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do double your team dmg, still lose
What's a good build order for Lux mid ?... I just tried something (after not playing for like 6 months) like RoA -> sorcerer -> holy grail (then going for rabadon, but the game ended before I could buy it) and I had like 0 damage

Shiro wrote:

What's a good build order for Lux mid ?... I just tried something (after not playing for like 6 months) like RoA -> sorcerer -> holy grail (then going for rabadon, but the game ended before I could buy it) and I had like 0 damage
Well, for my Lux build, I quickly get blasting wand if I could and I finish the build when I have enough money, if I don't have enough then I'll just get RoA first. Some runes could help too :/
I play nothing but mid lane all day and i find lux to be a pretty meh champ in general :/ on euw she's not really that popular tbh, and i guess there must be a reason for that
Lux is one of the first champions I bought (the second, actually, after Cho'Gath) and the first AP carry I've played, and I still love her. She sucks though.

Also I was playing on my NA accout, which is level 9, and Lux is free this week.
700 damage
This is what i do for lux when i play. boots 3 health pot -> 2 Doren rings for the early game -> roa If you think u need a bit more hp and you really don't have a tank. other than that skip to deathcap -> deathcap -> i get to end hourglass and lich bane. If they are a bit fed i tend to get hourglass 1st then lich bane. If they don't have a really good tank or my team is doing good i tend to go lich bane 1st. -> go for Void staff -> and if you actually got enough money for your last item... i guess a GA or DGF can do it lol. Also i forgot to put magic pen boots so get your lv 2 boot after your 1st core item. If you get RoA buy it after that. If you went deathcap 1st get it after deathcap.
Sorry for my bad English xD

Shiro wrote:

What's a good build order for Lux mid ?... I just tried something (after not playing for like 6 months) like RoA -> sorcerer -> holy grail (then going for rabadon, but the game ended before I could buy it) and I had like 0 damage
starts boots 3pots
first back try to get a doran or two
then kage's lucky pick into DFG for insane lane burst and roaming power
then deathcap
then hourglass

rest is optional; if they're massing MR get void staff, if they have really weak engage get lichbane, if they have a shit ton of CC and you can't afford getting locked then QSS
Kanye West
mana regen is for scrubs
there is no "good" build for mid Lux. She's close to TF with her game throwing ability.

here are the things you need to remember

Abyssal is horrid on her since the nerf (still can build it)

Grail is a great item to scale throughtout the whole game while lets you dominate your AP opponent harder

DFG and Lich Bane reduce your range by a horrid lot while increasing your burst by a considerable amount as well


cast shield the same direction you're running to

Strongest Lux is glasscannon 40% Lux but you can't dominate a game if you try to farm this up. Watch your AD and frontline performance, gank sides while pushing your lane. Build accordingly.
f e a r
There's more to Lux than getting Rabadon and spamming lasers?
if your team is doing good, then this point is true
Good to know I can play a game for the first time in like 3 months and have nothing changed on master yi at all.
Got my first pentakill with yi a few days ago, felt so good

Ouariasse wrote:

Got my first pentakill with yi a few days ago, felt so good
I know that feeling. When I did my first with katarina, I was like OWWOOOOO PEEENTAKILL!!!
I didnt do so many pentakills just uhm, 1 katarina , 1 corki, 1 jax , 1 jayce... not more I think
^ This guy is pro.
ive never done a pentakill.
almost had one once with pre nerf twitch but someone stole the last kill
Only ever had one with Fizz, 3 people were caught by the shark.
over one and a half year I've got like 4, first was with renekton
Kanye West

First pentakill was with prenerf vlad, drop ult and walk into 5 for instant penta

I got 2 with Akali, and one with Singed (lol)

Got a few quadras with Vayne, Irelia and GP. Always got that last kill stolen by some scumbag support.
Sleep Powder
I likes that thar one girl what gots the big boobies.
We should make some LoL games for fun, with osu! people, would be nice. I would join on EUW games *.*

animask wrote:

I likes that thar one girl what gots the big boobies.
like... every female champ except for annie?
lulu >_>
what is a lulu?

Ouariasse wrote:

Got my first pentakill with yi a few days ago, felt so good
I got my first penta kill with.....teemo (′・ω・`)

And, anyone else call Ryan "White Wolf"?
First penta with Vayne :)
Oh i've had pentas before just not with yi, it's so fucking hard not getting blowed up after the triple/quadra. I dived to their nexus for that one and they still had their inhib turret up LOL
My first penta was teemo, i've got a few with vayne, one with ad sona, one with irelia, one with tristana and one with darius.
Almost had one with lee once but tunnel vision made me miss the gp who ran away ;_;
well since we're doing this

Katarina, Kog Maw, Vayne, Miss Fortune, Olaf, Katarina, Soraka, Annie, Yi, Akali

normal games are glorious
It looks like I'm still a newbie... I never got a penta before ;w; Oh my...

Look like Syndra is gonna come out... Looks kinda hard to play her :/
There's no Syndra in CN sever yet, I'm looking forward to her though, her skill looked awesome
penta with soraka? pro dude
idk if syndra is just a bad teamfight hero in general but so far the routine has been the same: win lane, be useless in teamfight. Maybe people still have no idea hwo to teamfight with her
Syndra useless in teamfight? NAH NO WAY, she has low CDs and dunno she has CC she is pretty good on teamfights,anyways I am not expert at MID lane cuz my main role is jungler, 2nd season near finish and I had awesome bad luck with elo these last days...would be nice if I can get at lesat gold...
Haven't played her, haven't actually played LoL for a while, but for me as mid player she's look strong on lane. Low CD and AOE damage makes her very good in teamfights as well.
I'm gonna try her on PBE when I'm not lazy.

And the only penta I ever had was against bots with Akali. =(
Hecarim is viable? I wanted ask this to you guys. I think is a very funny champion but I think is not that viable for late and mid game, there are tons of better junglers , on my oppinion this could be easy solved adding some damage on Q and more ratio. What do you think?
I think you are pro.
Kanye West
Hecarim is perfectly fine, very underrated champion imho.
there's a video of SivHD using him in a trojan horse manner where everyone hides inside him because he has no collision, and then it's like impossible to target them... it's on youtube somewhere

Why team, why? WHY U NO LET ME CARRY, and you always feed mid ;_;
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