
ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning

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姐妹们(AHO Kiiwa)我们有希望啦!
00:13:994 (3) - So uhmm

>edit: tehehehe
Fully checked and fixed plenty bugs according to the new update, time to go.

07:49:16 * tutuhaha is editing ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning Easy
07:49:18 <tutuhaha> 下一下看看
07:49:25 <Pokie> kk wait
07:49:25 <tutuhaha> 帮我看看有没有sliderbug
07:49:35 <Pokie> .
07:51:39 <Pokie> 我重下一下
07:51:39 <Pokie> .
07:51:43 <Pokie> 233
07:54:43 <Pokie> 01:39:095 (2) -
07:54:49 <Pokie> Easy
07:54:53 <Pokie> 短了1/4
07:55:04 <tutuhaha> 这个改了
07:55:09 <tutuhaha> normal也看了
07:55:11 <Pokie> 好
07:55:15 <tutuhaha> 帮我看看hard和kiiwa的
07:55:34 <Pokie> 感覺獵奇
07:55:52 <tutuhaha> 除了dance的难度我其他都没动过Orz
07:55:56 <Pokie> 在時間軸都是看見先消失了再出現
07:56:09 <tutuhaha> 估计又是个bug
07:56:11 <tutuhaha> 我这边也是
07:58:15 <Pokie> Kiiwa沒問題
07:58:20 <tutuhaha> 恩
07:59:17 <tutuhaha> AOH也check一下比较好
07:59:22 <Pokie> 嗯
08:02:38 <Pokie> 都沒問題.w.
08:03:01 <tutuhaha> sg那边频频出现问题Orz
08:03:07 <tutuhaha> 让他等下redl好了
08:03:41 <Pokie> 別的圖也有這種情況就是
08:03:52 <Pokie> 不過slider都沒少
08:04:07 <tutuhaha> Orz
08:04:12 <tutuhaha> 我是缺斤短两
08:04:32 <Pokie> orz
08:06:22 <tutuhaha> 脑残!脑残!!!!
08:06:30 <Pokie> ?!
08:06:32 <Pokie> 23333
08:06:41 <tutuhaha> fix一个又来一个算毛线!
08:06:49 <tutuhaha> 让SG redl了O_O
08:06:59 <Pokie> =w=||| 好
08:11:09 <tutuhaha> 这货Orz
08:11:12 <tutuhaha> 说持续有bug
08:12:08 <Pokie> 問一下是不是其他圖也有這狀況吧..我這邊看是只有時間軸出問題
08:12:30 <tutuhaha> SG说aho的diff持续触状况
08:12:55 <Pokie> aho的我也看了 slider安好 ..當然除了時間軸
08:13:25 <Pokie> 其實不如說他那難度幾乎沒看見缺slider
08:13:30 <tutuhaha> 噗
08:13:42 <Pokie> 可能每個人遇到的情況不太一樣..
08:15:13 <tutuhaha> 我也这么觉得
08:15:29 <tutuhaha> 现在挡在我rerank路上的居然是老板?!
08:16:00 <tutuhaha> 你重下下看看
08:16:02 <Pokie> 233
08:16:32 <Pokie> hao
08:19:26 <tutuhaha> 这有点错
08:19:29 <tutuhaha> 挫
08:19:32 <Pokie> .
08:19:36 <tutuhaha> 娜娜亚说第一下看见是蓝线
08:19:42 <tutuhaha> 出去后进来就变白线了
08:19:44 <tutuhaha> 艹
08:19:46 <Pokie> ...
08:19:48 <tutuhaha> 太恶心
08:20:17 <Pokie> 眼花的機率有幾成
08:20:41 <tutuhaha> 哦呀
08:20:49 <tutuhaha> 出了点好玩的事情
08:20:51 * tutuhaha is listening to ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning
08:20:54 <Pokie> ?!
08:20:57 <tutuhaha> 来看auto打
08:21:24 <tutuhaha> 卧槽
08:21:28 <Pokie> ?!
08:21:32 <tutuhaha> pokie快点帮我rebubble
08:21:35 <tutuhaha> 然后SG rank
08:21:46 <Pokie> 臥槽
08:21:52 <tutuhaha> 我啥都不干了
08:21:55 <Pokie> auto君你怎麼了
08:21:58 <tutuhaha> 啥都不传
08:22:17 <Pokie> SG那邊沒問題..?
08:22:27 <tutuhaha> SG那边looks allgood了
08:22:40 <Pokie> 行等我再重新看眼
08:24:18 <tutuhaha> 妈蛋等会
08:24:28 <Pokie> .
08:24:35 <tutuhaha> 我先重启
08:27:45 <tutuhaha> pokie先别轻举妄动
08:28:35 <Pokie> .
08:28:43 <Pokie> 腫麼了
08:29:13 <tutuhaha> Dance有bug
08:29:26 <Pokie> 對 auto play時略瘋狂
08:29:30 <tutuhaha> 你先帮我把除了dance的都拿auto看一边
08:29:59 <Pokie> 好
08:30:53 <tutuhaha> 另一个dance没问题
08:31:03 <tutuhaha> 我传两一个dance
08:31:07 <tutuhaha> 另一个
08:31:08 <tutuhaha> 稍等
