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I guess everyone plays ranked nowadays. =O
I ended up dodging my first placement match because 3 people complained about me picking jungle Warwick. This new ranked system seems to have made ranked a whole hell of a lot more stressful than it needs to be. I'd rather just play normals and not care.
Nah i have 4000+ normal games (2200wins 1800 losses) if u count all my accounts, i just dick around a lot.
Ranked too try hard, i play once in a while to test myself but i never take it too seriously.

Also i don²t really get it, i was 1560 when preseason ended and it still put me in silver I, meh i don²t even care

Yuffy-Nu wrote:

Summoner name: Yafui
Lvl 30 been playing since 2010 June :x
Add me if you want, it'd be fun to play with new people.(New to me)
The whole new ranking system seems to be causing some stress to friends of mine cause they took the ranking games more serious. I asked them why and they want to be better then everyone else, I never take this game serious at all and I won't be doing ranking games anytime soon.

Also...dafuk happen to this match? o_o;

Feel free to add me too, my name is I Feed My Lane.
Kanye West
Where did Phreak go...?
Its been a while since I've played. What are the top ADC's and Supports nowadays?

NikFreaX wrote:

Its been a while since I've played. What are the top ADC's and Supports nowadays?
How long are we talking? It's been more or less the same (with the exception of Nunu(nerfed pretty hard recently)/Cait/Miss Fortune becoming very popular recently) since finals. Ezreal is still #1 probably. Corki has been seeing less and less play since S3 started (the trin force cost reduction might help).

No idea how far you're talking and I can only really talk about the last 5 or 6 months
Ezreal focuses more on bursts of damage, and with the building of Trinity Force dying down, he is driven further and further away from this focus. Iceborn Gauntlet doesn't match Trinity Force's damage output; it's more of a utility item.

Sync wrote:

NikFreaX wrote:

Its been a while since I've played. What are the top ADC's and Supports nowadays?
How long are we talking? It's been more or less the same (with the exception of Nunu(nerfed pretty hard recently)/Cait/Miss Fortune becoming very popular recently) since finals. Ezreal is still #1 probably. Corki has been seeing less and less play since S3 started (the trin force cost reduction might help).

No idea how far you're talking and I can only really talk about the last 5 or 6 months
Thanks, and yeah I've been gone for that 5-6 month period.
Yes, the building of Trinity Force is dying down BECAUSE of Iceborn Gauntlet (and it cost so much, but it's like 300g less now) (on ezreal, anyways)

Iceborn Gauntlet is a great item on Ezreal -- it offers an AoE damage + slow to suit his pokey nature. I'm not sure what you're trying to say exactly -- do you think Ezreal isn't as good because Trinity Force is less favorable?
No no, Trinity Force is less popular because it got a really huge nerf on patch V1.0.0.152. However, people have yet to realize that for an extra 503 gold you get so much more damage output compared to Iceborn Gauntlet; 30 AD PLUS a bonus equal to 150% of your AD instead of 125% for just 500 gold? It's a steal! Perhaps I just don't consider Iceborn Gauntlet on Ezreal a good enough buy.
Yes, it was cost inefficient because of the nerfs. Phage takes ~forever~ to build now.

I'm not sure how long ago the price reduction on Trinity Force was (a week or two, perhaps? More?). People may be building it more often now, especially on Ezreal. However, Iceborn Gauntlet in combination with his Q is really nothing to mess around with, especially when poking under tower where everybody is pretty close together.

The main problem with Ezreal is that he doesn't get punished enough for mistakes made. Compared to Corki's escape, his blink is less mana and on a much lower cooldown as well (EDIT: It's actually has a lot more range, though. Not sure if this compensates or not. Also they lowered the mana costs (or are planning to) recently so perhaps he's really not that bad right now). He's super safe in lane and pretty hard to pull off a gank on a lot of the time if you catch him while his cooldowns are up.

Honestly though, I don't play AD/Support that much; however, I'm pretty sure Ezreal is the most popular AD Carry still in both low-level play and competitive play because not only is he easy to pick up, he's very rewarding if played well. Didn't he get nerfed in the last patch? Perhaps he'll start seeing less play now though I expect him still to be a pretty standard pick.

(70% unrelated to the topic at hand)

(buff corki for players like me who can't AD plzzz)
triforce has never been cost inefficient and will never be cost inefficient unless it is raised to 5000-5400 gold and even then i'd still buy it on a few characters

its stat distribution is basically a flat base upgrade to almost every single character stat and the extra 50% on spellblade proc and phage slow merged into one item makes it a fantastic buy on just about anyone. iceborn is nice, but much better on characters that can utilize the extra stats (gauntlet on malphite is a terrifying thing). don't be tricked into thinking the field slow deals damage when the field is initially placed - it doesn't, a lot of people seem to think it does

ezreal's escape is a small factor in what makes him so good, tbh. his passive is EXTREMELY good for an AD, possibly the best passive of all the AD carries since a 45% attack speed increase is a massive dps increase which can be maintained with very little effort on his part over the course of a teamfight. it's a natural flat power bonus to him that makes every purchase of AD on him worth more by default simply because he can use it better. couple this with essence flux still imparting a fairly potent slow, a free flash every 16 seconds, a global ultimate and a 1.55x attack range poke/farming ability and you get one of the most well-rounded attack skillsets that league has to offer

and to compensate for that he has mediocre base health and poor resist scaling - something shared with every other AD carry

