
SISTAR - Shady Girl

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Small mod
Useless to mod map

Несколько советов
Ditance snap, да.


Тайминг (БПМ/Оффсет я бы проверил.)

Изи? скорость слайдеров 1.00 или 1.10

Цвета переделай под цвет бг, ДА НУЖЕН БГ если ты спрашивал, то эта штука отвечает за скорость слайдеров

kiai тайм не помешает

Все. Делай. Пиши в ПМ. Проверю снова.
Topic Starter
716 Girl
Спасибо большое)))
Получил кудос??

просто когда делаю слайдеры
они криво делаются

а как КиайТайм сделать чтобы там все сияло
Так. Существует кнопочка Edit. Не стоит засорять тему с картой.

По одному, два сообщения подряд ХВАТИТ

И так. Вот теперь вижу, что хочешь научиться. Сам таким же был :D да и ушел недалеко

^пишем сюда

random guy wrote:


Check timing please
Когда дадут тайминг, примени.

Потом неплохо бы перемапать под новый тайминг. (Но если лень, то timing ==> resnap all notes)

Нотки ВСЕ переставить c включенным Distance Snap

kiai должен иметь конец
ставится так же (пояснял в ПМ) , только галочка не должна стоять

Выделяешь ноту, выбираешь звук удара. Они полезны, но ставь их разумно.
Ну и все пока. Можешь писать в ПМ, если что.

Таки поправил тайминг (он кривой, да, но ближе к истине)
Дальше..Хм..Слишком пусто. Посмотри easy на Ranked картах.
БГ (background)(он же задний фон) должен быть 800х600 или 1024х768 (после изменения размера, сделать full submit)
Все так же нет хитсаундов (Но тут я не помошник. Ибо сам мучаюсь с ними. Да и вообще мапать не умею :< )
В киаи не должно быть пауз. (Ну и да, пустовато. Посмотри другие карты)
Слайдеров бы побольше.
Цвета бы подбирать те, которые подходят под бг

P.S. Мику на картинке. <3

Edit 2
Пояснил как должен выглядить изи.
Поиски НОРМАЛЬНОГО тайминга никто не отменял
Если кто-то из Мapping Assistnance Team посмотрит мой мод, то наверно подумает, что я не умею модить :D(И будет прав)
Ну что еще..Ах да, пока что очень неплохо для первого раза.Не забрасывай, пожалуйста. Закончи карту. Обидно будет, если ты забросишь. Будет трудно, но не сдавайся! /o/

Edit 3: исправил орфографические ошибки
Edit 4: исправил Edit 3 :D

PS: чертов caps lock
Topic Starter
716 Girl
Re Download
-Bakari-, я слежу за тобой.
Что? D: Я же правильно написал D:
Поправил ВСЕ, что мог. Кинь файлы из архива в папку. Соглашаясь на замены.
удачи. По вопросам в пм.


Так. Значится. Мышка должна постоянно двигаться. А не делать два-три-пять кликов и стоять по 10-15 секунд.
Ставь ноты как показывал. На белые тики старайся ставить) (Слайдеры желательно начинать и заканчивать на белых тиках)
Не забрасывай, все получится!


Добавил образец харда. Не самый удачный, но все же.
Topic Starter
716 Girl
аааа вот как спасибо)))

поменял бэкграунд скоро закину

I need:
BPM and Offset
Help me please!
BPM 125 Offset 498
Не давай мне кудосу за этот пост. Все-равно отберут :D
Просто напоминаю, что Алекс719 заслужил кудос.

Так же даю полезных ссылок

Удачи и рабочего гугло-переводчика :D

Ну ладно уж.
Бг размером 1024*768
Я его в IRC кидал.
Ладно. Надеюсь не отберут кудоску, хотя надо бы.
Topic Starter
716 Girl
Please mod my map

hi~ from #modreqs

Shady Girl
・00:22:738 (6) Lapel

・00:54:738~ 00:57:138 end
Topic Starter
716 Girl
Thank you

Mod Request >_<
01:47:537(5)add clap only start of slider.
01:51:857(1)add finish only goal of slider.
01:59:537(10) slider is too long. shorter Rhythm of 1/4.
02:13:937(5)add finish only goal of slider.
02:30:257(4)~(5) need shorter spacing distance.
02:47:058(6)add finish only start of slider,and whistle only goal of slider.
03:02:897(1)finish "KIAI TIME"
this beatmap is too difficult as Normal, example,spacing distance.
You can serch only click "ctrl"+"shift"+"A".
отключи отсчет
поставь Lead in 2.5 секунды
удали из тегов Korean и добавь k-pop, хотя можешь не добавлять ну это по желанию
3 цвет сливается предыдущим, добавь другой цвет

02:50:657 - промапай брейк, в киае не должно быть брейков
00:05:297 (4) - спейсинг
01:49:937 (2) - ^
02:00:977 (2,3,4) - ^
02:20:657 (5,6,7) - ^
02:48:737 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:55:217 (1,2,3) - ^
00:11:537 (5,6,7) - слишком сложно, спейсинг очень большой
01:28:337 (6,1) - ^
01:55:217 (8) - слишком много реверсов

не надо слишком гнуть палку в нормале, стоит воздержаться от джампов и стримов


не слишком ли большая скорость слайдеров?думаю 2.0 хватит
00:11:058 (1) - во первых он кривой, во вторых конец слайдера не должен лежать под началом
00:45:138 (1) - форма не очень
01:01:458 (9) - если делаешь разный спейсинг, то хотя бы сделай тут нк, либо мапай по спейсингу
01:21:618 (8) - ^
01:31:218 (8) - ^
01:36:738 (12) - ^
01:47:058 (4) - ^
01:50:178 (4) - ^
02:04:098 (2) - ^
02:25:938 (6) - ^
02:36:018 (6) - ^
02:44:898 (3) - ^
01:08:418 (3,4,5) - что за больной треугольник, спейсинг у всех нот разный
01:57:858 (1) - что за странный разрыв
02:38:418 (3,4,5,6) - нечитаемо
нк как-то рандомно расставлены
нк(новое комбо) лучше расставлять с больших белых тиков

