Thank you for modding my "Lunatic" again !!xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:
Irc mod ~
謝謝闇天使的modding~DarknessAngel wrote:
IRC MOD ~SPOILER10:55 <l1106188> : 闇天使 灣早 OAO~~
10:55 <DarknessAngel> : 早
10:55 <DarknessAngel> : 看到你才發現我忘了那回事
10:55 <DarknessAngel> : 現在來不?
10:55 <l1106188> : 可以>"<
11:01 <DarknessAngel> : 01:39:959 (5) - cril + R 打起來更舒服
11:02 <l1106188> : fix~
11:03 <DarknessAngel> : 02:02:380 - 啊 同樣的地方耶
11:03 <DarknessAngel> : 之前提到的不適當加速
11:03 <l1106188> : 恩~
11:05 <DarknessAngel> : 02:27:170 (6) - 強烈建議分開 在連打之後又作停頓會讓SS覺發飆的..
11:05 <DarknessAngel> : 啊 沒說清楚
11:05 <DarknessAngel> : "不要重疊"
11:05 <l1106188> : XD?!
11:05 <DarknessAngel> : 這樣
11:05 <l1106188> : 恩~
11:05 <l1106188> : 分開了 ~ OwO
11:09 <DarknessAngel> : 03:21:644 (1) - 這裡我大概會斷
11:10 <DarknessAngel> : 03:21:328 (4,1) - 把這間距弄大點
11:10 <l1106188> : stack 呢?
11:10 <DarknessAngel> : 跳躍之後又是急停 我個人覺得分開會更有feel
11:10 <l1106188> : 恩
11:11 <DarknessAngel> : 03:21:644 (1,2,3) - 最好這3個保持間距一致
11:11 <DarknessAngel> : 感覺比較有氣勢點 做個大間距什麼的
11:12 <l1106188> : fix~
11:13 <l1106188> : 大間距阿 loool
11:13 <l1106188> : 我是看看 (被打
11:13 <l1106188> : 好了 XD
11:15 <DarknessAngel> : 我在看你的圖的時候 其實可以預想我玩的時候會有多艱難呢 因為一下子跳躍一下子急停
11:15 <DarknessAngel> : 卻沒有能夠明顯能判斷這些東西的依據 再來又是AR9 反應時間很短暫..
11:15 <DarknessAngel> : 我舉個例子
11:15 <l1106188> : loool
11:16 <DarknessAngel> : 03:42:486 (8,1) - 停頓 03:43:591 (3,4) - 加速
11:17 <DarknessAngel> : 卻都同間距呢
11:17 <DarknessAngel> : 改了估計很麻煩 沒有要你改 只是希望能注意一下~
11:17 <l1106188> : 恩 >~<
11:17 <l1106188> : 我想說這樣會比較觸
11:17 <l1106188> : (被打
11:18 <l1106188> : 我本來是想改ar8
11:18 <l1106188> : 可是 改成ar8之後 發現 我很不習慣 .. 有點奇怪的感覺
11:18 <l1106188> : 所以又改回ar9 loool
11:18 <DarknessAngel> : 觸 也不是這樣分的啦 像很多觸圖overlap和cofusing apacing 卻很難打
11:19 <DarknessAngel> : AR9那個沒要你改啊lol
11:19 <l1106188> : loool
11:19 <DarknessAngel> : 剛剛只是感想 評論
11:20 <DarknessAngel> : 我繼續看
11:21 <l1106188> : 恩~~
11:22 <DarknessAngel> : 00:34:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這些whistle音量-10% ?
11:22 <DarknessAngel> : 畢竟這段的音樂是最小聲的(又有一堆哨聲)呢
11:23 <l1106188> : okay~
11:25 <l1106188> : 可是做完之後才發現 沒梗改了
11:26 <DarknessAngel> : 00:44:065 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 這個只是提一下 為什麼不讓flow呈8字形呢?
11:26 <DarknessAngel> : 現在這個有點拗手
11:27 <l1106188> : 也對
11:29 <DarknessAngel> : 02:09:959 (2) - finish消掉 其他的kai我沒看到你加 只有這裡有
11:31 <DarknessAngel> : 03:00:486 - 啊 又是這加速
11:32 <DarknessAngel> : 好了嗎?
11:33 <l1106188> : 不行 那個8自行我放棄
11:33 <l1106188> : 我改成別的 loool
11:34 <DarknessAngel> : 結果你還是改了啊lol 跟你說提一下而已嘛
11:34 <DarknessAngel> : 那我繼續囉?