08:31:12 <Pokie> okok
08:31:22 <Pokie> (竟然有備份
08:31:29 <tutuhaha> 我艹这到底是如何捉鸡
08:31:53 <tutuhaha> 应该说幸好我有要不就真捉鸡了
08:31:57 <tutuhaha> 其他的我真的没有
08:32:02 <tutuhaha> 你先看其他的
08:32:21 <Pokie> 看中
08:34:15 <Pokie> ENH Clear
08:35:53 <tutuhaha> Dance新的上传了
08:36:10 <Pokie> Kiiwa Clear
08:38:34 <Pokie> 更新了下還是bug..再重下去
08:40:35 <Pokie> auto還是抽...
08:40:37 <Pokie> 00:13:994 (3) -
08:41:00 <tutuhaha> 啥?!
08:41:12 <tutuhaha> 这个slider确实是有问题我改了
08:41:15 <Pokie> 00:17:950 - 忘記這裡有沒東西的了..
08:41:15 <tutuhaha> 其他的呢?!
08:41:34 <tutuhaha> 他没莫名X什么吧?
08:41:46 <tutuhaha> 卧槽
08:41:52 <tutuhaha> 这算啥
08:43:37 <Pokie> 其他圖/難度都沒這問題..
08:45:34 <Pokie> 2ha你現在備份一下其他難度
08:45:50 <Pokie> 進Normal跟Hard ctrl+S一下
08:46:03 <Pokie> 現在那兩難度都是v11
08:46:07 <Pokie> Dance我試試看能不能解決
08:46:50 <Pokie> hhhhhhhhhhh
08:47:24 <Pokie> 什麼鬼啊臥槽
08:48:22 <Pokie> 想說找自己的圖比較一下 結果slider全不見了
08:51:57 <tutuhaha> 这今天搞不成了
08:52:05 <tutuhaha> #modhelp
08:52:21 <Pokie> 等等
08:52:31 <Pokie> 你將所有note select
08:52:45 <Pokie> 在時間軸前/後移再移回來
08:52:48 <Pokie> 然後再test
08:52:50 <Pokie> 就沒事了
08:53:00 <tutuhaha> -_-
08:53:04 <Pokie> 你save一次上傳
08:53:09 <Pokie> 看看還有沒有問題
08:53:12 <tutuhaha> 我..看看
08:53:18 <tutuhaha> 卧槽怎么这么傻逼
08:54:40 <tutuhaha> 我重启下
08:54:41 <Pokie> 你上傳好我再重下一次
08:54:43 <Pokie> 嗯
08:54:45 <Pokie> 同重啟
08:54:46 No such nick
08:56:20 <tutuhaha> 搞掂
08:56:24 <Pokie> ?!
08:56:27 <tutuhaha> 重下重下
08:56:40 <Pokie> 2ha竟然說廣東話等等2ha原本就是廣東人嗎
08:56:55 <tutuhaha> 记得帮我看看有没有unsnap,我就是点了snap才出这破问题
08:56:59 <Pokie> .
08:57:01 <Pokie> 行
08:57:04 <tutuhaha> :O我是在广东长大的
08:57:11 <Pokie> ohoh
08:57:31 <tutuhaha> -_-
08:57:33 <Pokie> .
08:57:33 <tutuhaha> 还是有
08:57:34 <Pokie> =_=
08:57:34 <tutuhaha> 奇怪
08:58:27 <tutuhaha> 再重传
08:58:28 <tutuhaha> 稍等
08:59:32 * tutuhaha is watching ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning Dance |Autoplay|
08:59:35 <tutuhaha> 我这边现在好了
08:59:36 <tutuhaha> 你试试
09:00:49 <Pokie> 重下系列
09:01:04 <tutuhaha> Orz
09:01:07 <tutuhaha> 娜娜亚说ok了
09:01:10 <tutuhaha> 你那边呢
09:01:17 <Pokie> 稍等重下中
09:01:22 <Pokie> 還好早上網速都不錯
09:01:24 <tutuhaha> 恩
09:01:27 <tutuhaha> 噗
09:02:01 <Pokie> _(:3 」∠)_還好去看了眼tech support的帖子
09:02:08 <tutuhaha> 噗
09:03:30 <Pokie> 但始終有個問題
09:03:40 <Pokie> 代碼裡出現了若干的NaN
09:03:44 <tutuhaha> 还有半小时
09:03:48 <tutuhaha> 半小时内一定要搞掂搞掂
09:03:53 <tutuhaha> nan是啥
09:03:53 <Pokie> 半小時SG要睡麼瞎了
09:03:57 <Pokie> 我也不知道
09:04:07 <tutuhaha> 不是我这边要禁网了
09:04:10 <Pokie> 噢
09:04:46 <tutuhaha> 代码里面..NaN?
09:05:22 <Pokie> 對
09:05:27 <Pokie> 你看下面hitobject
09:05:35 <Pokie> slider的代碼中間出現個NaN
09:06:06 <Pokie> 我看一下其他人的圖
09:06:55 <Pokie> 其他圖不按save沒出現那問題..
09:07:02 <Pokie> 那算不算bug我也不知道
09:07:06 <Pokie> 你問問SG麼..
09:07:15 <tutuhaha> hitobject是啥
09:07:42 <Pokie> 打開.osu
09:07:50 <tutuhaha> 然后
09:08:00 <Pokie> 有分metadata events什麼的吧
09:08:04 <Pokie> 下面的hitobjects
09:08:08 <tutuhaha> 哦看到了
09:08:21 <tutuhaha> 我这里没啊
09:08:23 <Pokie> 那個NaN的?!
09:08:32 <Pokie> slider代碼..木有麼