как-то так :D
Hitomi May
Привет, обещала


Пользуйся дистанс снапом пожалуйста, это же нормал!
00:07:217 (9) - выровняй де :о
00:11:057 (4,5) - один гирд вниз и вправо
00:11:537 (5,6,7) - ты забыл про дистанс, это же нормал, нельзя нарушать
00:13:937 (1) - ^
00:16:337 (3,4,5,6,7) - хэй, ну сделай же ровно, если хочешь симметрию
00:22:097 (5) - кривойкривойкривой
00:24:497 (3) - ^
00:36:977 (2,3,4) - лучше сделать их не в стороны слайдера, а в обратную
00:37:937 (5) - ну снова же кривой( больше не буду писать о кривых слайдах, посмотри и исправь сам все которые увидишь
01:01:937 (2,3,4) - сделай так, чтобы не задевало первый круг и пятый, я конечно вижу идейку твою, но выглядит как-то сумбурно
01:19:217 (6) - сделай, чтобы предыдущий был в середине (не знаю как объяснить ><)
01:28:337 (6,1) - ОvO нельзя так!
02:57:377 (6,7,8,9) - сделать ритм таким


Слайды ;__;
Дистанс снап всё же нужен и тут
Разберись с новыми комбо! наставлены рандомно!
Старайся упорядочить скопление множества цирклов, не делать просто нагромождение, а систематично расставлять
00:05:538 (6,1) - лучше разместить так
00:14:898 (1) - поднять выше бы его
00:17:778 (2) - заходит на хпбар
00:22:578 (6) - ааа, кошмарный слайд! изменить форму! Не делай угол 90
00:54:738 (1) - как то он не в тему
01:01:458 (9) - во первый с комбо разберись, во вторых всё же расстояние должно быть побольше
01:24:018 (5) - короче
01:55:218 (х) - добавь
01:55:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - ааааа, что за нагромождение, где комбо, где хоть намёк на паттерн, ррр
02:02:898 (4,1) - расстояние..

Мои первые карты были хуже :)
- seems fine
- 00:32:658 (7) move 00:32:898
- 00:39:378 (2) move 00:39:618
- 00:39:618 (3) move 00:39:858
- 00:39:858 (4) move 00:40:098
- 00:40:098 (5) move 00:40:338
- 00:40:338 (6) move 00:40:578
- 00:48:978 (6) remove
- 01:02:658 (4) move 01:02:898
- 01:24:738 (12) move 01:24:978
- 01:48:978 (1) move 01:49:458
- 01:49:218 (2) move 01:49:698
- 01:49:458 (3) move 01:49:938
- 02:03:618 (5) remove or move 02:03:858
- 02:32:418 (2) remove

I can't read Russian language :(
The same maybe other modder of modding
If you don't like this modding
will not have to change :3

I wish this beatmap rank ~
под спойлером указал те места где я бы выправил спейсинг в харде

16:43 <senaya> : в харде
16:43 <senaya> : специально спейсинг кривой местами?
16:43 <3er123> : незнаю D:
16:44 <3er123> : с дистанс снапом делать?
16:44 <senaya> : сбивает иногда серьёзно
16:44 <3er123> : а может сказать примерно когда
16:46 <senaya> : щя накидаю
16:47 <senaya> : 00:27:618 (1,2,3,4) - тут они все на одинаковом расстоянии, хотя между 2 и 3 по времени в 2 раза дольше
16:48 <senaya> : 00:34:098 (1,2,3) - тут между 1 и 2 + 2 и 3 должно быть разное расстояние, не?
16:49 <senaya> : 00:52:818 (1,2) - вот это сбивает. кажется, что там 1/4. я промазал с первого раза
16:50 <senaya> : 01:00:978 (8,1) - и тут
16:51 <senaya> : 01:01:938 (3,4) - тут тоже, впринцепе, но это более-менее читаемо (хотя всё-таки неочень)
16:51 <senaya> : 01:11:298 (3,4) - тут такой прыжок задумывался? оно читаемо, но зачем?
16:52 <senaya> : 01:15:858 (4,5) - тут
16:52 <senaya> : 01:27:858 (1,2) - тут
16:53 <senaya> : 01:30:738 (7,1) - тут. я бы вообще сделал вместо 7 слайдер
16:53 <senaya> : 01:31:458 (2) - тут бы наверн пару сёрклов и потом слайдер вместо паузы
16:53 <senaya> : 01:36:978 (1,2,3,4) - нипонятный спейсинг
16:54 <senaya> : 01:44:658 (1) - выглядит криво, ровняй слайдер))
16:54 <senaya> : 01:46:578 (3,4) - тут наверн тоже спейсинг
16:55 <senaya> : 01:59:538 (1,2) - тут
16:55 <senaya> : 02:03:858 (5,1,2) - тут непонятный вообще
16:55 <senaya> : 02:07:698 (4,5) - и тут
16:56 <senaya> : 02:25:458 (5,6) - тут
16:57 <senaya> : 03:03:858 (2,3) - и тут
16:57 <senaya> : 03:05:058 (4,5) - и тут
16:57 <senaya> : ну вроде всё выделил что мешало мне
16:59 <senaya> : а, ещё у тебя title.png выскакивает на долю секунды всего
16:59 <3er123> : да я знаю

00:00:978 (1) - this spinner doesnt belong to anything... remove it and do something else here
There are alot of spacing errors in this beatmap... if this is your first map please stick to distance snap.
Also if you are not sure select a note and in the top right corner it will tell you the distance snap from the previous note to the next one.
If it says Prev: x0.68 Next: 1:50 thats normally not a good thing to have, for a normal difficulty at least.

The combos are very random at times.. for a beginner put a new combo on every measure of the song. Thats the long white line in the timeline and then you can start improving it.

