
NegaRen - Stark Raving Mad

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 9. September 2012 at 15:13:06

Artist: NegaRen
Title: Stark Raving Mad
Tags: lapfox trax Loctav OnosakiHito Renard
BPM: 210
Filesize: 6711kb
Play Time: 03:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Raving Mad (5 stars, 1001 notes)
  2. Taiko Collab (4,83 stars, 1542 notes)
Download: NegaRen - Stark Raving Mad
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Der letzte Spinner ist nicht gesnappt, auch wenns im AIMod nicht angezeigt wird, sollte dieser schon auf nem Strich sein
Ein Vorschaupunkt wurde auch noch nicht erstellt, das sollteste noch nachholen

Meiner Meinung nach sollteste die Hitsounds nochmals überarbeiten, ist zwar schon super, aber man könnte mehr hinzufügen ;D

Ansonsten Gute Map, gefällt mir, ist mir aber zu schnell :D
Topic Starter

Barofioso wrote:

Der letzte Spinner ist nicht gesnappt, auch wenns im AIMod nicht angezeigt wird, sollte dieser schon auf nem Strich sein
Ein Vorschaupunkt wurde auch noch nicht erstellt, das sollteste noch nachholen - Naja der spinner ist genau 1/8 nach dem circle also doch gesnappt ._.

Meiner Meinung nach sollteste die Hitsounds nochmals überarbeiten, ist zwar schon super, aber man könnte mehr hinzufügen ;D - Bei den hitsounds war ich mir auch noch nicht so sicher ich wer mal schauen ;)

Ansonsten Gute Map, gefällt mir, ist mir aber zu schnell :D - Danke :D
ich hab die Map gespielt, und muss sagen ich hab Hälfte des Spinners verloren ... Bin wohl wirklich zu langsam
super cool rarshall_macer mod

Set a preview Point
add Lapfox Trax to tags
Offset is 453
snap the Inheriting section at 03:30:720

01:09:024 (1) - lenghten by 1 tick

.. fuck, ich find nichts mehr
nice map, mehr kann ich nicht sagen
Hi o/


01:41:315 (3) - 1 grid left
01:41:601 (4) - 1 grid right
Topic Starter
Thanks :D

Love it =3= <3
sick maaaap yeah <3 this have to get approved!
O hai:

Collab by OnosakiHito & me. Add both to tags.
Taiko Storyboard by me
Topic Starter
Oh you guys <3

Updated ~
Score went just as expected o3o
Dere is your mod \`A´/

Could just be me but I generally dislike countdowns so you might disable that.

  • 00:18:733 (1,1,1,2,3) - the echo of used finish hitsounds doesn't fit as much as the impact, might use custom ones?
    00:26:162 (2,4,2) - as for me, the claps come in conflict with the whistles here since they don't really fit each other, might remove them?
    00:31:305 (7) - set on 4's end since that looks better?
    00:32:734 (5) - a bit to the left to fit the movement of 4 better (X 36, Y 132 for example)
    00:37:019 (4) - why 2 red points all of a sudden? feels too edgy compared to 1 and previous combos, just use 1 red point here
    00:40:448 - this parts sounds somewhat like a typical 'lapfox soundpattern' (banned forever, tu4ar & such got similar... well, beat passages if I'm arsed to find a name for it), maybe map it in compressed 1/4s with a little bow or smth?
    00:42:305 (5) - I'd suggest replacing this with 2 circles and a 1/2 slider below since a kickslider on a red tick mostly feels somewhat awkward (generally, sliders on red ticks can feel awkward)
    00:47:591 (2) - endpoint 2 grids up *run
    00:48:162 (4,5,6,7,8) - I'd prefer if the 1/4s started more on the top and went down into the slider
    00:49:876 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - this feels more like it was each pairs of 2 sounds and thus the square shape doesn't fit too good imo; use something like a zig-zag or back-forth jumps (that overlap a little but not too much) [also, 00:49:591 (6) - this belongs to the same part so replace it by the same thing aswell]
    00:53:305 (7) - adjust this a little more to the shape of 1-5 so it has a consistent distance to these
    00:54:448 (2,3) - feels like those two should have more distance between them
    00:58:734 (6,7,8) - this feels awkward to play; 6 and 7 feel like they belong together, 8 plays awkward and doesn't belong to them in any ways since both the sound and the whistle pattern ended (at the end of 8), so please don't include it in the same pattern - I'd suggest replacing 6 and 8 by circles, then build a pattern out of new 6-9, starting a new slider on 00:59:305 which leads into the next tripplet of hits (00:59:448 (1,2,3))

