
Cranky - Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix"

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009年6月27日 at 23:14:00

Artist: Cranky
Title: Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix"
BPM: 159
Filesize: 12152kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 310 notes)
  2. Hyper (4.73 stars, 193 notes)
  3. Max (5 stars, 393 notes)
  4. Normal (3.48 stars, 114 notes)
Download: Cranky - Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix"
Download: Cranky - Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix" (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is 2nd map.
Please give advice to me. :)


EDIT1: add skin XD
EDIT2: add Normal thx qweqqwweerr & MAX edited it a little
EDIT3: add Another 05/30/09
EDIT4: add Easy 06/01/09
EDIT5: Easy&Normal Arrangement was changed little..
EDIT6: Change name
EDIT7: Nomal Hyper fixed 06/10/09
EDIT8: Another fixed 06/13/09
EDIT9: MAX fixed
Nomal,Hyper,Another fixed 06/17/09 skin little change
Artist&song title change advice thanks Alace

EDIT10:offset change thx Alace
EDIT11:nomal fixed thx abalee
EDIT12:skin map fixed thx Larto

moved pending. Please point it out when the mistake is found.

advice thanks Starrodkirby86 james039 Gabi abalee Saturos-fangirl Larto Takuma Alace !! ;)
Holy crap, awesome. o_o

00:43:24 (3) - Some people might not like this hidden slider.
00:53:05 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think you should follow the 16th rhythm in this part.
00:56:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think you should follow the 16th rhythm in this part.
01:00:41 (x) - Add a beat?

Your mapping reminds me of tobebuta! :Q___

I don't want to ruin the action of this difficulty, but maybe you should lower the overall difficulty by 1 and raise the HP drain up a bit?

Your offset seems a little late. Maybe 7116 works well? If not, try 1692...

I can't wait to see other difficulties! :3
MAX is awesome! though i cant pass it ><

(・ω・)ノ■ "normal?" 
this may be too difficult to call normal....
so i named "normal?"
this is just sumple diff
try to make easier

Download: cranky - party 4u holy nite mix (avira0922) [Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Thank you for advice!! It survives very much.

00:43:24 (3) - It is my trap though might be hard to combo(the color) was changed.
00:53:05 (1,2,3,4,5) - It changed it into 16 beats.
00:56:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It changed it into 16 beats.
01:00:41 (x) - It added.

The offset was changed into 1692.
I survive because I did not clearly understand the numerical value.
overall -1 and HP drain +1 exchanged.
My succeeding became difficult. XD

tobebuta is a person of my yearning!
F is an artistic production.
He is good at the beatmap making & top player.

sorry,I am not good at English. :3



Because it is difficult for normality
Arrangement or the slider or the circle was changed for a moment.
The skin was added while taking a rest along with it.
I survive because the beatmap making is unskilled. :3


日本語FAQはここ 6.8.
awesome map!

00:30:371 緑のスライダーを1grid上に、前のスライダーの終わりと並ぶように
01:16:786 (7.8) 1grid下に
01:37:352 1grid左に
01:37:541 ここは前のコンボと同じ角度で並べたほうがいいような気がする、見た目的に
00:15:088 1grid下?
00:15:276 grid snap使うとコンボ綺麗に並ぶかも、1がgird上からずれてる?
01:00:559 このスライダーの位置はよくないかも
01:06:031 この置き方だと混乱すると思うので横に並べてみたらどうでしょう
01:07:541 ^
01:09:050 ^

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Topic Starter

00:30:371 緑のスライダーを1grid上に、前のスライダーの終わりと並ぶように james039さんの画像のように配置しました
01:16:786 (7.8) 1grid下に ずれてたので訂正
01:37:352 1grid左に ずれてたので訂正
01:37:541 ここは前のコンボと同じ角度で並べたほうがいいような気がする、見た目的に 配置しなおしました

