
BT - All That Makes Us Human Continues

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Let's m- zzzzz

ох уж эти слайдертики вообще громкие и не в тему и вообще ;ww; clear

  1. 01:57:957 (5) - здесь по идее должно быть нк, так как тут увеличивается громкость (на остальных секциях нк есть), но я в раздумьях от того, подойдет ли оно сюда по музыке. поразмысли чтоле над этим D:
  2. 02:05:557 (2) - зачем здесь репит? имхо нотка на 02:05:957/цельный слайдер без репита подойдет лучше по этим колокольчикам
  3. 02:33:157 (1,2) - оверлапятся между собой некрасиво, лучше бы (1) изогнуть вниз
  4. 03:02:957 (3) - на одну клетку вниз
  5. 03:13:157 (3) - я б его вниз погнула ;w;
  6. 03:32:357 (5) - вистл на начало и на конец (тут лодка как-то громче скрипит, или что это, я не знаю ;w;)
  7. 04:17:157 (4) - подгони его ровнее под слайдер :<
  8. 04:34:757 (1) - нормал-финиш подошел бы тут лучше (там "пуф" мягче и как-то под атмосферу лучше подходит)
  9. 06:02:357 (9) - убрать клап с конца мб? я не заметила клапов в похожих моментах
  10. 06:37:957 (4) - нк сюда из-за секции
  11. 06:53:957 (3) - сюда бы тоже, да вот нк на следующем слайдере :< подумай
  12. 07:08:357 (2,1) - стало ужасно лень делать красиво? D:< второй слайдер можно просто сделать с помощью новой системы, а код на первый внизу (если понравится офк)

все :3 /noob
удачи \о/
Topic Starter
  1. Resubmit the map. When downloaded, it prompts me to update it.
  2. 01:51:557 (2) - I see that this is meant to look symmetricall, but I feel it would be really smooth and rhythmic to move the red node to the same spot as the first slider-tick. Doing this causes the curve to move the slider-ball just at the right time to be in-time with the beat of the song.
    ok done
  3. 02:11:157 (2,3) - I feel as if the way that this is mapped doesn't fit the previous nature of the map. In my opinion, you should change it to a repeat slider.
  4. 02:15:157 (2) - Put a whistle at the beginning of this slider. It fits well because of the high pitched "ding" at this point.
    i didn't do it here 02:13:157 (4) - and will not do it there too
  5. 02:27:957 (2,3) - It would create a really nice atmosphere to put a whistle on (2) and the beginning of (3) and gradually lower the volume between the whistles to match the music.
    unfortunately, the volume is already 10% and lowering the volume will not make the needed effect :c i wish i could set 1% volume
  6. 02:33:157 (1,2) - This overlap doesn't really fit the way you've been mapping the entire time. I would change it something like this.
  7. 03:06:157 (2) - Shouldn't this have a whistle at the end of it? I believe the music calls for it.
    right, added
  8. 03:47:557 (2) - This should be a bit closer to (1) according to previous occurences like this and the distance snap.
    nah. this is a tiny speed up before next spacing increase
  9. 03:49:157 (3,1) - Once again, this overlap doesn't fit the previous mapping. I would make it so that they don't touch at all, or make them similar to what you did at 02:06:757 (4,1).
    these are fine. i like rare overlaps
  10. 03:59:957 (2) - Having this being a slider seems rather odd due to the fact that there's really no beat where the slider ends. I would just make this a circle (preferably stacked with (1) or an anti-jump).
    there IS a beat
  11. 04:15:557 (2,4) - The way (4) is under the slider-track of (2) looks a bit sloppy. Move and play around with it so that the start of (4) is perfectly under (2)'s slider track, like this.
    i was just waiting for somebody to point that out ;-; fixed
  12. 05:37:957 (3) - Having this as a red node slider looks odd when (1), a slider in similar position and size, is a normal slider. I would just change this slider to be like (1) for neatness. For example, 05:39:557 (6,1). If (1) was a beizer (red node) slider, wouldn't it look a bit wonky?
    (3) has slightly different sound under it. and this really doesn't matter so much. making everything simply curved makes this boring map even more boring
  13. 05:44:357 (2) - ^
    same music difference
  14. 05:56:957 (2,3) - This overlap doesn't fit once again.
    keeping this one
  15. 07:00:357 (2) - A whistle would go well at the end of this slider to fit the music.
This is really peaceful and well mapped as usual. Much luck with this.
Thanks for the mod, Jacob! ^^