09:08:40 <Pokie>
09:08:44 <Pokie> 我這裡是這樣的
09:09:04 <tutuhaha> 没有
09:09:11 <tutuhaha> 我这里全都超正常1
09:09:17 <tutuhaha> 是读取问题么
09:09:21 <Pokie> 唔………
09:10:00 <tutuhaha> 我这边全都是正常数字
09:10:11 <Pokie> 開一下Normal的
09:10:28 <tutuhaha> -口-啊看到了
09:10:31 <Pokie> =o=
09:11:03 <tutuhaha> 按了下snap就什么都没了
09:11:06 <Pokie> ?!
09:11:48 <Pokie> 喔喔喔
09:12:21 <Pokie> auto跑一次看看去
09:13:55 <tutuhaha> 打了下无异常
09:13:58 <Pokie> 嗯snap後沒問題了..更新一下
09:14:05 <Pokie> 然後我泡了去
09:14:12 <tutuhaha> 我上传中
09:14:15 <tutuhaha> 稍等
09:15:02 <tutuhaha> 人性呢
09:15:06 <tutuhaha> 更新完成
09:15:06 <Pokie> 人性呢
09:15:08 <tutuhaha> 你试试
09:15:09 <Pokie> 行
09:15:40 <Pokie> hhhh
09:15:43 <Pokie> Easy要修
09:15:47 <Pokie> Auto抽了
09:15:58 <tutuhaha> 我了个
09:15:59 <Pokie> 加油 我去看Normal
09:17:19 <tutuhaha> up了
09:17:32 <Pokie> kk
09:19:25 <tutuhaha> 没问题了Orz
09:20:22 <Pokie> 是..終於
03:28 tutuhaha: :D good news, the beginning is already rebubble! can you help me rerank it?
03:29 SapphireGhost:
03:29 tutuhaha: Orz
03:29 SapphireGhost: I'm trying to play app maps at the moment, hehe
03:30 tutuhaha: :O which one
03:30 SapphireGhost:
03:31 tutuhaha: O_O................
03:31 tutuhaha: you want to killed cookie?
03:31 SapphireGhost: That's a bit difficult
03:31 SapphireGhost: I don't get enough pp for my efforts!
03:31 tutuhaha: XDDDD
03:36 SapphireGhost: Alright, I'll try the new Dance
03:38 tutuhaha: www
03:38 tutuhaha: will be more easy Orz
03:42 SapphireGhost: 00:13:994 (3) - ?
03:42 tutuhaha: :O
03:42 tutuhaha: Orz
03:42 SapphireGhost: It seems to be too short?
03:42 tutuhaha: baka osu Orz
03:42 tutuhaha: ppy so baka Orz
03:43 tutuhaha: fix Orz
03:45 SapphireGhost: 00:15:972 (1) - in AngelHoney
03:45 SapphireGhost: I think it's too long this time
03:46 tutuhaha: :D... is ok?
03:47 SapphireGhost:
03:47 SapphireGhost: It should repeat on the red tick, right?
03:48 SapphireGhost: In fact, many of the sliders in this difficulty seem to be accidentally extended
03:48 tutuhaha: OAO.....oh in my place it is on red tick
03:48 tutuhaha: already update
03:48 tutuhaha: check again?
03:48 SapphireGhost: Something is strange, I'll try redownloading
03:49 tutuhaha: god
03:50 tutuhaha: easy has bug too
03:50 tutuhaha: why ppy fix bug then this map has many bug D:
03:52 tutuhaha: please just check aho and dance now, I try to fix another diff bug
03:53 SapphireGhost: It seems better
03:54 tutuhaha: Orz yes
04:00 SapphireGhost: 00:40:702 (3) - in AngelHoney, I think it happened again
04:00 SapphireGhost: on version that I downloaded
04:00 tutuhaha: in my part it is end at red line Orz
04:01 tutuhaha: try to remake this slider Q_Q..
04:03 tutuhaha: pokie help us to check this bug too now
04:03 tutuhaha: she said all good now, try to re dl?
04:03 tutuhaha: ACTION is listening to [ ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning]
04:07 SapphireGhost: 00:40:702 (3) - It's still there for me