00:15:088 1grid下?ずれてたので訂正
00:15:276 grid snap使うとコンボ綺麗に並ぶかも、1がgird上からずれてる?ずれてたので訂正
01:00:559 このスライダーの位置はよくないかも 配置困って右下に。大丈夫だろうか?
01:06:031 この置き方だと混乱すると思うので横に並べてみたらどうでしょう 連続連打にかえました。縦配置難しかった
01:07:541 ^ 同じく
01:09:050 ^同じく


grid snap使っても1gridずれてしまう(つд⊂)エーン


Offset:1720ms  1720にしました

00:25:30 (1) - もっと短く。(00:26:625に切る - 白) done
00:30:40 (1,1,1,1) - きれいになればいい done

00:25:30 (1) - Normalのように短く done
00:48:51 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ((*´Д`)ハァハァ) イヤ━━━━(*´∀`)━━━━ン!!!!
01:39:83 (1) - Finishの音を付く done 付けました

00:32:28 (2) - スライダと重なるから、消す 消しました。done
01:03:60 (1,1,1,1) - あまり重ならないけど寄せすぎ。訂正したほうがいい。 ちょっとずらしました。It moved it a little.

アドバイスありがとう! Thank you for advice&modding
日本語お上手!In your Japanese, it is good.

((o(´∀`)o)) あ(・∀・)り(・∀・)が(・∀・)と(・∀・)う!

日本語FAQはここ 6.8.
fun map!☆彡
but... it is difficult for me >:(
Topic Starter
感想ありがとうございます!  (∩´∀`)∩ワーイ

いろいろしてたらどえらいことになってました。 ・゚・(つД`)・゚・
作ったくせにアナザーはクリアできないという  <(゜ロ゜;)>ノォオオオオオ!!


Thank you for the impression & Playing. :)
As for me, it is unskilled to make Beatmap,It grew serious when the beat was added. :?
I cannot clear another though I made. :o
The forum and PM are used,It wishes the information exchange to become active.

日本語FAQはここ 6.8.
It`s not easy wwwwwwwwwwwww
Change the diff name to Normal
ALL good

the same it`s a bit too hard
Change the diff name to Hyper or Hard
01:25:58 (3) - more far from (2)
01:27:56 (1,2,3,4,1) - change this (see the picture)
01:29:07 (1,1,1) - Too hard plz don`t use X2 bpm

Another and MAX are hard too
Another has more scores than MAX
I guess MAX is the hardest diff
plz make another easier or make MAX harder

For example in Aother
00:27:38 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - it`s hard
Mayve put those notes in MAX

good map ^^

Topic Starter
>>alace :)

Thank you for advice. (∩´∀`)∩

It`s not easy wwwwwwwwwwwww
Change the diff name to Normal
ALL good          done.It changed it a little.

the same it`s a bit too hard
Change the diff name to Hyper or Hard done
01:25:58 (3) - more far from (2)  done
01:27:56 (1,2,3,4,1) - change this (see the picture)  done.It was very comprehensible.
01:29:07 (1,1,1) - Too hard plz don`t use X2 bpm done(1:32:286- 1:33:606)Because it is a straight line, it seems to be the twice safe. Here is BPM×2
Change name


I thought that easiness was easy,However, it was normal. :?  Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー
Along with it,The size of the circle is reduced,beat is added,HP Damage&Overall change.

I think that another and max are difficult. (´;ω;`)ウッ…
Because it is thought that another is more difficult,I want to change the name.

In order of the difficulty
1 Normal
2 Hyper
3 Another

I want to do like this.

My edit is unskilled, seems to take Edit time. :o
I want to make Max(The former;Another) difficult.
" Another(The former;Max)easily a little.

Only easy and normality were perfectible today.

Thank-you teacher!
Sorry,My English is Poor. (ノД`)シクシク
Sorry if the Japanese is poor; blame the translator. ;(
I posted both in Japanese and English, because I don't know which you will understand better.

- ALL:
"Please try not to use many spacing changes in "easier" difficulty. Sometimes it can make easy difficulty players confused."

ALACEによると、 X2のスライダーを使用するようにしないようにしてください。この地図は非常に難しい。
"As Alace said, please try not to use X2 sliders. It's very hard in this map."

- MAX:
"Please redo the second break."

"Please redo the break."

"Please redo all breaks."

00:40:96 - おそらくここで休憩を入れていただけますか?
"Maybe you could put a break here?"

00:43:98 - おそらくここで休憩を入れていただけますか?
"Maybe you could put a break here?"

