
Yu Lin Xian - Song of Cao Ni Ma

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做的很好 没什么要mod的 送star了 =3=

Hi, popner

My mod from your request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Fine


  1. 00:41:600 (1) - I noticed that it doesn't a little parallel. Move 1st point to up 1 grid, and move last point to right 1 grid. Will look better.


  1. 01:04:218 (1) - Spinner is rather short for a Normal diff. New players may not be able to rotate the spinner in a timely manner. Please fix it.


  1. 00:05:552 (1,2) - Switch NC, because it's associated with the sound of rhythm in a song.
  2. 00:39:951 (1) - Spinner start at 00:39:833 - (For example in 01:04:336 -.)


  1. 00:18:864 (2,3) - Move to right 1 grid. Spacing between (1) to (2) is closer than (2) to (3) a little bit.

That's all that I can find them. (If my mod is useless, don't give a kd.)
Nice map, give a star ;)

Good luck~
I love cao ni ma!

oh and this map is awesome so have a star
Hi, popner!

From my queue.
Well, not really many things to mod from me.

00:05:552 (1,2) - Either lengthen the distance between these notes since it's not visible ...

00:08:261 (5) - Well, these notes are not visible as well.
01:15:882 (2,3) - ^

The other things are fine.

Well, I wonder if it would be called as a modding, but that's all.
You're really a good mapper, good luck!!
这歌。。我可以做太鼓谱吗???? :D :D :D :D plz :) :) :) :)
Topic Starter

mint_ong89 wrote:

这。。。。好了 :oops: :oops:
基于现在的规则单太鼓是unrankable, 所以不想加太鼓了, sorry :(

Done with all mods and updated. Ty for modding!

00:51:025 (1,2,3) - 个人觉得不好看

00:39:951 (1) - nc无意义
01:07:988 (1) - N最好不要用那么多来回的
01:11:758 (1) - ^

00:05:552 (1) - 只在红线和白线上放一个note 这里3连了 后面突然节奏那么空有点奇怪
00:16:154 (4) - 换成一个长的slider?
00:17:568 (3) - 少一来回 后面的长slider提前到白线
00:18:746 (5) - 上面改了的话 这里加note
00:21:809 (4) - 换成一个长的slider
00:41:835 (2) - 换成来回的slider
00:43:720 (2) - ^
01:06:104 (1) - 删nc
01:07:988 (1) - 少一来回 01:09:402 (2) - 加note

00:15:683 (4) - Ctrl + R
01:18:356 (5) - 反向跳手感不是很好尝试x:416 y:29左右的位置?

good luck
Hi, mod time~ :3


All diffs looks fine to me, only this~


You could increase either HP Drain, OD or CS +1, for make it more Insane~ x3

That's all, good luck c:
Topic Starter
Mostly fixed! Thanks for your mod!
Hi popner, I'm here for your m4m request :3

I'd remove letterbox during breaks because you are using a SB. It is recommended to remove it :3

00:34:060 (3) - I'd use new combo here for the new vocal
00:38:773 (2) - What about to add a soft finish 40% volume or a bit lower on this slider's end to fit finish you can hear from the music too?
00:51:025 (1,2,3) - Try to make a different pattern here? I think this part breaks the map's flow :\
01:13:643 (3) - If you followed above, use new combo here

00:39:951 (5) - Same of Normal about 00:38:773 (2)

00:39:833 (1) - Same of Normal about the finish
01:13:643 (3) - To make it more flowing together with 01:14:114 (4) I would move the second slider's point at x:220 y:296, it flows really much better imho:

00:40:657 (7) - You already know
01:19:533 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't like this shape D: Using the "Convert slider to stream" I obtained this that is really much better:


Clean and flowing mapset as always popner!
Star and good luck with cool rank :3
Sun Rainbow
Beautiful song :33


00:09:557 - Add break time here


00:16:154 (3) - Move 2nd sliderpoint 1 grid down


01:20:711 (2) - NC like ohter diffs?