Let's m- zzzzz

ох уж эти слайдертики вообще громкие и не в тему и вообще ;ww; clear

  1. 01:57:957 (5) - здесь по идее должно быть нк, так как тут увеличивается громкость (на остальных секциях нк есть), но я в раздумьях от того, подойдет ли оно сюда по музыке. поразмысли чтоле над этим D:
    забыл, вроде бы о.о
  2. 02:05:557 (2) - зачем здесь репит? имхо нотка на 02:05:957/цельный слайдер без репита подойдет лучше по этим колокольчикам
    не знаю, но так надо)
  3. 02:33:157 (1,2) - оверлапятся между собой некрасиво, лучше бы (1) изогнуть вниз
    уже исравил в моде сверху о.о и почему всем не нравится
  4. 03:02:957 (3) - на одну клетку вниз
    здесь не должно было быть прямой линии
  5. 03:13:157 (3) - я б его вниз погнула ;w;
    так раньше было, но я уж оставлю как есть сейчас
  6. 03:32:357 (5) - вистл на начало и на конец (тут лодка как-то громче скрипит, или что это, я не знаю ;w;)
    нее, вистлы у меня для другого предназначены
  7. 04:17:157 (4) - подгони его ровнее под слайдер :<
    ага да о:
  8. 04:34:757 (1) - нормал-финиш подошел бы тут лучше (там "пуф" мягче и как-то под атмосферу лучше подходит)
  9. 06:02:357 (9) - убрать клап с конца мб? я не заметила клапов в похожих моментах
  10. 06:37:957 (4) - нк сюда из-за секции
  11. 06:53:957 (3) - сюда бы тоже, да вот нк на следующем слайдере :< подумай
    ну тут в конце нк съехали, но всё вообще нормально. по музыке подходит как-то
  12. 07:08:357 (2,1) - стало ужасно лень делать красиво? D:< второй слайдер можно просто сделать с помощью новой системы, а код на первый внизу (если понравится офк)
    извини, но форма моего слайдера была тщательно подумана ;-; он такой, какой надо
все :3 /noob
удачи \о/
Пасиба, BCI :3
IRC mod~. not much has changed...

