
M2U - Gypsy Tronic

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年4月2日 at 12:09:23

Artist: M2U
Title: Gypsy Tronic
Source: O2jam
Tags: Muya
BPM: 125
Filesize: 8328kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.93 stars, 171 notes)
  2. Hard (4.81 stars, 353 notes)
  3. Insane (4.99 stars, 636 notes)
  4. Normal (4.45 stars, 284 notes)
Download: M2U - Gypsy Tronic
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Insane done
Hard by Muya
Normal done
Easy done
Enter your messege here and
卧槽 怎么又同步了._. (对了 应该是O2jam Analog

另外求合体(已完成近50% o_o
O wo

tronic ~~~
Topic Starter
Lan wings
20:43 Lan wings:
20:43 Lan wings: 依然好看
20:43 LKs: 。。这弧度的意义何在
20:44 Lan wings: 歌曲本身就有弧度好吗
20:44 Lan wings: 00:35:582 (1)- 你自己这里不也加了弧度
20:44 Lan wings: 那你这里加来有什么意义
20:44 LKs: 我的弧度都在结尾啊
20:45 LKs: 但这个
20:45 Lan wings: 两个都是一样的好吗
20:45 LKs: 00:27:902 (1)-
20:45 Lan wings: 同样的节奏
20:45 LKs: 这个长度太短
20:45 LKs: 没什么家弧度的空间
20:45 Lan wings: 00:35:582 (1)- 长度一样好吗
20:45 LKs: 如果说在结尾家弧度
20:45 LKs: 倒是未尝不可
20:46 LKs: 但加在开头毫无意义
20:46 Lan wings: 前面加不加无所谓
20:46 Lan wings: 纯粹顺手试试而已
20:46 LKs: 结尾可以加
20:46 Lan wings: 反正尾巴我是觉得要加
20:46 LKs: 不过我不觉得加一个结尾就变好看了orz
20:46 Lan wings: 起码我觉得没难么难看了....
20:47 Lan wings:
20:47 Lan wings: 这样也可以
20:47 LKs: 跪了太难看
20:48 LKs: 我对wiggle基本没觉得好看过
20:48 Lan wings: 那你还加
20:48 LKs: 但没办法
20:48 LKs: 用3点slider就没特点了
20:48 LKs:
20:48 LKs:
20:48 LKs: 现在变这样了
20:49 Lan wings: 不觉得第四个红点太高么
20:49 LKs: 太低也难看
20:49 LKs: wiggle本身就难看
20:50 Lan wings: 00:35:582 (1)- 相比起来这个要比那个拉的好看
20:50 Lan wings: 00:32:702 (1)- 顺便吐吐这个``
20:50 Lan wings: 我怎么听也听不出来会是这么个形状
20:51 LKs: 随手一拉
20:52 Lan wings: 这形状不给力
20:52 LKs: 为啥我觉得有种微妙的感觉
20:53 Lan wings: 00:32:462 (2)-
20:53 Lan wings: 或者这样
20:53 Lan wings: 2改为slider
20:53 LKs: 。不太可能
20:53 LKs: 我节奏都对应的
20:53 LKs: 之前这里不是
20:53 LKs: 现在也不是
20:54 Lan wings: 跟那里平行
20:54 Lan wings: 我觉得还不错
20:54 Lan wings: 没有什么不违和
20:54 Lan wings: 没有什么违和*
20:54 Lan wings:
20:54 LKs: 。
20:54 Lan wings: 尾巴静音就好