The hitsounds are not existing in this difficulty. There are just a a few random sounds here and there. Also i don't understand why you use soft sound sample since that song got a very strong beat itself.
Also this song is not so hard to put in clap sounds if you listen to the drums.


Looking a bit better than your normal diff but still so many things to work on. Just try to smooth out your maps, at least in spacing and hitsounds and combos. Thats the really basic things.
Im not gonna point everything out now because that would probably take as long as this map needed to make.
I just suggest to look it all over yourself and improve it more.

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=439 Official Ranking Submission Criteria
If you are trying to get this map ranked read this at least.

Making Delicious Sliders: A Guide.

What are Combos?

What is Beat Spacing?

Mapping Techniques

Good Luck~

Edit: Oh also.. When you are in the editor press ctrl+shift+A. That is the AiMod. Its not needed to allways do what it says but it is still very helpfull and a guide at least.
Ha... I think... ( Just Fix it! )

First. Slider Tick Rate change 1 << it is so hard!!! ( this difficulty is insane..)
change this >>

and so hard... 00:16:818 (3,4,5,6,7) - << ;; so hard

Don't give kudosu...
00:03:378 (4,6) - This overlap looks bad. But I can't come up with any nice suggestions here.. ;_;
00:05:058 (7) - Maybe new combo?
00:07:218 (5) - ctrl + r would make this flow better in my opinion.
00:22:578 (6) - Move middle square three grids (lvl.3) left.
00:33:618 (2) - Move obe grid to right so it doesn't overlap (1). Then move (3) one grid right and down.
00:48:258 (4,5) - Both of these one grid to right
00:49:458 (6) - Maaaaaybe new combo here?
00:50:178 (9) - Use 0,8 spacing here as well? Looks bit funny when it's so close to (8)
00:54:738 (1) - This spinner is so mehhh! ;_; It doesn't fit in here and it's a bit boring to play. Maybe map over it?
00:59:538 (6 ->) - A bit bad overlap again. Maybe something like this? (7 and 9 are on the same spot)
01:08:178 (5,6) - Move these one grid to left so it doesn't overlap with (4)
01:20:658 (4,5,6) - One grid right
01:29:778 (4) - Move middle square two grids right and one grid down
01:30:498 (5) - One grid down and right. Then move (6) one grid to right as well.
01:40:338 (7) - New combo
01:42:738 (1) - Maybe remove new combo...
01:49:218 (2) - Two grids down so it doesn't overlap
01:51:498 - Move this kiai-time to 01:51:858 -
01:58:098 (1,2,3) - One grid left and two grids down
02:01:938 (6,7,8,1) - One grid up..~
02:04:818 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note.
02:11:058 (5) - New combo and remove it from the next note.
02:12:258 (2) - Two grids right and 2-3 grids down
02:40:218 - Again unsnapped kiai-time, move to 02:40:338 -
02:47:538 (1) - Again a bit lame spinner... >:
02:51:378 - En kiai-time here and star it again at 02:55:218 -
02:57:618 (1) - Spinner...
03:00:978 (1) - This one doesn't feel so bad.
03:02:898 - End kiai time here. Also, maybe lower the volume a bit.

Why different combo colors? Pink ones were nicer in my opinion. >:
Same stuff about kiai times as in [hard]

00:06:258 (5) - New combo
00:12:018 (5) - New combo
00:12:978 (1) - Remove new combo
00:13:938 (5) - New combo and remove it from the next note.
00:17:778 (7) - Bad bad bad spacing. >:
00:18:738 (1) - Remove new combo
00:41:778 (1) - Remove new combo and make this slider end at 00:42:738. Then add a new combo note to 00:43:218.
00:56:658 (5) - New combo
01:01:458 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:05:778 (4) - New combo
01:13:458 (4) - ^
01:16:338 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:20:178 (6) - New combo and remove it from the next (1)
01:22:098 (4) - New combo
01:31:218 (4) - Bad spacing
01:32:658 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:40:818 (6) - ^
01:42:738 (1) - Remove new combo
01:44:658 (7) - New combo
01:53:778 (4) - ^
02:11:058 (7) - New combo and remove it from the next note
02:20:178 (5) - Maybe new combo here and (8)
02:41:298 (1) - Remove new combo
02:48:018 (7) - New combo here and remove it from the next note..
02:50:898 - Note here and 02:51:378 - ?
02:57:138 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note.

Sorry it got kind of long. ;w; Good luck~
Topic Starter
716 Girl

Lanttu wrote:

00:03:378 (4,6) - This overlap looks bad. But I can't come up with any nice suggestions here.. ;_;
00:05:058 (7) - Maybe new combo?
00:07:218 (5) - ctrl + r would make this flow better in my opinion.
00:22:578 (6) - Move middle square three grids (lvl.3) left.
00:33:618 (2) - Move obe grid to right so it doesn't overlap (1). Then move (3) one grid right and down.
00:48:258 (4,5) - Both of these one grid to right
00:49:458 (6) - Maaaaaybe new combo here?
00:50:178 (9) - Use 0,8 spacing here as well? Looks bit funny when it's so close to (8)
00:54:738 (1) - This spinner is so mehhh! ;_; It doesn't fit in here and it's a bit boring to play. Maybe map over it?
00:59:538 (6 ->) - A bit bad overlap again. Maybe something like this? (7 and 9 are on the same spot)
01:08:178 (5,6) - Move these one grid to left so it doesn't overlap with (4)
01:20:658 (4,5,6) - One grid right
01:29:778 (4) - Move middle square two grids right and one grid down
01:30:498 (5) - One grid down and right. Then move (6) one grid to right as well.
01:40:338 (7) - New combo
01:42:738 (1) - Maybe remove new combo...
01:49:218 (2) - Two grids down so it doesn't overlap
01:51:498 - Move this kiai-time to 01:51:858 -
01:58:098 (1,2,3) - One grid left and two grids down
02:01:938 (6,7,8,1) - One grid up..~
02:04:818 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note.
02:11:058 (5) - New combo and remove it from the next note.
02:12:258 (2) - Two grids right and 2-3 grids down
02:40:218 - Again unsnapped kiai-time, move to 02:40:338 -
02:47:538 (1) - Again a bit lame spinner... >:
02:51:378 - En kiai-time here and star it again at 02:55:218 -
02:57:618 (1) - Spinner...
03:00:978 (1) - This one doesn't feel so bad.
03:02:898 - End kiai time here. Also, maybe lower the volume a bit.

