
Liliana Sisters - Life-Ru is Love-Ru!! (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年5月18日 at 11:05:03

Artist: Liliana Sisters
Title: Life-Ru is Love-Ru!! (TV Size)
Source: Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Tags: onii-ai ending flower irie miyuki popner silver link. kido ibuki chihara minori shimoda asami kitamura eri 姫小路秋子 木戸衣吹 那須原アナスタシア 茅原実里 猿渡銀兵衛春臣 下田麻美 二階堂嵐 喜多村英梨
BPM: 180
Filesize: 20573kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.33 stars, 79 notes)
  2. Flask's Extra (5.6 stars, 422 notes)
  3. Flower's Hard (3.24 stars, 235 notes)
  4. Insane (4.49 stars, 338 notes)
  5. Irie's Normal (1.86 stars, 120 notes)
  6. popner's Insane (3.98 stars, 292 notes)
Download: Liliana Sisters - Life-Ru is Love-Ru!! (TV Size)
Download: Liliana Sisters - Life-Ru is Love-Ru!! (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It's 2018 why osu is still using the discuz style editing!?
Fumika's OP|Flask's version|Fycho's FullVer

I found something interesting lol

10:33 raririn: 来m4m吧/_\
10:33 Flask: /
10:34 Flask: /_\我操 同首歌m4m有點厲害

Nomal by Irie Miyuki
Hard by Flower
Insane by popner
Extra by Flask
first www
Seriously o.o ? lol many ver. xD
Topic Starter

Fumika wrote:

Seriously o.o ? lol many ver. xD
of course www
orz 又是新坑 (我要预订gd 0.0
Athena Tennos
  1. 00:07:483 (5,6) - 放的平滑點~~感覺舒服點~急轉彎什麼的~
  2. 01:06:816 (1,1) - 太近~
    1. 01:07:649 - 加個note?
      1. 01:07:983 - 開始spinner~
      2. 01:09:316 - 結束spinner
  3. 01:09:983 (1,2,3) - 全部向前移1/2拍~
    1. 01:13:149 - add note~
  4. easy都要坑。。hentai!!!~
[Irie's Normal]
  1. 00:58:982 (1,2,3) - 為什麼都。。。往前移1/2拍~
    1. 01:01:316 - add slider~
      1. end to 01:01:483 (1) - remove this note~
唔。。除了那個坑人的地方貌似沒什麼跟好的建議了。orz~[Flower's Hard]
  1. 唔。。果斷看不出啥。。orz。花花越來越厲害了。。。。。記得中二EDlol
[pop's insane]
  1. 果斷沒更好的建議。orz
  1. 01:27:483 (12) - 試試這個節奏?~
Hard diff:
注意把那个自定义音效也复制进去 别墅奥尔良
Irie Miyuki
总觉得有啥错了 再来一次._.


[popner's insane]
00:08:149 (1,2,3) - 这三个的白线,用soft的finish感觉好点
00:10:649 (4,1) - 4跳到1感觉很绕手

00:00:150 (1) - finish
00:08:149 (1,2,1,2,3) - 滑条头finish
00:10:150 (3) - 尾巴clap
00:10:816 (1) - ^
00:12:150 (7,1,2,3,4) - 这5连放这感觉没融入节奏
00:13:483 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:16:150 (1) - ^
00:18:816 (1,3) - whistle
00:19:316 (4) - 头whistle
00:19:649 (5,6,7) - whistle
00:20:316 (1,2,3,4) - finish
00:21:483 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:24:983 (2) - 你跟的轨这里漏了个音
00:29:149 (5) - 尾巴finish
00:29:649 (1,2,3,1,2) - 滑条头finish
00:31:316 (3) - 改成这样,3那里用1.5x 如果不改直接在单点3加个finish

00:32:149 (1) - 头finish
00:37:983 (3) - 长滑条应该是从这里起,然后停到00:38:316
00:41:483 (1) - finish
00:43:816 (6) - 尾巴finish
00:50:816 (1,2,3) - 滑条头finish
00:51:816 (4) - 滑条头尾finish
00:58:650 (6) - finish
01:02:816 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 头finish
01:04:650 (2,3,4,5,6) - 不适合的节奏
01:06:816 (1,2,3) - 1,2,3加whistle
01:07:316 (4,5,6) - 4,5的头和6加finish
01:09:150 (5) - 头finish
01:13:483 (1,2,3,4,1) - 滑条头finish
01:15:483 (4) - 头whistle
01:16:150 (3) - 头finish
01:16:483 (4,5) - 头whistle
01:17:483 (1) - ^
01:18:150 (4) - ^
01:18:483 (5) - ^
01:18:816 (1) - 全加finish
01:25:149 (5) - 尾巴finish


[Flower's Hard]
00:08:149 (1,2,1) - 这个都用soft的finish比较好..粉色1的whistle换成finish
01:26:816 (1,2,3,4) - 0.05x?