AD ezreal has never been a poor pick even in the depths of his nerfs way back when, he was just a lot harder to pick up then. with the new itemization offering even greater offensive polarisation on him, he's super-viable now and they'd literally have to chuck a rengar on him to drop him down to a reasonable level. so they wont and instead will likely bring other AD carries up to his level with small changes as they have been doing

Justykanna wrote:

I guess everyone plays ranked nowadays. =O
Screw ranked.

loljk I'm almost level 30. But in all honesty, I don't really plan to play ranked for a while, unless I'm going to be duo queueing with zerothefallen, or in a full team of five. Solo queue will never be my thing, for I will just awkwardly stare at people as they die around me and expect me to do something when I'm the only one alive out of a bad engagement.

fwiw, my summoner name is Meliin, both on PBE and NA
To the guy who asked about botlane:
#1 MF
#2 Ez, Cait
#3 The rest
^ can be argued obv, but I honestly feel like we have a new holy trinity. MF, Ez and Cait with MF having a slight edge. Sure, Graves is still fine for quick lvl 6 burst combo but thats p much it.

About Trinity Force and why it isn't that good anymore:
They recently reduced the recipe price to 3, which is a good step in the right direction but not the one Ez needed. What hurts most is the fact that Phage is so damn expensive now. 1465 g, which you could spend on a BF sword which is better for every AD. Well, you would have to farm 85 more but thats only one wave. I don't care about the 1 to 5 slow chance it gives Ez, I feel better off with a BF Sword than a Phage any day. Some people do start with the Sheen now when they go for Trinity which is ok. Sheen is still cheap, but you'd rely on hitting all your Qs. Else you wouldn't get much of it. Starting off with Zeal is just stupid anyway.
Imo there currently are 2 very good build for Ez:
1)Berserker's, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Statik Shiv, Infinity Edge and Warmogs.(Sell Boots for Zephyr when it gets to very late game)
2) Berserker's, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Gauntlet, Infinity Edge and Shiv. (I'd use that if I had to constantly kite)

Agnes wrote:

Screw ranked.

loljk I'm almost level 30. But in all honesty, I don't really plan to play ranked for a while, unless I'm going to be duo queueing with zerothefallen, or in a full team of five. Solo queue will never be my thing, for I will just awkwardly stare at people as they die around me and expect me to do something when I'm the only one alive out of a bad engagement.
I'm not level 30 yet either.
I *usually* play normal with four other people but since I got a job recently, I've been unable to join them.
I do like normal, even without them though. Just solo queueing kinda sucks when I'm used to be with four others in ventrilo.
For my last promotion game I got to play with Citizen(mid for Acer) and against Bob. Was a good game :)
I think trinity just worths on corki at the moment
that new corki skin art <3 haven't seen it in game yet, but dang
Lol, if you wanna add me, Agnes, be my guest (if that's what you were getting at). =P

tyrael6192 wrote:

that new corki skin art <3 haven't seen it in game yet, but dang
i love that fireworks <3
Annie particles are so cool, especially frostfire Annie. That blue fire *_*
Panda Annie looks so adorable. And her recall is just so....hnnnng~ Panda hug.
get first blood vs akali as riven

get accused of hacks because i can 'see through stealth'

endgame "gg game won by a hacker hope you're proud"
Sona new splash just hnghhhh much;;;

tyrael6192 wrote:

get first blood vs akali as riven

get accused of hacks because i can 'see through stealth'

endgame "gg game won by a hacker hope you're proud"
It's obvious you spammed Q in the Twilight shroud, right? I mean, that Akali was so noob, you can't hide with the W if you're vsing Riven lol

Hakeru wrote:

Sona new splash just hnghhhh much;;;
holy..... *_*

ThunderHat wrote:

It's obvious you spammed Q in the Twilight shroud, right? I mean, that Akali was so noob, you can't hide with the W if you're vsing Riven lol
Aye, stunned, ignited, spam q in shroud. das hax tho u cant do that
how to use Elise's E ugh

tyrael6192 wrote:

get first blood vs akali as riven

get accused of hacks because i can 'see through stealth'

endgame "gg game won by a hacker hope you're proud"
I used to get stuff like this a lot. Warwick is so under played that people don't know that his E gives true vision in bushes and fog of war. lol

tyrael6192 wrote:

get first blood vs akali as riven

get accused of hacks because i can 'see through stealth'

endgame "gg game won by a hacker hope you're proud"
People hack this game? o_O
No hahaha, never seen anyone do it since dr terrible back whenever with the 100% cdr on flash... this game seems pretty hack-proof tbh oO makes it all the more silly that she would assume i was hacking

tyrael6192 wrote:

No hahaha, never seen anyone do it since dr terrible back whenever with the 100% cdr on flash... this game seems pretty hack-proof tbh oO makes it all the more silly that she would assume i was hacking
I'm shocked at how stupid the League community is sometimes...
You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world

tyrael6192 wrote:

You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world
Well, any free online strategy game is a retard magnet, but in LoL you can just avoid those by being a good player and playing ranked games :P

ThunderHat wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world
Well, any free online strategy game is a retard magnet, but in LoL you can just avoid those by being a good player and playing ranked games :P

tyrael6192 wrote:

You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world
Any game is a retard magnet. I point specifically to WoW.
A game retard magnetic power is related to how newbie friendly it is, sadly most games are. :(

ThunderHat wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world
but in LoL you can just avoid those by being a good player and playing ranked games :P
Oh, how I wish that was true.

ThunderHat wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

You get used to it

It's like the retard magnet of the gaming world
Well, any free online strategy game is a retard magnet, but in LoL you can just avoid those by being a good player and playing ranked games :P
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