04:07 SapphireGhost: 00:28:504 (5) - As well as this one
04:07 SapphireGhost: And more, aah
04:07 tutuhaha: Dance?!
04:07 SapphireGhost: AngelHoney
04:08 tutuhaha: God
04:08 tutuhaha: wait Orz
04:08 tutuhaha: and more?!
04:08 SapphireGhost: The bug keeps happening
04:08 tutuhaha: Orz
04:09 tutuhaha: try to re state osu
04:09 tutuhaha: I think you dont update new things Q_Q
04:09 SapphireGhost: I've deleted and redownloaded many times
04:09 SapphireGhost: Ask someone else?
04:10 tutuhaha: no ppy update something new about osu
04:10 tutuhaha: do you already update?
04:10 SapphireGhost: Ohh
04:10 SapphireGhost: Okay okay, I get it
04:11 SapphireGhost: Looks like I've already got the most recent update
04:11 tutuhaha: Orz can you play AHO diff now?
04:11 tutuhaha: I will see what's happen
04:14 SapphireGhost: Now it looks okay
04:14 tutuhaha: pokie said it is ok too
04:14 tutuhaha: ms0080345 test it can SS and now he check too Orz
04:18 SapphireGhost: Finally it seems fixed
04:18 tutuhaha: I hope so
04:18 tutuhaha: now make sure when they play they all are in 1/4
04:20 SapphireGhost: Looks good
04:20 SapphireGhost: I'll rebubble this and someone can check it carefully for rank
04:21 tutuhaha: ;w;
04:21 tutuhaha: :O
04:21 tutuhaha: pokie will rebubble!
04:21 SapphireGhost: Oh oh
04:21 SapphireGhost: Okay
04:21 tutuhaha: D:can you rank?!
04:21 SapphireGhost: Sure
04:21 tutuhaha: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
04:21 tutuhaha:
05:22 tutuhaha: !
05:22 tutuhaha: ACTION is listening to [ ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning]
05:22 tutuhaha: Orz
05:22 tutuhaha: get it
05:22 tutuhaha: pokie and I and some player check it 1 hour QAQ
05:22 tutuhaha: make sure no bug now Orz
05:22 tutuhaha: .........
05:23 tutuhaha: wait!
05:23 SapphireGhost: ??
05:24 tutuhaha: ok nothing
05:24 tutuhaha: ACTION is editing [ ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning [Dance]]
05:24 tutuhaha: already bubbleOrz
05:25 SapphireGhost: Nothing?
05:25 tutuhaha: yes!
05:25 tutuhaha: can you test play all diff?
05:28 SapphireGhost: Alright, in a moment
05:29 tutuhaha: good news XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
05:29 tutuhaha: I dont have class tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05:29 tutuhaha: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05:30 SapphireGhost: I'm happy for you!!
05:31 tutuhaha: XDDDDDDDDDD
05:31 tutuhaha: girl's dorm was "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" now
05:44 SapphireGhost: Okay, now to make a rank post
05:45 tutuhaha: ;口;AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
05:45 tutuhaha: YEAHHHHH
05:45 tutuhaha: god my first unrank map Orz....
05:46 tutuhaha: ┏ (゜ω゜)=☞
It finally ends. Even though it was alright from the beginning.
┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!

