
Poll 12: How should we deal with cheaters?

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A cheater is found (100% certain). What do we do with them?

Permanent ban (no exceptions)
Give a second chance (new account)
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access
Total votes: 312
Polling ended
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How about just not give a shit lol. If they cheat and wanna come back its not hard to make another account. Your never gonna stop cheaters.
Osu Tatakae Ouendan

asdasdasd654456 wrote:

why can't i have one? I already agreed to reset my main account even being legit, thats only for main account cheaters right? I sereasly ask peppy to check my case again..
may i say that you're missing the point. it's not the account, it's the person. even if you kept one account legit and didn't cheat you still cheated on another account.

Sakura Hana wrote:

The point is that you're not allowed to cheat on any account.

ziin wrote:

that's actually what cheaters want
What cheaters want is attention. All this "second chance" crap is attention they don't deserve. Ban attention is enough to minimize damage at low time cost. There is no way to deal with cheaters without giving them attention, other than automating the system (which is insecure).

Just change your passwords on your accounts to jibberish that you won't remember, get a new throwaway email, change your IP address and get a new identity. This is impossible to stop. Why are people so attached to an online identity anyway?
the online identity part i don't know.
as for cheaters, they want one of two things
1. the easy way to pass something hard, cause they're lazy to get better
2. the easy way to pass something hard, but this time because they wanna show off and or troll those who can't do it
most likely the second choice. i don't see that many cheaters anymore who do the first choice, or it could just be me
As for limiting the attention they get when they get banned or something, that's too hard. One point or the other the truth will slip out.

SilentKiller wrote:

How about just not give a shit lol. If they cheat and wanna come back its not hard to make another account. Your never gonna stop cheaters.
True. we can't stop them. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try though, what, are we just gonna let them go around being unfair to the other players?

peppy wrote:

When I am talking "account access", I mean letting the user login to chat/forums. We still keep access to the account and have all relevant data, so it wouldn't change how easy it is to track people.
Ok. in theory, option 3 works, but again, they'll just multiaccount. as i said earlier, cheaters want attention. And although being able to go get a score using a cheat while in their account, they can't really show it off and get attention, either no one would pay attention to him since his score isn't submitted anyway, or becasue they know he cheated. cheaters might multiaccount again to get around this.
L y Z e
Permanent Ban ~ ( plus score reset @@ )
depends on the cheating
i think people that use spin macro or have a really low amount of hacked scores should get their accounts reset, but banned if they do it again.
i think people that hack (autoplay, memory, flashlight, etc.) should have reset scores, and unable to submit scores (or permanently banned if they stop signing in).
i know several people that have cheated in the past but stopped doing it too, that's an issue as well...

XK2238 wrote:

MAC ban is enough I think, people will have to buy a whole new PC to continue cheating, which is very fund-draining, and they won't be brave to cheat anymore. \o/

(Voted for permanent ban)
mac spoofing is beyond easy

a simple google search yields this

palion wrote:

XK2238 wrote:

MAC ban is enough I think, people will have to buy a whole new PC to continue cheating, which is very fund-draining, and they won't be brave to cheat anymore. \o/

(Voted for permanent ban)
mac spoofing is beyond easy
I was about to say this, but I just had to read the whole thread before posting. Good thing I'm not the only one.

Imagine what would happen if the cheater accidentally used your MAC address... :roll:

On-topic: I'm having difficulties on choosing between option 1 and 3. Option 1 may be a bit too harsh, but then again Option 3 can be a bit too forgiving as well. :? (Voted Option 3 anyway)

I would like to see that if the cheater is found, perma-ban it right away. But depending on how they do the appeal (strictly via e-mail), we can then go for Option 3 for a month and keep logging their activity without touching the online scoreboard. They can enter online feature again after a month (or whatever duration as you wish) of restrictions. But if they found to be cheating again anytime (even after they're free from the restrictions), perma-ban without anymore mercy.