[Irie's Normal]
00:44:149 - add break time

但是剩下3个diff都没加lead in 所以就!@#$%^&*()
谁玩谁知道 吓尿
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

但是剩下3个diff都没加lead in 所以就!@#$%^&*()
谁玩谁知道 吓尿
||||忘了 谢提醒
Irie Miyuki
懒比 明天晚上考试 赶期限来了。。
因为板子连接线被我拿去当手机数据线了 所以没有playtest哭哭哦._.
渣比mod 各种没事找事233

  1. tag全空什么心态

感觉大部分是spacing mapping style问题可无视


  1. 00:00:150 (1) - +finish
  2. 00:00:816 (3) - prev:1.51x next 1.56x
  3. 00:01:150 (5,1,2) - 这三个spacing实在堪忧 前面1.5x的spacing 后面1.7x的spacing 这里..
  4. 00:06:316 (4,5,6) - 对个三角比较好看?
  5. 00:10:483 (4,1) - 把1拉开点?
  6. 00:13:816 (2,3) - 3拉开点?
  7. 00:14:483 (4,5) - 节奏对调一下
  8. 00:14:983 (1,2,3,4) - 有点违和 试试从00:15:483 开始连打 00:16:149 结束? (其实不考虑AR因素也是可以DT的
  9. 00:19:650 (5,6,7) - 三角没对好?
  10. 00:31:483 - 这不放东西吗。。
  11. 00:32:483 (2,3,4,5,6) - 同,spacing太逆天 Prev:2.29x Next: 1.52x
  12. 00:33:483 (1) - 同上
  13. 00:36:649 (2,3,4,5) - 一个正方形?
  14. 00:41:150 (5) - 往上提 1 grid
  15. 00:45:816 (2) - spacing?
  16. 00:46:566 (5) - 有点别扭 建议换成一个note 然后00:46:816再一个并且nc
  17. 00:46:816 不知道合不合适 在这里sv放慢 然后00:52:149 恢复 因为这里是比较安静(?)的一个地方 感觉慢一点的sv更合适 抱歉不知道怎么描述。。
  18. 00:50:816 (1,2,3,4) - 在slider头加clap
  19. 00:54:316 (4) - 和00:52:650 (3) - 重叠一下
  20. 00:58:650 (6) - 感觉滑条是该在这开始 要不把00:58:733 (7) - 删了? 因为这首歌很奇葩的是他的打击点在红线(你看你到kiai部分几乎所有打击点都是在红线上)但是鼓点却还是24clap真是..
  21. 01:04:816 (3,4) - follow vocal的话 两个节奏对调一下?
  22. 01:07:983 (6,7,1,2) - 对不上节奏的感觉 再考虑一下?
  23. 01:09:150 (5) - 去掉折返 换成一个circle带一个Slider的感觉 强调一下kiai打击点? 顺便nc
  24. 01:12:983 (5) - 其实这个感觉1/2折返比较好 (第四个白线在这lol)
  25. 01:14:483 (4,1) - 这样好一些?
我是一个不折不扣的nazi modder

[popner's Insane]

给这种人mod实在是需要好长时间 所以考完第一门我再来(其实就是着急去睡觉

[Flower's Hard]

nazi全开 不要怪我

  1. 除了跳的部分 spacing有些问题 比如
    00:14:483 (3) - 1.03x
    00:15:149 (5) - 1.05, 1.08
    00:17:149 (3) - 1.27, 1.10
    00:18:649 (5) - 1.10, 1.05 etc (这才是nazi 哈哈哈
  2. 00:41:483 (5,1,2) - 这里 如果是跟vocal的我就不说啥了 如果是跟inst 那就是节奏错了
  3. 00:46:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这里也是 是在跟啥 前面vocal没对上 后面跟inst 统一一下节奏?
  4. 01:02:149 (1,2) - 跟vocal好一点?
  5. 01:25:483 (1,2,3,4) - 略违和 这样?
EZ不会看 mod等我明天晚上考完了来补全._. 过于nazi请见谅._.