Why different combo colors? Pink ones were nicer in my opinion. >:
Same stuff about kiai times as in [hard]

00:06:258 (5) - New combo
00:12:018 (5) - New combo
00:12:978 (1) - Remove new combo
00:13:938 (5) - New combo and remove it from the next note.
00:17:778 (7) - Bad bad bad spacing. >:
00:18:738 (1) - Remove new combo
00:41:778 (1) - Remove new combo and make this slider end at 00:42:738. Then add a new combo note to 00:43:218.
00:56:658 (5) - New combo
01:01:458 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:05:778 (4) - New combo
01:13:458 (4) - ^
01:16:338 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:20:178 (6) - New combo and remove it from the next (1)
01:22:098 (4) - New combo
01:31:218 (4) - Bad spacing
01:32:658 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note
01:40:818 (6) - ^
01:42:738 (1) - Remove new combo
01:44:658 (7) - New combo
01:53:778 (4) - ^
02:11:058 (7) - New combo and remove it from the next note
02:20:178 (5) - Maybe new combo here and (8)
02:41:298 (1) - Remove new combo
02:48:018 (7) - New combo here and remove it from the next note..
02:50:898 - Note here and 02:51:378 - ?
02:57:138 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to next note.

Sorry it got kind of long. ;w; Good luck~

*_* Your mod so cool,you be very helpful to me.Thank you
hi~ 3er123 :)

thank you for the request ~

here my mod ~

  1. Song folder - remove osb.file. because ↓Those that contain unnecessary
  2. Song Setup - Storyboarding - Enable countdown - remove check ( Normal diff only )
  3. Song Setup - Colours - combo color - It is not unified in normal/hard diff. Please unify it
  1. 00:00:978 (1) - dose not match music. remove it. or 00:00:498~00:04:338 - During this time, please put note and ( Please unify Audio Lead-in in normal/hard )
  2. 00:04:338 - add note is better
  3. 00:17:778 (7) - add NC
  4. 00:18:738 (8) - overlapped with 00:17:778 (7). more beautiful not overlap,
  5. 00:20:178 (1) - spacing too far. (1.08x) okz use DS0.8x.
  6. 00:22:098 (5) - add NC
  7. 00:33:138 (5) - ^
  8. 00:41:778 (5) - add finish to end of the slider
  9. 00:50:418 (1) - spacing too far. (1.26x)
  10. 00:50:418 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  11. 01:03:378 (5) - add NC and 01:04:818 (1) - remove NC
  12. 01:04:818 (1) - remove finish
  13. 01:05:778 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  14. 01:09:618 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - why use DS1.0x ? :? beginner is confused by a sudden change.
  15. 01:19:218 (5) - add NC and 01:20:178 (1) - remove NC
  16. 01:26:898 (5) - add NC ?
  17. 01:32:658 (5) - add NC and 01:33:138 (1) - remove NC. and spacing too far (1.35x)
  18. 01:35:058 (4) - add NC
  19. 01:50:697 - KIAI Time start - move to 01:51:858
  20. 01:52:338 (1) - spacing too far (1.08x)
  21. 01:55:218 (5) - add finish to repeat of the slider
  22. 01:56:658 (6) - add NC and 01:57:618 (1) - remove NC
  23. 02:03:378 (1) - spacing too far
  24. 02:22:098 (4) - add slider end 02:22:578 ( and add finish to end of the slider )
  25. 02:22:494 - KIAI Time end - move to 02:22:578
  26. 02:39:858 - add note here.
  27. 02:40:338 - KIAI Time start - move to 02:39:858
  28. 02:44:658 (1) - spacing too far. and overlapped with 02:43:218 (6)
  29. 02:48:498 (2) - spacing too far
  30. 02:49:458 (5) - add NC
  31. 02:55:218 - KIAI Time end - move to 02:51:378
  32. 03:05:778 (1) - remove NC and 03:06:738 (2) - add NC

    use better at regular intervals the DS ><!
  1. 00:02:418 (1) - add clap ?
  2. 00:04:338 (6) - Suggestion of the rhythm:
  3. 00:05:058 (2) - remove finish
  4. 00:17:538 (1) - remove NC and 00:17:778 (2) - add NC
  5. 00:36:498 (1) - remove NC
  6. 00:38:898 (4) - add NC and 00:39:858 (1) - remove NC
  7. 00:50:178 (4) - Suggestion of the rhythm: ( because kiai is put in a slider. is not good IMO )
  8. 00:54:738 (7) - add NC ( you must put NC )
  9. 01:00:978 (10) - spacing too close. This anti-jump is strange to me
  10. 01:05:778 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  11. 01:51:378 (3) - add finish to end of the slider
  12. 02:07:218 (4) - add finish
  13. 02:22:578 - add note
  14. 02:22:494 - KIAI Time end - move to 02:22:578
  15. 02:39:858 - add note
  16. 02:40:338 - KIAI Time start - move to 02:39:858
  17. 02:48:498 (4) - spacing too close. Rhythm is different, but DS is the same 02:47:778 (2,3,4) . This is confused
  18. 02:50:898 - add note is better. because Kiai Time end is 02:51:378
  19. 02:51:138 - ^
  20. 02:51:378 - ^

    02:55:218~03:02:898 - Please put it in normal diff if you want to put KiaiTime here.
Good luck ~ :)


00:04:098(5,6) - может эти ноты стоит поставить по спейсингу после слайдеры? так не красиво смотрится( вот как то примерно так
00:07:218(5) - сделай его более симметричным и округлым так не красиво
00:11:058 - сделай это комбо так
00:13:698 - добавь ноту
00:36:258(4,5,6) -
00:36:978(6) - лучше слайдер сделать такой формы
01:13:938(1,2,3) - поставь слайдеры так, чтобы они не выходили из одной точки и на большой белый тик добавь ноту.
01:48:018 - поставь ноты так лучше звучат
02:00:018 - добавить ноту
02:09:138 - ^
02:12:978 - ^
02:15:378 - спинер лучше закончить на 02:18:738 а дальше поставить ноты
02:47:778 - добавить ноту

Во всей мапе лучше сделать слайдеры симметричными и более ровными. Округлой правильной формы. Так будет смотрется намного красивее, и приятнее будет играть.


