
yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012년 12월 4일 화요일 at 오후 10:16:16

Artist: yanaginagi
Title: Muteki no Soldier
Tags: owari no hoshi no love song maeda jun yanagi nagi flaming-june Star Stream Ra-s KDS
BPM: 210
Filesize: 23765kb
Play Time: 05:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.3 stars, 254 notes)
  2. Invincible (4.9 stars, 1245 notes)
  3. Ra's Hard (4.98 stars, 764 notes)
  4. Star's Normal (3.83 stars, 314 notes)
  5. Taiko DS (4.89 stars, 1583 notes)
Download: yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier
Download: yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Star's Normal - Done ( By
Star Stream )
Taiko DS - Done ( By
Invincible - Done
Ra's Hard - Done ( By
Ra-s )

Remove *.osb file
You are aiming for approval yeah?, Don't you think about asking some Taiko mappers to get taiko diff?
GREAT , GREAT HIT SOUNDS ( I mean usage of them :) )
And great jumpy map but:
00:36:411 (5,6,7) - ~opinion - strange spacing
00:39:554 (3,4) - Spacing
00:47:839 (1,2,3,4) - ~~suggestion - ... _00385.jpg
01:04:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - A bit bigger triangles ? (hard to read :( )
01:08:411 (1,2,3) - maybe just in a row, not jump ? (unreadable for me) :oops:
Everything else is great, I hope you get this approved
Shohei Ohtani

JUMPS YOUR JUMPS. It's ok but like holy hell you can make an approval map without all of the jumps
00:36:696 (7) - This plays unbelievably awkwardly
01:30:696 (3) - Center this on the y-axis
03:03:125 (1) - Have this fade out to silence

offset : 573
simple modding :3

Overall Diff. -2? OAO"
bcs it is tooo haard @@
except if you rlly" want to make it "insane" for sure ouo
(+1 for the HP Drain if you want to make it more hard 8D)

and is this song from an Anime?
if yes write it on "source" box
and add TV Size maybe? o.o
My Angel Kitteh
Requested mod :3

Let's see~


Overall Difficulty -1
HP Drain Rate +1
Decrease volume - maybe to 60-70%


01:12:287 end this slider at 01:13:430
02:38:001 ^ at 02:40:287
Naah, I don't see any disadvantages, perfect xD
I love it, good luck :3
hi there :)

-mp3 quality < 128 kbps, please reencode it to 128 kbps

01:44:287 (5) - center it? as it is it's a bit hard to see cause of the hitburst of 01:43:287 (1)
02:08:287 (10) - add NC?
02:08:572 (1) - remove NC?
02:32:858 (10,11) - ctrl+r?

nice map =w=
"Muteki no Soldier"
"Owari no Hoshi no Love Song"
(終わりの惑星のLove Song)
maeda jun yanagi nagi flaming-june

Tag:owari no hoshi no love song maeda jun yanagi nagi flaming-june

Break Time can be snapped.

Nice map and song :)
hi >w<

★Requests from Twitter★

AIBat wrote:

●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 01:22:548 (snap to 01:22:573)
●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:01:31:548 (snap to 01:31:573)
●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:01:31:977 (snap to 01:32:001)
●04:25:430 (2) - Put a new combo on this note so the previous spinner ends properly.
●Kiai Time #1: 00:55:073 ⇒ 00:55:144
●Lead-in 2000 ⇒ 3000 changed?
●00:01:287 (6) - Add a new combo.
●00:01:715 (1) - Remove a new combo.
●00:03:001 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Change the placement of the circle.
●00:10:572 (5) - Add a new combo.
●00:17:287 (4) - ^
●00:18:572 (1) - spacing 1.10x?
●00:34:001 (3) - ?
●00:36:287 (4) - Add a new combo?
●00:39:715 (4) - Move (x:120 y:132)
●00:39:858 (5) - ^ (x:184 y:196)
●00:45:430 (8) - In the same way as this
●01:31:573 (5) - Add a new combo. Because the change in the speed of the slider.
●01:40:144 (4) -
●02:06:001 (6) - Add a new combo!!!
●04:12:858 (5) - In the same way as this
●04:41:287 (5) - Add finish?

good luck ><
Hi~ Mod from our q~

Awesome song, i love so much <33If i not helped you don't give me kds :<
Nice map, i didn't see anything wrong <3

add finish ↓

04:47:418 - add whistle
04:55:089 - ^
04:57:816 - ^
05:03:270 - add finish

Good luck~~
Alrighty let's get started :). Mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun.

i highly suggest that you change the mp3's bitrate to 128 to reduce the filesize for this mapset.
the offset is correct, but it's at the wrong spot. it should be at 287 because that's where the guitar starts, but then again i think that's also wrong because it sounds a bit too early. it should range between 265-280. when i modded this map, i'm using an offset of 266. i'm not sure if this is 100% correct
The preview time should be at 54573. that's where the chorus is about to start.