This method can be effective, only if we can find a way to prevent multi-accounts users. Unfortunately, I can't see any plausible method for this... :?

(I'm also hoping that peppy can find a way to detect Flashlight cheatings. Perhaps with some unique algorithms applied to the Flashlight mod)
Your router hides your MAC id. The IP that shows up can also be any one of X computers under that network. In my opinion score reset on strike 1 and perma-ban on strike 2 is the way to go.
Topic Starter
aka. giving everyone the chance to try cheating once? sounds like an easy way for things to get out of control.
I think if any bannable offence happened only once in the past, a user should receive fair warning of consequences if they keep such behaviour (+ delete the record of score gained by foul play). If then they decide to continue, permament ban without possibility to appeal (or whatever you choose).

If said user cheated multiple times, instant perm should be applied.
An additional line mentioning this in the main menu could also be added.
Get the ip, go to their homes and kill them, after that expose his/her corpse on uppy!..................wait!

Nah!, screw them all; permanent bann, no exceptions.

I was thinking of the second chance but if it happens once, could happen again. So no.

Erase the score sounds nice but not energic enough.

There is a way to get the ip and post it no matter is the actual ip or a spoof?. Like, sending a message.
i think osu! should have a antihacking system...... like other online games.....
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access.

Winshley wrote:

(I'm also hoping that peppy can find a way to detect Flashlight cheatings. )
Topic Starter

Winshley wrote:

(I'm also hoping that peppy can find a way to detect Flashlight cheatings. Perhaps with some unique algorithms applied to the Flashlight mod)

navy0333 wrote:

i think osu! should have a antihacking system...... like other online games.....
It does. The fact you don't know it's there means it's doing a good job; it should not interfere with normal users at all.
Score reset, depending on the intensity of cheating.

If it's a new account, made just for the heck of cheating, permanently ban it of course.
If it's a player who's been here for quite a while and cheats on 1 or a few maps, score reset him but keep his account.
If he'll cheat on like 10+ maps, then I'd suggest an account ban as well.
Ban Forever
Rey Fullbuster
just score reseting, don't ban them :D

GladiOol wrote:

Score reset, depending on the intensity of cheating.

If it's a new account, made just for the heck of cheating, permanently ban it of course.
If it's a player who's been here for quite a while and cheats on 1 or a few maps, score reset him but keep his account.
If he'll cheat on like 10+ maps, then I'd suggest an account ban as well.
Combination of Option 1 and 3.

Option 1 would be alone useless because every Derp can use proxy so he can continue to hack.
Option 3 would be the best way because it's theoretically the same as Option 1. But people will know that he hacked.
And not just because his name was ololololololololololololololo. About the combination:

Like GladiOol said:
If he'll cheat on like 10+ maps, then I'd suggest an account ban as well.
It would be the best way after some Resets to ban.
In my opinion, if a player that was being here for quite a while decides to cheat, he/she/it should get the worst punishment possible.
Permanent BAN account, IP and MAC address.

Bittersweet wrote:

He/she/it should get the worst punishment possible.

hillaryzx wrote:

Permanent ban should be enough for real cheaters....

Drafura wrote:

Permanent BAN account, IP and MAC address.
Dis guy.
Just ban this cheaters forever and return all #1's to all normal players,who EARNED IT!

P.S. I wonder how mikhe still has not been banned

*me runs*

meiikyuu wrote:

ban da hakers plz
Ask to the comunity (people who know him) if they are really nice guys and deserve a second chance. But for totally shameless guys must be a permanent BAN.

eldnl wrote:

Ask to the comunity (people who know him) if they are really nice guys and deserve a second chance. But for totally shameless guys must be a permanent BAN.

too subjective

palion wrote:

eldnl wrote:

Ask to the comunity (people who know him) if they are really nice guys and deserve a second chance. But for totally shameless guys must be a permanent BAN.

too subjective
I can't see the problem with that.

eldnl wrote:

palion wrote:

too subjective
I can't see the problem with that.
"Hey, this friend of mine can prove I didn't really cheat!

