fine here
  12. 02:00:677 - this seems weird again
  13. 02:01:990 (2) - you can totally just move this on 02:02:177 (2) - w/o breaking anything (and i dislike the shape again, make something so it doesn't feel out of place)
  14. 02:06:677 (1) - same as 00:54:677 (1)
  15. 02:11:177 - put a circle here, and then keep (2) as is
  16. 02:13:376 - place a 1/1 slider here?
  17. 02:21:115 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - if you drag all these 1/2 earlier they fit the vocals, but you will then skip 02:21:115 - which i doubt you wanna do..
Rest seems fine.
In case you wonder why I only point out the verses and not the chorus: There's a stronger background beat and it feels like it's better to map to that instead on focusing perfectly on the lyrics here

  1. 00:37:052 - circle here maybe?
  2. 01:08:552 - unmapped vocals here, add something?
  3. 01:14:927 (1,3) - those need to be shorter, otherwise they just won't fit, shorten by 1/2 beat
  4. 02:18:677 (1) - You can end this spinner 1/1 beat earlier i think and map directly after it
  5. 02:44:365 -
    Alternatively, you could do something with the 1/4 here? just a small kick slider or something, i dunno
  1. 01:14:927 (1) the triplet seems weird, you should rather have a slider here and then instead of having the end of the 1/2 slider on 01:15:292 - you should have a slider start there imo
  2. 01:16:427 (1) - ^
  3. 02:55:615 (1,2,3) - this should start where the previous (5) is imo
Pretty flawless map except for the Easy which I don't really like.
Anyway, sorry for the bad mod, didn't really know what to do with this.
Topic Starter

Zarerion wrote:

Sorry I'm late.

  1. 00:44:177 (2) - I don't really like this shape, you should either change it or add another symmetric slider or something which makes it look less out of place
  2. 00:45:490 (1) - move this to 00:45:677 - so it fits the vocals more? ik you placed it where he starts singing, but i feel like you should rather map according to the stressed word "warning" in the lyrics, i would additionally shorten it so it still ends on 00:46:240 -
  3. 00:48:677 - i'd say you need to start a slider here to fit the vocals, that means you have a circle where (1) started before and add a new slider here
  4. 00:53:177 - similar stuff at this point
  5. 00:54:677 (1) - I would make the spinner shorter so you can map the next phrase without making it too sudden for beginners.. that being said I'd like you to map from 00:57:115 - 00:58:615 - as it doesn't feel right to leave that empty space
  6. 00:58:615 (1) - this slider seems out of place imo, what is it mapped to? =/
  7. 01:00:490 (2,1) - delete (2), move (1) on 01:00:677 - and let it end on 01:01:615 -
  8. 01:36:115 (1) - ? Why such a long slider?
  9. 01:40:615 (2) - remove the reverse arrow and add a circle at 01:41:740 -
  10. 01:57:677 - same thing as the above stuff, i'd focus more on the main vocals here
  11. 01:58:615 (3) - this is an example of what i think fits well, the reverse arrow stresses the vocals fine here
  12. 02:00:677 - this seems weird again
  13. 02:01:990 (2) - you can totally just move this on 02:02:177 (2) - w/o breaking anything (and i dislike the shape again, make something so it doesn't feel out of place)
  14. 02:06:677 (1) - same as 00:54:677 (1)
  15. 02:11:177 - put a circle here, and then keep (2) as is
  16. 02:13:376 - place a 1/1 slider here?
  17. 02:21:115 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - if you drag all these 1/2 earlier they fit the vocals, but you will then skip 02:21:115 - which i doubt you wanna do..
Rest seems fine.
In case you wonder why I only point out the verses and not the chorus: There's a stronger background beat and it feels like it's better to map to that instead on focusing perfectly on the lyrics here

I've fixed everything but these 2:
1:36:115 (1) - ? Why such a long slider? It's an easy diff, it fits the song and it plays/looks pretty good imo, I don't see a reason to change this
02:21:115 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - if you drag all these 1/2 earlier they fit the vocals, but you will then skip 02:21:115 - which i doubt you wanna do..