00:02:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make (2,4,6) curved sliders so that it'd flow smoother during gameplay.
00:05:408 (3) - move this under (2) and make it a curved slider to blanket the previous note.
00:27:694 (6) - why does the spacing decrease for this? I felt uncomfortable when reached this because the spacing suddenly decreases. follow the DS for this which is 1.60. i'd feel comfortable if you do so.
00:41:266 (3,4) - space out these notes a bit more to challenge players. it should be like this.
00:51:837 (7) - *nazi* go 1 grid down so that it'd stack on (2).
01:03:694 (4) - either move (9) or (4) somewhere else. with a BPM this high, the hitburst is still covering repeat slider and that's an unrankable issue here.
01:08:408 (5,6,7) - align this to (1,2,3). it'll flow a lot smoother and the shape would look even nicer during gameplay.
01:23:694 (5) - move this to x:84 y:256. it'll make a nice anti jump between these 2 notes. the DS should be evened out at 1.40 or close to that.
01:44:123 (4,5) - replace this for a 1/2 slider facing up. it'll continue the pattern from (1-4).
01:54:551 (4) - space this out to form a diamond. i don't like the overlap on (2) at all. it makes it look bad during gameplay.
01:59:980 (7) - for a smoother flow, make this slider look like (9).
02:15:694 (5) - face this going SW or southwest. if you don't know what i'm saying, look at a compass and that's where you should face your slider.
02:36:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i see that it's a trapezoid, but this confuses me. it starts to a triangle to a trapezoid and that confuses me easily. do something like this and tell me what you think.
02:37:980 (1) - add a finish on the spinner. it'll act as the cymbals in the song.
03:13:551 (7) - align this to (5) so that it'd form a zig-zag pattern.
03:32:837 (5) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
04:00:123 (3,4) - the finish should be at (4). not at (3). you can clearly hear the cymbals on (4).
04:04:123 (4) - keep the DS consistent. this throw me off or surprised me because the DS suddenly decreases. follow the DS for the combo which is 2.00. it'll be less confusing and it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
04:04:837 (1,2) - make these sliders symmetrical. it'll look nicer during gameplay.
04:11:123 (3,4) - hmm make these curved sliders to flow smoother from (1,2).
04:36:408 (5,2) - if you want, space out these notes. the overlap make it look bad during gameplay.
05:03:441 - add a spinner to follow the long pause and end it at 05:06:339 to follow the piano in the song.
hmm there are several minor flaws, like the slight overlaps, but it's nothing big.

I guess that's it. GL :D
Topic Starter

Marcin wrote:

Remove *.osb file
You are aiming for approval yeah?, Don't you think about asking some Taiko mappers to get taiko diff?
GREAT , GREAT HIT SOUNDS ( I mean usage of them :) )
And great jumpy map but:
00:36:411 (5,6,7) - ~opinion - strange spacing
00:39:554 (3,4) - Spacing
00:47:839 (1,2,3,4) - ~~suggestion - ... _00385.jpg
01:04:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - A bit bigger triangles ? (hard to read :( )
01:08:411 (1,2,3) - maybe just in a row, not jump ? (unreadable for me) :oops:
Everything else is great, I hope you get this approved

CDFA wrote:


JUMPS YOUR JUMPS. It's ok but like holy hell you can make an approval map without all of the jumps
00:36:696 (7) - This plays unbelievably awkwardly
01:30:696 (3) - Center this on the y-axis
03:03:125 (1) - Have this fade out to silence


haha5957 wrote:

offset : 573
simple modding :3

_nara_ wrote:


Overall Diff. -2? OAO"
bcs it is tooo haard @@
except if you rlly" want to make it "insane" for sure ouo
(+1 for the HP Drain if you want to make it more hard 8D)

and is this song from an Anime?
if yes write it on "source" box
and add TV Size maybe? o.o

hichman wrote:

Requested mod :3

Let's see~


Overall Difficulty -1
HP Drain Rate +1
Decrease volume - maybe to 60-70%


01:12:287 end this slider at 01:13:430
02:38:001 ^ at 02:40:287
Naah, I don't see any disadvantages, perfect xD
I love it, good luck :3

pieguy1372 wrote:

hi there :)

-mp3 quality < 128 kbps, please reencode it to 128 kbps

01:44:287 (5) - center it? as it is it's a bit hard to see cause of the hitburst of 01:43:287 (1)
02:08:287 (10) - add NC?
02:08:572 (1) - remove NC?
02:32:858 (10,11) - ctrl+r?

nice map =w=

wingman_dw wrote:

"Muteki no Soldier"
"Owari no Hoshi no Love Song"
(終わりの惑星のLove Song)
maeda jun yanagi nagi flaming-june

Tag:owari no hoshi no love song maeda jun yanagi nagi flaming-june

Break Time can be snapped.

Nice map and song :)

-Gamu- wrote:

hi >w<

★Requests from Twitter★

AIBat wrote:

●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 01:22:548 (snap to 01:22:573)
●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:01:31:548 (snap to 01:31:573)
●Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:01:31:977 (snap to 01:32:001)
●04:25:430 (2) - Put a new combo on this note so the previous spinner ends properly.
●Kiai Time #1: 00:55:073 ⇒ 00:55:144
●Lead-in 2000 ⇒ 3000 changed?
●00:01:287 (6) - Add a new combo.
●00:01:715 (1) - Remove a new combo.
●00:03:001 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Change the placement of the circle.
●00:10:572 (5) - Add a new combo.
●00:17:287 (4) - ^
●00:18:572 (1) - spacing 1.10x?
●00:34:001 (3) - ?
●00:36:287 (4) - Add a new combo?
●00:39:715 (4) - Move (x:120 y:132)
●00:39:858 (5) - ^ (x:184 y:196)
●00:45:430 (8) - In the same way as this
●01:31:573 (5) - Add a new combo. Because the change in the speed of the slider.
●01:40:144 (4) -
●02:06:001 (6) - Add a new combo!!!
●04:12:858 (5) - In the same way as this
●04:41:287 (5) - Add finish?

good luck ><

KersiTyan wrote:

Hi~ Mod from our q~

Awesome song, i love so much <33If i not helped you don't give me kds :<
Nice map, i didn't see anything wrong <3

add finish ↓

04:47:418 - add whistle
04:55:089 - ^
04:57:816 - ^
05:03:270 - add finish

Good luck~~

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alrighty let's get started :). Mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun.

i highly suggest that you change the mp3's bitrate to 128 to reduce the filesize for this mapset.
the offset is correct, but it's at the wrong spot. it should be at 287 because that's where the guitar starts, but then again i think that's also wrong because it sounds a bit too early. it should range between 265-280. when i modded this map, i'm using an offset of 266. i'm not sure if this is 100% correct
The preview time should be at 54573. that's where the chorus is about to start.