01:17:19 - おそらくここで休憩を入れていただけますか?
"Maybe you could put a break here?"

01:20:21 - おそらくここで休憩を入れていただけますか?
"Maybe you could put a break here?"

It's good for a second map. However it feels like the easier difficulties feel like they are punishing easy leveled players. For now you get my star. Well done!
Takuma wwwwwwww

wrong kind of "map" Takuma.

"chizu" means a map (the lay of the land), but not a *beat*map :P

I usually stick to ビートマップ when I want to say beatmap, but 譜面 also works.

awesome first map avira!
初めてのビートマップで、すごいぜ avira! :)
Topic Starter

Thank you for advice. (Japanese translation!)
It takes time for a moment. :(
Arrangement has been changed.The rest is put. etc
I work hard and mend. エイエイ (ι´Д`)ノ オー!!
Normal became ☆3.5... Should I make Easy?(´;ω;`)ウッ…
It wrote on the Japanese translation page. (☆3↓make)
difficult for me to make Beatmap.(ノД`)シクシク


thx! ♪♪♪ d(`Д´)b♪♪♪サンキューです!

頑張るぞー (`・ω・´)シャキーン


06/09/09 06/10/09 Nomal&Hyper fixed.(add beat ,Arrangement etc)
spacing was mended
Is the rest place okay? ヽ(?~?)ノ
Another&MAX yet.... sorry (´・ω・`) 06/13/09 Another fixed

make Beat Map Very Very difficult!!!!

It is my today state........It is impossible for me,teacher..... :'-)

返事がない ただの屍のようだ

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   sorry!Please wait for a while    <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Song:Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix"

Plz change it and FULL SUBMIT again

01:33:79 (1) - too far in normal
01:35:30 (1) - too near from (4)

01:16:05 (2,3) - Reverse selection

00:34:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,) - -1 repeat for ALL sliders (pic1)
00:37:94 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:36:43 (5) - new combo here
00:39:45 (5) - new combo here +flip 00:39:45 (5,6,7,8) (pic2)
01:03:60 (1,2,3,4,1) - think a new patten here (the jump is too crazy and hard to notice)
01:19:26 (3) - new combo here
01:22:47 (3) - ^
01:24:73 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - confusing think a new patten plz
01:33:04 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - this part is a bit confusing but it`s fine

00:39:45 (1,2,3,4) - no thanks (confusing spacing)
01:10:11 (1) - crazy jump (hard to notice)
01:22:66 (5) - down a bit

This mapset is so cool
I will give you 2 extra stars

honestly, atleast put the stack liniency to 2 or 3, only approved maps put them at 0-1. im not gonna go into any deep modding except saying that ^

nice map, star >w<
Topic Starter
>Hanyuu & proseyu
Thank you :)
I am very glad. ヾ(〃^∇^)ノわぁい♪

           }   ̄`ヽ.
            {       ' ,     , -‐‐- .._
           j    (    ,   /           ̄ ̄ア    ,イ
          {    ヽ.\ }¬,′          / イ  / |
            ヽ. ヽ、_) リん′         / ( {  _,′L_
           >ー-rく⌒〈             イ   > '´ {  ∨ `ヽ.
              /´     >、 ヽ._    _.. イ  !xく    」   、  \ _
          /^\,ヘ. /  \   ̄`ヽハ| |  > ´ ヘ.  ヽ、>'´   ̄ 二 ー-- ‐ァ
         ,^\ / _ \    >-   Vハ.!  !< > '´  \  `  /´          /
            ′ 〈'´ `ヽ` ー-ニ⊥..__  Ⅴ}__ 」  ` ー---‐ ´    { /         /
         |  ハハ. x= 、    ィ=¬r j'´77!` 'ー-  .._       V       . ´
         {  ,′ハ{{::::::}     {::::::::,′,'〃77! /´`ヽ      ̄¨ア /ハ ー<
         ヽ.{  , ヘ.゙ー' 、   ゙ー7 //厶イ|{:::::::;ハ     /イ    ',ヽ、_ >
          ` /  人   、--‐ァ / ,イ ̄ {  | ー'      ´__ j }    } }
           厶イ  > `ニ イ'⌒ヽ  ∧  !      /´::}} ノ ノ   {ヽ{
              厶イ´/  /≠    }\{ \{ \  '   ゙ー /イ{     |
  __   -‐    ⌒\/{ 厶イ /,′   j    |アヽ._ `   _..∠ ノ ∧   |
    _.. -‐‐-  .._.V」斗≠イ  { 02 ト、  { _ ヽ. ̄       ヽ{ \ |
    '´      /´    /∠コ{/ !     ! \ \ 「ハ             ヽ.{
/               /   〈  l     ! 、 ヽ、}レ∧
  __            /    く⌒ヽ!    l  }   Yン  〉
   >-  .. __  ´     /^ヽ l    l/     { {ハ /          あ(・∀・)り(・∀・)が(・∀・)と(・∀・)う!


