
Linked Horizon - Guren no Yumiya (TV Size)

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From My Queue! (BPM181>180=w=
Hot Song and Anime..

BG... Format to 1024x768

00:34:319 (3,4) - Easy didnt allow overlap cause itll let newbie player get mesy
00:40:628 (2,1) - ^
Good Flow and Blanket

00:07:586 (5,6) - Normal also didnt allow overlap
01:16:659 (4,5) - ^
Nice Diff though!

GGu's Hard
Ahhh Perfect! I couldnt see any could change

01:27:120 (5) - remove NC
00:40:629 (4) - ^

Sorry about just this...
Good luck! :)

Extra:Its seem's like be 進擊の巨人?lol

Tsumetaku wrote:

BG... Format to 1024x768 Now, Allow 1024x768 and 1366x768 (Widescreen)

DingGGu wrote:

Tsumetaku wrote:

BG... Format to 1024x768 Now, Allow 1024x768 and 1366x768 (Widescreen)
Oh Thanks for the imformation!
Hey W h i t e and DingGGu~

-I suggest that you use new hitsoud in 00:17:384 (1) - , 00:20:040 (1) - (, 00:13:399 (1) - , 00:22:365 (1) - ). (For example, finish2 or finish3)
If you use this hitsound, reduce the volume of them or use green line of about 30%~50%.

00:13:731 (2) - remove whistle...?
00:35:980 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - You might want to remove clap from 1,3 beats then add one to 2,4 beats.
and if you accept this, add finish to start of 00:35:980 (1) - .
01:11:844 - 75%?
01:05:535 (2) - remove whistle. Because it doesn't fit the music.
01:16:661 (4) - unsnapped slider
01:17:157 - 80%?
01:22:470 - 85%?
01:22:471 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - about add clap to 1,3 beats in addition to 2,4 beats?

[GGu's Hard]
00:00:115 (1,2,3) - I think kinda bad flow.
00:13:730 (2) - Same as Insane
00:56:568 (2) - add clap to end
01:05:202 (1) - remove whistle from end.
01:11:844 - 75%?
01:17:157 - 80%?
01:22:470 - 85%?

00:48:183 - , 00:50:757 - , 00:53:413 - , 00:58:726 - , 01:04:040 - 01:05:534 - Hmm...I think these tick sounds is noisy a little.
Well, it is very worthless things. I couldn't find major problem, so I said it :cry:
00:17:383 (1,2,3) - make symmetry?
00:33:322 (1,2,3,4) - In this way, follow the vocal.

00:56:568 (2) - add finish
01:11:844 - 75%?
01:17:157 - 80%?
01:22:470 - 85%?

00:51:089 (2,3) - I'm concerned that beginner get confusing.
00:56:568 (3) - Beginners may be difficult to catch this circle. and I think it is more fits the music.
If you dislike stack, feel free to move them.
01:01:715 (2,3) - In the same way.
01:11:844 - 75%?
01:17:157 - 80%?
01:22:470 - 85%?

Nice mapset. I was troubled.
Good luck!
Some suggestions

00:08:084 (1) - make it symmetrical?

AR OD -1?

[GGu's hard]
nothing major

Still can't understand why in songs w/ high bpm is so much broken spacing.

No kd
뭐 이리 잘만드세요 다들


  1. BG 바꾸시는걸 추천. BG는 수위가 높으면 안되요 ! 가령 피 색깔이라던가..
  2. 동영상이 BG랑 비율이 약간 틀리네요 지금 사이즈는 800x448임. 800x450 추천드림
  3. Artist에 있는 Horizon이랑 Tags에 있는 Horizon 중복. sound horizon 삭제를 추천.


  1. 00:33:322 (1) - 초보자들이 과연 이걸 칠 수 있을지가 의문임. 이건 어떠심?
    코드 ! 나머지들도 디스턴스 알맞게 이동시킴.
  2. 00:38:636 (2) - 소리 바뀜 뉴콤 추천
  3. 00:56:070 (3) - 소리 급상승. 뉴콤 추천
  4. 00:59:888 (1) - 머리에 피닛? 00:49:262 (1) 이거처럼.
  5. 01:05:202 (1) - 소리에 다운비트가 좀 있네요. 5/4박 슬라이더로 처리하시는게 어떠심?
    01:06:530 (1) - 만약 고치셨으면 여기 Ctrl + G
    01:07:859 (3) - 이쪽도
    위에 3개 몽땅 합친코드임


  1. 00:38:636 (1,2,1,2) - 소리에 비해서 밋밋하네요. 슬라이더로 재미를 좀 주시는건 어떠심?
  2. 01:27:119 (1) - 노말이니까 말할께요. 이쪽에 서클하나 추가하시고 스피너를 01:27:285 이쪽으로 미시는건 어떠심?

