
"This score doesn't look right" Thread

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Player [rurusiyu] clears stage with cheater under difficulty IOSYS-Miracle-Hinacle[Vieroz Curse].
You can see through spinner section as attached screen shot shows. Please consult and dispose it with staidness.

The attchment below is 22% brightness increase screen shot.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
A lot of earlier Catch the Beat replays have bugged replays with misses that don't show up in the scores. And the map mikhe linked, as well as Oblivion by darrihuka have top scores with combos exceeding the maximum obtainable.
Can you look at this one? I know that this is FCable but I feel something strange in movement of this guy D:


Second place on Easy has no mods and a score that even the autobot can't acheive.
Ok, this might be a witch hunt but after talking with a lot of people, I'd really like to request someone to check up on this guy:

Note his accuracy and rank.

Now look at this: (just a couple of his scores)

Ok seriously, top players would have trouble getting those scores if you watch the replays. I smell another one_love macro user >_> I think the playcounts in his profile are just there for show or that's how many times it took him to get a perfect run >_>

I really don't buy this guy.
The "Over The Future" replay is ridiculous. Most of the notes he hits can't even be seen anymore due to the flashlight's range.. *sigh* Yeah, check him out.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I'll talk to him as a same Korean.

At first, he played like this
638 plays - Yoko Hikasa - Don't Say "Lazy" [Alazy]
578 plays - t+pazolite feat. - Okkusenman (Hardcore Mix) [Hard]

But it sucks play counts so now he plays a map with Spun-out mod until he FC it. (About 200~500 retrys)
That's why his playcount is low.

14:20 <kkhpeople>: Macro? Is there something like macro on osu?
Yes, this words has no authenticity
He said he might take a video like Cyc's justice to Believe SS
He got really angry D:
edit: His live video is not very effective :p

His damn #1 records are here
Let's check his records.

By the way, this reminds me about my past.
Some osu-ers said "I'm convinced that minyeob uses tablet" "minyeob uses tablet wtf"
I uploaded "LIVE VIDEO" orz

Fuck Flaslight :o

Believe or not,
It's very hard to doubt kkhpeople for me.
I saw his success&failure for so many many times......
edit: This is an old story he's a pro actor. He released his true character lol

He respects ShaggoN lol

minyeob wrote:

I'll talk to him as a same Korean.

He said he plays a map with Spun-out mod until he FC it. (About 200~500 retrys)
I don't think you understand what macros do.

He just needs one good run, record it as a macro, then add Hidden and Flashlight then run the macro since clicking does not change with these mods.

Me and Takuma and Megaman were just speccing him play that map he took #1 from Cyclone on, he used Hard Rock ONLY. Not even half an hour later he gets that #1 score with 3 mods. Spun-out, really? I bet if we randomly popped in to spec then we'd find his skill to be quite different ~_~

It's just like one_love where he used Hard Rock to get #1 on Candy man, it's not humanly possible really and he was dumb enough to do it, this is just less obvious.

I can't even see top players like Jerry getting those scores as fast as he did.

Also with spun out, he can do the same thing with the macro, just spin normally where there are spinners, record a good run then add mods and run the recording, no difference at all.

Those videos aren't live, they're based on replays and shows nothing because unlike Cyclone he's an unproven player with a very low rank and accuracy to show. As well, even if he did record his hands and osu in game screen on a replay how would we know he didn't use a macro? Just look at his profile:

3h - Chihara Minori (Nagato Yuki) - Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite [Hard] 6,952,104 (SH)
4h - Chihara Minori (Nagato Yuki) - Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite [Hard] 5,908,521 (S)
4h - Chihara Minori (Nagato Yuki) - Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite [Hard] 5,870,646 (S)

First 4h ago HR S, he didn't like the acc.
Second 4h ago HR S, he liked it and was recorded
3h ago #1 SH he puts on Flashlight and Hidden and runs his recording. Note this map isn't even on his most played list and that Spun-out thing is hard to believe.

How he seems to be oblivious of macros totally made me laugh. Even if he did make a "live" video it's still easily editable, I will not believe he's legit until I see him play in person because the speed at which he gets Flashlight/Hidden #1s on hard maps is quite impossible. Not 100% impossible, but for a very unknown player, yeah I'll take my chances that his scores are macro'd.