00:02:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make (2,4,6) curved sliders so that it'd flow smoother during gameplay.
00:05:408 (3) - move this under (2) and make it a curved slider to blanket the previous note.
00:27:694 (6) - why does the spacing decrease for this? I felt uncomfortable when reached this because the spacing suddenly decreases. follow the DS for this which is 1.60. i'd feel comfortable if you do so.
00:41:266 (3,4) - space out these notes a bit more to challenge players. it should be like this.
00:51:837 (7) - *nazi* go 1 grid down so that it'd stack on (2).
01:03:694 (4) - either move (9) or (4) somewhere else. with a BPM this high, the hitburst is still covering repeat slider and that's an unrankable issue here.
01:08:408 (5,6,7) - align this to (1,2,3). it'll flow a lot smoother and the shape would look even nicer during gameplay.
01:23:694 (5) - move this to x:84 y:256. it'll make a nice anti jump between these 2 notes. the DS should be evened out at 1.40 or close to that.
01:44:123 (4,5) - replace this for a 1/2 slider facing up. it'll continue the pattern from (1-4).
01:54:551 (4) - space this out to form a diamond. i don't like the overlap on (2) at all. it makes it look bad during gameplay.
01:59:980 (7) - for a smoother flow, make this slider look like (9).
02:15:694 (5) - face this going SW or southwest. if you don't know what i'm saying, look at a compass and that's where you should face your slider.
02:36:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i see that it's a trapezoid, but this confuses me. it starts to a triangle to a trapezoid and that confuses me easily. do something like this and tell me what you think.
02:37:980 (1) - add a finish on the spinner. it'll act as the cymbals in the song.
03:13:551 (7) - align this to (5) so that it'd form a zig-zag pattern.
03:32:837 (5) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
04:00:123 (3,4) - the finish should be at (4). not at (3). you can clearly hear the cymbals on (4).
04:04:123 (4) - keep the DS consistent. this throw me off or surprised me because the DS suddenly decreases. follow the DS for the combo which is 2.00. it'll be less confusing and it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
04:04:837 (1,2) - make these sliders symmetrical. it'll look nicer during gameplay.
04:11:123 (3,4) - hmm make these curved sliders to flow smoother from (1,2).
04:36:408 (5,2) - if you want, space out these notes. the overlap make it look bad during gameplay.
05:03:441 - add a spinner to follow the long pause and end it at 05:06:339 to follow the piano in the song.
hmm there are several minor flaws, like the slight overlaps, but it's nothing big.

I guess that's it. GL :D

thank you ~
First at all... an approval map, BinJip?

Also.. This.

dafuq men?
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

First at all... an approval map, BinJip?

Also.. This.

dafuq men?

yeah, app!

oh.... fixed
Bug fixed, going for mod.


  • Maybe OD +1 for consistency with AR 9 /o/
    Low quality of the BG, but it doesn't matter I think.


  • 00:13:858 (6) Unnecessary Jump or Weird spacing, this fits better
    00:25:858 (2) Weird spacing between (1) and (3), please Fix it.
    04:25:430 (1) New Combo bug... please Use a NC Here to fix it.
Good mapset /o/
Cyril Scarlet
finally I got free time


fine for me

00:10:430 (4,1,2,) - これ消して 00:10:430 ~ 00:10:715 スライダーが合うと思うの。
00:15:001 (1) - とかも同じようなリズムだからそっちのが良いと思うよ!

00:22:930 (2,3) - これ消して 00:22:715 (1)の終わりを 00:23:001 までにしたほうが良いと思います!!!
00:28:573 (5,1,2) - delete this and follow vocal is better for me :P

00:30:715 (2) - を消して 00:30:858 (2) - に単発 00:31:001 ~ 00:31:144 スライダーはどう?
00:37:001 (1,2) - Grid snap 外してスライダーの最後をきれいに揃えると見た目がきれいになるよ!
00:56:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think these note are not matching with the song at all >.<"

01:27:144 (1) - follow vocal ?

01:58:001 (5) - new combo

02:40:573 - Break is too long ... I think. how about to start mapping since 02:49:430
03:24:715 (7) - use slider is better and delete 03:24:858 and change 03:25:001 to 単発

03:41:430 (9) - 1 Return してその後の単発は消してもいいかも
04:04:287 - Start streaming at here
ew idk why but i dont like the "muteki" one .-.
i like the old one, the sound is louder, and the hit-sound is more good than this :O *i think
and theres some finish that doesnt match with this one <--- Muteki

the AR is too fast, pls -1 OD?
00:38:715 (1,2) could you pls make the sound for things like this, more louder? .-.
and do you use whistle + finish? (what i see you just use whistle .-.) sounds weird i think ._.