20:55 Lan wings: 打起来感觉也不错
20:55 LKs: 前面别加跳
20:55 Lan wings: oh 不``
20:55 Lan wings: 这不算很跳好吗
20:56 Lan wings: 这个只是1.6而已
20:56 LKs: 但肉眼明显看出来大了
20:56 Lan wings: 00:31:622 (2,3)- 不行的话你可以这样
20:56 LKs: 这种变化最好kiai之后
20:56 Lan wings: 跟23的头成三角形
20:57 Lan wings:
20:57 Lan wings: 这样就不跳了
20:57 Lan wings: 这样只是1.5
20:58 LKs: [金馆长]
20:58 Lan wings: 00:28:862 (1,2)- 你要是拘泥于这里的1.4的话
20:58 Lan wings: 00:32:702 (1)- 就把这个拉过一点就是了
20:58 LKs: 不是一定要1.4
20:58 LKs: 1/2的间距可以随便变
20:58 LKs: 但1/4只能是那个距离
20:58 LKs: 人眼能分辨的 挨着的距离
20:58 Lan wings: 反正你刚好加了NC
20:58 Lan wings: 那就更没事了
20:59 LKs: 跪了 所以说kiai之前
20:59 Lan wings: 打起来流畅就好啊
20:59 Lan wings: kiai个毛
20:59 Lan wings: 你自己前面都加了跳
20:59 Lan wings: 还不许这里再加一个啊
20:59 LKs: 没有1/4跳
20:59 LKs: 只有1/2 spacing change
20:59 Lan wings: 00:28:862 (1,2)-
20:59 Lan wings: 这个不是1/4是什么
20:59 LKs: 这是2.0x
21:00 LKs: 这么说吧
21:00 Lan wings: _(・ω・」∠)_
21:00 LKs: 这种跳 甚至是00:29:822 (4,5)-
21:00 LKs: 和那个性质是不一样的
21:01 Lan wings: 要是不改slider的话00:32:702 (1)- 这里就不爽了
21:01 Lan wings: 要是改了这里起码有个理由
21:01 LKs: 这里哪不爽
21:01 Lan wings: 看着就不爽
21:01 Lan wings: 00:37:982 (1,2)-
21:01 Lan wings: 这里 谢谢
21:01 Lan wings: 还不是一样
21:02 Lan wings: 跟这里性质一样了吧
21:02 LKs: 不好意思
21:02 LKs: 不一样
21:02 LKs: 不过吧
21:02 Lan wings: 00:32:702 (1)- 这里重拍跳一下没问题吧
21:03 LKs: 我更不理解的是
21:03 LKs: 你觉得1不好看
21:03 LKs: 为啥要改之前的2
21:03 LKs: 加了2也不会影响1
21:03 Lan wings: 你不是不想改么
21:03 Lan wings: 那只能从别的方向着手去让他没有那么难看啊
21:04 Lan wings: 这样对称起来比原来单独一个1好多了
21:04 LKs: .不改本身有啥用
21:04 LKs: 1这东西是个见仁见智的形状
21:04 LKs: 我已开始也觉得蛋疼
21:04 LKs: 但看多了也懒得改了
21:05 Lan wings: 你打一下就知道了
21:05 Lan wings: 这种摆法完全不跳
21:05 Lan wings: 而且你原来的摆法有点断flow
21:06 LKs: 我知道不跳
21:06 LKs: slider接slider还是延长线方向
21:06 LKs: 可以把距离感缩小
21:06 LKs: 我只是关注看上去
21:06 Lan wings: 看上去怎么样?
21:08 LKs: 算了 那我就先这么放个slider
21:08 Lan wings: 00:32:462 (2)- 顺便说一句
21:08 Lan wings: 这里本来就是个延长的音
21:08 Lan wings: 你可以25%听听
21:08 LKs: 你太纠结这方面了233
21:09 Lan wings: 完全合曲啊泥马_(・ω・」∠)_
21:10 LKs: 你这是走极端的风险
21:10 LKs: 完全跟歌这也不会好