  1. 00:04:816 (1,2,3) - 据说easy不让stack
  2. 00:56:149 (2) - 移到 00:55:983
就这俩 ._. 抱歉
Topic Starter

Irie Miyuki wrote:

懒比 明天晚上考试 赶期限来了。。
因为板子连接线被我拿去当手机数据线了 所以没有playtest哭哭哦._. 感觉有点厉害
渣比mod 各种没事找事233 :3 mod不就是这样

  1. tag全空什么心态
啊感觉有点烦(不对 周末补._.

就这俩 ._. 抱歉 感谢神mod

raririn wrote:

tag全空什么心态[/list] 啊感觉有点烦(不对 周末补._.
路過/.\不能上痾屎所以233然後週末tag就跟我上吧 ._. (no kd

onii-ai ending flower irie miyuki popner silver link. kido ibuki chihara minori shimoda asami kitamura eri

幫你上GD名了~ 後面那一串都是CV名可tag可不tag

最後考試加油 /.\
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

raririn wrote:

tag全空什么心态[/list] 啊感觉有点烦(不对 周末补._.
路過/.\不能上痾屎所以233然後週末tag就跟我上吧 ._. (no kd

onii-ai ending flower irie miyuki popner silver link. kido ibuki chihara minori shimoda asami kitamura eri

幫你上GD名了~ 後面那一串都是CV名可tag可不tag

最後考試加油 /.\
Colin Hou
  1. BG: no pants plz
  2. title: Life-Ru is LOVE-Ru!! (TV Size), and remove the spacing before '(' on japanese title.
  3. yeah the source, don't forget it.
  4. video 800x600? can you find anyone with 800x480?
[popner's Insane]
  1. AR+1 OD+1 no reason to lower them. bpm is steady and timing perfect, that's enough to do this.
  2. 00:31:316 (1,2) - manually stacking is fine, but the beginning of the slider is not right after the notes' tail. so I suggest you keep the distance same with the former ones but new combo on current (2).
  3. 00:47:149 (2,3,4,5,6) - don't really like to see them touching each other, but up to you.
  4. 00:50:816 (3) - new combo
  5. 00:56:066 (1) - this ends at a awkward place ;w; it's obvious that you start spinner at the 'ru', then plz end when 'ru' end. that is 00:56:983. then you may consider adding notes at 00:57:149, 00:57:316, 00:57:649, 00:57:816
  6. 00:58:649 - KIAI start
  7. 01:02:816 - or you can end KIAI here and restart at 01:04:149.
  8. 01:13:483 - ^
  9. 01:26:816 (4) - new combo for sure.
  • slider velocity is a bit too low compared with AR9, and OD+1
  1. 00:01:150 (5,1,2,3) - spacing like this or 00:02:983 (2,3,4,5) is a bit confusing to read.
  2. 00:02:483 (4,1,2) - jump on 00:02:816 (1) is not fitting well, try placing jumps on notes such as (2). and maybe try rearrange the new combos mostly for new lyrics if you want to change the jump positions?
  3. 00:04:150 (1,2,3) - a bit painful to play this
  4. 00:08:149 (1,2) - 1/2 sounds much better than 1/1 and, try speed up not speed down.
  5. 00:10:483 (4) - replace with 2 notes?
  6. 00:13:483 (1,2,3) - spacing error?
  7. 00:29:149 (5) - i would speed up on this slider. and x0.5 -> x1.0 once for all is about too sudden as the changes on music is one by one. you can try 0.5 -> 0.7 ->1.0 or like that.
  8. 00:31:649 - map something since here, too empty
  9. 00:46:150 (4,5) - let the 2nd slider start at 00:46:483.
  10. 01:04:983 (4) - i suggest using 1/1 sliders at places where can fit vocal, such as 01:04:816, like what you did on 01:06:149 (3).
  11. 01:07:983 (6,7,1) - switching to this is a bad choice. try make all silder's head start at strong notes in the music.
  12. 01:07:150 (3) - maybe stop 2nd/4th claps in parts such like this.
  13. 01:25:649 (1) - no sense. not every map needs spinners, just map as what you did before.
[Flower's Hard]
  1. 00:41:649 (1,2,3) - not fitting music well
  2. 00:44:316 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:20:483 (3,4) - ^
  4. 01:23:149 (2,3) - ^
[Irie's Normal]
  1. 00:46:149 (1) - end at 00:46:483 or 00:46:649 plz.
  2. 01:08:983 (5) - maybe replace this with a slider ends at 01:09:316.
  1. 00:20:149 (2) - not following music at all
  2. 00:56:149 (2) - to 00:55:983
  3. 00:56:816 (1) - end at 00:58:649
  4. 00:59:316 (1) - to 00:59:149
  5. 00:59:983 (2) - to 00:59:816
  6. 01:01:316 (1) - to 01:01:149
  7. 01:07:816 (1) - ends at 01:09:316
  8. 01:09:983 (1,2,3) - all 1/2 backward
  9. 01:25:483 (1) - suggest start at 01:26:816 and map the part before.
-Baby Strawberry-