00:17:778(1,2) - выгни первый слайдер вверх а второй поставь по спейсингу
00:24:498(2) - сделай его короче и тройным, по белым тикам
01:11:058(2) - сделай его одинарным и длиннее на 2 белых деления а после него ноту, тоже на белое деление
01:36:978 - ^
02:00:018 - добавь ноту
02:18:258 - ^
02:58:578 - ^
03:01:938 - ^
03:04:338(2) - подвинь на предыдущий белый тик
03:10:098(5) - лучше сделать двойным

и тоже замечание по поводу слайдеров некрасиво очень( сделай их более округлыми и симметричными

всё удачи с мапой)) :3
Слайдер на 00:17:778 сократил бы до 00:18:258
Чуть кривовато выглядит слайдер 00:22:098
Не хватает битка 00:25:938
Слайдер 00:30:258 опусти чуть пониже - задевает health-bar.
Слайдер 02:43:218 сделай не прямым,а каким-нибудь кругловатым.ну в общем измени.
Break c 02:51:378 - 02:55:218 не помешал бы.
02:57:138 хромает спейсинг.поставь поближе к битку (5)
03:10:098 сократи до 03:10:578. поставь Slider velocity 0,75х

не хватает битка 00:08:178
слайдер 00:21:618 продли до 00:22:338
01:05:058 спейсинг!
01:38:418 слайдер кривоват. скругли его поаккуратней.
02:05:298 аналогично в предыд.сложности. опусти пониже слайдер.
02:44:898 добавь слайдер и биток.а то там пусто.

Ну всё.
Удачи в дальнейшем ~ ;)
Topic Starter
716 Girl

Katty Pie wrote:



00:04:098(5,6) - может эти ноты стоит поставить по спейсингу после слайдеры? так не красиво смотрится( вот как то примерно так
00:07:218(5) - сделай его более симметричным и округлым так не красиво
00:11:058 - сделай это комбо так
00:13:698 - добавь ноту
00:36:258(4,5,6) -
00:36:978(6) - лучше слайдер сделать такой формы
01:13:938(1,2,3) - поставь слайдеры так, чтобы они не выходили из одной точки и на большой белый тик добавь ноту.
01:48:018 - поставь ноты так лучше звучат
02:00:018 - добавить ноту
02:09:138 - ^
02:12:978 - ^
02:15:378 - спинер лучше закончить на 02:18:738 а дальше поставить ноты
02:47:778 - добавить ноту

Во всей мапе лучше сделать слайдеры симметричными и более ровными. Округлой правильной формы. Так будет смотрется намного красивее, и приятнее будет играть.


00:17:778(1,2) - выгни первый слайдер вверх а второй поставь по спейсингу
00:24:498(2) - сделай его короче и тройным, по белым тикам
01:11:058(2) - сделай его одинарным и длиннее на 2 белых деления а после него ноту, тоже на белое деление
01:36:978 - ^
02:00:018 - добавь ноту
02:18:258 - ^
02:58:578 - ^
03:01:938 - ^
03:04:338(2) - подвинь на предыдущий белый тик
03:10:098(5) - лучше сделать двойным

и тоже замечание по поводу слайдеров некрасиво очень( сделай их более округлыми и симметричными
всё удачи с мапой)) :3


SniperSAR wrote:

Слайдер на 00:17:778 сократил бы до 00:18:258
Чуть кривовато выглядит слайдер 00:22:098
Не хватает битка 00:25:938
Слайдер 00:30:258 опусти чуть пониже - задевает health-bar.
Слайдер 02:43:218 сделай не прямым,а каким-нибудь кругловатым.ну в общем измени.
Break c 02:51:378 - 02:55:218 не помешал бы. - Нет, тут маленький пропуск выглядит лучше
02:57:138 хромает спейсинг.поставь поближе к битку (5)
03:10:098 сократи до 03:10:578. поставь Slider velocity 0,75х

не хватает битка 00:08:178
слайдер 00:21:618 продли до 00:22:338
01:05:058 спейсинг!
01:38:418 слайдер кривоват. скругли его поаккуратней.
02:05:298 аналогично в предыд.сложности. опусти пониже слайдер.
02:44:898 добавь слайдер и биток.а то там пусто.


  • Settings
  1. Inconsistency in Countdown: I think you can remove this countdown
  2. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:I think you need set the lead in at 2000ms...
  3. Inconsistency in Kiai Times: because you didn't have guest diff~so I suggest you need unify it
  4. Inconsistency in combo colours: just suggest to unify it >_>


  • Settings
  1. SliderMultiplier:1.20000000596046 please change it to 1.2
  2. unused green line:
    00:58:989 -

  3. 01:21:138 - maybe set breaktime at this way and end to 01:28:818 -
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:30:258 (4,2,3,4) -
  2. 00:37:938 (5,2,3) -
  1. 00:00:498 (1,1) - too far spacing for the center and too close rhythm... It's really hard to play for new player :(
  2. 00:07:698 (5) - It's awkward slider~maybe you can let it pretty
    New Combo issue
    1. 00:16:818 (4) - NC this
    2. remove NC 00:17:778 (1) -
    3. 00:18:738 (2) - NC this
    4. remove NC 00:20:178 (1) -
    5. 00:22:098 (5) - NC this
      Because 8 combo It's too long stream for the easiest diff
  3. 02:41:778 (5) - NC
  4. 02:56:658 (5,7) - why don't you stack it? it looks a bit mess