Yes! I know him in real life, he's no cheater! His skill is amazing!

Oh okay, just because he said so :)

*hacks again*

Didn't you tell me he wasn't a cheater?

He told me to say that to you, I'm sorry peppy ;~;"

peppy can't make decisions based on testimonies like that, I say. In the case he is/was a cool guy to have around (imagine a BAT was banned for cheating), the permaban should still apply; the punishment shouldn't get softer for anyone in particular.
Shohei Ohtani

eldnl wrote:

palion wrote:

too subjective
I can't see the problem with that.
Two things

1) Friends will generally support their friends. They could be a huge cheater, and they'll know it, but they'll go "omg he was nice" just to get their buddy back
2) This make bans follow the Lunah/Mara/Gladi/Whoever Else clause, which means "Hey, I can do anything that I want to, because I'm popular and my fanbase will give the site hell if I'm banned"

Pretty much, cheaters should be banned. Maybe not perma-banned, but at least banned for a long period of time. None of this "oh people won't shut up about him so let's not ban him." crap. That's what pisses me off every time someone popular gets banned here. They do some stupid crap and everybody sees them as a god because they were so popular, even if an unpopular person did the exact same thing. There's so much damned leniency that it just makes the entire mod team lose its authority.

I don't generally criticize people this forwardly, maybe it's because I'm in the worst of moods today, but gaah, seriously, if you really feel the need to cheat after making yourself an established member of the community, then there's consequences. Nixon didn't get his ass popular'd into office after Watergate and stuff. Nobody went "Oh, he's a nice guy, he's done so much for the country! Let's give him a second chance!"

For every action, there's a consequence. I've been banned from so many places, and I know that if I'm doing stupid stuff, then I'll get a punishment. Hell, within the year, I'll probably get banned from here. But I won't be pissed about it, as long as I know why I was banned, because I'll know that I'm just getting the consequence that comes with doing a misdemeanor. I don't have the popular support crap behind me, because most of the people in power pretty much hate me and aren't afraid to admit it, so maybe I'm "biased" in a sense. But I was great friends with a lot of people who got banned. I wasn't mad, or angered, because I knew that, I apologize for the cliche, if you can't pay the time, then don't do the crime.

I didn't even read what the thread was about, so I may look completely stupid right now.

So yeah, although I'm not like "PERMA-BAN ALL THE MEMBERS", because I know that people do turn around, and people sometimes make misguided mistakes, there should still be some sort of punishment that is more then just a few days, especially for popular people that get banned. If you're going to ban them for a year, then they should be banned for a year. I've had year-long bans before, and you know what I did? I took it like a man. I joined some other places and waited until my ban was over, then improved myself to not be such a dumbass next time.

Shut up you are an idiot you should be banned ok? :S :S XD XD

eldnl wrote:

Ask to the comunity (people who know him) if they are really nice guys and deserve a second chance. But for totally shameless guys must be a permanent BAN.
"Really nice guys" don't cheat.

And usually anyone who cheats is already aware of the consequences, but just want to risk in hopes of not getting caught (or asking for second chance if they are eventually found out).

That said, I don't particularly care what happens to their accounts, as long as their hacked plays/scores are removed from the scoreboard and they don't cheat again. But a permaban sounds better.
i'd say the 3rd option. the risk of banning doesn't seem to be stopping the numbers. neither does giving second chances. the 3rd seems ok though since it lets them play, but removes the need to cheat in the first place
HD+FL on taiko with a dual screen makes me weep so much... Yet it's not cheating, I'd rather we fix this thing as well D:
2nd chance or permaban ftw
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access is the only logical and viable option to compensate for the sheer lack of effect any IP ban as they are useless for ISPs that don't give out static IP addresses or people bypass them with a proxy.

Second chance could technically come after a grace period of n time as an added bonus to those who have decided to be both beneficial to the community (in the form of modding maps or just generally good forum behaviour) and come to terms with their length of time being forbidden from score submissions which means they have learnt from their previous mistake.