GGu's Hard

  • 음 나머지는 다 괜찮은데 점프처리가 약간 아쉽네요.
  1. AR -1. SV에 정말 안 어울리는 AR임. 그렇게 어렵지도 않구요.
  2. 00:25:020 (4) - 소리가 갑자기 바뀌니 점프처리를 추천드릴께요 가령 x:103, y:317로 이동이라던가.
  3. 00:30:334 (4) - 여기도 마찬가지. x:30, y:209로 이동 추천
  4. 00:50:424 (1) - x:120, y:256


  1. OD +1. 저 같으면 이 비피엠과 난이도에 플레이어들에게 쉽게 100퍼를 주지는 않을꺼임.
  2. Stack Leniency 3이 더 좋은거같아요. 거의 다 노트들이 겹쳐져있어서.
  3. 00:06:591 (5,1,2,3,4) - 박자가 약간 부자연스럽네요. 이건 어떠심? 1~5번 참조
  4. 00:40:629 (1) - 1/1슬라로 길이 늘리시는게 좋을듯 음이 대충 거기서 끝나는거 같음
  5. 00:43:784 (1) - 머리 피닛
  6. 01:01:716 (3) - Ctrl + G? 동선이 약간 이상함
왠만한 매퍼들보다 잘 찍으시네요 :) 랭크 힘내시길 ;)
모딩 리퀘스트~

00:25:352 (1) ~ 00:34:651 (3) - 이지난이도 치고는 비트가 빽빽하게 들어간 느낌...
중간중간 긴 슬라이더를 넣어서 조금 더 쉽게 만드는게 좋아 보여요.
00:55:572 (2) - 00:54:575 (1) 하고 애매하게 Blanket 된 느낌... 약간 이동

개인적으로, AR - 1

00:30:666 (1) - 이 긴 슬라이더 말고, 일반적인 슬라이더(1 리버스) 조합으로 비트를 쪼개는게 더 좋아보이는... (00:33:322 (1) - 이 패턴처럼..)
00:37:639 (4) - x:160 y:120 으로 이동하는게 더 좋아보여요

GGu's Hard
00:14:062 (3) - 슬라이더 끝에 있는 피니시 제거
00:46:273 (1) - 궅이 NC를 넣을 필요는 없을 것 같아요..

HP Drain 8 은 너무 어려운... :o

00:14:063 (1) - NC 제거
00:14:395 (3) - 피니시 제거

이 난이도는 굳이 건드릴게 없는... :D

잘만드셨네요~ :)

  1. Disable letterboxing during breaks. It doesn't make any sense since song has a video and has no breaks at all!
  2. You forgot to add Wit Studio in tags, you use their animation, after all.
  1. No. No. And NO. You shouldn't use any slowdowns/speed ups at easiest diffs here. This song is fast 18-+ BPM and it has 1/1 rhythm, so it's already too hard for beginners and [Normal] diff players. Don't make it unplayable, [Easy] should be easy and [Normal] should be playable. that's why I am strobgly against ANY velocity changes.
  2. 00:31:662 (2,3,4,1,2) - don't place them too colse. Beginners might mistakenly click on other note. [ur=]lsee? there's too many notes][/url]
    Note: same happens to some others patterns 00:41:126 (1,2,3,4) - 00:43:783 (1,2,3,4) -
  3. 00:39:964 (1) - I guess you should remove this new combo, it feels off your pattern and seems quite messy.
  4. 00:51:089 (2) - try to finish this slider at 00:51:587 - to keep consistent 1/1 rhythm here. It will fit with background music and make dff more playable for beginners.
    Note: same 01:01:715 (2) - here. (fslider should end at 01:02:213)
  5. 00:54:575 (1,2,1) - that pattern feels quite off vocals, I'd recommend you to re-arrange patterns a bit.
    Note: it's all about keeping 1/1 rhythm here!
  6. 01:06:032 - that empy space may stress beginners a lot. What's more, there's an unused green line that may confuse modders a bit. try to place here some objects and remove that green line, please.
  1. No. No. And NO. You shouldn't use any slowdowns/speed ups at easiest diffs here. This song is fast 18-+ BPM and it has 1/1 rhythm, so it's already too hard for beginners and [Normal] diff players. Don't make it unplayable, [Easy] should be easy and [Normal] should be playable. that's why I am strobgly against ANY velocity changes.
  2. Consider increasing HP Drain by one tick to keep diff settings more balanced.
  3. 00:01:941 (5) - I'd finish that slider 1/2 later (at 00:02:439 ) it'll make rhythm more consistent and it will fit with background music much better.
  4. 00:42:621 (1,2) - nazi - try to rotate that slider a bit, to make a blanket with 00:42:289 (3). It'll look like this.
  5. 00:50:424 (3) - nazi - its tail is too close to (2), so players might mistakenly click it. Not a big problem, but looks a little bit messy, imo. Consider re-arranging that pattern a bit.
    Note: 01:01:050 (3) - same happens here.
[GGu's Hard]
  1. Try to do HP Drain +1 to get a better balanced diff. it makes map much more interesting for players
  2. I don't think that x0.5 SV multiplier is needed, it seems kinda too slow and too unexpected for a [Hard] diff. This is not an [Insane], remember?