  • Settings
  1. SliderMultiplier:2.00000000596046 please change it to 2.0
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:16:818 (4,5) -
  1. 00:31:218 (3) - awkward slider
  2. 00:48:258 (4) - change this rhythm~ ((exchange those
  3. 00:54:978 (2,5) - let those stack?
  4. 00:56:418 (6,1) - too cover pattern~ ((a bit mess
  5. 00:59:778 (7,9) - stack~
  6. 01:03:858 (6) - awkward slider
  7. 01:04:338 (7) - ^
  8. 01:20:898 (5) - nooo~don't put all hitsound at this object ;_;
  9. 01:33:138 (2,3,4) - awkward slider
  10. 01:52:818 (3,4) - too close spacing~
  11. 02:11:538 (2,3) - too far spacing!
  12. 02:57:858 (3,4) - not full cover~please stack it >"<

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.

that's all~good luck :P
Topic Starter
716 Girl

spboxer3 wrote:


  • Settings
  1. Inconsistency in Countdown: I think you can remove this countdownFIXED
  2. Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:I think you need set the lead in at 2000ms...FIXED
  3. Inconsistency in Kiai Times: because you didn't have guest diff~so I suggest you need unify itFIXED
  4. Inconsistency in combo colours: just suggest to unify it >_>


  • Settings
  1. SliderMultiplier:1.20000000596046 please change it to 1.2 FIXED
  2. unused green line:
    00:58:989 -
    What The green line?
  3. 01:21:138 - maybe set breaktime at this way and end to 01:28:818 -
Hm Really..Thank you
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:30:258 (4,2,3,4) - FIXED
  2. 00:37:938 (5,2,3) -FIXED
  1. 00:00:498 (1,1) - too far spacing for the center and too close rhythm... It's really hard to play for new player :( - FIXED
  2. 00:07:698 (5) - It's awkward slider~maybe you can let it pretty - FIXED
    New Combo issue
    1. 00:16:818 (4) - NC this FIXED
    2. remove NC 00:17:778 (1) - FIXED
    3. 00:18:738 (2) - NC this - FIXED
    4. remove NC 00:20:178 (1) - FIXED
    5. 00:22:098 (5) - NC this - FIXED
      Because 8 combo It's too long stream for the easiest diff
  3. 02:41:778 (5) - NC - FIXED
  4. 02:56:658 (5,7) - why don't you stack it? it looks a bit mess - FIXED


  • Settings
  1. SliderMultiplier:2.00000000596046 please change it to 2.0 - [/color]
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:16:818 (4,5) - FIXED
  1. 00:31:218 (3) - awkward slider -FIXED
  2. 00:48:258 (4) - change this rhythm~ ((exchange those - How I can change rhytm (Show me screen)
  3. 00:54:978 (2,5) - let those stack? - I think looks nice
  4. 00:56:418 (6,1) - too cover pattern~ ((a bit mess -FIXED
  5. 00:59:778 (7,9) - stack~ - FIXED
  6. 01:03:858 (6) - awkward slider - FIXED
  7. 01:04:338 (7) - ^ - FIXED
  8. 01:20:898 (5) - nooo~don't put all hitsound at this object ;_; - FIXED
  9. 01:33:138 (2,3,4) - awkward slider - FIXED
  10. 01:52:818 (3,4) - too close spacing~ - FIXED
  11. 02:11:538 (2,3) - too far spacing! - FIXED
  12. 02:57:858 (3,4) - not full cover~please stack it >"< - FIXED

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.

that's all~good luck :P
Some suggestions~

00:08:178 (6) - Anti jump. at least put New combo?
00:19:698 (3) - Finish
00:34:098 (4) - finish at the end
00:50:178 (4) - ^
02:39:858 (1) - finish
02:55:218 (1) - finish at the beginning

00:30:258 (4) - Make this 1/1 with one repeat slider instead, and place a finish at the end 00:41:778 (5,6) - kinda big jump isn't it?
00:50:418 (1) - finish at the beginning
01:05:778 (1) - ^
02:39:858 (1) - finish
03:10:098 (5) - finish at the end

That's all for now~
Topic Starter
716 Girl

Saten-san wrote:

Some suggestions~

00:08:178 (6) - Anti jump. at least put New combo?
00:19:698 (3) - Finish
00:34:098 (4) - finish at the end
00:50:178 (4) - ^
02:39:858 (1) - finish
02:55:218 (1) - finish at the beginning

00:30:258 (4) - Make this 1/1 with one repeat slider instead, and place a finish at the end 00:41:778 (5,6) - kinda big jump isn't it?
00:50:418 (1) - finish at the beginning
01:05:778 (1) - ^
02:39:858 (1) - finish
03:10:098 (5) - finish at the end

That's all for now~
- Suima -
Thanks for modding my beatmap. Hope my suggestion are helpful

0:05:778 delete new combo
0:07:938 add a note
0:08:178 clap?
0:12:978(1,2,3,4,5) shape can be better
0:21:618 cut to 2 sliders
0:23:778 add a note
0:35:298 add a note
0:54:498 add a note
1:31:218(1,2,3,4) shape can be better
fill up 1:36:738 to 1:37:698 in1/2 beat
add note 1:49:938 to 1:51:138 like [url=this][/url] and jump
1:52:098 add a note
2:57:858 cut to 2 sliders
Topic Starter
716 Girl

0:05:778 delete new combo
0:07:938 add a note
0:08:178 clap?
0:12:978(1,2,3,4,5) shape can be better
0:21:618 cut to 2 sliders
0:23:778 add a note
0:35:298 add a note
0:54:498 add a note
1:31:218(1,2,3,4) shape can be better
fill up 1:36:738 to 1:37:698 in1/2 beat
add note 1:49:938 to 1:51:138 like [url=this][/url] and jump
1:52:098 add a note
2:57:858 cut to 2 sliders


