
osu! World Cup #3 (Concluded - Korea wins)

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Pele debutó con un pibe.

Wishy wrote:

Pele debutó con un pibe.
es una mentira!
la verdad es que maradona es adicto a la coca y no juega nada jajajajaja
Eso es tan cierto como lo de Pelé.
Johan Cruijff.

now stfu and give me owc maps

fabriciorby wrote:

Wishy wrote:

Pele debutó con un pibe.
es una mentira!
la verdad es que maradona es adicto a la coca y no juega nada jajajajaja
Maps are ready waiting for farto.
big black pls
Cuvelia - Tenkuu no Yoake (AngelHoney) [Another]

lol.. i didn't know everyone can stream so fast

mochi wrote:

Cuvelia - Tenkuu no Yoake (AngelHoney) [Another]

lol.. i didn't know everyone can stream so fast
UK will pick this map.

Loctav wrote:

Changed rules:
--> #3 Match instructions:
1. 15 minutes before the match, the tournament management must contact each captain and confirm the ready to play. The management creates the match and invites the captains.

Changed staff:
--> Added section Additional referees. They help out with handling hold matches when tournament management is not available.
--> Added Lolicore Flandre, Xakyrie, Haruka and Mr Color as additional referees.
During Korea's game 2 of the group stages against Uruguay, I was quite annoyed by Loctav PMing me to join the multiplayer match 15 minutes prior to the match in every 3-minute intervals. I want to utilize my time before the game as much as I can; as far as I am concerned, the match itself can begin a minute or two late as long as four members of our team are in the room before gametime(and by before I mean like 30 seconds before gametime).

I'm assuming he made this rule because he wants the streams to be ready prior to the start of the games. Well, I've said this before(which unfortunately got deleted by none other than Loctav), and I'll say it again: there must be an absolute priority for players over streamers. If they need the extra minute to prepare for the match before joining it, they are going to get it. I would not like to see any more PM attacks right before the game, which can seriously stress me out and affect my gameplay.

Finally, please clarify what "being ready to play" means. If it means the teams must join the multiplayer match via the management's invites 15 minutes prior to the match, then I strongly disagree with this and would like to hear the reasoning behind it.
Topic Starter
If you are still warming up, you are apparantly not ready. You are supposed to be ready 15 minutes in advance for general organizational purposes. All you do with boycotting this is delaying this whole organization and creating a bigger fuss than needed. I see no problem in inviting you 15 minutes in advance and then start the match right in time instead of inviting you 2 mins in advance, panic arose and then the match gets delayed by 15 minutes. And you know the schedules don't have that much space.

Deal with this rule change,manage your time better, please.

Loctav wrote:

If you are still warming up, you are apparantly not ready. You are supposed to be ready 15 minutes in advance for general organizational purposes. All you do with boycotting this is delaying this whole organization and creating a bigger fuss than needed. I see no problem in inviting you 15 minutes in advance and then start the match right in time instead of inviting you 2 mins in advance, panic arose and then the match gets delayed by 15 minutes. And you know the schedules don't have that much space.

Deal with this rule change,manage your time better, please.
I wont lie it's probably one of the more valid points in this thread, last game vs Argentina we were still trying to get through all the maps in a separate lobby. We thought we had plenty of time but we were called in advanced meaning we couldn't finish the rotation.
Supporting KRZY. The rule is not needed and is more annoying than that it brings joy to the tournament.
Asking teams to enter the multi 15 minutes prior to the match is the opposite of what's normal in most games competitions.

We played 8 maps counting the lixAxil rematch and it took 45 minutes. Teams should have 15 minutes to get their 4 players into the multi and make them ready.
Playing maps 15 minutes before the match: getting hands warm
Wait in multiplayer for 15 minutes: getting hands cold
Ideal playing conditions: warm hands.
Kanye West

CXu wrote:

Playing maps 15 minutes before the match: getting hands warm
Wait in multiplayer for 15 minutes: getting hands cold
Ideal playing conditions: warm hands.
Ideal solution: use hand warmers.
I tried hot water against hong kong. Didn't work ;_;
"Warm" doesn't necessarily mean temperature, but can also mean "warmed up" as in fit for playing. Or both.
why is the map pool format changed back ;/