11:35 <l1106188> : 恩~
11:36 <DarknessAngel> : 03:45:170 (1,2) - ctrl + R ? 這逆時針三角跳會更來勁 你試試
11:36 <l1106188> : 真的耶 loool
11:40 <DarknessAngel> : 02:33:802 (5) - NC個 你這段幾乎都短NC 所以加在這裡剛好
11:41 <DarknessAngel> : 02:45:644 (5) - 加NC幫助判斷?
11:42 <l1106188> : 好了~
11:42 <DarknessAngel> : 03:04:749 (5) - 加NC在這裡強調跳躍
11:43 <l1106188> : fix >"<
11:44 <DarknessAngel> : 恩 就這樣吧
11:44 <l1106188> : okay ~
All fix~Suzully wrote:
Recheck since Lunatic diff has been remapped.
Taiko has different offset. Please fix it.[Normal]
- 32.png
Current img shows
but it should be
as correct Japanese.[Hard]
- 00:29:854 (4) - Please don't stack it because the repeat is coverd by a hitburst.
- 00:00:801 (1) - Extend it to 00:00:959.
- 01:59:144 (7) - It's a bit hard to read this note since the repeat is kinda hidden by a hitburst. Hum, place it at x:256, y:312?
- 03:37:591 (x) - Add a note here to make this pattern be same as 03:39:959 (1,2,3).
Luantic became much better than before! You did nice work on remapping it.
- 03:30:012 (4) - There is no sound in the back so it's better to remove this note. The gameplay will be better.
- 03:34:907 (x) - Consider to add a note here to follow the music.(stack with (5))
But sadly, I cannot bubble this map for now because [Normal] is hard as the easiest diff.
If you make an easy diff, I can bubble so call me back again :3
謝謝闇天使的modding >~< 幫我好多忙DarknessAngel wrote:
MOD in IRC for Easy diff
Well done with it ~'
SPOILER21:37 <DarknessAngel> : 00:46:275 - 這裡加個note
21:37 <DarknessAngel> : 節奏會好點
21:37 <l1106188> : 恩~
21:37 <DarknessAngel> : 啊對了 NC要在這note上 下一個刪掉
21:38 <DarknessAngel> : 我覺得這EZ好很多
21:38 <l1106188> : !
21:38 <l1106188> : 節奏不會很奇怪嗎 loool
21:39 <DarknessAngel> : 01:54:486 - 這也是
21:39 <DarknessAngel> : 加個
21:39 <DarknessAngel> : 節奏不會怪啊
21:39 <l1106188> : 果然 !!XDD
21:39 <l1106188> : 我已經先加好了 XD
21:40 <DarknessAngel> : 為了好改點 把01:53:538 (2) - 翻轉過來
21:40 <DarknessAngel> : 哦~
21:41 <l1106188> : 修好了 OwO
21:41 <DarknessAngel> : 02:06:802 (4) - nazi一下 往上一格
21:41 <l1106188> : nazi ? loool
21:41 <DarknessAngel> : 比較漂亮ww
21:41 <DarknessAngel> : 微小的東西~
21:42 <l1106188> : 好了 >w<
21:42 <l1106188> : 整個break time 跟 normal 一模一樣 XDD..
21:44 <DarknessAngel> : 03:17:854 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2) - 把整個part移到 (x:348,y:248)
21:45 <DarknessAngel> : 03:17:854 (1) - 原因是note碰到slider身上 不好看
21:45 <l1106188> : 恩恩~
21:45 <l1106188> : loool 那後面有一個要改了
21:45 <DarknessAngel> : 為了方便點 就移動整個大串
21:45 <l1106188> : 改好了 XD
21:46 <DarknessAngel> : 03:23:854 (1) - ctrl + J後擺好
21:46 <DarknessAngel> : 尾部交錯在一起也不好看
21:47 <l1106188> : 好哩
21:48 <DarknessAngel> : 03:42:486 (2) - 把這slider弄彎 剛好圍繞在03:43:117 (1)的起始點旁邊 這樣好看點
21:49 <l1106188> : okay~~
21:50 <DarknessAngel> : 01:14:065 (1,2,3,1,2) - 把整個part往下一格
21:51 <l1106188> : okay~
21:51 <DarknessAngel> : 01:12:802 (3,4,1) - 讓這3個呈等間距
21:51 <DarknessAngel> : ↑那是原因
21:51 <l1106188> : 原來如此 loool
21:54 <DarknessAngel> : OD和HP建議再多加1格
21:55 <l1106188> : 2.07 stars loool
21:55 <l1106188> : 那我上船囉 >w<
21:55 <DarknessAngel> : 上吧~
He all fixedSuzully wrote:
About taiko.