Судя по первым нескольким сирклам, ты используешь 0.9х спейсинг.
Если не используешь – то должен. В любом случае нужно взять какой-то стандарт и ему следовать, не должно быть скачков спейсинга (пусть и незначительных).
00:02:898 (3) - 2 сетки влево-вниз (grid level 4)
00:03:378 (4,5) - Я, кажется, не видел других джампов. Да и лишнее это в харде, убери лучше.
00:08:178 (6) - не стакнуто с концом слайдера (0.01x)
00:12:978 (2,3,4,5,6) - ....
00:21:138 (4) - ниже на клетку
00:21:618 (5) - лучше заменить на парочку слайдеров, такой с репитами плохо смотрится
00:32:418 (6,7,8) - почему (8) дальше всех остальных?
01:00:978 (10) - стакнуть с (7) лучше бы
01:01:458 (1,2,3) - почему (1,2) так далеко?
01:03:138 (4) - лучше бы стакнуть с (2)...
01:12:498 (8) - далеко от предыдущего
01:32:898 (1) - я бы с (4) стакнул
01:34:578 (3,4) - 1.2х от предыдущих у обоих слайдеров, много же
01:58:098 (1) - далеко от пред.
02:21:138 (1) - далекоо


00:08:658 (1) - близко к пред.
00:42:738 (6) - не стакнуто с концом слайдер
00:46:578 (1) - я бы стакнул с (4)
01:32:658 (1) - далеко от пред. очень
01:41:778 (2) - близко к пред.
02:00:498 (1) - далеко очень от пред.
02:03:378 (1) - близко ;_;
02:53:298 - добавь брейк тайм
Mod request via In-Game PM ~

Sorry for the delay (:


-> Move the second kiai time to 02:39:858 (refer to my writing about downbeat below)

-> Uh... I really recommend you to open both .osu file in Notepad. You'll see such inconsistencies there:

  1. Lead-in time isn't consistent - for this cheerful song, I recommend to set 1500 for both
  2. Countdown in enabled on Normal, but not on Hard - I suggest to turn off both
  3. Inconsistency in combo color - just copy-paste one to another, though
Also, remove "Korean" from tags because when this map is ranked, a BAT will set this song's language to Korean (therefore, the "Korean" tag here won't be needed anymore)

-> One more, your hitsounding is pretty much random and patternless. I won't mod hitsound much here, just throwing out some general tips:

  1. Look at the timeline on the editor. The long white line there is called downbeat, a beginning of a new stanza. Look for it and try to be consistent with your claps starting there.
  2. For finish sounds, it works best to accompany a cymbal sound from the song, or on a new part of the song. Whistles are pretty much there to sweeten the map, but be careful - random placement of whistle could make the hitsounds abrupt.
  3. "Consistency", I mean here is every 1/2, 1/1, 2/1, or anything that makes good rhythm
Uh, idk... if you wanna learn more about hitsounding, I think yeahyeahyeahhh's or Muya's maps are good examples. (you could try to learn from tieff's advanced hitsounding also, but I don't recommend it for a first-time learner)


-> Hmm, AR -1? AR5 is just too cruel for the easiest difficulty in the set imo

  1. 00:00:498 (1) - Why no finish here on spinner's end? Feels quite empty leaving it unhitsounded
  2. 00:14:418 (2) - (optional) Encircle (3) to get better flow here?
  3. 00:18:738 (2) - Spacing inconsistency. I recommend something like this here:
  4. 00:22:098 (1) - Do you really need to curve it like this? Just curve it with a single waypoint, it will flow more naturally~
  5. 00:25:938 (x) - There should be a note here to continue the vocals (stack above (3) is okay)
  6. 00:28:338 (3,1) - Don't make a jump here on Normal diff. Possible arrangement:
  7. 00:39:858 (2) - This got partially covered by 00:37:938 (5)'s comboburst in play mode (plays fine though)
  8. 00:41:778 (5) - Don't put finish 1/2 before the downbeat here, it's really unfitting
  9. 00:44:658 (3,4,5,6) - These four looks like they're randomly placed imo. Put them in an arc instead?
  10. 00:50:418 (1) - This is actually "new part of the song" I mentioned above - finish on slider's start here?
  11. 00:59:298 (2) - (optional) Move this few grids down to get a better angle
  12. 01:02:898 (4,5) - Spacing inconsistency (for this one, just move (5) leftward and alter its shape a bit, though)
  13. 01:19:218 (1) - Move your endpoint three grids down (pause your editor on 01:18:488 to make it clearer)
  14. 01:25:938 (2,3,4) - Spacing inconsistency again here. Why (3)'s spacing suddenly got accelerated?
  15. 01:32:658 (1) - Again, don't make a jump here on [Normal]. Stack to your previous (3) instead?
  16. 01:35:298 (2,3,4,1) - Both the spacing from (2,3) and (4,1) are inconsistent. Arrange like this?
  17. 01:39:378 (6,1) - (optional) Uhh... I don't think a cross-slider would work well for a Normal diff here, I'd rather curve (6) to the right here
  18. 01:50:418 (1) - Remove new combo. You won't need a NC this fast after the previous one
  19. 01:58:578 (4) - (optional) Maybe move this ~5 grids left so (3,4,5) will form an arc?
  20. 02:00:018 (6,1) - Once more, don't put a jump on Normal diff. The best arrangement here imo is to form a tilted square:
  21. 02:01:938 (5,1) - Spacing inconsistency. (for this case, just curve (5) more to the left)
  22. 02:07:218 (5) - I highly recommend to add a new combo here and add a circle on 02:07:698 (1/1 after) also to get back with the vocals
  23. 02:39:858 (1) - Pretty much same as 00:50:418 (1). Finish here?
  24. 02:43:218 (8) - (optional) To make this part cuter, shape this slider like below?
  25. 03:03:378 (2) - Starting from this slow section here, you could add more whistles to spice up this part, such as on this slider's repeat, for example