KRZY wrote:

I'm assuming he made this rule because he wants the streams to be ready prior to the start of the games. Well, I've said this before(which unfortunately got deleted by none other than Loctav), and I'll say it again: there must be an absolute priority for players over streamers. If they need the extra minute to prepare for the match before joining it, they are going to get it. I would not like to see any more PM attacks right before the game, which can seriously stress me out and affect my gameplay.
The matches should be played and streamed on time. If you simply start to join the multiplayer match right on the hour, then playing will end up starting late. Things are supposed to be on time as a group. I setup streams to be ready to start as soon as we are supposed to, and that requires logging off osu and setting up my connection early. In real "offline" tournaments even, singers/players/whatever are always required to "be ready" before the time to perform. You cant just show up right before you have to play if it takes staff a while to organize things after you get there or else it wont start on time.

The problem here seems to be that players didn't know that you need to join the room before the match, but now you do so just start warming up earlier. 15 minutes of not playing should not make your warmup useless. If so, just move around your mouse and pretend you are playing or something lol. Also this:

Loctav wrote:

There is no problem to start the initial match with 1 warmup map we already start to stream.
It is true that not playing for 15 minutes is indeed annoying. I used to play multiplayer several hours a day, meaning up to 6/7, and taking breaks of just 20/25 minutes actually made me need to play 1 or 2 maps to get warmed up again.
Topic Starter
There is no problem to start the initial match with 1 warmup map we already start to stream.
Hey why are we having these maps once again in owc:
Syuiro - Ama no Jaku
Megpoid GUMI - Jinsei Reset Button
It's kind of ridiculous that you chose the same maps concerning the amount of ranked maps is almost 5000
Maps gonna stay. We didn't find out that a little late (we didn't know till now to be honest) but we usually just reject any map used on OWC #1 or #2. But we already got feedback from several players who thought of this pool as the best so far. We'd rather leave those maps since they're good even if they are recycled. We gonna try to avoid that in the future anyways since it was one of our guidelines not to re-use maps like that.

Thanks for pointing it out.
haha this map pool is easier than the last round's map pool.

Metro wrote:

My gameplay vs. UK.

lol@the last minute
Only like a few of the maps again.

Very disappointed of all the map picks so far.

Loctav wrote:

I see no problem in inviting you 15 minutes in advance and then start the match right in time instead of inviting you 2 mins in advance, panic arose and then the match gets delayed by 15 minutes.
I see no problem in us getting in that room 30 seconds before matchtime and starting the match right away. I take your assumption that if we arrive 2 minutes prior to matchtime, panic will arise and the match will be delayed by 15 minutes as a personal attack to the players. We are not children. I see arguments like "streamers have to be ready;" please, one more repeat of this argument and I will launch personal attacks, seriously. Players > streamers. Again, PLAYERS > STREAMERS. Again, PLAYERS > STREAMERS.

You think you people are so important that everything have to be it around you for the tournament to run smoothly. Well, think again. I don't care if my match gets streamed as long as my team plays in optimal playing condition. As a captain, I must ensure everyone has done their preparation prior to the match and see who will play which map according to their performances right before the match in the multiplayer. There are so many variables in a multiplayer tournament that this is absolutely important, especially for a team that is aiming to win the tournament. I really, really don't understand why this tournament staff tries to fit everything so that it benefits them and not the players.

Also, I need another clarification. When you say that playing one warm-up match is okay, when can this warm-up match be? Does it have to be before the matchtime? If so, then 15 minutes aren't necessary; five minutes should be enough for the players to play the warm-up match and the streamers to set up their streams and obtain their necessary info using the MP History. If the warm-up match does not have to be before matchtime (i.e. we play a warm-up match after matchtime and start the match), then there is really no reason why we should get into the room 15 minutes prior to the match at all. All the captains need to do 15 minutes before the game is agree on who will pick the maps first and send in their probable starting line-up to the management, who will provide the information to the schedulers (since you guys don't seem to like direct communication), who will in turn start preparing.