    01:09:448 (2) - this is so close to 1 and 3, one can easily play it as a 1/4 which doesn't make any sense on the music but you know how easy it is to mistake stuff sometimes; in other words, I suggest moving it up so it doesn't overlap with the sliders any more (1.0x snap)
    01:10:162 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - these are focussed on the vocals so it doesn't make sense to use 5 and 6 in the previous pattern; suggesting new combo on 5 and a rebuild of the new combo to make it a whole pattern around the vocals (since this is what the objects sound like they were planned to do)
    01:11:876 (1,3) - align these a bit more to 2's approach circle (might use a 3rd sliderpoint for that)
    01:14:733 (5,6) - not really a fan of sliders that start in the same point but that's up to you
    01:17:019 (6) - shorten this down by 1/4 and add a reverse arrow to make it fit the vocals better (since the other objects are placed on the vocals, this feels like a mistake)
    01:24:162 (6,7) - these feel more like they're asking to be circles than sliders, also the similarity in the sounds (at least that's my feel) would suggest a stack-stack jump
    01:25:019 (10,1) - add new combo on 10, remove on 1 because of the new soundpattern
    01:38:162 (1,2) - these feel somewhat empty but might be me
    01:38:733 (5) - add NC because of new pattern (you got something at least not too-symmetric before, now you got exactly mirrored sliders so that feels better)
    01:39:305 (8) - add a reverse arrow, there are 3 beats in the music that sound alike and belong together so that resembles them better
    01:39:734 - use a 1/1 slider here to fit the beats better than this 1/2-passage does
    01:42:305 (8,9,1) - these feel awkward to play since they start on red ticks; I suggest rearranging this part - 01:42:019 (6) - replace this with a 1/1 slider, add circles on 01:42:448 and 01:42:591 and 01:42:734; 01:42:876 (1) - should be fine then since there are 3 alike beats and give it a reason
    01:44:162 (5) - replace with a circle on it's start and a 1/1-slider on the end, then do further rearrangement as you like to, I trust you enough to find a neat solution /o/
    01:46:305 (6) - I suggest replacing with a tripplet since kicksliders on red ticks are meeh
    01:46:591 (7) - replacing it with a 1/1 slider fits better imo
    01:46:733 (8,9,10,11,12) - I don't see the reason for a stream here, there's nothing similar in the song
    01:48:448 (11) - the end of this feels like it should already be part of a new combo because of the soundpattern, replace with circles and do something jumpy?
    01:49:591 (6,7,8,9,10) - it sounds fine with the stream but again there's nothing behind it in the song
    01:50:733 (3,4,5,6) - feels like the tripplet should start on 3 and 6 should be a standing-alone note
    01:56:448 (1) - adjust it more to 2's approach circle please~
    01:57:591 (5) - move the sliderpoint a bit up-left, right now the curve looks odd
    02:02:733 (6,8) - adjust these more to the circles' approach circles please (use another sliderpoint)
    02:04:305 (3) - I suggest replacing with a circle on the start and a 1/1 slider on where the end was
    02:05:591 (8) - approach cir- *shot*
    02:16:162 (4) - move the second whistle on the reverse-arrow, remove the one on the end
    02:16:591 (1,3,5) - add whistles to continue hitsound-pattern
    02:18:591 (2,4) - add whistles
    02:19:019 (5) - add whistle on the end
    02:19:448 (7) - whistle on whole slider
    02:20:733 (4) - remove whistle on end, add on reverse arrow
    02:21:162 (5,2,4) - add whistles
    02:23:019 (5) - add whistle on reverse arrow, remove on end
    02:23:448 (1,3) - add whistle
    02:23:876 (4) - add whistle on end
    02:26:448 (1,3) - I don't find these sliders very fitting to the rest of the diff, to be honest o3o (so edgy & straight in parts)
    02:42:733 - why is the hitsounding stopping? do not see a reason in the song for that (especcially the big beats sound like they could fit a whistle or finish)
    02:46:162 (1) - approach cir-