If they do it again there is no more chances and their account is permanently blacklisted from another opportunity to become a regular user again.

^ This helps to cover quite a few areas in this option. ^
Topic Starter
To me, being beneficial to the community doesn't make any difference if they are doing harm secretly. Instant negation of any positive in my eyes.
Disable submission surely, and it'll send a message to any other potential cheaters in the community.

peppy wrote:

To me, being beneficial to the community doesn't make any difference if they are doing harm secretly. Instant negation of any positive in my eyes.

ontopic: I think the only option is to permanently ban the player. The other two options seem almost rewarding, especially considering
those players who'd like a score reset in order to improve statistics.
Most people have a dynamic ip on multiple range (65535*X ips), so it's useless to ban by IPs.
People with static IPs can get a new one by changing their router mac and forcing the dhcp server of their isp of giving them a new one.
Banning MAC? bypassed in 2s. Banning some sort of hardware GUID? bypassed in 2s.

There is no bypass-proof way to ban and if someone is smart enough to cheat on osu i think he's smart enough to bypass a ban.

3rd option is the best choice.

Soly wrote:

peppy wrote:

To me, being beneficial to the community doesn't make any difference if they are doing harm secretly. Instant negation of any positive in my eyes.
Exactly, it's like your wife cheating on you.
then you lock her up in the basement and never let her see another man.

The problem is that you can kick out the wife, but she always comes back, and always looks different, and you have to accept her back.

Unless you lock her up.

kriers wrote:

considering those players who'd like a score reset in order to improve statistics.
But they cheat. Their statistics are already enhanced. :?:

Sinistro wrote:

kriers wrote:

considering those players who'd like a score reset in order to improve statistics.
But they cheat. Their statistics are already enhanced. :?:
I think he's saying they don't cheat but want their stats reset from their bad play style so then they cheat to get that goal accomplished indirectly.
I still don't get it, since the poll option pairs score reset with disabling score submission.
Voted for option 1, but after reading the thread, more inclined to option 3.

Second chances should not have been given in the first place. Some may complain that people who cheated before a certain date got a second chance compared to those who will not if this gets implemented; unlucky them.

Looking at osu! currently, there seems to be no way of blocking multiaccounts completely. No point in banning ip/MAC address/etc. A person who is intent on cheating is going to find new ways to cheat no matter what; good luck to the admins on dealing with those.

As for why my opinion went from option 1 to option 3, the thread persuaded me that playing for score is only a part of osu!. If a previous cheater decides that what's done is done and decides to lead a new career, then fine. His score submission privileges won't return, but at least he can map/participate in community projects/chat/do whatever else that might please him. Let him use his old account instead of creating a new one. Like I said above, those intent on cheating will carry on by any means anyway, so admins are going to have to pay attention for those willing to regain their score submission privileges by creating new accounts, even if not necessarily for cheating. Cheaters do need to be punished after all, and that is in the form of score reset/prevention of submitting new scores.
That was not what I mean but who cares xD
i choose permanent ban
Practically KRZY said everything i was thinking on the post 3 above this one, i would like to see permanent ban really working fine with no exeptions but since it does not, third one is the most viable one.
Papi Bear
Probably they have god like hands to manage a perpect score using all hard mods in an insane song.. So they always say they don't cheat.. XD

*I voted for 'reset scores, etc.'... It should be 'reset anything including the supporter's tag'...
i vote for permaban
Game is for fun, not to show off that "i'm good at this or that"
it would be better with effort, but cheating is just-- NO.
I know the cheating is unacceptable but I still believe permabans are slightly harsh. After all, the results of cheating can be negated and scores can be reset.
I vote permaban, there is no reason why you should cheat.

