
What is pp?

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I don't really know if this is the forum to ask in so tell me if i'm in the wrong forum.
I checked osu wiki to see what pp is, but i don't understand what they mean at all. my english isn't the best.
"Performance Points (pp) is a ranking metric aiming to be more contextually relevant to a continuous game like osu!. It aims to shift the focus from being on the amount of time played to the actual skill of the player" is just way to hard for me to understand at all. Could anyone explain this to me in an easier way without using so many difficult words? x)
pp rates how well you play osu!. If you get a top 600 score with a high degree of accuracy, then you will get pp points for your performance. The more pp points you have, the better you will need to perform to ger additional points.
top 600? says who? this is incorrect information.
I was giving a rough approximation.

wiki wrote:

If your score is not in the top 600 scores for a map, you may gain fewer pp or not have that score counted.

Lol I didn't even read the op, but how can you not understand this? It seems really simple to me....

Lets say you and your friend have been playing osu. You have been playing for 6 months, and he started yesterday. But because your friend is talented at rhythm games, he manages to get higher scores than you. Even though you have spent more time on the game, your friend will have a higher rank than you

omg idk if that was helpful or not but yeah
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Thanks everyone. i kind of get it now. ok not really but a bit xD
Princess, the reason i didn't understand it is because i'm not english...
Also peppy, i love you:D Thank you for making osu <3
"Performance Points (pp) is a ranking metric aiming to be more contextually relevant to a continuous game like osu!. It aims to shift the focus from being on the amount of time played to the actual skill of the player"
"Prestasjonspoeng (pp) er en rangering som skal være mer innholdsmessig relevant i et spill som osu!. Det har som mål å skifte fokuset fra hvor mye/lenge en har spilt, til et mål for spillerens faktiske ferdigheter."

Hvis du skulle lure på hvordan pp faktisk fungerer, så er det bare å ta en titt på linken som Princess postet. Om det er noe der du ikke forstår, kan du godt PM'e meg in-game, eller bare stikke innom #skandinavian. Det er mange hjelpsomme sjeler som gjerne stiller opp der! :)
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Thanks CXu:) finally understood lol. i'll probably add you in-game:)
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