  1. 00:37:052 - circle here maybe? The song kind of gets a bit less ''powerful'' at this spot, decided to point that out in this way
  2. 01:08:552 - unmapped vocals here, add something? I've tried some things to get this done, it just doesn't feel right, I decide to keep this how it is
  3. 01:14:927 (1,3) - those need to be shorter, otherwise they just won't fit, shorten by 1/2 beat Fixed
  4. 02:18:677 (1) - You can end this spinner 1/1 beat earlier i think and map directly after it Done
  5. 02:44:365 - Remember this is a normal diff, I rather not use a lot of 1/2's in a row, or even 1/4 at all, even if it's just a slider
    Alternatively, you could do something with the 1/4 here? just a small kick slider or something, i dunno
  1. 01:14:927 (1) the triplet seems weird, you should rather have a slider here and then instead of having the end of the 1/2 slider on 01:15:292 - you should have a slider start there imo This is like an intro to the chorus, which I think works perfectly fine ._.
  2. 01:16:427 (1) - ^
  3. 02:55:615 (1,2,3) - this should start where the previous (5) is imo Nice one, done
Pretty flawless map except for the Easy which I don't really like.
Anyway, sorry for the bad mod, didn't really know what to do with this.
Thanks a lot, the easy diff is a lot better now I think, it's not a bad mod though o-o

Kyshiro wrote:

inverness wrote:

Mod for mod request
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. u need smth like this on creator's words instead of emo descriptions k no i dun )-: i stopped doing that you still emo tho
  2. bg lion????? y
because that's how the creator of the album cover wanted it to be o-o creator is gay

  1. 00:54:677 (1) - start on 00:54:865 - ? plays weird on osu!mania if this spinner starts on red tik It's not made for mania, it'd be weird for standard to start it later because of the vocals wtf is mania
  2. 01:30:115 (1,2) - Plays really weird. how about fits music pattern better okaey
  3. 01:43:427 (1) - start this on the white tick after this tick? because osu!mania Same as before wtf mania
  4. 02:55:427 (2) - Remove hitnormal from sliderstart? Nuh, fits here >:
  5. kaas dildo dicks
  1. AR -1? AR5 feels too fast here k
  2. 00:51:490 - add note? nuh >:
  3. 01:11:927 (2) - how if make it like (blankets the long slider) okay
  4. 01:19:427 (2) - why don't you expand this slider until 01:20:740 - ? fills music better imo doesn't fit the vocals at all
  5. 01:27:490 - pls add note kanker
  6. 02:05:177 (3) - looks ugli. idk yo mama looks ugli )-: so does you
  7. 02:56:177 (4) - add finish on end? sounds empty with just soft-hitnormal Added a normal-hitnormal
  8. 02:57:865 (1) - WHY KANKERNC??? also pls add finish LOL removed nc didnt add finish cuz no fit )-: KANKERNC LOL
  9. debiel yo mama NO HOMO
  1. 01:06:115 (1) - why nc idk lol cus
  2. 01:20:552 (1) - why nc?? idk gay
  3. 01:44:177 (3) - oh a dildo, nice no, it's a dick it's clearly a cock.
  4. joden hitler \o \o \o HAIL

ty kankerdebielnohomo ok
I was supposed to be the one to say no homo fuck you
IRC log here:

Looking good and all that.

EDIT: yeah alright coo' bubbles
Topic Starter

DiamondCrash wrote:

IRC log here:

Looking good and all that.
Thanks a lot :3
no, you won't speedrank it
Topic Starter

[Luanny] wrote:

no, you won't speedrank it
says you
i never even intended to )-:
fuck you :c
good luck and find a BAT ok
mod: remap all

gl with map
The only thing stopping me from ranking this is some silly metadata. Remove the genres from your tags, those are not supposed to be there, also what is "splorg"? remove it unless you have a good reason to have it there.

Oh, also, please remember that chat rules apply to the forums too. This looks like OT, I've cleaned the thread a bit, BSS threads are meant to be used to mod-posts and feedback only, please refrain from spamming next time. Also, try to use a more appropriate language. (Clean the OP, please)

Gonzvlo wrote:

what is "splorg"?
kshro this ain't team's map neither team collab so y u add it u n0b :((((
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

The only thing stopping me from ranking this is some silly metadata. Remove the genres from your tags, those are not supposed to be there, also what is "splorg"? remove it unless you have a good reason to have it there.
Splorg is the name of the mapping team, but since no one from the mapping team collaborated in this I removed it

Gonzvlo wrote:

Oh, also, please remember that chat rules apply to the forums too. This looks like OT, I've cleaned the thread a bit, BSS threads are meant to be used to mod-posts and feedback only, please refrain from spamming next time. Also, try to use a more appropriate language. (Clean the OP, please)
Sorry for that lol, cleaned the OP

I'm sorry, I've been really busy. Re-checked.

Go 30stm!
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