sorry just my opinion .-.
Topic Starter
fixed 'ㅅ'
00:03 <haha5957> : 와
00:12 <haha5957> : 포스팅만 맵이 어떤맵이신지??
00:12 <BinJip> :
00:12 <BinJip> : 나기나기
00:12 <haha5957> : 이거
00:12 <haha5957> : 전에 하지 않았어여?
00:12 <BinJip> : 오프셋만
00:12 <haha5957> : 난이도이름도 인세인이네
00:12 <haha5957> : 으앙ㅋ
00:13 <BinJip> : 우왕
00:13 <BinJip> : 모딩받고 별받았다
00:13 <BinJip> : 그럼 모딩 좀 적어도 쿠도스줘야지
00:13 <haha5957> : 00:22:930 (2) -
00:13 <haha5957> : 이부분에 노트를 1개 추가하시면.
00:14 <BinJip> : ??
00:14 <BinJip> : 노트있는데 추가해요?
00:14 <haha5957> : 비어있잖아요
00:14 <BinJip> : 있어요
00:14 <haha5957> : 22:930
00:14 <haha5957> : 으로 찾아가보세여 비어있을걸요
00:14 <haha5957> : 1/4부분임
00:14 <BinJip> : 아
00:15 <BinJip> : 연타를 만들어요?
00:15 <haha5957> : 전부터
00:15 <haha5957> : 저런 느낌의 부분에
00:15 <haha5957> : 계속 연타였으니 있으면 좋을것같다는 느낌이 드러씀
00:16 <haha5957> : 00:40:573 (8) -
00:17 <haha5957> : 얘 짧게한다음에
00:17 <haha5957> : 00:41:001 (1) -
00:17 <haha5957> : 이 박자를 끝으로 슬라 하나 만드는게 나을거같지 않아여?
00:17 <haha5957> : 이건 강한 서제스쳔은 아니고 걍 제 생각임
00:17 <haha5957> : 00:41:001 (1) - 누를떄 느낌이 좀 이상함
00:17 <haha5957> : 아.취소
00:18 <BinJip> : !?
00:18 <BinJip> : 민엽민이 그냥 신곡 보는거같다는데 칭찬받음
00:18 <haha5957> : ㅇㅇ괜찮음
00:18 <haha5957> : 00:59:715 (4,5) - 여기 휘어주는게 더 멋있는거같음
00:19 <BinJip> : 사람들이 직선 슬라이더를 엄청 싫어 하네..
00:19 <haha5957> : 직선이 배치에따라 달라요 저는
00:19 <haha5957> : 대각선 아래로 향하는 슬라들이 모여있는건 괜찮은데 대칭형은 안좋아보임 (우울)
00:19 <haha5957> : 취향이니까 안바꿔도 상관없어여 이런건
00:19 <haha5957> : 그냥 제 생각임
00:19 <haha5957> : 01:06:001 (1) -
00:19 <BinJip> : 저도 직선 싫음
00:19 <haha5957> : 얘가 10에 조금 덜닿게 휘어주면 좋을것같음
00:19 <haha5957> : 물론 ctrlt ctrlhv하는건 당연
00:21 <haha5957> : 이거
00:21 <haha5957> : 님이찍은거 맞음??
00:21 <haha5957> : (의심)(의심)
00:22 <BinJip> : 네..
00:22 <BinJip> : 저번에 리맵 할떄 확 눈이 텃어요
00:22 <haha5957> : 하하의 그림판 그림 모딩은 쓸만했는지?(우울)
00:23 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
00:23 <BinJip> : 대칭을 완전히 버렷어요
00:23 <haha5957> : 먼가 똑같이 대칭을 해도
00:23 <haha5957> : 가운데 중심이라기보단
00:23 <haha5957> : 대칭을 흐르는 방향으로 하면 더 조은 그런 느낌(웃음)
00:23 <haha5957> : 잘했네여 근데 이건
00:23 <haha5957> : 별루 할말 업음 아까같은 나치말고
00:24 <BinJip> : 처음에 이거도
00:24 <BinJip> : 랜덤 점프가 많다고해서 다고침..
00:24 <haha5957> : 확실히 덜 랜덤해보임
00:24 <haha5957> : 전에 이거 보고 저도 랜덤점프 있다고 했었자늠
00:24 <haha5957> : 근데 이번엔 별로 업네여
00:24 <BinJip> : 키아이 빼고는 점프 다뺌
00:25 <haha5957> : 02:58:573 (1,2) -
00:25 <haha5957> : 얘네 쫌더 예쁘게 해주시면.
00:25 <haha5957> : (나치5957)
00:25 <BinJip> : 모양 고치라는 모딩이 제일 힘들죠...
00:25 <BinJip> : ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
00:25 <haha5957> : (웃음)
00:27 <BinJip> : 모딩을 받음으로서 많이느는거같네요
00:27 <haha5957> : 03:19:430 (2) -
00:27 <haha5957> : 얘 안겹치는게 좋을거같아요
00:27 <haha5957> : 그냥 위로 뺴시는게..
00:28 <haha5957> : 딴것두 아니구 연타뒤에서 진행 막으니까 좀 그랬슴 ㅠ.ㅠ
00:28 <BinJip> : 뺏어요
00:29 <BinJip> : 오스 패치하고 렉이 자꾸 걸리는듯..
00:29 <BinJip> : 프레임이 안나와요
00:29 <haha5957> : 어우.저도..
00:31 <haha5957> : 이제
00:31 <haha5957> : 님도 앞으로 맵만들고 저한텐 안오셔도 댐

Just a Short IRC mod.

빈집님 엄청 많이 컸어여 호랑이가 되셨군요 축하드림당

Very nice map!
안녕하세요~ 모딩큐에서 왔어요 xD
거의 모든것은 제안으로써 무시하셔도 좋습니다 와 빈집님이네!

00:46:001 (10) - 피니시 추가
00:46:144 (1) - 슬라이더 앞에 피니시 삭제
01:12:287 (1) - 피니시?
01:26:715 (6,7,8) - 1그리드만 오른쪽으로 해주세요 디스텐스가 약간 안맞는거 같네요
01:29:572 (2,3,4) - 요건 같은이유로 1그리드 왼쪽
01:47:287 (1) - 슬라이더 끝에 피니시 삭제?
02:03:572 (2) - 슬라이더 앞에 피니시 삭제하고 끝에 피니시 추가
02:32:287 (7) - 뉴콤
02:34:572 (7) - ^
02:51:715 (3) - ^ ( 슬라이더 속도가 바뀌네요 )
02:53:644 (5) - ^
04:09:144 (7) - 여기 슬라이더 끝쪽에 피니시 삭제하시고 04:09:430 (1) - 여기에 피니시 추가
04:18:430 (2) - 피니시 삭제후 04:18:573 (3) - 피니시 추가

맵은 물론이고 노래도 맘에드네요 xD
빨리 어프 되시길 star!
Dark Fang
from Fang Team's Queue


SB를 사용하지 않으신다면 .osb 파일을 제거바랍니다.(1kb라도 줄여봅시다.)