Please snap greaan lines correctly. And don't separate a KIAI. Remove last note 03:45:644 (2).
There aren't any issues in this mapset, so I can bubble after this fix!
Very thank you !!! SuzullySuzully wrote:
Finally, bubbled!
ThanksTicClick wrote:
You know what, this is pretty good!
All fix ! thank you for modding , AndreaAndrea wrote:
AR is kinda too high for an Easy right now, reduce it by 1 tick at least.
AR is kinda too high for a Hard right now, reduce it by 1 tick at least.
00:01:275 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:06:328 (1) - ^
00:51:328 (2,1) - Weird anti-jump.
01:15:012 (3,4) - ^
02:06:959 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:14:854 (1) - ^
02:46:907 (3,1) - Weird anti-jump, again.
02:57:328 (4,1) - ^
02:57:959 (2,3) - ^
02:59:223 (2,3) - ^
03:12:959 (1) - Remove new combo.
03:23:065 (1) - ^
03:30:959 (1) - ^
03:34:117 (4,5) - This spacing is totally wrong.
01:53:854 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:54:012 (2) - New combo.
01:59:144 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:16:591 (3) - New combo.
02:17:223 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:39:959 (1,2) - Sounds bad and doesn't follow anything.
03:02:696 (1) - This slider can be made much better.
03:17:223 (1) - Remove new combo.
03:26:696 (5) - New combo due to the jump.
03:30:486 (1,2,3,4) - This is confusing as hell.
03:43:117 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
This map still need lots of work, sorry to say that but it's true. okay...
Also, the timing is pretty weird, you might ask someone to double check that as well, please.
changed !pimpG wrote:
irc timing help request
518 bpm 190
2056 bpm 190
good luck
Thank you for modding again , Crystal :3xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:
Haii again ~
Requested in-game ~
02:55:424 (1) - Line with 02:54:161 (2)
02:56:687 (2) - Line with 02:52:898 (1)
I can't understand QAQ
- Approrach Rate -1 fix~
00:58:266 (3) - Move to 00:58:582 and remove the reverse arrow ?no~ i think okay?!
01:44:371 (1) - Rotate it by 15 and move some points to make it around 01:43:108 (5) changed~
02:06:477 (3) - Move to 02:06:792 and remove the reverse arrow? neither
03:18:161 (1) - Make the end of the slider meet with 03:16:266 (2) okay~
00:02:529 (1) - Place where 00:01:307 (2) was.[/color]
00:12:003 (3) - Make the end of the slider meet 00:10:266 (1).fixed~
01:59:134 (7) - Make this a straight
02:48:003 (2) - Placement ~okay!
Well mapped as always ~
Good luck ~ >w<
I only fixed which i marked ~pimpG wrote:
no kudos lol! i no see this
sorry i was a bit sleepy when i timed this map![]()
offset 515 (-3)
offset 2048 (-8)
I think your first timing much precise
easy00:06:477 (1) - remove finish ?
00:07:424 (2) - ^
00:09:003 (1) - ^
00:09:950 (2) - ^
00:25:424 (2) - remove whistle?
00:31:108 (1) - add finish at start?add~
00:31:108 - i think you should stop the taiko custom hisounds here
00:31:108 (1,2,1) - remove whiltle from slider body?
00:35:529 (3) - remove whistle?
00:36:161 (1,2,1) - remove whiltle from slider body?
01:09:003 (1,2) - remove whistle at the slider end?
01:31:108 (2) - remove whistle?
01:33:634 (2) - ^
01:38:687 (2) - remove finish at the end?
01:43:740 (3) - remove whistle?
03:40:582 (1) - remove finish from repeat?
normal00:04:907 (3) - remove finish?
00:06:486 (1) - ^
00:07:433 (2,3) - ^
00:09:959 (4) - ^
00:31:108 - i think you should stop the taiko custom hisounds here
01:09:950 (2) - remove whistle?
01:11:213 (3) - ^
01:47:213 (2) - remove whistles?
01:48:477 (1) - ^
02:09:634 (1) - remove finish at repeat
02:47:529 (1) - remove finish
02:53:687 (2,3) - remove whistles
03:21:634 (3,4,5) - this overlap is a bit confusing maybe?fix~
00:05:845 (1234561234) - too many finishes
01:29:845 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - strange whistle pattern imo
01:46:898 (1,2,3,4) - remove whistles?
02:02:371 (1) - remove finish?
02:05:687 (3,4,5) - too many finishes
00:31:108 - i think you should stop the taiko custom hisounds here
Thank you for modding~all change~xxheroxx wrote:
Mod Infos:
• Suggestion.
• You should fix this.
• You must fix this.