    02:54:162 - I find soft-sampleset (especcially on this volume) very hard to hear in the following part, also, there's this lack of hitsounds
    02:55:305 (7,8,9,10,11) - add whistle
    02:57:448 (9,10,11,12) - add whistles
    02:59:876 (3,4,5,6,7) - add whistles aswell (for 7, just at the beginning)
    03:02:019 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - add whistles in this passage aswell (not sure about all of them at the current time, we might do that IRC)
    03:04:448 (8,9,10,11,1) - I'd like to have a similar soundpattern of whistles here like I mentioned above but that'd require custom hitsounds, maybe add the soft-whistle to NC:1-sampleset and use it here?
    03:06:734 (5,6,7,8,1) - ^
    03:08:734 (8,9,10,11,1) - ^
    03:11:162 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - ^
    03:12:448 (8,1) - didn't realize this was actually a 1/4, might make it more clear by spacing 1 closer to 8?
    03:25:019 (1,2,3,4) - why no whistles here? you used them in similar parts before, why not here?
    03:30:734 (10) - NC
    03:31:019 (1) - RNC
About the end, meaning the last part starting at 03:30:734: I don't see the reason behind many tripplets in the song, you might want to reduce the note density there since it really feels overdone at points and I'd suggest you to do so.

About the whole diff itself, as I told you: I like it, this mod was just pointing out what I myself didn't find all-too-perfect and what I consider worth a bettering even though the diff itself is nice, improvement is always a good thing /o/
IRC mod

22:56 vipto: : Hei ^-^
22:56 Saturos-fangirl: : hi
22:56 vipto: : d-do you have soem t-time?
22:56 Saturos-fangirl: : a little, maybe 5 minutes
22:56 Saturos-fangirl: : watcha need?
22:56 vipto: : q-quick check
22:57 : *vipto is listening to (NegaRen - Stark Raving Mad)[]
22:57 Saturos-fangirl: : >.> itll be general ideas
22:57 Saturos-fangirl: : rather than specific comments
22:57 Saturos-fangirl: : any difficulty in particular?
22:57 vipto: : Okai
22:57 vipto: : umh no
22:58 vipto: : it's for approval anyway
22:58 Saturos-fangirl: : circle size on raving mad is a bit too big imo
22:59 Saturos-fangirl: : 00:50:448 (1) - stack
22:59 Saturos-fangirl: : 01:10:448 (4) - why the jump?
23:00 vipto: : good question
23:00 Saturos-fangirl: : 01:24:448 (7) - dont like this jump
23:00 vipto: : fixed both
23:00 vipto: : yeap
23:00 vipto: : fixed
23:00 Saturos-fangirl: : 01:37:876 (7,8,1,3) - messy
23:01 Saturos-fangirl: : might be helped some by making cs smaller
23:01 Saturos-fangirl: : 01:56:162 (6) - why not continue the jump pattern you already have here and make 7 a jump too?
23:02 Saturos-fangirl: : 02:32:448 (1,1,1,1) - awesome :3
23:02 Saturos-fangirl: : 02:43:876 (8) - why the jump?
23:03 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:12:448 - might be a good place to start some kiai
23:04 vipto: : indeed
23:04 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:36:162 (4) - where did the clap go? D:
23:04 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:36:591 (6) - random jump again
23:04 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:41:162 (6) - ^
23:05 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:42:162 (2,3,4) - if you want to do a pattern like this its best to repeat it more than once to make it
23:05 Saturos-fangirl: : feel natural instead of weird
23:05 Saturos-fangirl: : 03:47:305 (6) - center between 5 and 1
23:07 vipto: : k fixed almost everything
23:09 Saturos-fangirl: : k i have to go though
23:09 vipto: : Thank you :3
23:09 : *vipto hugs
23:10 : *Saturos-fangirl hugs back
23:10 Saturos-fangirl: : np <3 glad to help
23:10 Saturos-fangirl: : sry i couldnt give you more detail
23:10 vipto: : Thats alright :D
23:11 Saturos-fangirl: : um do you want me to post this for kds or no..?
23:11 vipto: : If you want the KDS post it
23:12 Saturos-fangirl: : *shrug* its kind of half-done
23:12 Saturos-fangirl: : its more a question of if you want the prio
23:12 vipto: : k go^^
Topic Starter
Fixed everything :D

Updated ~
00:59:591 (11) - How about deleting the reverse and add a jump to a circle (x:488 y:296 for ex.)
Ending the part of a map with a reverse-slider is kinda not fullfilling for me xD