SliderMultiplier:1.80000000596047 < What!! in .osu file. fix plz

00:34:573 (1) - NC?
01:03:715 (4) - 슬라이더 에로우가 01:02:858 (9) - 이노트의 히트버스터에 의하여 가려집니다. 수정요함
제가 배치모딩같은건 못해서;;; 기대하셧다면 죄송합니다.
당부해드릴건 NC인데요 박자를 맞추면서 보컬도 따라가거,변속이나 특정 점프에도 NC주시면 좋을것같아요.혹은 강조하는부분


Have a good time :D
22:10 *BinJip is watching (yanaginagi - Muteki no Soldier)[] [Muteki] |Autoplay|
22:57 <Ra-s> : 준비
22:58 <BinJip> : 준비
22:59 <Ra-s> : 이거 BG가 이상하다...
22:59 <BinJip> : d
22:59 <BinJip> : ㅇ
22:59 <BinJip> : 그래서 BG구해달라고 했던거
22:59 <BinJip> : 이거 앨범곡이라서 커버가 500밖에안됨
23:00 <BinJip> : 맞출수가없음
23:00 <Ra-s> : 크기 억지로 늘린거같은데 아무리봐도
23:00 <BinJip> : 늘렸음일단
23:00 <Ra-s> : 540 * 450 아님?
23:00 <Ra-s> : 원래 사이즈가
23:00 <BinJip> : ㅇ
23:00 <BinJip> : 그럴껄
23:00 <BinJip> : 앨범BG큰게 없어
23:00 <Ra-s> : 애초에 이건
23:00 <Ra-s> : 이것보다 큰게 존재하지 않는데
23:01 <BinJip> : 만들수도없잖아
23:01 <Ra-s> : 내가 그래픽쪽에 종사하는 사람이 아니라
23:01 <Ra-s> : 절대 불가능하지 ㅋㅋ
23:01 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋ
23:02 <BinJip> : 일단 ㄴ넘어가
23:02 <Ra-s> : 아니 1024*768은 커녕 800*600도 없는데
23:02 <Ra-s> : 젼나 멘붕이다 이거
23:02 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
23:02 <BinJip> : 구글 네이버 일본 네이버 다들어가봤지만
23:02 <BinJip> : 없음
23:02 <Ra-s> : 걍 이게 제일 낫다
23:04 <Ra-s> : 01:01:715 - unused timing
23:05 <BinJip> : ?
23:05 <Ra-s> : 저거 초록선
23:06 <BinJip> : 지우라고?
23:06 <Ra-s> : ㄴㄴ
23:06 <Ra-s> : 잘못봤네
23:06 <Ra-s> : kiai가 존나 애매함 이거 ㅠㅠ
23:06 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋ
23:06 <BinJip> : 난 잘넣은거같은데
23:07 <Ra-s> : 아니 이건 카이이가 없어도 이상하지 않은곡이라
23:07 <Ra-s> : 저렇게 넣어도 상관은 없음 근데 ㅋㅋ
23:07 <Ra-s> : 잘 넣은거 맞음
23:08 <Ra-s> : 02:05:858 - 이거
23:08 <Ra-s> : 02:05:715 - 여기가 낫지 않음?
23:08 <Ra-s> : 특별한경우나 태고가 아닌이상 빨간선에서 하는건 거의 없음
23:08 <Ra-s> : 키아이인 경우
23:08 <BinJip> : 고침 ㅇㅇ
23:09 <Ra-s> : 힛사 직접 박은거임?
23:09 <BinJip> : ㅇ
23:09 <Ra-s> : 오 이제 잘하네
23:09 <BinJip> : 힛사넣는데고 마우스휠로 왕복 했음
23:09 <BinJip> : 눈빠지는줄아랑ㅆ다
23:09 <Ra-s> : ㅋㅋㅋ
23:10 <Ra-s> : 맵도 괜찮네
23:10 <BinJip> : 피니쉬는 모딩에 있길래 넣음
23:10 <BinJip> : 이거 하루만에 만든거
23:10 <BinJip> : 11시간걸렸나
23:11 <Ra-s> : 04:41:715 - 여기 Break 누가 이렇게 하라서 한거임?
23:11 <BinJip> : 음..
23:11 <BinJip> : 몰라
23:11 <Ra-s> : 04:41:287 - 걍 여기까지 앞으로 당기는게 나을꺼 같은데
23:12 <BinJip> : 당김
23:12 <Ra-s> : 05:03:270 (1) - 스핀 이거
23:12 <Ra-s> : 소리 점점 줄어들게 하는게 더 어울릴꺼 같은데
23:12 <Ra-s> : 귀찮더라도 이런건 그게 더 나음
23:13 <BinJip> : ㅇㅋ
23:13 <Ra-s> : 그리고 맨뒤에 빨간선에 올려져있는거 그부분이 20% 되도록 서서히 줄어들게하고
23:13 <Ra-s> : soft whistle이거 넣으면 젓절할듟
23:14 <BinJip> : 원래 소리가 50이라서 끝까지 못간다 ㅋ
23:14 <BinJip> : 05:05:316 - 여기까지 20
23:14 <Ra-s> : ㅇㅋ 괜ㅊ낳음
23:15 <Ra-s> : 이 맵은 플레이도 해봐야겠다 모딩 다하고
23:15 <BinJip> : 04:04:144 (4,1) -
23:15 <BinJip> : 여기 점프크지?
23:15 <BinJip> : 연타 구부릴까
23:15 <Ra-s> : 함 해볼께
23:16 <Ra-s> : 그건 일단 플레이를 해보고 말할께
23:16 <Ra-s> : 아직은 잘 모르겠음 ㅋㅋ
23:16 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
23:17 <Ra-s> : 이 정도 퀄에다가 노래까지 따지면 맷뱃 잘부르면 어프 되겠다
23:17 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋ
23:17 <BinJip> : 수능끝날때까지 못하면 민엽님 모딩있음
23:17 <BinJip> : 예약해놈 ㅋ
23:18 <Ra-s> : ㅋㅋ
23:18 <BinJip> : 보통 어프는 거의 반년은 걸리던데
23:18 <BinJip> : 이제 2주됬으니 이건..
23:19 <Ra-s> : 별도 꽤 모아놔야하고 모딩도 엄청 받아놔야함
23:19 <BinJip> : 내꺼 포스팅 117개인거도있음
23:19 <BinJip> : 모딩은 금방함
23:19 <Ra-s> : 00:39:001 (2) - ctrl r 한번 해봐
23:19 <Ra-s> : 참고로 힛사도 역전될껄
23:20 <BinJip> : 둘다 같은거라 상관없음
23:20 <BinJip> : 바꾸는거도 좋네
23:20 <Ra-s> : 아 그리고 슬라이더 끝점 whistle 이거 제거하는게 나아보이는데
23:21 <BinJip> : 그렇네..