    Diff is quite cute and well-constructed, but slowdowns make it less..uh..enjoyable.
  1. 00:30:584 (10,1) - nazi - well.. shape of this slider isn't really readable because part of its is overlapped with stream. Try to avoid it if it is possible.

    Pretty nice diff.
I can't say that map is bad, but it needs some work on [Easy] and [Normal].
Good luck.
nice map nice song
OMG! This map is just too perfect. I can't find anything to suggest.
Even though I have questions about a certain pattern, I always find the answer.

Have a Star~

- Delete "horizon" from tags. It's already in the Artist :P

- Your bg is a little too big. Please recompress it so it's under 1mb. (Right now, it's 1.62mb)

00:25:352 (1) to 00:34:651 (3) - the claps in this section feel a bit overwhelming imo. More like, I feel that the transition from the quiet part to here is a bit big. I suggest replace the claps with a lighter hitsound or just delete them I guess. I'd probably go for a Soft whistle.

00:25:352 (1) - same as Easy. I would avoid these Claps for this section

GGu's Hard
00:02:439 (1) - Delete NC, i didn't catch the point of this single combo
00:03:767 (4,1) - Reverse this rhythm this matches the instruments much better imo
00:25:352 (1) - Refer to Easy's mod. Opening up this part with claps seems a little too sudden and loud
01:07:526 (4,1) - Reverse this rhythm

00:02:772 (1) - the whistles are kinda loud in this section.. :o
00:07:753 (1,2,3,4) - hmm I'd curve this stream the other way the direction/transition is rather awkward and disturbs the oval flow imo
00:25:353 (1) - same issue as Easy
01:06:531 (1) - gah whistles too loud again xD
The directionality in some places felt a bit awkward while playing but otherwise pretty nice diff

Love your soft-finish3 xDD & clean map!
Good luck <3
Hi there :3

  1. Offset is a bit early. +5ms please.
  2. Increase the overal volume by 10%, 60% its just too small. The loud voice of music, really overlap the hitsound because of this ><
  1. 00:13:398 (1) - Reduce this soft finish volume. It's still really loud with 50% volume, 40% will do.
  2. 00:17:383 (2) - ^ at slider start.
  3. 00:20:039 (1) - ^
  4. 00:22:696 (2) - ^
  5. 00:45:277 (4) - Add finish sound at this slider start for consistencies of finish rhythm?
  6. 00:50:923 (2) - This slider should start on 1/2 rhythm earlier, since the vocal is start on that spot. You follow the vocal at this slider end 00:49:262 (1) - , you better make this slider start follow the vocal too. But take caution, that finish sounds will be too loud here. Don't add finish sounds at slider start.
  7. 00:56:070 (3) - Unnesecary NC imo, still on same rhythm and same stanza. Just remove this NC.
  8. 01:01:715 (2) - Same with 00:50:923 (2) -
  9. 01:11:844 (1,3) - Ugh, please, don't do overlap at easy diff. It will surprise a lot of beginner. Try another pattern please.
  1. Well, lower the soft finish sounds 3 volume is apply to this diff too.
  2. 00:22:696 (1) - I think you forget a finish at this slider start.
  1. Soft finish sounds 3 should be lowered on this diff too.
  2. Omg, those normal whistle sounds 1 is really loud, which makes the song doesnt good to hear. Lower all that whistle sounds volume please D:
  1. Soft finish sounds 3 should be lowered on this diff too.
  2. Same with hard, those normal whistle 1 volume should also be lowered too.
  3. 01:26:626 (2,3,4) - Oh god, i hate 1/4 jump, i very don't like this. But if you still want to use this i suggest to make shape like this for better flow
Nothing much to say, it's really a great map. Insane was fun to play, but meh that 1/4 jump ><
Everything is nice and clean, gap is good too. But i think this map need more mod before bubble.
Call me back after 2 more mod :3
[ggu's hard]
00:19:209 (3) - 슬라이더 아래로 1칸 내리고 가운데 뼈대 오른쪽 1칸.
다 잘 감싸졌는데 얘만 졸라 스파이같음
00:34:983 (2,3) - 슬라가 더 이쁠거같음, 꼬리는 위로 하는게?
01:25:625 (2) - 꼬리 좀만 내리기 ㄱㄱ
(3)을 왼쪽으로 향하게 해주는것도 나쁘지 않을듯