kiai 不一致,而且我觉得放在白线00:58:816这里加上finish音效会更好
count down 全取消吧,我这里反正是加了也没count

[popner's Insane]
00:23:316 (5,6) -这里的话我觉得改成这样会好点
00:51:483 (5,6,1) - 试试这样?[img]00:51:483%20(5,6,1)%20-[/img]

00:03:650 (5) - 我觉得直的会好点
00:06:316 (4,5,6) - 怎么看都别扭呢。。。我觉得统一spacing吧还是。。。
00:22:649 (1) - 为什么不在白线开始啊。。。还有之前那个4为什么不拉到红线。。。
00:46:566 (5) - 我不明白为什么这个要在这里开始。。。
00:50:816 (1,2) - 这两个各自ctrl+g
00:54:816 (1) - 这个拖拍没必要
00:55:983 (1,2) - 去掉2然后把1拉到2的时间上,听起来好很多
00:58:150 (3,4,5,6,7) - 我觉得没必要连打。。。
01:00:650 (4) - 还有这种拖拍的,我觉得这里没什么必要。。
01:04:816 (3,4) - 不合拍啊。。。
01:12:983 (5) - 这个也是不合拍

然后就是有的地方感觉挺卡的,就是flow不顺。。。比如00:20:316 (1,2,3,4) - 突然就换方向了我就觉得别扭了。。


[Flower's Hard]
00:38:983 (3) - 往下面移动点?,如果这个动了那么最好也把2移动下
00:41:649 (1,2) - 我怎么觉得不在拍子上啊。。。
00:44:316 (2,3) - 这个也是
01:02:316 (2) - 不在拍
01:11:816 (2) - 这个我说不上来为什么,感觉拍子有点别扭
01:20:483 (3) - 这个好像也不在拍。。
01:23:149 (2) - 这个也是

[Irie's Normal]
00:07:816 (4,2) - 改不改的无所谓,但是我就是觉得这种遮挡不美观
01:00:483 (3) - 这样好看点

00:50:816 (3) - 我觉得反过来弯会好些
00:56:149 (2) - 这个我觉得不再拍子上啊,还不如放在00:55:983 (2) - ,或者直接转圈拉过来
01:06:816 (1,1) - 也是不在拍子

Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. BG: no pants plz
  2. title: Life-Ru is LOVE-Ru!! (TV Size), and remove the spacing before '(' on japanese title.
  3. yeah the source, don't forget it.
  4. video 800x600? can you find anyone with 800x480?
[popner's Insane]
  1. AR+1 OD+1 no reason to lower them. bpm is steady and timing perfect, that's enough to do this.
  2. 00:31:316 (1,2) - manually stacking is fine, but the beginning of the slider is not right after the notes' tail. so I suggest you keep the distance same with the former ones but new combo on current (2).
  3. 00:47:149 (2,3,4,5,6) - don't really like to see them touching each other, but up to you.
  4. 00:50:816 (3) - new combo
  5. 00:56:066 (1) - this ends at a awkward place ;w; it's obvious that you start spinner at the 'ru', then plz end when 'ru' end. that is 00:56:983. then you may consider adding notes at 00:57:149, 00:57:316, 00:57:649, 00:57:816
  6. 00:58:649 - KIAI start
  7. 01:02:816 - or you can end KIAI here and restart at 01:04:149.
  8. 01:13:483 - ^
  9. 01:26:816 (4) - new combo for sure.
  • slider velocity is a bit too low compared with AR9, and OD+1 done
  1. 00:01:150 (5,1,2,3) - spacing like this or 00:02:983 (2,3,4,5) is a bit confusing to read. changed o.o
  2. 00:02:483 (4,1,2) - jump on 00:02:816 (1) is not fitting well, try placing jumps on notes such as (2). and maybe try rearrange the new combos mostly for new lyrics if you want to change the jump positions? remapped this part :o
  3. 00:04:150 (1,2,3) - a bit painful to play this >~<
  4. 00:08:149 (1,2) - 1/2 sounds much better than 1/1 and, try speed up not speed down. --> 1.0x
  5. 00:10:483 (4) - replace with 2 notes?
  6. 00:13:483 (1,2,3) - spacing error? fixed~
  7. 00:29:149 (5) - i would speed up on this slider. and x0.5 -> x1.0 once for all is about too sudden as the changes on music is one by one. you can try 0.5 -> 0.7 ->1.0 or like that. 0.5->0.75->1.0
  8. 00:31:649 - map something since here, too empty done
  9. 00:46:150 (4,5) - let the 2nd slider start at 00:46:483. done
  10. 01:04:983 (4) - i suggest using 1/1 sliders at places where can fit vocal, such as 01:04:816, like what you did on 01:06:149 (3).
  11. 01:07:983 (6,7,1) - switching to this is a bad choice. try make all silder's head start at strong notes in the music. changed o.o
  12. 01:07:150 (3) - maybe stop 2nd/4th claps in parts such like this. orz ..
  13. 01:25:649 (1) - no sense. not every map needs spinners, just map as what you did before. okay~
[Flower's Hard]
  1. 00:41:649 (1,2,3) - not fitting music well
  2. 00:44:316 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:20:483 (3,4) - ^
  4. 01:23:149 (2,3) - ^
[Irie's Normal]
  1. 00:46:149 (1) - end at 00:46:483 or 00:46:649 plz.
  2. 01:08:983 (5) - maybe replace this with a slider ends at 01:09:316.
  1. 00:20:149 (2) - not following music at all orz
  2. 00:56:149 (2) - to 00:55:983
  3. 00:56:816 (1) - end at 00:58:649
  4. 00:59:316 (1) - to 00:59:149
  5. 00:59:983 (2) - to 00:59:816
  6. 01:01:316 (1) - to 01:01:149
  7. 01:07:816 (1) - ends at 01:09:316
  8. 01:09:983 (1,2,3) - all 1/2 backward
  9. 01:25:483 (1) - suggest start at 01:26:816 and map the part before.
done 0.0

[b]Flower‘s Hard

00:12:983 和 00:13:316 我觉得可以各加1个note 和 00:13:149 以及前面的567做成连击(新手意见QAQ)

Irie’s Normal

00:05:483 的滑条向后移动到红线

00:37:483和00:38:194和00:38:816 的节奏不对 3个note都向后移动到红线处

00:52:149 的1号滑条节奏不对 向后移到红线处

00:53:483 的3号滑条 节奏不对 向前移动到红线处

00:54:816 的1号滑条 节奏不对 向前移动到红线处 2号滑条向前移动到白线 3号滑条移动到前面那根红线

00:57:816到01:01:149那段wa ka xi wa ka xi 重做吧 反折滑条对不上(滑条长度减半)

后面那段wa ka xi 也不行

歌挺好听的,总之怎么说呢...以后你可以试试开25% 听听看 也许会发现很多抢节奏或者慢节奏的,我也是做完开25%听着改的或者不会设note的地方直接先开25%听了再考虑怎么放note(你可以试试看,效果不错的)
Topic Starter

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:


kiai 不一致,而且我觉得放在白线00:58:816这里加上finish音效会更好
count down 全取消吧,我这里反正是加了也没count

[popner's Insane]
00:23:316 (5,6) -这里的话我觉得改成这样会好点
00:51:483 (5,6,1) - 试试这样?[img]00:51:483%20(5,6,1)%20-[/img]

00:03:650 (5) - 我觉得直的会好点
00:06:316 (4,5,6) - 怎么看都别扭呢。。。我觉得统一spacing吧还是。。。
00:22:649 (1) - 为什么不在白线开始啊。。。还有之前那个4为什么不拉到红线。。。
00:46:566 (5) - 我不明白为什么这个要在这里开始。。。
00:50:816 (1,2) - 这两个各自ctrl+g
00:54:816 (1) - 这个拖拍没必要
00:55:983 (1,2) - 去掉2然后把1拉到2的时间上,听起来好很多
00:58:150 (3,4,5,6,7) - 我觉得没必要连打。。。
01:00:650 (4) - 还有这种拖拍的,我觉得这里没什么必要。。
01:04:816 (3,4) - 不合拍啊。。。
01:12:983 (5) - 这个也是不合拍