23:21 <BinJip> : 이부분 4번째는 다지워야겟다
23:21 <Ra-s> : 이거 슬라이더 역전시켜서 얻는 혜택이 움직임 더 자연스럽게 하는거
23:21 <Ra-s> : 게다가 마침 이 슬라이더는 슬라이더 마지막 지지점이 슬라이더 끝점하고 일치된 상태라
23:21 <Ra-s> : ctrl r시켜도 모양이 별로 안손상됌 ㅋ
23:21 <BinJip> : ㅋ
23:22 <BinJip> : 모양 대칭되게 만들기 엄청어렵더라...
23:22 <Ra-s> : ㅇㅇ; ㅠㅠ
23:22 <BinJip> : 특키 커다란거
23:22 <Ra-s> : 나 같은 경우는
23:22 <Ra-s> : 그 x축 y축 가운데에 그래프처럼 있잖아
23:22 <Ra-s> : 거기에 한가운데에 둔다음에 만들음.
23:22 <BinJip> : 나도 그러는데
23:22 <Ra-s> : Tick이 y축 정중앙에 지나게
23:22 <BinJip> : 왔다리 갔다리해도 뭐가 안맞는경우가있어서
23:22 <Ra-s> : 그리고 더 정확히 하려면 슬라이더 시작점에 노트 놔보고 ctrl h 하고 끝점 맞추고
23:23 <BinJip> : 그런것도 씀 ㅋ
23:23 <BinJip> : 슬라이더 일자로 놓고도 해보고
23:23 <Ra-s> : 음 아까 내가 휘슬 4번째꺼 지우란거 더 이상 지적 안할께
23:23 <Ra-s> : 뒤에도 꽤 있네
23:23 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
23:23 <BinJip> : 다지움
23:24 <BinJip> : 이제 스코어 2천만도 랭크되던데
23:24 <Ra-s> : 이거 몇점이었지?
23:24 <BinJip> : 6800만인가
23:24 <BinJip> : 6780?이었나
23:24 <Ra-s> : 어짜피 시간도 길고 bpm도 높아서 점수도 높네 ㅋㅋ
23:25 <Ra-s> : 어프일수밖에 없다
23:25 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
23:25 <Ra-s> : 태고 한개 넣으면 적절할꺼 같은데
23:25 <Ra-s> : 00:54:287 (6) - NC?
23:26 <Ra-s> : 00:54:287 (1,4) - 이건 서로 대칭 아니어도 되는가?
23:26 <Ra-s> : 자신이 느끼는 노래 느낌하고 맞아가지고 일부로 그랬다면 별 상관없지만
23:26 <BinJip> : 1,4 저거 그냥 일자로 놓은건데
23:27 <BinJip> : 별한 20개정도만 모우면되겠네
23:28 <Ra-s> : 01:02:001 (5,1) - NC 교환?
23:28 <Ra-s> : 01:03:144 (7) - 그리고 이거 NC
23:28 <Ra-s> : 아니
23:28 <Ra-s> : 잠만
23:29 <Ra-s> : 맞구나
23:30 <BinJip> : ?
23:30 <BinJip> : 교환이라니?
23:30 <Ra-s> : 01:05:001 (5) - NC하는게 더 잘 읽힐꺼 같은데
23:30 <Ra-s> : 5번은 NC하고 뒤에 있는 1번은 NC제거
23:31 <Ra-s> : 01:05:430 (4) - ^
23:31 <BinJip> : ㅇ
23:31 <BinJip> : 저거 말할때 바꿈
23:32 <Ra-s> : 01:04:715 (3,2,2) - 오른쪽 두칸
23:32 <Ra-s> : 아 잠만
23:32 <Ra-s> : 이거 막 하다보면 병신 나머지 다 바꿔야함
23:32 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋ
23:32 <Ra-s> : 귀찮은데
23:32 <BinJip> : 그냥 놔둬
23:33 <Ra-s> : 몰라 대충해
23:34 <Ra-s> : 01:06:001 (1) - 이거 NC제거하고
23:34 <Ra-s> : 01:06:573 (2) - 여기에 NC ?
23:35 <Ra-s> : 01:07:858 (1) - 여기 NC있는것도 좀 이상함
23:35 <Ra-s> : 01:08:287 - 여기 NC가 나을려나?
23:36 <Ra-s> : 01:08:001 - 원래 여기에 뉴콤보하는게 맞는데 좌우대칭 패턴이라...
23:36 <BinJip> : 뉴콤도 어렵네
23:36 <Ra-s> : 오프셋만 잘맞추면 위에 큰하얀틱에 맞추면 대부분 다 됌
23:36 <Ra-s> : 또는 리딩이 쉽게 하던가
23:37 <Ra-s> : 큰하얀틱이 마디라서 여기에 NC하는게 보통 자연스러워
23:37 <Ra-s> : 01:24:501 (8) - 이 노트 꼭 필요함?
23:38 <BinJip> : 이상함?
23:38 <Ra-s> : 01:24:287 (7) - 여기 끝나는점에 힛사
23:38 <Ra-s> : 저거 아까 말한 8번이
23:38 <Ra-s> : 노트 지워보고 25%로 돌려서 봐봐
23:38 <Ra-s> : 아니 들어봐
23:39 <BinJip> : 없어도 될듯하긴한데
23:39 <Ra-s> : ㅇㅋ
23:40 <Ra-s> : 01:33:430 (1) - 여기 NC제거하고
23:40 <Ra-s> : 01:34:001 (3) - 에 넣는게 자연스러운거 같은데
23:40 <Ra-s> : 대칭...아..
23:41 <Ra-s> : 바꾸던지 말던지 상관없는 부분 ▲
23:41 <Ra-s> : 아니면 내가 말한것들 보류했다가 다른애가 언급하면 바꿔도 됌
23:42 <Ra-s> : 02:00:858 (1,3) - ^
23:43 <BinJip> : 02:56:858 (3,4,5,6,7,8) -
23:43 <BinJip> : 여기좀 봐줘
23:44 <Ra-s> : 02:33:144 (1,2) - ^
23:44 <Ra-s> : 02:35:430 (1,2) - ^
23:44 <Ra-s> : 02:40:287 - 여기 Break 당겨
23:45 <Ra-s> : 됐다 봐달라하는곳 도착함
23:45 <BinJip> : 기타있는 부분 시리루가 브레이크너무 길다고 만들긴했는데
23:45 <BinJip> : 좀 이상한거같음
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:358 (5) -
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:573 - 여기엔 음이 없고
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:644 - 여기에 음이 있는데
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:715 (6) - 이것도
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:858 - 여기에 음 있고