And that's really all from me. Nothing else bothered me while playing
You should increase ur OD by 1 .. Feels much better to me <3

[Raving Mad]

00:27:876 (1) - x30y256 might be a better way to place the slider, also the other slider in the left of the screen
00:31:019 (7) - at any rate I think the pattern is a bit hard to read, NC here?
00:31:876 (1) -
try this code, which I think make the slider looks better
00:32:734 (5) - rotate this slider clockwise by 20~30°?
00:34:448 (5) - nazi, stack it precisely
00:35:376 (4) - add a note here? either follow the music or balance the density of notes
00:38:162 (8,9,10) - these 3 notes could be improved. The slider could be reshaped to make the blanket better and note10's place is kind of awkward
00:42:448 (7) - clap?
01:19:733 (8) - I noticed some of your sliders are not flawless like this. spend some time on fixing them can naturally improve the whole map
01:28:733 (11) - x225y317
01:30:448 (1) - I'd a 1/2 slider is actually better here, I can understand your intention though. you can use 1/2 slider and add a note at 01:30:662 (2) -
01:38:448 (1) - personally, NC here
02:06:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - the green. you know unnecessary overlaps are not really satisfying so you can try to do like
02:48:448 (3) - another slider that could be done better
03:16:734 (1) - NC
03:42:305 (3) - spacing

the taiko is still too fast for me. but it sounds ok

Topic Starter

LKs wrote:


[Raving Mad]

00:27:876 (1) - x30y256 might be a better way to place the slider, also the other slider in the left of the screen
00:31:019 (7) - at any rate I think the pattern is a bit hard to read, NC here?
00:31:876 (1) -
try this code, which I think make the slider looks better
00:32:734 (5) - rotate this slider clockwise by 20~30°?
00:34:448 (5) - nazi, stack it precisely
00:35:376 (4) - add a note here? either follow the music or balance the density of notes
00:38:162 (8,9,10) - these 3 notes could be improved. The slider could be reshaped to make the blanket better and note10's place is kind of awkward
00:42:448 (7) - clap?
01:19:733 (8) - I noticed some of your sliders are not flawless like this. spend some time on fixing them can naturally improve the whole map
01:28:733 (11) - x225y317
01:30:448 (1) - I'd a 1/2 slider is actually better here, I can understand your intention though. you can use 1/2 slider and add a note at 01:30:662 (2) -
01:38:448 (1) - personally, NC here
02:06:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - the green. you know unnecessary overlaps are not really satisfying so you can try to do like
02:48:448 (3) - another slider that could be done better
03:16:734 (1) - NC
03:42:305 (3) - spacing

the taiko is still too fast for me. but it sounds ok

Fixed all ~ Thanks for your mod LKs :3

Updated ~
I refrain from bubbling this atm. Athough it has such a potential. Go find more mods and do more self-check, you'd improve the map more. serious
Taikomod, just because Loctav won't give up on it. <__<


bg_taiko_clear.jpg must be .png
"Loctav" and "OnosakiHito" are written with capitals only in Taikotags, fix that
Add "Renard" to the tags, since it's the same artist, just another nickname. This will get much more attention with Renard as a tag.
I personally dislike that split Kiai, there is no real reason behind it and I would appreciate it if Kiai is same in both diffs..
Remove bookmarks from all diffs for a slighty smaller filesize
Raving mad aibatstuff:
03:12:448 (8) - Unsnapped slider (end). Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 02:54:172 - snap to 02:54:162 / 03:12:458 - snap to 03:12:448

Taiko Collab

Short comment b4 I start:
I like the map alot, even if it's just a bit too hard for me to play. There are only few things that must/can be fixed.