Pokie wrote:

┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!
it's tu good tu be true haha
22haha so 2

Pokie wrote:

┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!

Pokie wrote:

┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2

Pokie wrote:

┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!
grats 22, I still think unrank was unnecessary, map is still eggpain hard :D

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2

SapphireGhost wrote:

Pokie wrote:

┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ tutuhaha has a rerank on 2/22!
it's tu good tu be true haha
Argh, the puns so early in the morning q:

Congrats, 2ha~
hmm not bad, grats 2ha :3

now when my version will got ranked? xD
haha finally ranked! congrats!!wwwwww
Gratz! I'm really happy this got resolved. :3
The map is still just as fun. Awesome job 2ha!. (:
S o r d a
oh finally gratz 22!

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2
22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 congrats
Colin Hou

Colin Hou wrote:

congrats tutu :D!
Congrats on the rerank! It's still really hard but fun.

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2

Natteke wrote:

grats 22, I still think unrank was unnecessary, map is still eggpain hard :D
why naruto bg T T
nice beatmap btw

Liutprando wrote:

why naruto bg T T
nice beatmap btw
Because of the MAD Video I guess.
竟然...竟然....竟然做到了! 革命成功了!

wmfchris wrote:

22haha so 2

(/me runs

tutuhaha wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年2月21日 at 19:16:33

Title: The Beginning
Tags: MAD AngelHoney Naruto Shippuuden Kiiwa
BPM: 182
Filesize: 18055kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. AngelHoney (4.99 stars, 261 notes)
  2. Dance (5 stars, 406 notes)
  3. Easy (2.92 stars, 120 notes)
  4. Hard (4.94 stars, 283 notes)
  5. Kiiwa (4.99 stars, 282 notes)
  6. Normal (4.04 stars, 152 notes)
Download: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning
Download: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
How beautiful song T口T:
Because I love this song so much, maybe when I have time I will make a full one
well, no more crazy ╮(╯▽╰)╭
MAD from niconico
then another cooooooool MAD:
ONE OK ROCK - Re:make
ONE OK ROCK - Shake it down
Thank you for Byakugan249 and NTR help me to check the timing
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