Location: Sweden honestly, atleast put the stack liniency to 2 or 3, only approved maps put them at 0-1. im not gonna go into any deep modding except saying that ^

It mended. stack liniency =2
thanks :)


Song:Party 4u "Holy Nite Mix"

Plz change it and FULL SUBMIT again Change! (>Д<)ゝ

01:33:79 (1) - too far in normal done
01:35:30 (1) - too near from (4) done Arrangement also changed

01:16:05 (2,3) - Reverse selection It reversed it

00:34:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,) - -1 repeat for ALL sliders (pic1) done Here is better
00:37:94 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ done Here is better
00:36:43 (5) - new combo here done
00:39:45 (5) - new combo here +flip 00:39:45 (5,6,7,8) (pic2) done Here is better
01:03:60 (1,2,3,4,1) - think a new patten here (the jump is too crazy and hard to notice) done change
01:19:26 (3) - new combo here done
01:22:47 (3) - ^ done
01:24:73 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - confusing think a new patten plz done change
01:33:04 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - this part is a bit confusing but it`s fine (∩´∀`)∩ワーイ

00:39:45 (1,2,3,4) - no thanks (confusing spacing)
01:10:11 (1) - crazy jump (hard to notice)
01:22:66 (5) - down a bit

sorry,Max has changed. (´;ω;`)ウッ…
I think that there will be a pertinent part soon. Perhaps.
Thank you for advice.
It survives very much.

☆ Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー o(*≧д≦)o″))うれすぃー

However, Edith is difficult. The mystery was not clarified.

Hi again
<hyper Another MAX>
plz don`t use rarely stack
see picture

About MAX (you don`t really have to change)
00:27:38 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - crazy jumps (maybe reduce it see pic2)
00:34:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Notes+sliders (a bit too hard to bit)
00:51:53 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:59:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
01:21:53 (14) - new combo

Topic Starter
>Alace ;)

Hi again
<hyper Another MAX>
plz don`t use rarely stack
see picture change(>Д<)ゝ I did not notice it though changed (;´д`)トホホ…

About MAX (you don`t really have to change)
00:27:38 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - crazy jumps (maybe reduce it see pic2)   done (゚д゚)!
①00:34:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Notes+sliders (a bit too hard to bit)
②00:51:53 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^   
③00:59:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^ 
01:21:53 (14) - new combo  done (゚д゚)!

①~③Should I think about the arrangement a little? (-ω-;) 
I am worried (-_-;ウーン
①②I was able to push,occasionally③sometimes
Thank you for a lot of advice <(_ _)>ぺこり

OK final stage

+5ms to ALL timing lines in ALL diffs
(see the picture)
1.use mouse select all timing lines
2 +5ms
3 Apply
4 OK
5 Resnap all notes by 1/4 divisors


Topic Starter
>Alace ;)

+5ms to ALL timing lines in ALL diffs
(see the picture)
1.use mouse select all timing lines
2 +5ms
3 Apply
4 OK
5 Resnap all notes by 1/4 divisors

Done! (゚д゚)!
I think that I was able to do perhaps.
Thank you for a comprehensible explanation  :) :) :)