Why don't you try getting any player to Hidden + Flashlight SS/S on Under the Sky Another and Over the Future Hard in 200 or whatever number of plays? I'd like to see that very much if you want to show me that it's doable.
Taiko Insane #1's play looks impossible.
Cuz... he doesn't use left side. But he used only right side and mouse...
I think it's hack :3

Taiko - Easy 2nd place.
Taiko - Normal - 1st and 3rd place.
Taiko - Hard - 1st and 2nd place.
Taiko - Insane - 1st and 2nd place.

All these scores get a full combo but in the replay it clearly shows they miss several, I've seen this before but not on this scale. Is it a problem with the replays?

#1 score, I think that's enough said, especially if you look at his profile

#3 (CtB, Normal) Mods: Hard Rock, Hidden

I watched his replay, and it seems hacked to me. His jumps are similar to |Auto|'s and he avoids droplets? Hmmm...

Download: yuliu1202 - Haru - Shanghai Tea House (Instrumental) [Normal] (2009-07-06) CatchTheBeat.osr

MegaManEXE wrote:


#1 score, I think that's enough said, especially if you look at his profile
I thought one_love was banned orz

Derekku Chan wrote:

MegaManEXE wrote:


#1 score, I think that's enough said, especially if you look at his profile
I thought one_love was banned orz
Yeah me too

I guess he just got his scores wiped and had to start over?

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Uh...yeah. Hard rock S and then the very next run flashlight + hard rock + hidden S?


So is that enough for a ban yet or still no
Like I said he can add Flashlight and Hidden once he gets a good enough (in his definition) full combo run because it's recorded and Hidden/Flashlight doesn't change how he has to move/click. So many of his scores support this and when he overtook Cyclone's #1 on Moun, that certainly was the case.

Best way would be to just compare his Hard Rock replay (the play he used to macro Hidden and Flashlight on, so his most recent S before SH) against his HardRock Flashlight Hidden replay, bet you they have the same accuracy and everything, lulz. Pay attention to this and you will easily catch him. It's not he's trying to hide his macros so just pay attention. If you spec him though he probably won't be stupid enough to do this, I know when we spec'd him with Takuma he waited til no one was speccing to add Flashlight and Hidden and instantly overtook Cyclone's #1, that was epic lulz.
E-detectivework ftw

(Large picture warning)

Today I noticed that kkhpeople was online, so I checked his profile to see what latest shenanigans he's been up to, since he's very suspicious, and saw that he achieved rank #36 in Nightmare (Normal):

I happened to load up this browser window while I was speccing the tail end of his run for the #1 rank, for the record, and when I saw the final score I immediately screenshotted this.

Okay, anyways, so then he goes afk for a while (sorry, don't have pics of this), comes back, loads up Nightmare (Normal) and gets rank #1 in one run using hidden/flashlight. WITH THE SAME EXACT ACCURACY AND NUMBER OF 50s AS IN HIS #36 RUN:

And I've taken the liberty of screenshotting his recent #1 rank as well so you don't have to go look at the beatmap listing:

Immediately after I specced the last 15~ seconds of that #1 run, what does this guy do?

Why, he goes off to spec someone else of course, so that I'll stop speccing him.

y u scared bro, u hidin sumthin?

Can we please ban this blatant cheater now? These kinds of people are the worst, I have zero respect for them.

And while you're at it please that cheater ban one_love too, this time for good.
lol ^

I also like how his profile is always normal gold S then right away a silver S #1 score.

Does this guy even know that it takes time to memorize maps for Hidden and Flashlight?

maybe he planted a microchip in his brain
Just ban his ass. -_-
He has been active for so much time... it.. makes me mad.