07:22 grumd: hey, Byakugan
07:22 grumd: i see that you're kinda playing now
07:22 grumd: can you test my map then?
07:22 Byakugan249: oh? which map?
07:22 grumd: is away: afk
07:22 grumd: is editing BT - All That Makes Us Human Continues [Calm]
07:22 grumd: this one
07:22 grumd: but let me update first
07:22 Byakugan249: good thing i have it :P
07:23 grumd: lol
07:23 grumd: ok-ok, done
07:23 grumd: i'm specting you
07:30 grumd: \o/
07:30 Byakugan249: omg you have to be damn patient to play this D:
07:30 grumd: haha
07:31 grumd: i thought i had SS here once :D
07:31 Byakugan249: it wouldn't be a surprise if someone got a SS on this :P
07:31 grumd: even with DTHD
07:31 grumd: scoreboard will be full of that
07:31 Byakugan249: yup exactly
07:32 grumd: did you have any thoughts about the map while playing?
07:32 grumd: maybe suggestions? :o
07:35 Byakugan249: 03:03:157 (4) - mm~ the flow here made me feel uneasy and it feels awkward to follow IMO. maybe you can flip this to keep the flow steady?
07:36 grumd: yeah i'll redo this
07:37 grumd: done :D
07:39 Byakugan249: 04:09:157 - are you thinking of adding something here? because i feel that a wiggled slider should be here for that sound in the BGM D:
07:39 grumd: added a repeat to previous slider
07:39 grumd: kinda fits :s
07:40 Byakugan249: yea that's better
07:40 grumd: that part is a shitpart anyway
07:40 Byakugan249: oh? alright then :3
07:40 grumd: i mean that it's quite hard to map that part before spinner
07:40 grumd: so i just did something average there
07:41 Byakugan249: yea i can understand
07:41 grumd: actually, this whole song is hard to map xD
07:41 Byakugan249: really? how so o.0?
07:41 grumd: well, it's almost ambient
07:42 grumd: and it was quite hard to find fitting rhythms sometimes
07:42 Byakugan249: ahh yea i can see that
07:42 Byakugan249: when i played it, it feels as if you had a bit of trouble what to put D:
07:43 Byakugan249: *on
07:43 grumd: i hope it turned out well anyway ;w;
07:45 Byakugan249: 04:59:157 (2,3) - i'm thinking of (3) being stacked on 04:58:157 (7) -. i feel that the transition would be smoother during gameplay. if you do this, then you have to adjust (2)
07:46 Byakugan249:
07:46 grumd: that doesn't make much sense imo
07:46 Byakugan249: oh? then we'll leave it :3
07:46 grumd: during gameplay you don't even remember about (7) when you press (3)
07:47 Byakugan249: true...i'm more of a neat freak when it comes to mapping so yea ><;
07:47 grumd: me too anyway ;3
07:48 grumd: 02:48:357 (6,1)- look at this stack, for example, hah
07:48 Byakugan249: ahh yes this one
07:48 grumd: trying to make everything perfect
07:49 grumd: i could give you some kds btw
07:49 Byakugan249: that explains the non-grid mapping
07:49 grumd: yeah
07:49 grumd: non-grid mapping ftw
07:49 Byakugan249: oh? hmm...if you insist, alright
07:49 grumd: yeah i need some SP i think xD
07:50 Byakugan249: "+16"
07:50 Byakugan249: maybe~ ;)
07:51 grumd: go post your log ;w;
07:52 Byakugan249: i'm at the 5min mark o.o
07:52 grumd: wut
07:52 Byakugan249: i mean i'm at 5mins
07:52 Byakugan249: now i'm at 6
07:53 grumd: i dont see any post o_0
07:53 grumd: maybe link?
07:53 Byakugan249: no i mean the IRC mod
07:53 Byakugan249: when i finish the whole song, i'll post it
07:53 grumd: LOL
07:53 grumd: i understand now xD
07:54 grumd: i thought you're already finished
07:54 grumd: hah, sorry
07:54 Byakugan249: dw about it :3
07:54 Byakugan249: not the 1st time this has happened to me :P
07:54 grumd: silly me ^^'
07:54 Byakugan249: ok that's it ^_^
Topic Starter
Yay, thanks for that couple of suggestions, Byakugan
just little suggestions :3


  1. 05:32:957 (7) - i think here is a nc nedded
  2. 03:31:557 (3) - ctrl + g so you'll have a same pattern that you used before by playing flows better and the sme thing here 03:34:757 (3) -
  3. i thik slider like: could make softer for this king of song if will flow much better i think :
    04:05:157 (3) -
    04:07:557 (3) -
    04:09:957 (1) -
    04:17:157 (4) -
    04:20:357 (2) -
    04:29:957 (4) -
    04:33:157 (3) -
  4. 06:10:857 (5,6) - unsnapped ( or they are snapped to 1/6 o3o)// and i think a new combo to the (5) will be good or to the 06:11:357 (8) - personally by playing i was a little bit lost to see (11) i'm not a pro but is just a suggestion :3
I love this map >u<)/ <3
Topic Starter
Out of that all, added NCs to two biggest jumps in the diff. This makes it more readable, yeah, thanks for that suggestion.
About softer sliders: they are made so sharp because of unique sharp sounds in the music there.
About Ctrl+G suggestion: I like that way of alternating, so no changes.
Well, let's see.