21:12 Lan wings: 等我翻翻你之前聊天记录
21:13 LKs: 就是说干什么都有度
21:13 LKs: 不然mapping就超出了你的控制
21:14 Lan wings: 没找到_(・ω・」∠)_
21:14 Lan wings: 反正我觉得这样没超过我的度
21:14 Lan wings: 是我太善良了么:<
21:15 LKs: 你自己做自己的就明显了¬o( ̄- ̄メ)
21:16 Lan wings: 我自己做的我能明显分出来层次啊:<
21:16 LKs: 比如bokuboku?
21:16 Lan wings: 2个都能boku boku
21:16 Lan wings: 2个boku boku都能*
21:16 Lan wings: 还有vision
21:17 Lan wings: 莫非我的起点太高了么
21:17 LKs: 233
21:17 LKs: 你是不是有点飘起了
21:17 Lan wings: 看来这个有点可能
21:17 LKs: 至少我没看出什么系统性的设计
21:17 Lan wings: 啥叫系统性的设计
21:17 LKs: 几乎所有10年后开始mapping的人
21:18 LKs: 都会受到某些前人的影响
21:18 LKs: 作图比较random
21:18 Lan wings: 我只能说我脑袋没排版梗
21:18 LKs: 角度,间距,jump都看不出系统
21:18 LKs: 别人在modding你的图的时候会看你的思路
21:18 LKs: 但大部分2010后的人我不知道他们在下note的时候脑子里在想什么
21:19 Lan wings: 我下完节奏再排0.0
21:19 LKs: 比如
21:19 *LKs is editing Hatsune Miku - Monochroact [Insane]
21:19 LKs: 02:35:815 (1,2,3,4)-
21:19 LKs: 我就无法理解 一个slider后再往下面叠加一个slider的意义何在
21:19 Lan wings: 这一段副歌是sco排的_(:3 」∠)_
21:19 LKs: 在排版和构图上这两者没有关联 也就没系统性
21:19 LKs: 他也算2010后的人
21:19 Lan wings: 没看出来很明显的2种风格么
21:20 LKs: 没太看出来
21:20 Lan wings: 0.0
21:20 LKs: 01:24:770 (2,3,4,1,2)-
21:20 LKs: 这四个slider的组合
21:20 LKs: 包括弧度和角度
21:20 LKs: 以及两两来看这两种颜色
21:20 LKs: 这种形状看不出你想设计的东西
21:21 Lan wings: 没什么设计的
21:21 LKs: 而且是一律的被压扁的样子
21:21 LKs: 这就是所谓的系统性
21:21 LKs: 在某些mapper的设计里看不见这种没有“梗”的设计
21:22 LKs: 就是说一串无关的数字2409283218724120957985
21:22 Lan wings: 那这首歌开始我才开始想排列方面的
21:22 LKs: 和一串有规律的数字123412341234567856785678
21:22 LKs: 就是这种区别
21:22 Lan wings: 从这首歌*
21:22 Lan wings: 也不对
21:22 *Lan wings is editing MiddleIsland - Vision [Normal]
21:22 LKs: buko我能看出一部分设计
21:22 Lan wings: 应该是从这首歌最后做的normal开始才有的
21:22 LKs: vision是排版更充实一点
21:23 Lan wings: N难度是最后做的``也是我个人最满意的
21:23 Lan wings: 包括I难度我现在看来也不算很满意
21:23 LKs: 总之就这样 我得去打个电话
21:23 LKs: 然后你可以post
21:23 LKs: 当mod
21:23 Lan wings: 不过貌似也只是一些blanket
21:23 Lan wings: 骗SP么<.<
21:24 LKs: 你不想要kd也无所谓
21:24 Lan wings: 我给熟人的mod基本都不要kd
21:24 LKs: ok
21:24 Lan wings: post完直接射了
21:24 Lan wings: 所以等于没有
Topic Starter