23:46 <Ra-s> : 02:57:715 - 여기는 빈칸이나 그냥 일반노트 두는게 좋음. 슬라이더는 비추
23:47 <Ra-s> : 나머진 다 박자 맞아
23:47 <Ra-s> : 걱정마
23:48 <Ra-s> : 03:02:001 (6) - NC
23:48 <Ra-s> : 02:54:144 (3,5) - 참고로 여기는 음 없어
23:49 <Ra-s> : 넣는 빼든 상관은 없지만
23:49 <BinJip> : 저런 애매한소리 싫다..
23:49 <Ra-s> : 저거 연주하는사람도 힘들어 해
23:49 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋ
23:49 <Ra-s> : 존나 애매한데 저걸 연주해얗마
23:50 <Ra-s> : 03:03:144 (1) - 이 스핀 길이를
23:50 <Ra-s> : 03:05:144 - 여기까지 하는게 괜찮아보임
23:50 <Ra-s> : 그리고 Break를 03:07:715 - 여기까지 뒤로 밀어
23:51 <BinJip> : ?
23:51 <Ra-s> : 아 그럼 앞부분이 너무 비는데
23:51 <BinJip> : 앞에껄 뒤에껄
23:51 <Ra-s> : Break
23:51 <Ra-s> : 03:05:715 - 이 쯤에 있던거
23:51 <BinJip> : 앞에 너무빈다 ㅋ
23:52 <Ra-s> : 그래도 느낌은 저게 나은거 같음
23:52 <Ra-s> : 너무 비는게 문제지만 ㅋㅋ
23:52 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋ
23:52 <Ra-s> : 아예 스핀을
23:52 <Ra-s> : 존나 늘릴까
23:52 <BinJip> : 03:06:858 -
23:52 <BinJip> : 이까지 늘릴까
23:52 <Ra-s> : 스핀을 03:07:715 - 여기까지
23:52 <Ra-s> : 늘릴수도 있음
23:52 <BinJip> : 존나 긴대 ㅋㅋ
23:52 <Ra-s> : 그리고 소프트휘슬 넣어야하고
23:52 <Ra-s> : 어프인데 알빠 안임
23:52 <Ra-s> : 아님*
23:52 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
23:53 <Ra-s> : 소리 5퍼 말고 20퍼로 하고
23:53 <Ra-s> : soft whistle !
23:53 <BinJip> : 오토로 19000점 ㅋ
23:53 <Ra-s> : 괜찮아 어프인데 어짜피
23:53 <Ra-s> : 스핀싸움까지 가려나..
23:53 <Ra-s> : 아 SS싸움에서는 충분히 가겠지만
23:53 <Ra-s> : 이건 히하S 끼리 싸울땐
23:54 <Ra-s> : 크게 안미칠듯 ㅋㅋ
23:54 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋ
23:54 <Ra-s> : 키카 같은 게이가 아니면
23:54 <Ra-s> : 이딴걸 어케 ...
23:55 <BinJip> : 이거 논 SS는 많이 나올거같은데
23:55 <Ra-s> : ㅇㅇ 꽤...
23:55 <Ra-s> : 40위 좀 안쪽에는 실수로 100점 나온애들 있을듯
23:55 <BinJip> : ar8로하면 죄다 SS겠지
23:55 <Ra-s> : 좀 긴데다가 어프니까
23:55 <Ra-s> : 03:18:001 (7) - 여기 NC하고
23:55 <BinJip> : 근대 아까 기타 부분에 1/3박자가 있어서
23:55 <Ra-s> : 03:18:715 (1) - 여기 NC제거?
23:56 <Ra-s> : 03:33:430 (1) - NC제거
23:56 <Ra-s> : 03:34:144 (9) - Nc
23:57 <Ra-s> : 03:34:715 (1) - NC제거
23:57 <Ra-s> : 03:35:287 (7) - NC
23:58 <Ra-s> : 04:06:573 (1) - NC제거
23:58 <Ra-s> : 04:07:144 (13) - NC ?
23:58 <Ra-s> : 04:07:858 (1) - NC제거
23:58 <BinJip> : 12번까지가는데..
23:59 <Ra-s> : 별로 상관 없는데
23:59 <Ra-s> : 앞부분에도 3개정도 그런거 있었어
23:59 <Ra-s> : 아니면 너무 길면
23:59 <Ra-s> : 내가 한거 다 적용시키면 2쌍으로 12콤보 가잖아
23:59 <Ra-s> : 이거 중간에 하나씩 넣어줘도 괜찮을꺼 같아
23:59 <BinJip> : ㅇ
23:59 <Ra-s> : 근데 노래 느낌에는 원래 이게 맞거든
00:00 <Ra-s> : 근데 뒤에 점프때문에 리딩쉽게하려고 넣은 뉴콤하고
00:00 <Ra-s> : 짝이 안맞아
00:00 <Ra-s> : 존나 애매해...
00:00 <Ra-s> : 패턴이 뒤에 키아이는 반복이라
00:00 <Ra-s> : 아까 내가 말한것처럼 뉴콤 흘러가게 유지해주면 됌
00:01 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ
00:01 <Ra-s> : 오프셋만 잘 맞추면 뉴콤보를 큰흰선에다가 의지하면서 넣으면 잘 넣어짐
00:01 <Ra-s> : 나중엔 뉴콤보 익숙해지면 뉴콤보에 맞춰서 깔끔하게 대칭 넣을 수 있음
00:01 <Ra-s> : 지금은 억지로 바꾸면 대칭이 약간 무너져보이지만 그래도 대칭은 대칭
00:01 <Ra-s> : 대칭강조를 위해 NC를 사용하는 목적도 있지만
00:03 <Ra-s> : 끝
00:03 <BinJip> : 감사감사
00:03 <Ra-s> : 업뎃 ㄱㄱ
00:03 <Ra-s> : 우동도 이 맵 좋다고 했음
00:03 <Ra-s> : 별만 넉넉하면 별 주고 갈텐데
00:03 <BinJip> : 그런가
00:03 <Ra-s> : 내가 애초에 오늘 목적이 쿠도수 모으는 목적이라 ㅠㅠ
00:03 <BinJip> : ㅇㅇ ㅋ
00:03 <Ra-s> : -1개...ㅋㅋㅋ
00:03 <BinJip> : -1개는 뭐임 ㅋㅋ
00:03 <BinJip> : 뺏김?ㅋㅋ
00:03 <Ra-s> : 도중에 누가 뺏어감 ㅋㅋ
00:04 <Ra-s> : 로그 안올렸다가 뺏어갔어 ㅠㅠ
00:04 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:04 <Ra-s> : 빈집꺼 그 Renai 0 Killometer인가
00:04 <BinJip> : 내꺼 에서 뻇어갔네 ㅋㅋ
00:04 <Ra-s> : 이거 내가 1페이지에서 모딩 했잖아
00:04 <BinJip> : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
00:04 <BinJip> : 9개월전꺼 막 뻇어감
00:04 <Ra-s> : 쩜ㅋ
Hello from my modding queue~