00:14:55 (3,4) - kill a whistle or replace both with claps
00:16:06 (3) - ^
00:17:57 (3,4) - ^ etc.
00:27:38 (1,2,3,4) - ^
really claps hit a lot better than whistles in this song
00:36:44 (1) - no
00:39:46 (1) - ^
01:31:91 (3) - remove whistle
01:34:55 (3,4) - as you do the intro

00:14:55 (3,4,5) - try whistles instead of claps etc.
ok i give up. im sorry i cannot stand modding this map as it currently sounds. bubble popped.
Topic Starter

00:14:55 (3,4) - kill a whistle or replace both with claps
00:16:06 (3) - ^ 
00:17:57 (3,4) - ^ etc. 
00:27:38 (1,2,3,4) - ^ 
really claps hit a lot better than whistles in this song

00:36:44 (1) - no 
00:39:46 (1) - ^  
01:31:91 (3) - remove whistle

01:34:55 (3,4) - as you do the intro

00:14:55 (3,4,5) - try whistles instead of claps etc. 
sorry,Though it mended once,I think that the whistle is still good. ごめんなさい<(_ _)>It thinks again.
modding thx

girl me too (´∀`*)

avira :3
Topic Starter
leimiliya~  Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー  :)
あ(・∀・)り(・∀・)が(・∀・)と(・∀・)う! thx
a small bug at normal:
00:48:51 - reinsert this breaktime.

all fine. post star and shoot my star ;)
Topic Starter

a small bug at normal:
00:48:51 - reinsert this breaktime. Done! (゚д゚)! It put it again. I did not notice it.(´・ω・`)
all fine. post star and shoot my star
thx :) :) :)
I weep for joy. ・゚・(つД`)・゚・

- Get a spinner-background.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *
- Get a hitcircleoverlay.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *
- Get a spinner-bonus.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *
- Improve section-fail.png/section-pass.png. There are white pixels everywhere in them and Section-pass.png is cut off at the bottom
- There also are white pixels all around spinner-circle.png.

* If you don't want to get those files, force default skin.

Alright, but freaking intense. Super cool, though

01:34:64 (6,7) - 2 Level 3 grids up P:
01:36:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Is this just me or is the spacing here a bit screwed?

00:21:91 (1) - wwwwww Oh, and I suggest you remove the whistle sound from the repeat

00:21:91 (1) - wwwwww Oh, and I suggest you remove the finish sound from the repeat



01:34:64 (6,7) - level 3 gridsを使います,上へ2格を移
01:36:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 先生はこれが改正する必要はない言います^_^

00:21:91 (1) - 重複して子笛の音を取り除きます

00:21:91 (1) - 重複してfinishの音を取り除きます
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Topic Starter

I set it like Alace's image After that...↓

- Get a spinner-background.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *  It put it. (゚д゚)!
- Get a hitcircleoverlay.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *  It put it. (゚д゚)!

- Get a spinner-bonus.png. Take it from the templateskin if you must, but get one *  The file did not exist.spinner-clear.png? The image was converted 

- Improve section-fail.png/section-pass.png. There are white pixels everywhere in them and Section-pass.png is cut off at the bottom
I colored those colors again.An unnecessary part was cut.Safe?

- There also are white pixels all around spinner-circle.png. I colored those colors again.Safe?

* If you don't want to get those files, force default skin.

Alright, but freaking intense. Super cool, though

01:34:64 (6,7) - 2 Level 3 grids up P: done!(゚д゚)sorry...
01:36:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Is this just me or is the spacing here a bit screwed? According to Alace,It is ok even if it doesn't exchange it done!(゚д゚) 6/27

00:21:91 (1) - wwwwww Oh, and I suggest you remove the whistle sound from the repeat done!(゚д゚)

00:21:91 (1) - wwwwww Oh, and I suggest you remove the finish sound from the repeat done!(゚д゚)

Is it safe? (´・ω・`) my english poor sorry ( TДT)

thx :) ありがとー 。・゜゜・(≧д≦)・゜゜・。
I wish to express my gratitude because I am not good at English.
I set it as shown in the image.
Teacher thx ;) (*´∀`)

Good job! I love this beatmap ^www^
Let`s party~~~~~~~
It has been a long time since I played such a fun map. Some parts are hard to read though. But it's so much fun, I love [Max]<3
You're a genius. Really.
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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