I'm not going to say anything more on the matter, I've found the evidence I wanted and I've directed peppy to this thread so the rest is up to his judgment I guess.

arken1015 wrote:
Taiko Insane #1's play looks impossible.
Cuz... he doesn't use left side. But he used only right side and mouse...
I think it's hack :3
You made a mistake
I didn`t used mouse
arken, you don't need to use the left side to strum quickly. >_>
Ok I had 10x 100s and I didnt hit many big notes (When you use 2 fingers) But the player in front of me had 58x 100s? and got 40k+ more score than me, even if he hit all the you use 2 finger notes I dont think he would be ahead of me with my acc of 98.96%. Oh and Zekira's score raped mine cause obviously he hit all the you use 2 finger notes and only had 10x 100s, looked like he missed the last 2 notes. But even if my math proves me wrong I still declare BS, and This player does not hack im sure I have played him in Multiplayer.


march9th wrote:

You made a mistake
I didn`t used mouse
Umm... That's right. I didn't see anything(=X2 score on Big note)
Ok. It's my mistake. Sorry :(
if I used mouse you can see a"喝" when I hit the big note

MegaManEXE wrote:


I'm not going to say anything more on the matter, I've found the evidence I wanted and I've directed peppy to this thread so the rest is up to his judgment I guess.

I looked at the guy/girl's profile and it says there lv93? and only in the 2000ranks
BS lul
Most people around there are 60ish I think
Another Taiko hack for you, #1 [Normal]

I think a picture best describes the hack:

The player gets 100% on the scoreboard with SS, despite the replay containing several misses, its the same problem I described last time really.

Stop hacking taiko people, or there's no point playing it.
Oh look more taiko hacking.
And this one gives everything away that he's hacking.
I'm pretty sure kkhpeople is macro'ing *again*. Screens below, note the mods (Hidden, Flashlight) and timing of all 4 #1s. (I couldn't include 5 screenshots in one post, so a lack of Normal and Easy will suffice I hope.) One try each huh? Pretty sure these were macros recorded in advance for each difficulty, and kkh just played them all in a row.

Well, maybe I'm wrong though.

I found something stranges on Omega - Max 300 /Taiko, Virus73 is #1 and i looked at he's replay, but he didnt end #1
Same problem with #2

Link of song :

(Look the replays)
Yeah kkh is macroing again. He JUST came online and right away this happens: (1920x1200 resolution so watch out)

Ok, I don't care how much he practises offline or whatever his excuse may be, coming online right away and then getting #2 on Easy (all mods enabled so HR/FL/DT/Hid) and #1 on Normal (HR + FL + Hid), both scores were first runs. And this is exactly what was happening with Shinde's post up there too. You can't seriously believe this is legit.

He's being smart now though, he's getting his SS runs or normal runs without Flashlight/Hidden on Spun Out or offline so we can't save his normal replay to compare against his Flashlight/Hidden, though with all this pile of evidence here why's he still around?
Oh wow I actually saw my name somewhere here lol.
Mittenz, the reason for this is because of the insane number of big notes. You are missing a lot of points by hitting all of them as singles. Also, most of *keysmash name*'s 100s are on the early part, but he hits almost all the big notes as doubles. If only I could count how many big notes there were, I could calculate the exact amount of points lost. See the enormous difference in our scores? The difference between me and *keysmash* is 40k because of the accuracy, while yours and mine are 80k points apart even with almost the same acc. because of you lacking points in big notes. For an easier comparison, each big note you hit as a single note can be equivalent to 100ing that note. (but I must agree that *keysmash* does not deserve to be in top 10 :\ I'm almost tempted to go back to Taiko rankings just to lessen the number of people that are abusing their free time to get through the ranks.)

Also, moving on to the next matter, I could somehow tell that replays on Taiko are still a bit faulty (not sure why though), as I've seen some of my replays go LKSJDGNOEg too even if I FCed the song. I can't remember which, though... I just really know that there are some replays that are screwed. Because I really don't believe that NatsumeRin is doing it illegally.

Sir Minelli
Disturbia Paranoia.

Even though I didn't miss or get a 100 at the end of a slider, the score screen will not show "Perfect"
Noriyuki Iwadare - Elise Deauxnim - Simple Melody
14:31 < Pulsje> Normal number 1 mtn1

I haven't confirmed this myself but I'll just leave it here.

awp wrote:

Noriyuki Iwadare - Elise Deauxnim - Simple Melody
14:31 < Pulsje> Normal number 1 mtn1

I haven't confirmed this myself but I'll just leave it here.
This too:

His cursor just sits exactly in the center and spins 477.
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