I don't find any errors in your mapset, good map :D /

gudlak for rank!
wow that's cool

here's my heart

.osb? delete it


00:05:715 (4,1) - break here i dont think there's jump good so how about this?

01:30:715 (3,4) -remove the (4) and make the silder(3)repeat 1 times
00:31:430 (6) - reverse selection
00:31:858 (7) - ^
01:58:001 (1,2,3,4) -how about this? click to check→(
02:12:430 (1) - reverse selection
03:43:573 (3,4) - ^
03:48:430 (1,2) - ^
03:48:715 (3,4) - ^


this song very fit soft-finish so i add some and u can check it→(

↓that's where i add soft-finish

00:04:287 (1) - add soft finish
00:08:858 (1) - ^
00:12:715 - ^
00:17:001 - ^
00:17:287 - ^
00:17:715 - ^
00:18:144 (5) - ^
00:18:430 (7) - ^
00:35:287 - ^
00:36:001 - ^
00:36:287 (1) - ^
00:36:715 (4) - ^
00:45:430 - ^
00:53:430 - ^
00:54:001 (4) - ^
00:54:287 (1) - ^
00:54:573 - ^
00:54:858 - ^
00:55:001 (4) - ^
00:59:144 - ^
01:03:144 - ^
01:03:715 - ^
01:09:144 - ^
01:11:144 - ^
01:11:715 - ^
01:12:001 - ^
01:34:858 - ^
01:35:001 - ^
01:38:001 - ^
01:39:001 (2) - ^
01:39:430 (5) - ^
01:39:572 (1) - ^
01:39:858 - ^
01:40:287 - ^
01:40:572 (6) - ^
01:49:430 - ^
01:57:430 - ^
01:58:001 - ^
01:58:573 - ^
02:01:430 - ^
02:10:573 - ^
02:12:858 - ^
02:15:715 - ^
02:16:287 - ^
02:16:858 - ^
02:19:144 - ^
02:21:430 - ^
02:28:001 - ^
02:30:287 - ^
02:30:715 - ^
02:32:287 (1) - ^
02:34:573 - ^
02:35:001 (2) - ^
02:35:430 - ^
02:53:430 - ^
02:56:858 - ^
02:57:644 - ^
02:57:787 - ^
02:58:001 - ^
02:58:215 - ^
03:17:287 - ^
03:17:715 (5) - ^
03:18:144 (2) - ^
03:18:573 (4) - ^
03:18:858 (7) - ^
03:21:430 - ^
03:22:430 - ^
03:22:715 - ^
03:23:144 - ^
03:23:430 (4) - ^
03:23:715 (1) - ^
03:26:430 - ^
03:26:858 - ^
03:27:430 (7) - ^
03:27:715 (9) - ^
03:27:858 (1) - ^
03:37:430 - ^
03:41:858 (10) - ^
03:44:858 (5) - ^
03:45:430 (4) - ^
03:45:715 (2) - ^
03:46:001 (4) - ^
03:46:287 (6) - ^
03:55:287 (3) - ^
04:12:287 - ^
04:12:858 - ^
04:13:430 - ^
04:13:858 (8) - ^
04:16:287 (4) - ^
04:21:430 - ^
03:23:144 - ^
04:25:430 - ^
04:27:430 (8) - ^
04:27:715 (1) - ^
04:30:001 - ^
04:31:287 - ^
04:31:858 (1) - ^
04:34:573 - ^
04:35:573 - ^
04:36:287 (4) - ^
04:36:573 (6) - ^
04:36:858 (1) - ^
04:39:573 - ^
04:40:144 (6) - ^
04:40:430 - ^
04:40:858 (2) - ^
04:41:144 (4) - ^

also i think u can add more soft-whistle and clap not only c:soft-clap
Topic Starter
Dark Fang

thx ><
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