Before I started to mod this Map I listened to the song two times.. I rarely heard such an interesting sound.

01:29:157 (1) - Whistle at the Begin?
01:36:357 (2) - Make this: (I hear a Beat at 01:37:757 which should be used. However, 01:38:757 should be a Slider imo)
01:41:157 (5) - I would keep it consistent from the Spacing. I mean you keep 01:39:557 (3,4) as 1,0x and 01:41:957 (1) too. At all I don't see why to use 1,1x on (5).
03:43:157 (5) - I would love you if you remove it. ;w; (Personally I would not add a Circle here.)
04:47:557 (4) - I find a Triplet with three Circles better as the Slider here.

Well well well, best Mod worldwide. orz
Topic Starter
Well, let's see.

Before I started to mod this Map I listened to the song two times.. I rarely heard such an interesting sound.

01:29:157 (1) - Whistle at the Begin?
01:36:357 (2) - Make this: (I hear a Beat at 01:37:757 which should be used. However, 01:38:757 should be a Slider imo)
it's too early for such patterns here. i'm adding intensity smoothly over time
01:41:157 (5) - I would keep it consistent from the Spacing. I mean you keep 01:39:557 (3,4) as 1,0x and 01:41:957 (1) too. At all I don't see why to use 1,1x on (5).
the spacing increases because so does the SV. it changes from 0.75 to 1.0 here
03:43:157 (5) - I would love you if you remove it. ;w; (Personally I would not add a Circle here.)
okay yeah, removing circle
04:47:557 (4) - I find a Triplet with three Circles better as the Slider here.
...and how is player supposed to predict the 1/6? that would make it unreadable. not adding it under any circumstance