All ok

Good luck popner! :D
Hi there~~~mod for request

  1. 关掉Countdown
  2. 一般来说vocaloid放在tags里面,source里放的是调教者的名字……
  3. 整体上还有个问题就是音效有些太单调了……不过对此我确实没有什么更好的建议能提……
  1. 00:22:280 - 可可以考虑加个note的地方……
  1. 00:35:003 (3,4) - 从vocal上来听这里用两个1/2的slider比较好
  2. 01:05:632 - 加个note?
  1. STR2建议
  2. 00:06:258 (2,3,4) - 这里做成一组kick slider并且00:07:436 - 加note?
  3. 00:18:864 - 感觉上是少了个note
  1. STR2建议
  2. 00:02:960 (3,4,5,6,7) - (nazi) stream形状不好看,用那个slider->stream的工具调整下试试?
  3. 00:08:025 (3,4,5) - stream里这种折返很坑啊……
  4. 00:11:442 (3,4) - Insane的话这里用两个1/2的slider吧
  5. 00:15:683 (4) - ctrl+r下试试?
  6. 00:22:751 (3,4) - 这里也是两个1/2slider并且删掉00:23:576 (5) - ?
  7. 00:51:967 (5,6) - 我突然在想做成4个note的跳也可以诶
  8. 00:55:266 (4) - ctrl+r?
  9. 01:00:802 - 这里倒是可以考虑加个note?顺便这五边形没做好=v=
  10. 01:06:104 (2,4) - (nazi)做对称了?
Nothing much to say about this solid mapset, good luck with rank :>
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi popner, I'm here for your m4m request :3

I'd remove letterbox during breaks because you are using a SB. It is recommended to remove it :3 fixed

00:34:060 (3) - I'd use new combo here for the new vocal ok
00:38:773 (2) - What about to add a soft finish 40% volume or a bit lower on this slider's end to fit finish you can hear from the music too? sounds good
00:51:025 (1,2,3) - Try to make a different pattern here? I think this part breaks the map's flow :\ ok, changed
01:13:643 (3) - If you followed above, use new combo here done

00:39:951 (5) - Same of Normal about 00:38:773 (2)

00:39:833 (1) - Same of Normal about the finish
01:13:643 (3) - To make it more flowing together with 01:14:114 (4) I would move the second slider's point at x:220 y:296, it flows really much better imho: done

00:40:657 (7) - You already know
01:19:533 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't like this shape D: Using the "Convert slider to stream" I obtained this that is really much better: It's a spiral and I want to keep this


Clean and flowing mapset as always popner!
Star and good luck with cool rank :3 thx!

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~~mod for request

  1. 关掉Countdown done
  2. 一般来说vocaloid放在tags里面,source里放的是调教者的名字…… 调教者不知道英文叫啥。。
  3. 整体上还有个问题就是音效有些太单调了……不过对此我确实没有什么更好的建议能提……
  1. 00:22:280 - 可可以考虑加个note的地方…… 空着稍微能歇口气。。
  1. 00:35:003 (3,4) - 从vocal上来听这里用两个1/2的slider比较好 ok
  2. 01:05:632 - 加个note? ok
  1. STR2建议
  2. 00:06:258 (2,3,4) - 这里做成一组kick slider并且00:07:436 - 加note? 拉远了点距离..
  3. 00:18:864 - 感觉上是少了个note
  1. STR2建议
  2. 00:02:960 (3,4,5,6,7) - (nazi) stream形状不好看,用那个slider->stream的工具调整下试试?
  3. 00:08:025 (3,4,5) - stream里这种折返很坑啊…… 。。
  4. 00:11:442 (3,4) - Insane的话这里用两个1/2的slider吧 略单调。。
  5. 00:15:683 (4) - ctrl+r下试试? 感觉flow会变差
  6. 00:22:751 (3,4) - 这里也是两个1/2slider并且删掉00:23:576 (5) - ?
  7. 00:51:967 (5,6) - 我突然在想做成4个note的跳也可以诶
  8. 00:55:266 (4) - ctrl+r?
  9. 01:00:802 - 这里倒是可以考虑加个note?顺便这五边形没做好=v= 是六边形。。
  10. 01:06:104 (2,4) - (nazi)做对称了?故意的。。
Nothing much to say about this solid mapset, good luck with rank :>


  1. 00:26:521 (2) - 应该把slider做成这种形状来体现「卧」的意境
  2. 00:30:291 (1) - 同样的这个slider应该加个速
  3. 01:06:104 (2) - ^
  4. 00:45:135 (1,2,3,4,5) - 逐渐增大比较好

  1. 00:30:291 (1) - 觉得有点不流畅..
  2. 00:54:795 (3) - down 1grid o.o

  1. 01:01:392 (5) - move left 1 grid

  1. 00:38:773 (2) - 233 对称
Colin Hou


00:22:515 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里有点变得太突然 把vocal突然扔掉然后又捡回来

其他的没啥问题 就是整体感觉是平铺过去的 没有吸引人的细节 有点像两年前的图
Mod Request. Here's what I've found:

-> Add some finishes where needed. The parts where I can hear some finishes on the music, you only added whistles. It would sound more interesting of you can add finishes on those patrs. You can leave the whistles if you prefer.