Please, use sense and reason, not authority, to handle situations like these. I expect a more reasonable answer to this then your previous one.
A comment on map pool:

SYNC.ART'S ft. Sakaue Nachi - Green Grass Garden (Odaril) [Lunatic]

I feel that this version of the map is superior to the map in the pool in every aspect. The map almost made it to the top maps of 2010 if I remember correctly. Personal input though, I understand others may have slightly to completely different opinions.
I actually was about to reject it since I thought it was that version lol.

Wishy wrote:

I actually was about to reject it since I thought it was that version lol.
Oh well :S
Topic Starter
You are not the centre of the universe. Just because YOU can make it in time and start right away, it doesn't mean, that others will.
You should actually read Makar's and Metro's post.
Stop naggling about every little change. I doubt that your team will have a nervous breakdown because you have to interrupt playing for 15 mins.
You are not reading the posts properly, you don't understand why we need this time buffer (also captains need time to collect their players into the room)

Simply: final word once again: this is usual procedure, deal with it, else you know where the door is. This is a tournament. And in a tournament, you always have a hold-in moment for organizational purposes.
I Won't repeat myself again. Also your complaint can be officially considered as disapproved, discarded and will be ignored from now on.
I have not even the slightest intention to change it back.

Also warmup can be started whenever preparations are finished (doesn't need to be in the 15 mins)

KRZY wrote:

A comment on map pool:

SYNC.ART'S ft. Sakaue Nachi - Green Grass Garden (Odaril) [Lunatic]

I feel that this version of the map is superior to the map in the pool in every aspect. The map almost made it to the top maps of 2010 if I remember correctly. Personal input though, I understand others may have slightly to completely different opinions.
I am highly interested in knowing why. If you get a chance, please PM me, I'm curious.

Oh yeah, that map better than mine even regarding the hitsounds ? lol.
And you don't understand that everytime changes are made, people disagree because the changes are actually for the worse (and they take the effort to explain why). But you are the management, what you say goes. I will drop the matter.

KRZY wrote:

And you don't understand that everytime changes are made, people disagree because the changes are actually for the worse (and they take the effort to explain why). But you are the management, what you say goes. I will drop the matter.
The changes are for the better, for reasons you may not understand because you are not in the staff to see what happens during the matches.
Everybody's role here is equal, and so we should not revolve around just one person/group. Again, looking at other tournaments/competitions will help you understand why this is needed. If this is what it takes to get -everybody- ready by the time scheduled, then that is how it should be done.

Also, 1337th post www

KRZY wrote:

A comment on map pool:

SYNC.ART'S ft. Sakaue Nachi - Green Grass Garden (Odaril) [Lunatic]

I feel that this version of the map is superior to the map in the pool in every aspect. The map almost made it to the top maps of 2010 if I remember correctly. Personal input though, I understand others may have slightly to completely different opinions.
if everything has to run so smoothely, why is the stream horrible quality, always lagging, streamers doont know what they are talking about sometimes, comentating is way behind on the actual stream. get that fixed before you get other stuff fixed that didnt even need fixing.

silmarilen wrote:

if everything has to run so smoothely, why is the stream horrible quality, always lagging, streamers doont know what they are talking about sometimes, comentating is way behind on the actual stream. get that fixed before you get other stuff fixed that didnt even need fixing.
Wow, that's actually clever. GG NO RE, man.

silmarilen wrote:

if everything has to run so smoothely, why is the stream horrible quality,

It was said before that for the next week when I stream, I will be running the stream on 1000kbps due to bandwidth limitations. For 1K, it looks/sounds pretty good.

silmarilen wrote:

always lagging,

Define what you mean here. If you mean stuff like buffering in the client, then that has to do with the connection (see previous), and some stuff is due to the client itself. If you mean something related to what I say below, then that is only fixable to an extent and will improve in a couple weeks when I finish exams. Other reasons could also be because of your own connection.

silmarilen wrote:

streamers doont know what they are talking about sometimes,

Do we ever talk? Wanna give examples? I only talk when the stream goes down to explain why it went down. We wouldn't stream if we didn't know what we are doing.

silmarilen wrote:

comentating is way behind on the actual stream.

This is unfixable on any stream using software available to us. The commentators comment based on how they see the stream (which always will be behind) and results in the actual commentating being late.

silmarilen wrote:

get that fixed before you get other stuff fixed that didnt even need fixing.

This needed fixing
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