- • HP Drain Rate: 3
• Approach Rate: 4
• 02:05:529 (2) - Move this circle to the right.
- • HP Drain Rate: 4
• Approach Rate: 5
• 01:44:371 (1) - Make this slider more symmetrical. i change , but no change like this picture
- • 01:46:582 (3) - Move this circle a bit up.
• 03:13:424 (x) - Add a circle.
- • 03:37:582 (x) - Add a circle.
Nice beatmap, good job!
all fix!~thank you modding again HinsvarHinsvar wrote:
...The bubble got popped?
Okay, let's get into this.
*Bolded = Unrankable/strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested/questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants.
- 00:21:003 - 00:29:845 - Hmm... it would be better if you apply Whistles in a 2/1 rhythm (if you don't understand, add Whistles on the sliders' repeat too).
- 00:41:529 (2,3) - I can't understand what are you trying to follow here. I suggest you to place this 1/1 beat later (to put it simply, move these two together at once, to the point where (2) is on 00:41:845). If you're doing this, don't forget to move 00:44:056 (1) somewhere so the spacing will be consistent. If you don't, add a circle on 00:42:477 and 00:43:740.i follow drum~
- 00:46:582 (2,3) - ^ (Similar case.)
- 01:38:687 (2) - Move it to (400,144), and then drag the last anchor point to (328,108)? The end of this slider will point 01:39:319 (1), which looks better than the current state, which looks pretty random. A picture if you want.
- 01:47:529 (2) - Make it a 2/1 slider that doesn't repeat and a circle 1/1 beat after?
- 01:49:740 (2,3) - Similar to 00:41:529 (2,3).
- 01:54:477 (1,2) - What's with this overlap? Try to avoid things like this.
- 01:54:792 (2,3) - Similar to 00:41:529 (2,3).
- 03:45:003 (2) - Begin this 1/1 beat earlier (03:44:687)? The end should be the same, so it will repeat four times if you're doing it according to this mod. Sounds far more fitting to me.
- 00:42:477 (3) - I guess using a 1/1 slider that repeats once and a circle 1/1 beat after (just like00:41:213 (1,2)) wouldn't hurt, and I think it's better than a 1/1 slider that repeats twice, but... I guess you have no need to change that.
- 00:50:371 (2,3,1) - Don't really like how these objects overlap...
- 00:53:845 (2,3) - ^
- 00:55:740 (4) - Replace this into a 1/1 circle triplet (3 circles, you know), NC the last one, and remove the NC on 00:57:003 (1). The NC placement seems to be more natural that way.
- 00:57:950 - Add a circle? Feels weird to keep a 2/1 rhythm here.
- 01:29:213 - What's with the sudden '1/1-slider-that-repeats-twice' spam (well, not really; you're not using it all the time, there's just a bit too many) from here? It's fine, I know, but you can just split them into a slider and a circle right?
- 01:48:477 (2) - Using a 1/1 slider that repeats once and then a circle 1/1 beat after feels... better. I can't find a better word for this, dang it.
- 02:00:161 - Add a circle?
- 02:00:477 (2) - Make this a 1/2 slider that repeats once?
- 02:01:424 - Add a circle?
- 02:01:740 (4) - Make this repeat once more?
- 02:02:371 (1) - Remove Finish?
- 02:02:687 - Make a 1/2 slider?
- 02:03:003 (2) - ^ (+ Repeat it once.)
- 02:03:950 - Add a circle? (Blue = You're supposed to do all of them at once, but if you don't want one or two, as long as it still flows well, have it your way. Sorry for being somewhat arrogant and made you basically remapped this part with my suggestions (if you're doing them, anyway), but... the rhythm is just THAT weird here, IMO)
- 02:58:582 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why are you following the claps on the first and third white tick anyway... They sound weird, you know.
About Lunatic... I suppose it's fine as is.
- 00:02:213 - You should really add a circle here, since the song clearly 'demands' it.
- 00:58:582 (1,2) - Would be better if you remove the circle and make the slider repeat once more, right?
- 01:59:845 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Huh? What's with all the copy-pasted stuff here? It would be fine if the parts are actually similar-sounding, but this... Dunno.
- 02:35:845 (1,2) - Huh? They're perfectly following the music, but these sliders play weird... Must be because they repeat twice, which most players won't expect. Might be just me, though...
- 02:45:003 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Tapping the circles after the repeating sliders is just not right for me. Not sure why, but you might want to take a shot on this. Or maybe it's just me that suck...
- 03:04:740 (1,2,3,4) - What about if you convert them into two 1/2 sliders? They flow better, really.
Okay, okay. Let's roll again, I guess?