I prefer 85% as overall vol. 80 is just a bit too quiet IMO

00:38:734 (1) - There is a clear crashsound in the music, so this should be big kat
00:41:162 (3,4,5,6) - I don't see a real reason for 1/6 here, so please make this kkk on 1/4
00:42:305 (2,3,4) - The last note is clearly higher-pitched than the 2 b4, change to kkd
00:43:448 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - You follow the music so nicely b4 and now this? change to kkddk d to keep the following character
00:51:305 (4) - This kat plays awkward :x Better use don here.
00:51:876 (4) - ^
00:52:448 (4) - ^
00:52:591 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) - This is more or less random. I would change it to ddkkk d d
00:56:733 (1,2,3) - doesn't fit, change to kdk maybe?
01:36:019 (6,7,8,9) - kkk on 1/4 fits better :/
02:13:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them all big dons, that fits the pitch of the music much better.
02:32:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them all big kats, since there are crashes in the music?
02:42:162 (1,2) - (2) should be big, and both should be kat, since there are crashes again. :)
03:01:305 (1) - I don't see a real reason for this nore being big.
03:25:019 (4,1,1,1,1,1) - I would change this to dkd kdk, so that one doesn't have to catch the following big don after.
03:27:734 (1) - Urgh D: Small pls.
03:34:591 (1,1,2,1) - there a special reason for using 2's? This plays fine as kdddk or just k d k
03:39:163 (1,1,2,1) - ^
03:41:734 (1,1,2,1) - feels better as kdd k
03:48:876 - I wouldn't fadeout the bg/sb yet. Just move the fade as it is to 03:49:019 or you can swap back to the original background (which I would prefer)
03:49:019 (1) - big kat, due to the crash :)

That's it, not much to find here. :x Good job. ;)
standard modded in IRC:

[Taiko Collab]
01:36:448 - 01:53:734 - your placement of kats throughout this section seems random rather than patterned. It would be better if you could make a consistent pattern for the kats. I asked some other people about it in the lounge as well and they agreed, so this isn't just coming from me.

Kokatsu wrote:

Taikomod, just because Loctav won't give up on it. <__<


bg_taiko_clear.jpg must be .png since when? There is no transparency in this picture. and .jpg as storyboard element is fine.
"Loctav" and "OnosakiHito" are written with capitals only in Taikotags, fix that Please fix, vipto.
Add "Renard" to the tags, since it's the same artist, just another nickname. This will get much more attention with Renard as a tag. Please fix, vipto.
I personally dislike that split Kiai, there is no real reason behind it and I would appreciate it if Kiai is same in both diffs.. not neccessary for Taiko and Standard.
Remove bookmarks from all diffs for a slighty smaller filesize irrelevant suggestion
Raving mad aibatstuff:
03:12:448 (8) - Unsnapped slider (end). Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 02:54:172 - snap to 02:54:162 / 03:12:458 - snap to 03:12:448 as long as no kiai times are affected, this is irrelevant.

Taiko Collab

Short comment b4 I start:
I like the map alot, even if it's just a bit too hard for me to play. There are only few things that must/can be fixed.

I prefer 85% as overall vol. 80 is just a bit too quiet IMO k.

00:38:734 (1) - There is a clear crashsound in the music, so this should be big kat big don, if when. The noise is too deep to place a kat there.
00:41:162 (3,4,5,6) - I don't see a real reason for 1/6 here, so please make this kkk on 1/4 there is a clear 1/8 drumroll in the music, so 1/4 is not sufficient to cover. Since 1/8 is unrankable, 1/6 covers the speedroll at most.
00:42:305 (2,3,4) - The last note is clearly higher-pitched than the 2 b4, change to kkd sometimes, I have the feeling, you swap k and d. Placed ddk.
00:43:448 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - You follow the music so nicely b4 and now this? change to kkddk d to keep the following character placed kdddk d instead.
00:51:305 (4) - This kat plays awkward :x Better use don here. doesn't play awkward for me, sorry. Don plays worse. Changed the kat before to don. This is better.
00:51:876 (4) - ^ k
00:52:448 (4) - ^ k
00:52:591 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) - This is more or less random. I would change it to ddkkk d d fixed elsewise.
00:56:733 (1,2,3) - doesn't fit, change to kdk maybe? k.
01:36:019 (6,7,8,9) - kkk on 1/4 fits better :/ same denial as before.
That's it, not much to find here. :x Good job. ;)
Thanks alot. Rest got redirected to OnosakiHito.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

[Taiko Collab]
01:36:448 - 01:53:734 - your placement of kats throughout this section seems random rather than patterned. It would be better if you could make a consistent pattern for the kats. I asked some other people about it in the lounge as well and they agreed, so this isn't just coming from me. reworked this section.
Thanks alot, SFG.