Muya wrote:


hi there m4m
Muya's Hard don't have any kiai like the others?
maybe the others diff make the flashing kiai :( more prefer no kiai
:!: 02:27:656 - delete the timing and the kiai

more prefer SV 1.4 :)
01:01:250 (6) - New Combo please

00:46:976 - this slider make me so suprised and maybe hard :( try at 00:46:856 -
01:26:456 - don't NC please o3o
01:59:816 - try make a slider here with a reverse because it follows the music
02:03:656 - same with 00:46:976 -

just that i can mod o3o
so perfect o3o but many of it suggest

00:38:450 (1) - Remove NC?
00:53:816 (1) - Add a finish to the start of the slider.
01:17:336 (4) - Add NC?

00:36:296 (5) - Move to 00:36:056. I think fit~
00:47:336 (4) - Add soft whistle.
00:53:816 (1) - Add finish.
01:07:016 (5) - Move to 01:06:776. If you are in this, you add clap.
01:26:456 (1) - Hmm, remove NC?

00:32:690 (1) - スライダーの最初にfinishを追加
01:18:770 (1) - ^

00:09:650 (1) - Remove NC?

Great map :)
Gloria Guard
Hi LKs (:3 」_)=3

From your m4m queue




00:11:576 (1,2) blanket? -> this is pattern shape pretty 'w'

00:13:976 (2) 1 ~ 2 grid down?

01:07:256 (1) hmm.. 2 grid up..

01:46:616 (2) 1 grid down hp bar touch

01:49:496 (1) hmm.. this is slider.. i think that too under.

01:59:096 (1) hp bar touch 2~3 grid down

02:08:216 (4) this is slider 2 gird up ..


00:07:736 (1) Ctrl+G? It seems to flow better

00:50:576 (2,3) blanket? ->

01:02:696 (2,3) i think we can this part is confusing, Please increase the distance.

02:07:496 (2,3) 00:50:576 same


hp -1?

00:15:890 (2) Flow on overlapping notes, three times on the head slider would be nice.

00:38:930 (2,3) 1~2 grid down hp bar touch

02:27:410 (10) finish note new combo?


nice map..

Good luck!
M4M :)

  1. 00:09:650 (1) Why stack this? It was a little bit confusing for me. Maybe rotate (3) by -21° (selection centre) and put (1) to x:92 y:20
  2. 00:18:290 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) I think it would be better, if these are in a trangle or square pattern
  3. 01:33:830 add a note? (Would fit great imo)
  4. 01:41:750 add a note
  1. 00:55:250 (10) Maybe stack this with (4) ?
  2. 01:06:290 (8) put it to x:263 y:246 (+fixspacing) so its some sort of blanket to (7)
  3. 01:46:130 (4,5,6) put this three objects in one line? (4,5) and the head of (6)
  4. 02:07:010 (8,9) these doesn't fit to the music imo. Maybe try this rhytm:
  1. 00:27:176 Add a Note (it feels empty at this place without it)
  2. 02:02:936 Maybe this instead?:
  1. 00:57:656 (1) Idk if this is still a "nogo" (i hate this word), but this slider seems to be out of the grid :/
  2. 01:59:096 same^
  3. 02:08:216 (4) this hits the bottom of my screen (I won't mention it another time, because i'm not sure about this)
  4. 02:27:176 (5) Maybe make it parallel to (4)
Nice Map!
Hope it helps and Good Luck!
來自你的m4m quese :)
中文mod ok? :D

試試5801 maybe?

00:09:401 (2) - 個人認為這個note删掉更好
01:24:521 (1,2) - hard for easy,認為用長slider會更好01:39:881 (1,2,3) - rhythm怪怪的01:59:081 (1) - 貌似超屏
02:15:881 (5) - 放上一點
CS-1 plz

00:09:530 (2,1) - 這個stack不舒服,直接用circle代替?
00:19:730 (1,2,1,2,3) - 這個地方很難打,雖然ok順手但易看不見,試將00:19:730 (1,2) - 放到x:264 y:144,然後00:19:970 (2)
神map難mod :o
希望我的渣mod有用 :?
good luck :)
Hi for m4m queue :)

