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Pasonia wrote:

Sorry for the popped bubble! ^_^;

I'm going to mod but not rank this unless I'm absolutely sure of myself. Sorry =p
Also - these are purely suggestions.
So, it looks like ranking the song is more like mods suggestions than mappers choice nowadays? :| Ok... I think I can agree with that... I have no choice, right?...

Pasonia wrote:


02:09:45 (1) - Yea, it's the last spinner but imo this is unnecessary. I know what you're mapping to but by the time of the start of this spinner the music is too insignificant (right descriptive? =x) to warrant the presence of the spinner.
Hmmm... I think song must have some moment when you are SURE that song will end here. And it was end. And i can agree music is not cooperate with it etc. But look at the end of of last notes\sliders. You really want to end it here? :? I can change it if I need to.

Pasonia wrote:


02:07:24 (1,1) - Same as above, except that in this case, what I was thinking is to delete both objects and put a spinner starting from where the last slider is, and ending at where the previous spinner starts.
So, same as above, but i like it a little more. I can agree with that.

Pasonia wrote:


00:54:01 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - My suggestion - un-whistle all of these and then listen to the whole stretch. Maybe even give 11 a Finish, but that's me being crazy.
01:00:41 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - For the first two of the combos of 3, un-whistle.
02:07:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - I so don't like this chain. Maybe it's me getting hit by deathstream syndrome, but... no, no way. Personally, if I were ingame and touching this for the first time, I won't be able to tell how many times I gotta click this at first glance. Maybe you should rearrange this.
00:54:01 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like it more like it is. But ok.
01:00:41 (2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Ok.
02:07:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - ok, changed.

Im really sorry for what i wrote here before. I was tired (wasnt sleeping ~30hrs) and i wrote some stupid shit that ill regret it now. Im sorry about this :cry:

SeymourLyon wrote:

I think killing Bubble with Star just because you dont like hitsounds and deathstream is a little punishing. If you tell me that I must add these changes, ill do it. But then I will never edit it again. It can be even graveyarded and ill do nothing with it because i have enough of it. I dont want to be rude. If i am then sorry. :| I know you want to help but STAR? :o I posted it ~4 months ago. And most players will even not remember this map after ~1-10 tries.
Seymour, you need to understand this: We moderate maps for a purpose. That's to keep the standard of quality high. Therefore bubbles are popped ASAP to ensure maps aren't ranked when they could still be improved. Don't take offense from this move. If you feel the points brought up are incorrect or cramping your style, then say that, but don't complain about the popping of your bubble. Your map is already high priority - it will get ranked eventually.
Topic Starter
Yes peppy, I undarstand what you wrote here but it was really worth it? I just think those changes was a little unnecessary here (i just dont like most of them). I dont complain about BATs or their modding and I dont wanted to be rude etc. I think i really was too harsh (and im sorry for that :| ) here but this map wasnt got any attention before for really long time. I got nervous about that (maybe a bad day :( ). Sorry for this again and I really want Pasonia forgive me about this.

SeymourLyon wrote:

Sorry for this again and I really want Pasonia forgive me about this.
It's ok, and I'm sure Pasonia already has. He's not really one to hold grudges / Or not even worried about it.

And again. I hope this gets ranked soon. ;)

Yeah, this is pretty much a worthless post, right -_-

Oh look!
00:23:57 (3) - Move over to the right a tick with Grid Level 3.

00:27:54 (3) - Move this up a tick so it's spaced evenly with 1 and 2.

Some suggestions for Insane~
01:53:13 (1,2) - Maybe move 1 to the right so it's on that white line on the grid.
All difficulties: Offset +15...I think. I could use another mod's view on this.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Spinner Suggestion~
2:09:45(1)-> Extend the length by 1/2.

2:07:24(1)-> Shorten the length by 1/2.

2:09:45(1)-> Extend the length by 1/2.

+1 SP~
Topic Starter

minyeob wrote:

Spinner Suggestion~
2:09:45(1)-> Extend the length by 1/2.

2:07:24(1)-> Shorten the length by 1/2.

2:09:45(1)-> Extend the length by 1/2.

+1 SP~
Hmmm... Its sounds quite better but i think if ill extend\shorten these spinners only by 1/4 its sounds a little better ;) If somebody says its sound better with 1/2 ill change it :D Thx for help :)
02:09:02 (1) - should finish at 02:13:882
02:07:26 (1) - should finish at 02:08:808
02:09:47 (1) - should finish at 02:13:882

Great beatmap Lyon! I'am giving it a star! :D
Fix the video offset to match the new offset so it's synced again.

-01:00:42 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.
-02:09:02 (1) - Extend by 1/8.

-00:14:76 (3) - This doesn't look properly aligned with 1 to me.
-00:26:23 (4) - Make this symmetrical.
-00:35:05 (3) - ^
-00:49:61 (4) - ^
-01:45:20 (2) - Realign on the endpoint of 1.
-02:07:26 (1) - Shorten by 1/4 a beat, add a Finish.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
01:48:73 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.

Last change, I swear.

Also, set the preview at 00:46:087.
Topic Starter
Done. Also i changed preview offset but it dont wanna work :? I need to make Full Submission to get this work?
Did you set it to all difficulties? Save once you change it.

Also, I lied before, use 01:12:558 for the preview.
Topic Starter

Mogsworth wrote:

Did you set it to all difficulties? Save once you change it.
Did like u wrote, still dont work. :( Full Submit then?

SeymourLyon wrote:

Mogsworth wrote:

Did you set it to all difficulties? Save once you change it.
Did like u wrote, still dont work. :( Full Submit then?
Wouldn't hurt to try.
Topic Starter
Tried already, still dont work. Maybe its not working just for me? Somebody else can try?
Worked for me when I redownloaded it.
Preview point is at 01:12:558 as suggested from Mogsworth.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I guess the timing works and I guess that spinner end is the best it can be... Hm... The hit sounds can be meh, but overall they're not bad. So whatevs. Weird song. Kinda cool though.
:lol: i like this map too >o<
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