Guujin wrote:
benguin wrote:
I don't know if I understand the OP completely, so you want to enable a feature that calculates how fast you can mash a button to death? How would that information be helpful to you in relation to osu?
You'll know your limit/speed and based on that you can make a training scedule, and you can compare every day's speed to see if you've improved a lot.
Even then, such a feature wouldn't be an accurate reflection of your osu skill. First of all, in order to hit streams on osu, you need to do it with some degree of accuracy while in the such a feature implemented, you can be as inconsistent as you want with your taps. Also, if I wanted to, I could warm up and vibra-mash the keys for one second and get something ridiculous like 20 key taps per second per finger (or 40 tps between two fingers) Which would equate to 2400 taps per minute (I don't know if that equates to "streaming at 2400 bpm" I don't know how taps are in one beat) Anyways, I know for sure I can not stream at 2400 taps per minute on osu, as a matter of fact I suck at streams, I've passed Gold Dust before being able to pass russian snowy dance (a 170 bpm streamy map)