然后就是有的地方感觉挺卡的,就是flow不顺。。。比如00:20:316 (1,2,3,4) - 突然就换方向了我就觉得别扭了。。all fixed :D


[Flower's Hard]
00:38:983 (3) - 往下面移动点?,如果这个动了那么最好也把2移动下
00:41:649 (1,2) - 我怎么觉得不在拍子上啊。。。
00:44:316 (2,3) - 这个也是
01:02:316 (2) - 不在拍
01:11:816 (2) - 这个我说不上来为什么,感觉拍子有点别扭
01:20:483 (3) - 这个好像也不在拍。。
01:23:149 (2) - 这个也是

[Irie's Normal]
00:07:816 (4,2) - 改不改的无所谓,但是我就是觉得这种遮挡不美观
01:00:483 (3) - 这样好看点

00:50:816 (3) - 我觉得反过来弯会好些 ~
00:56:149 (2) - 这个我觉得不再拍子上啊,还不如放在00:55:983 (2) - ,或者直接转圈拉过来
01:06:816 (1,1) - 也是不在拍子 嗯。。。

from online request

15:34 *raririn is listening to [ Liliana Sisters - Life-Ru is Love-Ru!! (TV Size)]
15:35 Gundam: 哇怎么都这么多难度;w;
15:35 raririn: :/
15:49 Gundam: ;w;在线可以不
15:50 raririn: 可以啊
15:50 Gundam: 好w
15:50 Gundam: 那我就直接说了
15:51 raririn: 好 求重喷
15:51 Gundam: Easy这里
15:51 Gundam: 00:29:316(2,3) - 之前一直是压vocal的吧 到这里突然跟歌词了感觉有点违和
15:52 Gundam: 00:30:649(1) - 同理
15:52 Gundam: 咦为什么不带自动链接/w\
15:52 raririn: 不知道诶0.0
15:55 Gundam: E好像没什么了 0 0 感觉压歌词貌似好点
15:56 raririn: 好0.0
15:58 Gundam: Irie's Normal
15:58 Gundam: 00:44:149 -
15:58 Gundam: 这之后加一个短break?
15:59 raririn: 好
16:01 Gundam: 00:54:483 -
16:02 Gundam: 感觉这里加个note应该会好点
16:02 Gundam: 00:57:149 - ^
16:04 Gundam: 00:59:149 (1)- 前面压了歌词这里突然压vocal
16:04 Gundam: 不觉得打起来不舒服嘛/w\
16:04 raririn: 唔 第一个不好改ds就算了 第二个改了
16:04 raririn: 后面都要改了 还是留给影子姥爷/_\
16:05 Gundam: /w\嗯嗯
16:05 Gundam: 01:09:483 (1) - 同理
16:07 raririn: 唔 感觉这个其实不是特别别扭:?
16:08 Gundam: 还好啦 这个没有上一个那么突然
16:08 raririn: 嗯o.o
16:08 Gundam: 花花的看不出问题/w\
16:10 Gundam: 嗯泡泡姥爷的也没啥/w\ 不过貌似比较难HD
16:10 raririn: 好 那最后一个请重喷
16:10 Gundam: Insane是你做的o.o?
16:11 raririn: 感觉巨2
16:11 Gundam: 0.0我看看
16:13 Gundam: 00:05:983 (3,4,5,6) -
16:13 Gundam: 有点略反人类 但还是可以接受
16:14 raririn: orz 这个我打着感觉没问题啊 难道是我打太多
16:14 Gundam: OTZ我打打看
16:15 Gundam: 嗯确实打起来没问题OTZ
16:16 raririn: orz\
16:17 Gundam: 00:20:316 (1,2,3,4)
16:17 Gundam: 没看懂这是个什么形状啦_(:з」∠)_ 有点不美观
16:17 raririn: 会修的。。/_\
16:18 Gundam: 而且建议3和4ctrl+G
16:18 raririn: 唔好
16:19 Gundam: 00:29:149 (5) - 一般来说变速要NC
16:20 raririn: 嗯
16:20 Gundam: 不过你这个变速好像不是很明显嗯……
16:20 Gundam: 自己看啦w
16:20 raririn: .-.好 (其实我都没开我的图
16:20 raririn: (不过不用看也知道你说的是哪(
16:20 Gundam: 233
16:21 Gundam: 嗯后面没啥了/w\
16:21 Gundam: 这图遮挡真多
16:22 raririn: 谢啦
16:22 raririn: post plz
16:22 Gundam: 好w

拉拉铃加油~ :D
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