Good luck on the way... again
only mark not fixed~- t e n n y a - wrote:
nyahoo from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestion
add ZUN on the tags?
- 02:15:319 : maybe move this into 02:15:634 and remove the reverse? since nonstop hit is kinda hard for an easy player
AR -1?
- 00:36:161 : finish?
- 00:10:266 1,2 : make them reverse once? since its too hard for hard player and the bpm is fast too o v o i think okay~
- 00:57:003 : make this behind combo 4 at 00:56:213 ?
- 01:33:634 : nc?
- 01:43:740 : nc?
thats all I can find, rank good luck ^ o ^
Thank you for modding :3TheNutritiousGuy wrote:
00:00:833 (1) - Add Finish at the Start Point.fix~
00:02:056 (2,3,4) - Flow is very disturbed, it looks like a Jump, even it is not one.fix~
01:03:950 (1) - Please hold here 1/1 beat. Because nothing of the Music or the voice fits with the Slider.I follow the drum
01:14:056 (1) - ^^
01:33:634 (2) - IMO the Whistle sounds weird and should be removed.remove~
02:12:161 (1) - Same like 01:03:950 (1).follow drum~
02:22:266 (1) - ^^
02:39:634 (3) - Place it at x:192 y:60, looks better with the curve.ok~
02:50:056 (1) - Remove Clap from the Middle Point, it does not fit there.ok~
03:04:898 (2) - Form it to a 1/2 Slider. Fits better with the Voice. But it's up to you, because the current slider is also fine.i not change
03:10:266 (1) - Same like 01:03:950 (1).follow drum
03:20:371 (1) - ^^
00:01:465 (2,3) - The (3) is not readable, so move the (3) somewhere, but do not stack it.fix~
00:48:477 (4) - This buckling could irritate beginners. So do something here.k~
00:50:371 (2,3) - This could be too fast.fix~
01:13:424 (3,4,1) - Feels too fast to play. Please remove (4).remove~
01:31:424 (4) - You should remove Whistle because it sounds off from the rhythm.remove~
01:49:424 (3) - NCk
01:49:740 (1) - Remove NCk
01:53:213 - I suggest to add a Circle here to fill this empty part.k
01:54:477 (1,2) - Remove the Reverse Arrow at (1), delete (2) and set from 01:55:108 to 01:55:740 a Slider, the singer hold her voice so you could also do this with a Slider. Anyway, it should look like this:
03:36:792 (1) - NC isn't neccessary.fix~
The whole seems like an easy Insane, obviously. The AR should be AR7 and not 8, the SV is IMO a bit high and they are parts like 00:44:056 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) it let looks like Insane-related.fix~
01:31:740 (1) - Remove Whistle from the Slider, but please hold the Whistle at the Start.k
01:32:371 (3) - ^ but remove only from the Start Point the Whistle.k~
Looks fine.
I strongly suggest to make Hard easier. Because to make a new Diff for it would be not so good and you would need to get some more mods again for the diff.i will recheck ~
Thank you for modding~HelloSCV wrote:
Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore thisSPOILEREasy
Nice for me
01:40:582 (3,4) - ctrl + rk
03:22:740 (1) - change slider's shape?no :3 i think okay~
01:01:108 (1,2) - change to slider?no~
01:39:319 (1) - add whistle like 01:39:950 (3) - this sliderno
01:40:582 (5) - add whistle start of sliderk
02:09:319 (1,2) - change to slider?k
02:46:898 (3) - ctrl + r and check distacneno,because the distance 1/1
03:07:424 (1,2) - change to slider?no~
01:33:003 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i think square pattern is so difficult on this partk~change
i think on this part song looks down so how about pentagon pattern or star pattern?
01:43:108 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - like this
01:59:134 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - check distancefix~
02:03:319 (3) - add finishk
02:16:898 (3,4) - I think there are no reason to change distacne suddenly, both parts have similar song sound
how about trying other pattern?I follow the singer with jump :3
good luck
Thank you , Andrea >w<Andrea wrote:
Yeah, it's much better now!
還久的呢QAQ 找BAT中...Flask wrote:
謝謝 阿爸 >w<abalee wrote:
I will rank it.
咱不神wwwwww[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
恭喜06188神mapper wwwwwwww
是阿 真好QAQ 非常感謝阿爸 >w<L_P wrote:
這張圖...10個月大了 lol!Flask wrote:
不公平 太快了!
Thank you everyoneR e d wrote:
Ar 7 on Hard? 190 bpm's with "high" slider speed Confuse all people!! I really hope this get fixed to Ar 8
but okYeah ~ I know ..., thank you
Edit: gratz for the ranking