Leaving the current version for now. Also got redirected to Ono to make him fix his stuff.
Topic Starter
Okay Loctav's fixes are updated~
Now waiting for Ono

Kokatsu wrote:

02:13:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them all big dons, that fits the pitch of the music much better. :arrow: because of the previous d and the sound in the song, I don't want change it.
02:32:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - make them all big kats, since there are crashes in the music? :arrow: because of previous kat at 02:32:305 (2) - and kat at 02:33:876 (1) - I keep it like don. I often think about the playability of a map, that's why I sometimes take the other colour.
02:42:162 (1,2) - (2) should be big, and both should be kat, since there are crashes again. :) :arrow: same, but changed the one into a big don~
03:01:305 (1) - I don't see a real reason for this nore being big. :arrow: 03:01:591 (2) - forgot to make this big kat as well.
03:25:019 (4,1,1,1,1,1) - I would change this to dkd kdk, so that one doesn't have to catch the following big don after. :arrow: 03:25:591 (1) - I rather changed the big don to kat. SOunds now better :3
03:27:734 (1) - Urgh D: Small pls. :arrow: yes,done.
03:34:591 (1,1,2,1) - there a special reason for using 2's? This plays fine as kdddk or just k d k :arrow: letting subside it.
03:39:163 (1,1,2,1) - ^ :arrow: ^
03:41:734 (1,1,2,1) - feels better as kdd k :arrow: naaaah, I think I will keep it.
03:48:876 - I wouldn't fadeout the bg/sb yet. Just move the fade as it is to 03:49:019 or you can swap back to the original background (which I would prefer)
03:49:019 (1) - big kat, due to the crash :) :arrow: because of k I made it D.[/notice]
Thank you for mod kokatsu! :)
looks a lot better

looks good! Have bubble #1!
This sounds great. <3
/me glomps SFG & takes away
Bubblepop inc.! \:D/


There is a break in the taikodifficulty, please remove it (00:38:934)
Tags aren't the same in all diffs. Add "Renard" as Tag in the Taikodiff

Raving Mad

00:21:019 (8) - add finish on sliderhead
00:27:305 (3) - add a clap here since you also added one at 00:26:162 (3).
00:28:448 (2,3,5) - add clap on (2) and remove whistle from (3). Add finish on (5)
00:38:734 (11) - add finish.
00:41:591 (1) - add finish on sliderhead
00:49:591 (6,7,1) - add whistles on (6,7), because you did the same in upcoming places with the same melody. NC on (6) and remove NC on (1), to keep the pattern in one combo, as you did at other places in the map.
00:50:734 (3) - finish on sliderhead.
00:59:305 (5) - NC, because the previous rhythm ends here (the whistle-thing).
00:59:734 - move this timingsection to 00:59:876, to get (4) audible. The current way is..meh. :x
01:27:305 (1) - add finish on sliderhead.
01:36:448 (1) - ^
01:50:019 (15) - this combo is too long, maybe NC on (9) or (10)?
01:53:448 - this section is too quiet, increase vol. by 10%
02:03:876 (1) - add finish on sliderhead
02:24:448 (1) - ^
02:47:305 (7) - ^
02:54:162 (1) - ^
02:54:591 (2) - remove last two reverses and add two singlenotes instead, because all 1/4 kickslider you used till here are only with one reverse. This is quiet irritating.
02:59:448 (2) - ^
03:03:305 (1) - add finish
03:03:734 (4) - see above
03:08:734 (8) - ^
03:12:448 (8) - add finish on sliderhead
03:21:591 (1) - ^
03:30:734 (1) - ^
03:49:019 (12) - add finish
03:49:055 (1) - start on blue tick, no need to snap on 1/8
03:50:591 - This just sounds awkward, either make the vol.-drop consistent or move this section to the end of the spinner or let the spinner end here.

Good luck~

EDIT: Forgott to mention that I don't want KDS. This really didn't take long enough and I already got KDS from Taikomod.
Lol@hitsoundmod without bringing reasons why and suggesting bubble pop.

Okay okay. The general stuff should be fixed fast.

Loctav wrote:

Lol@hitsoundmod without bringing reasons why and suggesting bubble pop.

Okay okay. The general stuff should be fixed fast.
If you want, I can add "because there is a crash in the music" at all those "add finish". I guess I explained the rest. Should be vipto's job to blame my mod, not yours. I actually just checked AIBat on the map and saw that Tag-thing, that's a pop for sure (fast rebubble but nvm), the rest was just because I'm bored and that would be mentioned anyways earlier or later.
Requires two lines of reasoning behind every hitsound, how dare you?!

  • *run
Why should I explain every change if it is quiet obviously when you actually check the mod while checking the beatmap? ~
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