00:35:150 (3) - 좀 애매한 장소에 있는데... 좀 위로 올리시거나 내리시는걸 추천
01:26:622 (2,3,4) - 거리를 좀 더 주는게 좋을것 같아요

Gloria Guard
도와주러 왔습니다 ~ ^^/


태그에 opening 넣어주세요


00:39:969 (2,3,4) 음.. 제 개인적인 생각입니다만.. 이 세개 노트패턴을 이등변 삼각형으로
만들면 더 좋을것 같아요.
01:15:169 (1,2,3) 2번 노트로 인해서 3번슬라이더 이어지는 흐름이 안좋네요. 저는 이 패턴흐름을 추천합니다
01:22:143 (4,2) 나지, 조금 애매하지만 오버랩된것 같습니다.. 1그리드 내려주는게 좋다고 생각합니다
01:27:124 여기에 노트넣는것은 어떤가요? 여기서 드럼소리가 크게 들리는것 같네요


00:31:418 (1,2,3) 3번 모양 blanket이 조금 애매하네요.. 1번처럼 감싸주는것을 좀더 확실하게 하는게 좋을것 같아요
01:05:207 (1,2) 음.. 커브방향을 바꿔주시면 더 좋은 흐름이 될것같아요.

[GGu's Hard]

00:01:946 (3) 1그리드 업. 패턴 모양을 정확한 삼각형 모양이 좋을 것 같아요
01:00:890 (4) 의도한것은 이해합니다. 하지만 저는 디스턴스를 일정하게 하는게 더 흐름에 좋고
플레이 할때도 좋을 것 같다고 생각합니다


00:06:761 (1,2) 음.. 저는 대칭 모양이 이상하다고 생각합니다.. 1번을 복사하셔서 2번에다가 붙여넣기하시면
더 좋은 대칭 모양이 될것 같습니다.
00:11:410 (3) 의도하신것 같지만.. 저는 Ctrl+G 하는게 더흐름에 좋다고 생각합니다 왜냐하면..
커브방향이 반대쪽으로 향해있으면 4번노트를 치기에 조금 흐름이 끊긴다고 생각이 되기때문입니다.

랭크가 눈앞에 있습니다 ~ 화이팅!
Ok, everything looks good now.

Good luck in ranking :3
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Ok, everything looks good now.

Good luck in ranking :3
Thank you ~ :3
Change log
  1. Fixed audio volume of 'soft-hitfinish3.wav' which was not balanced.
  2. Fixed audio volume of 'normal-slidertick3.wav' for balancing.
  3. Changed usage of tick sound in Normal diff.
  4. Fixed stack leniency of Hard from 3 to 4.

Nice map, ranked! ;)
랭크 축하해여~~
축하 드려요~

( 쿠리아를 넘을것인가! )
100만 플카로 가버렷 ><
축축 ~~
another one :o congratz :D
Quick, everyone cash in on the most popular song of the moment!
grats! :3
another version? o.o

Offset seems a bit early, applying +10 online offset.

lolcubes wrote:

Offset seems a bit early, applying +10 online offset.
you have some mistakes. is same with this beatmap(mp3 files).

why only this beatmap get changed?
Hmm... The offset was fine when I played this.

Hm, I have downloaded the map for the first time today and I have confirmed it with 2 other people.
It's possible it's a mistake but I had to play it with +11 to achieve my record at least.

edit: after further checking with Faust, we came to the conclusion that adding +8 on this version and +10 on Kuria's was the best solution (this version has 120 offset, Kuria's has 118).
I have checked Kuria's version now because apparently the mp3 originates from there, and with +10:
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