As for IP banning, not entirely sure how effective this might be. I mean I can get a different IP just by resetting my modem. MAC address banning however is a bit more effective, but I have no idea the lengths needed to do this
Papi Bear
cheating in osu! (or any other games) is like cheating in class :p

Papi Bear ROCKS wrote:

cheating in osu! (or any other games) is like cheating in class :p
god I did that all the time...
I voted permaban, because well, every other game out there, cheating is a permanent ban so, why the hell would we be more lenient than that.

Sakura Hana wrote:

I voted permaban, because well, every other game out there, cheating is a permanent ban so, why the hell would we be more lenient than that.
Well that is true...

BeatofIke wrote:

Sakura Hana wrote:

I voted permaban, because well, every other game out there, cheating is a permanent ban so, why the hell would we be more lenient than that.
Well that is true...
It isn't, I've played other games that the bans are like 1 month, 2 month 6 month or something like that depending on the cheat xD

peppy wrote:

Winshley wrote:

(I'm also hoping that peppy can find a way to detect Flashlight cheatings. Perhaps with some unique algorithms applied to the Flashlight mod)

navy0333 wrote:

i think osu! should have a antihacking system...... like other online games.....
It does. The fact you don't know it's there means it's doing a good job; it should not interfere with normal users at all.
Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.

osu probably md5s dlls for a hashcheck (based off seeing osu!.cfg)

anyway, I think permanent ban is ineffective against cheaters because they can easily re-register and provokes cheaters to hack more; the 3rd option is probably the best option here

palion wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.

osu probably md5s dlls for a hashcheck (based off seeing osu!.cfg)

anyway, I think permanent ban is ineffective against cheaters because they can easily re-register and provokes cheaters to hack more; the 3rd option is probably the best option here
I laughed so hard at this....

eldnl wrote:

It isn't, I've played other games that the bans are like 1 month, 2 month 6 month or something like that depending on the cheat xD
Ah i see. Nvm then.
Cheaters should be Banned Forever.
icwudt Jaay

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.

Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
if you know it, and yet u still play, it means u are consenting.

Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
Its not public info. I`ve posted it before in the forums and it was removed very swiftly I might add. I dont see why there was such an issue with it if the information was being used correctly.

9. PRIVACY POLICIES finds your privacy most important, and we value your use of our services.'s services are free of any charge, no prior registration is needed for the use of these services. will explicitly ask for information about you when such information is needed for use of the services provided by Any submission of any personal information is done only with your voluntary act (website), or automatically (game client software) where necessary to provide diagnostics and feedback. keeps all private and personal information private, and does not, or will not share this information with any third parties except under the following circumstances :
When such action is necessary to conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process.
When such action is necessary to protect and defend rights or property of
When such action is necessary to enforce terms and conditions of service. may use cookies as party of tracking process, but cookies will not be used to personally identify you without your prior consent. If the user decides to participate in the forum, with user's consent, a cookie will be issued to keep track of the username and password for the period of 1 year.

Doesnt even state the use of data being transmitted. TOS should be updated to accommodate.
that's surprisingly astute from you, SilentKiller.

pretty much every program with any tangible from of "hack detection" will at the very least, check what processes are running on your machine to a list of "suspicious" ones determined by the distributors of the software. this is not new, and such information is probably never even seen by human eyes to begin with.
the process data should at least be encrypted somewhat =\

YodaSnipe wrote:

icwudt Jaay
312 votes
CHEATERS SHOULD BE BANNED!!!by really shows as an example for those people who really doing it!!!
they should be contented..IMPROVEMENT is the best way! :) :) :)
Permahammer, most definitely. If someone cheats, what's to say they won't cheat again? It's like a leopard on a vinyl recorder.

Except without the leopard.

Or the vinyl recorder.


Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
well how botu friendok impersonating my account doing my account from halo398 into halo 398 eh?
I think cheaters should be nailed to the cross.
The main problem with leaving cheaters around, as seen in another game I play, is that they spread their cheats with their friends once they get caught. It's best to permaban.

Not like the war can be won against multi's tho, but atleast their friends list will be inaccessible.