-> In general, the slider velocity and the distance spacing is a bit high for an easy. Although, the HP Drain of 1 makes up for it imo.
00:07:672 (3) - It feels a bit empty here. How about insert a reverse arrow on this slider? That way, it feels more full. Also, it will be consistent with 00:47:255 (1).

-> Your other difficulties are fine! Nothing to suggest.

Nice and Simple map. To be honest, I would bubble this map, but I'm no MAT (lol). Anyway, good luck with your map. :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod! :)
  • 感觉SB出来的时间稍晚,批量向前移动一些?
    Source栏一般填歌曲的出处,这里建议用Bilibili Douga。MAD作者可以放进Tag一栏
    原曲是蓝精灵之歌,建议在Tag栏里面加上The Song of Smurfs(或Lan Jing Ling Zhi Ge 窝查了下原曲是国人谱曲填词的作品,用拼音也不错)
  • 00:02:960 (2,4) - 4会被2打出的300挡住,移动一下
    01:02:334 (1,3) - 3会被1打出的300挡住,移动一下
    01:20:711 (1) - 尾巴上加个finish?
  • AR要不要-1?目测略快
    个人意见是NM里面不要有这类似的重叠:00:04:609 (3,4) - ;00:16:154 (3,3) - ;00:34:532 (2,3) -。低级图保持一定的可读性比较好
    00:25:578 (3,4) - 和前面的3重叠在一起?看着有点孤单
    00:39:244 (4,5) - 减少4的一个repeat,然后把5提前到00:39:715,结尾不变如何?
    01:20:711 (1) - 尾巴上加个finish?
  • 00:21:809 (4,3) - 会被300挡住,不好看
    00:24:636 (1) - 距离不对,故意跳的嘛?
    01:00:684 (2,5) - 挡住了
    01:06:104 (1) - 去掉new combo
    01:21:182 (3) - 加finish?
  • 00:11:442 (3) - 拆分成短slider?听着不大舒服
    00:34:767 (5,6) - 总觉得这个跳有点莫名其妙的
    01:14:350 (5,6) - 同上
    01:15:528 (1,2,3) - 很难读出来 不过是INSANE也许无所谓
    01:17:884 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 可以做成间距不断增大的排列
    01:21:182 (2) - 加finish?
EasyModder 1.4.1
Program By Weiren
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Thanks for your mod! I'll check it later.
前天pp说所有v+都不要放角色要放本来的作者 然后把这张图都改名了
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LKs wrote:

前天pp说所有v+都不要放角色要放本来的作者 然后把这张图都改名了
Nothing to say~ Good map
Thank you for request \(^^)/
Sorry for delay ^^'


  1. 00:02:960 (1) - Remove NC
  2. 00:04:845 (1) - ^
  3. 00:06:730 (1) - ^
  4. 00:07:672 (2) - NC

That's all :3
:3 来自我的队列
我看到了吃货 030
00:26:521(1) - slider减速或者其他什么会更贴近音乐,并没有其他部分那么活泼感 030
00:30:290(1)- ^
01:06:103(1)- ^
01:09:873 (1) - ^
01:05:632(1)- 换个摆法吧 感觉好丑(骨头里挑刺中)
:? 没找到问题





没什么问题了吧._. 4星没问题吗?+1




我以为会用到clap 个人觉得用clap能更欢乐的...

no kd ._.因为真心不知道讲啥了

虽然你没照rule里面放麻将脸...不过我也mod不出啥 这次就算了.-.
Lan wings
按照新的Rules,Vocalid的所有歌曲不能再用Hatsune Miku之类的Artist,要改为P主名字.
Hi popner :3
Checking old modded maps o.o/


  1. Add "Lan Jing Ling Zhi Ge" to the Insane's tags like the other diffs
  2. Checking the general Song Setup I see that there aren't title's and artist's names:
    Be sure to add it again

  1. 00:11:442 (1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern is a bit hard to play for beginners

  1. 00:14:976 (4) - Remove.
  2. 00:17:332 (1) - ^
  3. 00:18:746 (6) - ^
  4. 00:23:458 (2) - ^
  5. 00:25:343 (2) - ^
  6. 00:37:595 (4) - ^
  7. 00:38:537 (2) - ^
  8. 00:51:024 (1,2,3,4) - Use 2 1/2 sliders please, this map should be a Normal diff
  9. 00:52:674 (6) - Remove.
  10. 00:54:559 (4) - ^
  11. 00:56:444 (4) - ^
  12. 00:58:329 (4) - ^
  13. 01:00:684 (2,4) - ^
  14. 01:11:522 (4) - ^
  15. 01:17:178 (4) - ^
  16. 01:19:062 (4) - ^
I'm suggesting you to remove all these circles because the Normal is too hard to be a Normal at the moment.
Honestly I think there are so much useless circles that you can easily avoid to use. Applying my mod the map would be more enjoyable and easy to play for novice players.