00:47:336 (2) - There is a high volume sound at 00:47:096 - , I think you should start the slider here and make the and

same as now (00:47:576 - )
00:49:256 (3) - Same (Start at white tick before, same end as now)
00:53:096 (2) - ^
01:24:536 (1,2) - I think you should make them a 2 reverse slider I think it would be easier for an easy diff
02:04:136 (2) - Same as 00:53:096
02:06:062 (3) - ^
02:09:902 (2) - ^

00:07:016 (3) - Sond like it is not correctly synched with the song, I think it should start here 00:06:896 - and hyave

the same end as now (00:07:256 - )
00:14:696 (3) - Same (Start and blue tick before, same end as now)
00:36:056 - Sound empty, maybe add a note here ?
00:57:896 - ^
01:06:776 - ^
01:35:336 (3) - Start on blue tick before then add two reverse, end on white tick I think it folow the music better

without being too hard (IDK if I explain correctly so )
01:35:816 - Add a note here if you do previous it sound better
01:36:296 - Sound empty add note maybe ?
01:36:536 (3) - End here sond better and is easier 01:37:016 -

00:33:290 (2) - I think add a note here follows the music better and having little streams in hard is okey
00:35:090 (2) - I think make this a single note and add another note as 00:35:450 follows the music better
01:32:690 (6) - Start here 01:32:810 - and remove one arrow follow better the thing you folowed with the notes before I think
01:33:890 - The thing you followed still make a sound here so add note ?

nothing (Too hard for me too ^^)

I think your diff spread is good but I think your hard could be named insane, your normal hard, and your easy normal.
Good luck with your map :)
Hi from my Queue

  1. background.jpg is 1365x768, i think should be 800 x 600 or 1024x768.
  2. Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections: easy and normal got it in 00:05:816 and hard and insane got it in 00:05:810

  • AR -1?

    00:05:336 why easy is the only diff who start here? better remove the circle
    00:05:810 clap in the end?
    00:07:730 ^
    00:09:650 ^
    00:11:570 ^
    00:12:530 ^
    00:09:410 remove this? since is really hard for a easy diff
    00:17:090 ^
    00:17:330 clap in the end following your patterns
    00:20:210 (3,4,1) - why this changes of distance here? shoud fix this
    00:25:010 clap in the end
    00:25:970 ^
    00:27:410 (2,4) - clap
    00:28:850 clap in the end
    00:29:810 ^
    00:31:250 (2,4) - clap
    00:32:690 (1,2) - clap in the end
    00:35:090 (2,4) - clap
    mmmm your hitsounds are bad here you add good hitsounds in insane why here not? :c
    00:38:450 why this double repeat dont fit imo
    01:18:776 (1,2,1,2) - distance is so wrong here fix it
    01:24:536 (1,2,3) - this is so hard for easy imo o.o!
    01:51:416 (1,2) - distance error here too
    01:59:096 this touch hp bar
    02:07:742 so hard for an easy
    02:14:456 (3,4,5) - ^