And they're lazy to make multi's just to spread a cheat, which is why they cheat in the first place.
For example once they get their scores reset, they just float around doing stuff and even cheating like before if they know they're given a second chance by the 'system' of 'not-banning.' They talk to people, and before long, this guy is offering 'you' cheats.

It's happened to me in 2 other games already where I had considerable skill, cheaters got caught, and they were my friends, but they stuck around and soon offered me the cheats. Naturally due to my personality of striving to improve my coordination skills, I refused.

Pandemoniusz wrote:

I think cheaters should be nailed to the cross.
isnt that a bit offensive to other religions?

Pandemoniusz wrote:

I think cheaters should be nailed to the swastika.
Why can't people just play FAIRLY?!
what is a cheater?, I say because I dont wanna accidentally do something that I regret later. XD

Rock Forever wrote:

what is a cheater?, I say because I dont wanna accidentally do something that I regret later. XD
You'll probably be safe from being considered a cheater or anything of the like then. :P

However, cheating and the like usually comes from using an external program to give an unfair advantage to the player and/or editing data files on osu!. If one change the way the program behaves that only they will unfairly benefit, then that's cheating.

EDIT: Also, take a good read of this.
Heyyaa ~

Me and CaCtus112 were thinking of an own let's call it Anti-Cheating/Hacking-Team in/at osu! just like the Beatmapping community got BAT and MAT, the like gaming/rank community should have an Anti Cheat Team, maybe o:

Still, it would be hard to ban all the Hackers and Multi-Accounts out there, but having an own team of people who search for those hackers/cheaters, reporting them and finally ban them, would possibly make the whole cheating-situation a bit better. Maybe x:

I dun know if that is a good idea or not ..
I think BAT's already have the permission to ban people, or am I wrong?
If I'm wrong I support you idea, although peppy and other staff will say "just report their scores and we'll do it"..

Hawkii wrote:

Still, it would be hard to ban all the Hackers and Multi-Accounts out there
They are not so many cheaters out. If it's clearly to see that they cheat, they get banned as soon as possible.
If there's no obviously evidence to see, it will be harder to give a reason to ban, yes.
But seriously, every 40.000th player cheats. So a Team isn't neccessary since the Mods here can ban/reset scores.
Nice to heard.
LOL cheating on osu!

I think a second chance would be fine, well it's not like there not just going to make a new account on a new ip.
I hope that peppy can fix the program code so that the cheaters can't exploit.
peppy がんばって!
As someone who's never been banned I have no clue to what extent a banned account is denied access to the game, but I really wouldn't bother with second chances on the cheating thing. The third option (Ban them from score submissions forever, but leave access to games, forums etc open) is what I think is fair.

You can also have BanchoBot warn players about their cheatery status whenever they login to a multiplayer game. It'll trail them forever, kinda like a criminal record, heh heh. 8-)
First offenders should just have their score wiped.
Third offenders need to have cheater labeled clearly on their profile page, from then on they are free to cheat for all they care. And make sure when they participate in multiplayer games, their rank is counted separately.
Shohei Ohtani

loldcraft wrote:

Third offenders need to have cheater labeled clearly on their profile page, from then on they are free to cheat for all they care.
Sounds interesting. They can be labeled the same way as banned users before, who had a sign under their user picture saying that they're banned.
EDIT: whoops, I'll check timestamps next time.
Permanent ban
How to deal with cheaters? Lure them to the gates of hell.
Score reset, 2 week ban from score submission, but keep access to their accounts. If they continue after the 2 week ban, just permaban them.
why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Because i'm bored.
[Maid] NekoRyo

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Epic Words xD
I HATE cheaters…
Some cheaters are using hack program or cheat engine, I hope Peppy will fix it cause too many bugs… so far, peppy will do this.

Kunieda wrote:

I HATE cheaters…
Some cheaters are using hack program or cheat engine, I hope Peppy will fix it cause too many bugs… so far, peppy will do this.
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