Hard and Insane are fine.
Make the Normal diff easier and I'll bubble :\
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi popner :3
Checking old modded maps o.o/


  1. Add "Lan Jing Ling Zhi Ge" to the Insane's tags like the other diffs Fixed
  2. Checking the general Song Setup I see that there aren't title's and artist's names:
    Be sure to add it again Fixed


  1. 00:11:442 (1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern is a bit hard to play for beginners changed the pattern and I think it is ok now..

  1. 00:14:976 (4) - Remove. done
  2. 00:17:332 (1) - ^ The note is on vocal so I'd like to keep it
  3. 00:18:746 (6) - ^ done
  4. 00:23:458 (2) - ^ There are many 1/1 space in this section(and I delete the note at 00:25:343), so I keep this note since it is not so hard now
  5. 00:25:343 (2) - ^ done
  6. 00:37:595 (4) - ^ done
  7. 00:38:537 (2) - ^ same reason as 00:23:458 (2)
  8. 00:51:024 (1,2,3,4) - Use 2 1/2 sliders please, this map should be a Normal diff ok
  9. 00:52:674 (6) - Remove. same as 00:23:458 (2)
  10. 00:54:559 (4) - ^ done
  11. 00:56:444 (4) - ^ same as 00:23:458 (2)
  12. 00:58:329 (4) - ^ done
  13. 01:00:684 (2,4) - ^ I use an easier pattern here
  14. 01:11:522 (4) - ^ I'd like to keep this to keep the pattern
  15. 01:17:178 (4) - ^ done
  16. 01:19:062 (4) - ^
I'm suggesting you to remove all these circles because the Normal is too hard to be a Normal at the moment.
Honestly I think there are so much useless circles that you can easily avoid to use. Applying my mod the map would be more enjoyable and easy to play for novice players.

Hard and Insane are fine.
Make the Normal diff easier and I'll bubble :\
Thanks for your check :)
Okay let's recheck this


  1. There are 3 .osb file. Delete them since you are not using a SB.

  1. 00:51:025 (1) - I can hear a sound similar a clap here, add clap maybe to emphasize it?

  1. 01:04:218 (4) - You used New combo on the previous part, then to keep consistency use it here too

  1. 00:15:683 (4) - Maybe CTRL + G it? Since this map can be played with DT it would be more enjoyable to play if CTRL + G'd
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Okay let's recheck this


  1. There are 3 .osb file. Delete them since you are not using a SB. ok,deleted

  1. 00:51:025 (1) - I can hear a sound similar a clap here, add clap maybe to emphasize it? tried but sounds weird to me...

  1. 01:04:218 (4) - You used New combo on the previous part, then to keep consistency use it here too fixed, also add NC on 01:00:449 (5)

  1. 00:15:683 (4) - Maybe CTRL + G it? Since this map can be played with DT it would be more enjoyable to play if CTRL + G'd good idea

popner wrote:


  1. 00:15:683 (4) - Maybe CTRL + G it? Since this map can be played with DT it would be more enjoyable to play if CTRL + G'd good idea
Still not CTRL + G'd.
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

popner wrote:


  1. 00:15:683 (4) - Maybe CTRL + G it? Since this map can be played with DT it would be more enjoyable to play if CTRL + G'd good idea
Still not CTRL + G'd.
You mean 00:15:683 (3) or 00:16:154 (4)? I made change to 00:15:683 (3)

popner wrote:

Chewin wrote:

Still not CTRL + G'd.
You mean 00:15:683 (3) or 00:16:154 (4)? I made change to 00:15:683 (3)
I mean 00:15:683 (4), it should be:
Topic Starter
orz that's in Insane... Fixed now.
Okay, bubbled :3