    your hitsound in this diff are to bad imo add they like you did on insane and this diff is really hard for a easy
    Fix this
    00:05:810 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:05:810 (2) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:05:810 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:07:730 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:07:730 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:07:730 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:09:410 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:09:650 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:09:650 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:09:650 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:11:570 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:11:570 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:12:530 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:12:530 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:13:490 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 00:13:970 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:13:970 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:14:930 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:14:930 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:15:890 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:15:890 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:15:890 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:17:090 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:17:330 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:17:330 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:17:330 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:19:250 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 00:19:730 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:20:210 (3) - Unsnapped circle. 00:20:690 (4) - Unsnapped circle. 00:21:170 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:21:170 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:22:130 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:22:130 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:23:090 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:23:090 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:24:050 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:24:050 (2) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:24:050 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:25:010 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:25:010 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:25:970 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:25:970 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:26:930 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 00:27:410 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:27:890 (3) - Unsnapped circle. 00:28:370 (4) - Unsnapped circle. 00:28:850 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:28:850 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:29:810 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:29:810 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:30:770 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 00:31:250 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:31:730 (3) - Unsnapped circle. 00:32:210 (4) - Unsnapped circle. 00:32:690 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:32:690 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:33:650 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:33:650 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:34:610 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 00:35:090 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:35:570 (3) - Unsnapped circle. 00:36:050 (4) - Unsnapped circle. 00:36:530 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:36:530 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:37:490 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:37:490 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:38:450 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:38:450 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:38:450 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:38:450 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:40:370 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:40:370 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:41:330 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:41:330 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:42:290 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 00:42:290 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:43:250 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 00:43:730 (3) - Unsnapped circle. 02:01:022 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:01:022 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:01:982 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:01:982 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:02:942 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:02:942 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:04:142 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:04:142 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:04:862 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 02:05:342 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 02:06:062 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:06:062 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:06:782 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 02:07:262 (2) - Unsnapped circle. 02:07:742 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:07:742 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:08:222 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:08:222 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:09:182 (1) - Unsnapped circle. 02:09:902 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:09:902 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:10:622 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:10:622 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 02:11:582 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start). 02:11:582 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).

  • 00:06:296 (2) - you forget add clap here
    00:07:736 clap in the end?
    00:09:176 ^
    00:09:656 clap in the end of this slider?
    00:12:056 (2,4) - clap
    00:13:496 add finish here
    00:21:170 you forget finish here
    00:25:016 clap in the end
    00:25:976 this rhythm is wrong maybe:
    00:21:656 (2,3) - so hard for a normal..
    00:23:576 (2,3) - ^
    00:27:776 this start in blue tick so hard for a normal
    00:35:456 ^
    00:43:136 ^
    00:46:976 (3,4,5) - again i thing you are making this like a hard this not good for normal imo
    00:54:536 so confuse for a normal :/
    00:58:496 ^
    01:04:376 (3,4) - this is nice for hard but not for normal
    01:06:176 ^
    01:10:136 ^
    01:23:576 (2,3) - sriously im thinking you are making a hard here
    01:24:536 (1,2) - ^
    01:39:896 (1,2,1,2) - why this jumps on normal?
    01:55:256 (1,2) - so hard for normal
    01:56:096 (3,4) - ^
    01:59:936 ^
    02:03:776 ^
    02:11:336 ^
    02:15:416 ^
    02:22:136 (1,2,3,1) - since this patter look really bad and really hard here
    02:24:296 (3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - all this part is imposible for a new plyayer imo

    your hitsound in this diff are to bad imo add they like you did on insane and this diff is like hard

  • 00:10:130 (2,3) - 0,40 is not good spacing this kind of pattern maybe 0.50?
    00:20:570 (6,7) - distance here is wrong and the pattern look really bad
    00:21:410 why the break here you should map this part imo
    00:25:490 (3,4,5) - and here you are using 0.60 distance when in the previous patterns you use 0,40
    00:28:610 (1,2,3) - and here you are sing 0,70 :/
    00:25:010 add finish
    00:46:130 (6,7) - why not remove 7 and add other repeat in 6 gonna be better fun and redeable
    00:49:010 00:49:970 00:50:930 00:52:850 this pauses got no sense imo map they
    00:55:250 this antijump dont fit imo
    01:13:010 (5,6,7) - when i play this i really got confused here
    01:13:010 and add new combo here
    01:28:130 (4) - idont see the readon for this antijump is really weird imo
    this look like an insane
    Fix this
    00:20:690 (7) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:20:690 (7) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:20:690 (7) - Unsnapped slider (repeat). 00:20:690 (7) - Unsnapped slider (repeat).

  • Fix this
    00:20:690 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:20:850 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:20:930 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end). 00:21:090 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).

since i just take a look in this diff look well maked but this diff is not insane is like extra or something you should rename your diffs imo and work with hitsounds too o.o kk good luck
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