Well well well, best Mod worldwide. orz

Thanks :3
Hi there~~ mod for request~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Switch Combo Colour 2 & 3? could make your combo change more readable :>
  2. Try this soft-hitfinish to instead of default?
    Click here to download
  1. First, use "white.png" to instead "black.jpg" and then use C code to dye it black. Also, the white.png could do some more effect for u that i'm going to introduce.
  2. 04:03:957 - from here to 04:39:557 - , this part is very important in the music, so consider to add an effect here by that "white.png".
    put it at bottom of your SB code and hope you like it~~
  3. and also, if you would like to, you can apply white.png with P...A code to your pulse effects following :)
  1. 01:29:157 (1) - When i heard this slider, i suddenly notice that despite in other cases we neglect soft-slidertick sample, the default slidertick is heard nice here. So i suppose maybe you can add a slidertick sample to your folder and rename it to something else like soft-hitclap, and add it to the end of this slider to instead default soft-hitnormal? and also some other sliders like 01:41:957 (1) -
  2. 01:55:957 (2) - i'd like to add a whistle on the head, and also 01:57:157 (3) -
  3. 02:03:557 (5) - add a whistle?
  4. 02:09:957 (3) - add a whistle on the head?
  5. 02:09:957 (3) - ^ on the end?
  6. 02:28:957 (4,5) - move whistle to (4)?
  7. 02:35:557 (3) - whistle on the head?
  8. 02:53:757 - add a note here?
  9. 03:19:557 (5) - looked odd a bit because all other sliders around here are curved or straight ... and i suppose there's nothing different in music here.
  10. 03:29:157 (5) - whistle on the end?
  11. 03:49:157 (3) - extend to 3/4 length?
  12. 04:09:957 (1) - add a whistle sliderslide here and reduce volumn of that sliderslide gruaduately?
  13. 05:01:757 - the blank here is heard odd.. i'd like to add a note here or change 05:01:557 (8) - to a slider
  14. 05:08:757 (1) - reduce to 1/1 length?
that's all~~~
Topic Starter
Hi there~~ mod for request~~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. Switch Combo Colour 2 & 3? could make your combo change more readable :>
  2. Try this soft-hitfinish to instead of default?
    Click here to download
  1. First, use "white.png" to instead "black.jpg" and then use C code to dye it black. Also, the white.png could do some more effect for u that i'm going to introduce.
  2. 04:03:957 - from here to 04:39:557 - , this part is very important in the music, so consider to add an effect here by that "white.png".
    put it at bottom of your SB code and hope you like it~~
  3. and also, if you would like to, you can apply white.png with P...A code to your pulse effects following :)
  1. 01:29:157 (1) - When i heard this slider, i suddenly notice that despite in other cases we neglect soft-slidertick sample, the default slidertick is heard nice here. So i suppose maybe you can add a slidertick sample to your folder and rename it to something else like soft-hitclap, and add it to the end of this slider to instead default soft-hitnormal? and also some other sliders like 01:41:957 (1) -
    actually, when i hear unusual hitsounds, like clap instead of slider tick or something else instead of hitnormal, i digress the music and feel like something is wrong. i want to keep standard hitsounds, every player is used to them and will mostly pay attention to the song and the map, than rather thinking about strange hitsound play.
  2. 01:55:957 (2) - i'd like to add a whistle on the head, and also 01:57:157 (3) -
    these sounds are much lower than my usual whistles. compare that (3) to 01:57:557 (4) - . they totally have a big difference in high, that's why i don't place whistle on (3). contrast and stuff
  3. 02:03:557 (5) - add a whistle?
  4. 02:09:957 (3) - add a whistle on the head?
    ^ same
  5. 02:09:957 (3) - ^ on the end?
    already there! (and that's why i don't place it on the start)
  6. 02:28:957 (4,5) - move whistle to (4)?
    just don't like this way
  7. 02:35:557 (3) - whistle on the head?
    again "no" because of contrast. i also don't want to spam all the map with whistles anyway
  8. 02:53:757 - add a note here?
    there is no reason for that in the music
  9. 03:19:557 (5) - looked odd a bit because all other sliders around here are curved or straight ... and i suppose there's nothing different in music here.
    the background music changes a bit. well, the next slider should be the same, but this shape doesn't fit to be used twice in a row. actually, there are much such sliders in this map, that's a part of my style
  10. 03:29:157 (5) - whistle on the end?
    yeah ok
  11. 03:49:157 (3) - extend to 3/4 length?
    why should i? there is no sound at the 3/4 but there is a sound at 1/2. listen to the music
  12. 04:09:957 (1) - add a whistle sliderslide here and reduce volumn of that sliderslide gruaduately?
    hm, just added much sliderwhistles on that part. they look fitting
  13. 05:01:757 - the blank here is heard odd.. i'd like to add a note here or change 05:01:557 (8) - to a slider
    yeah done
  14. 05:08:757 (1) - reduce to 1/1 length?
    the guitar stuff sounds exactly till it's end. remove the slider and listen to the music
that's all~~~