  1. Please add 'The Smurfs' into the tag.
  1. 00:24:636 (5) - I would say a new combo here would be nice because of the accent here.
  2. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want.
  3. 01:04:218 (3) - I would like to see another pattern or another shape of slider here because I see that you have used this kind of shape several time in this diff. Thus put more creative wouldn't hurt.
  1. 00:07:672 (1) - A suggestion here: Probably start the spinner at 00:07:908 - and stop at 00:09:557 - . After that, put a note at 00:07:672 - to make a star-shape with 00:05:787 (1,2,3,4) - ?
  2. 00:39:951 (5) - The rhythm is quite weird here in my opinion. I would remove a reverse of 00:39:244 (4) - and then move (5)- to 00:39:715 - . After that, add a note at 00:40:657 - or you can just extend the slider to 00:40:657 -
  3. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want.
  1. 00:05:552 (1,2,3,4) - I prefer a square shape here. Well, a suggestion only.
  2. 00:25:578 (2,3) - Sorry but I highly suggest to remove the 3/4 rhythm here. I don't see any reason that 3/4 is needed here. They don't fit the music and there are no drum sounds/instruments/vocal to support it.
  3. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want.
  4. 01:01:392 (5) - Same as 00:25:578-
  5. 01:05:632 (1) - ^
  6. 01:07:988 (1) - Since this is a hard diff, so the pattern can be more diversified. Hence, I guess you can put some 1/4 pattern here instead of just putting monotone 1/1. Sure, the 1/4 pattern can be a small jump.
  7. 01:11:758 (1) - ^
  1. 00:26:050 (1,2) - Sorry but I highly suggest to remove the 3/4 rhythm here. I don't see any reason that 3/4 is needed here. They don't fit the music and there are no drum sounds/instruments/vocal to support it.
  2. 00:32:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - The spacing of these jumps are inconsistent. In my opinion, some triplet jump would be much better if their jump are consistent, or you can use some 1/4 sliders instead of notes.
  3. 00:40:657 (7) - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want.
  4. 01:01:392 (5,6) - Same as 00:26:050-
  5. 01:05:633 (1,2) - ^
  6. 01:09:402 (9,1) - ^
  7. 01:19:534 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The streamline is quite ugly, probably do some refinement on it?
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:


  1. Please add 'The Smurfs' into the tag. Added
  1. 00:24:636 (5) - I would say a new combo here would be nice because of the accent here. added
  2. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want. ok
  3. 01:04:218 (3) - I would like to see another pattern or another shape of slider here because I see that you have used this kind of shape several time in this diff. Thus put more creative wouldn't hurt. Only 2 times..
  1. 00:07:672 (1) - A suggestion here: Probably start the spinner at 00:07:908 - and stop at 00:09:557 - . After that, put a note at 00:07:672 - to make a star-shape with 00:05:787 (1,2,3,4) - ? ok, good idea
  2. 00:39:951 (5) - The rhythm is quite weird here in my opinion. I would remove a reverse of 00:39:244 (4) - and then move (5)- to 00:39:715 - . After that, add a note at 00:40:657 - or you can just extend the slider to 00:40:657 - Change the pattern now
  3. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want. ok
  1. 00:05:552 (1,2,3,4) - I prefer a square shape here. Well, a suggestion only. Hmm..I prefer current one
  2. 00:25:578 (2,3) - Sorry but I highly suggest to remove the 3/4 rhythm here. I don't see any reason that 3/4 is needed here. They don't fit the music and there are no drum sounds/instruments/vocal to support it. Changed (2). For (3), I can hear 3/4 vocal under 25%, so I'll keep the 3/4.
  3. 00:40:657 - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want. ok
  4. 01:01:392 (5) - Same as 00:25:578- ^
  5. 01:05:632 (1) - ^ ^
  6. 01:07:988 (1) - Since this is a hard diff, so the pattern can be more diversified. Hence, I guess you can put some 1/4 pattern here instead of just putting monotone 1/1. Sure, the 1/4 pattern can be a small jump. I use similar pattern as previous section
  7. 01:11:758 (1) - ^ ^
  1. 00:26:050 (1,2) - Sorry but I highly suggest to remove the 3/4 rhythm here. I don't see any reason that 3/4 is needed here. They don't fit the music and there are no drum sounds/instruments/vocal to support it. same as Hard
  2. 00:32:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - The spacing of these jumps are inconsistent. In my opinion, some triplet jump would be much better if their jump are consistent, or you can use some 1/4 sliders instead of notes. Since it is a star so I think it doesn't matters
  3. 00:40:657 (7) - I guess you can raise the volume to 40% here, 30% is too soft imo. But this is up to you, just change it if you want.
  4. 01:01:392 (5,6) - Same as 00:26:050- ^
  5. 01:05:633 (1,2) - ^ ^
  6. 01:09:402 (9,1) - ^ ^
  7. 01:19:534 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The streamline is quite ugly, probably do some refinement on it? Changed the pattern
Thanks for modding!
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