Thanks for the mod, Scorp :3
  1. 04:13:157 - можно что-то под скрипящий звук, если не собьёт то, что ты мапал под эти колокольчики
  2. 05:03:957 (7) - я бы как-то поменял его изгиб, чтобы подходило к мини-стриму, или вообще сделал прямым, если б не слайдер до него
  3. 06:11:157 (1,2,3,4,5) - как-то слишком широко, нет?
  4. 06:17:557 (6) - можно разделить на слайдер и ноту после него, даже с небольшим прыжком (не знаю)
  5. 06:49:157 (1) - лучше финиш свистком заменить
  6. 07:07:557 - что-нибудь поставить?
  7. 07:08:357 (2,1) - как-то они.. не знаю, не связаны между собой, что ли
  8. 07:18:090 (1) - мне кажется, его надо продлить на 1/6, чтобы конец совпал с этим звуком
Модить особо нечего, угу.
Topic Starter
  1. 04:13:157 - можно что-то под скрипящий звук, если не собьёт то, что ты мапал под эти колокольчики
    оно как-то малопримечательно и я не придумал, как бы нормально его замаппать
  2. 05:03:957 (7) - я бы как-то поменял его изгиб, чтобы подходило к мини-стриму, или вообще сделал прямым, если б не слайдер до него
    локтав называет это "alternating", что-то вроде части моего стиля. такая вот смена направления кривизны, точная его копия следует прямо за этим моментом: 05:04:357 (8,9) -
  3. 06:11:157 (1,2,3,4,5) - как-то слишком широко, нет?
    да, но как же портить-то не хочется.. есть в карте два сложноватых джамповых момента - ну и пусть
  4. 06:17:557 (6) - можно разделить на слайдер и ноту после него, даже с небольшим прыжком (не знаю)
    у меня везде так и было, вот я решил немножечко добавить разнообразия (карта-то длинная, повторяется). да и музыка позволяет репит поставить
  5. 06:49:157 (1) - лучше финиш свистком заменить
    блин, точно. тот звук исчезает именно здесь, не позже. логичнее тут начать вистлы ставить.
  6. 07:07:557 - что-нибудь поставить?
    да, добавил репит к пред. слайдеру. пришлось переделать паттерн немножко
  7. 07:08:357 (2,1) - как-то они.. не знаю, не связаны между собой, что ли
    а по-моему наоборот
  8. 07:18:090 (1) - мне кажется, его надо продлить на 1/6, чтобы конец совпал с этим звуком
    да нет, и так нормально выглядит
Модить особо нечего, угу.

Спасибо за мод, Тик!
let me push it ahead~~~

bubble #1~~~
Topic Starter
yaaay, thank you :D
Reduced OD by 1 tick, nothing else.

Bubble #2~
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thanks Andrea :3
grumd, didn't you told me you want to add a vid instead? 0.0
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inverness wrote:

grumd, didn't you told me you want to add a vid instead? 0.0
It's impossible. If I make this video small enough (under 13mb), it's quality turns into a shit.
hey, man.

you still can add a video-link for people who want it. I'd download it. just post download link here! :)
grumd your SB reached unrankable 5.00x on some parts of the map. D:

I'll try to find out what caused it, but maybe not now, since I have some other things to do.
Just keep this unranked for a while.
Topic Starter
That's not so unrankable, that's a guideline, but I'll see if that's possible to reduce it. Thanks.

Edit: Ok, done! Just removed bw.jpg from the part before kiai, it's now at maximum 3.94. I'll include this in update with next BAT mod.
I didn't notice load .... perhaps you found it from design panel but not test ? as ppy said before , the value in test mode is more accurate
I see no SB load issues so if you want to keep it as is now I am fine with approving this now get back to me asap

Edit: burning love all for you, approved!
Topic Starter
yey :D
grats uguu
This will be an enjoy to play it on Taiko. \:D/

Gj grumd :3
When in the middle of the map started some "noise" all squeaked I was a little scared. Some thought that pops Screamer :D
And the rest of the music calms though strikes fear. I liked this map

And I misunderstand that you'll like fast songs(like igorrr etc.)

Anyway It's very sensitive song to me. I like it :)
wooow so pretty

congrats man~~
Best song

FessCat wrote:

When in the middle of the map started some "noise" all squeaked I was a little scared. Some thought that pops Screamer :D
This would be grotesque.
So much love.
Approved!! :D
owell nevermind about the SB load and
Topic Starter
Thanks you, everybody *-*


FessCat wrote:

Some thought that pops Screamer :D
I lol'd :D
grumd you're pro
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