  1. 00:00:978 (3) - I don't like how this slider's path got 00:02:418 (1) blocked. Encircle (4) instead?
  2. 00:02:898 (3) - Spacing inconsistency (compare with your previous (1,2)'s spacing)
  3. 00:08:178 (6) - I highly recommend to add a note here, stacked below (5)'s end to fill the blank (2/1 delay before the spinner just feels empty)
  4. 00:12:978 (2,3,4,5,6) - Uh... Make this five tidier?
  5. 00:27:378 (x) - Add new circle with new combo here, there's a distinctive bass sound from the song here
  6. 00:29:298 (6) - New combo here - remove new combo on 00:30:258 if you follow above, because most likely new combos will look well if placed on downbeat
  7. 00:37:458 (6,7) - Uh... This jump is very unintuitive. It's pretty much just randomly placed. Either stack (7) to (4), or make (6) repeating?
  8. 00:48:258 (4) - (optional) Unstack to continue your zig-zag pattern here? Like this:
  9. 00:54:978 (2) - The reverse arrow is partially covered by 00:53:778 (7)'s hitburst. Make this slider encircle (1) instead?
  10. 00:58:098 (2) - Put the new combo here instead (refer to what I wrote on 00:29:298 (6))
  11. 01:04:338 (7,8) - Spacing error here, although I doubt it's intentional (just move (8) further from (7) in this case)
  12. 01:19:938 (2,3) - Uhh, again, spacing inconsistency here. Also, I suggest to create an arc here to make it tidier:
  13. 01:31:938 (4,1) - Hmm, is there any particular reason these two isn't stacked? Looks much better if stacked imo
  14. 01:46:098 (1) - Remove new combo - you won't need a new combo this soon after your last
  15. 01:49:218 (3,4) - Minor stuff, but move both two grids up and left so (2,3,4) will form a neater straight line
  16. 01:52:338 (1,2,3) - Yep, another spacing inconsistency here. Possible solution:
  17. 02:07:458 (x) - I highly recommend to add a circle here, to get back with the vocals
  18. 02:09:618 (1,2,3) - (optional) Make an arc from these three by moving (2) left a bit?
  19. 02:19:218 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - On this sequence, new combo should only be added on 02:20:658 (4) / downbeat - else, new combo spam here would only make this part too colorful and distracting
  20. 02:41:298 (4) - (optional) Move this upward, so (1,2,3,4) will form a tilted diamond?
  21. 02:43:938 (x) - Add note - you've followed vocals like this a lot in the mapset, so follow it here too to be consistent :3
  22. 02:44:418 (2,3) - Is there any particular reason you don't map the 1.5 seconds between these two? There's many beats to be mapped here!
  23. 02:56:658 (1) - Remove new combo - you won't need a new combo this soon after your last
  24. 02:57:858 (3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern (especially your jump on (4,5,6)) is very unintuitive. Create something like this?
  25. 03:03:378 (1,2,3,4,5) - Basically, using too many whistles randomly could drain the quiet part's dramatic essence. Try to remove one on (1)'s end, for example - this way, the whistle on (2)'s start could be greatly emphasized
Pretty much it. This mapset still needs work imo, but don't give up~
The basics are pretty much solid already, just learn around about patterning and about how to polish your map (:

Good luck ^^
Some suggestions:

I can't see why you reserved the .osb file...
And remove korean from the tags. It's unnecessary.

00:41:778 (5,6) - Bad overlapping.
00:45:138 (4,1) - ^
00:58:989 (T) - Useless timing point.
02:00:498 (1) - Remove this note may be better.
02:06:738 (x) - Add a note?
02:51:378 (6) - Why you do not add break...?
03:00:978 (6,1) - Add something between them please, it looks weird for now.

01:20:898 (5,6) - Remove (5)'s finish and add it to (6).
02:19:938 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:51:378 (9) - The gap was too long, add break please.
02:56:658 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:59:058 (5) - Add new combo.
03:06:258 (1) - Starts at 03:06:738.

Not bad, still needs your hard working though.
Topic Starter
716 Girl

grumd wrote:

00:02:898 (3) - 2 сетки влево-вниз (grid level 4)
00:03:378 (4,5) - Я, кажется, не видел других джампов. Да и лишнее это в харде, убери лучше.
00:08:178 (6) - не стакнуто с концом слайдера (0.01x)
00:12:978 (2,3,4,5,6) - ....
00:21:138 (4) - ниже на клетку
00:21:618 (5) - лучше заменить на парочку слайдеров, такой с репитами плохо смотрится
00:32:418 (6,7,8) - почему (8) дальше всех остальных?
01:00:978 (10) - стакнуть с (7) лучше бы
01:01:458 (1,2,3) - почему (1,2) так далеко?

01:03:138 (4) - лучше бы стакнуть с (2)...
01:12:498 (8) - далеко от предыдущего
01:32:898 (1) - я бы с (4) стакнул
01:34:578 (3,4) - 1.2х от предыдущих у обоих слайдеров, много же
01:58:098 (1) - далеко от пред.
02:21:138 (1) - далекоо


00:08:658 (1) - близко к пред.
00:42:738 (6) - не стакнуто с концом слайдер
00:46:578 (1) - я бы стакнул с (4)
01:32:658 (1) - далеко от пред. очень
01:41:778 (2) - близко к пред.
02:00:498 (1) - далеко очень от пред.
02:03:378 (1) - близко ;_;
02:53:298 - добавь брейк тайм

[quote="Niva"]Mod request via In-Game PM ~

it's incomprehensible - RED


-> Move the second kiai time to 02:39:858 (refer to my writing about downbeat below)

-> Uh... I really recommend you to open both .osu file in Notepad. You'll see such inconsistencies there:

  1. Lead-in time isn't consistent - for this cheerful song, I recommend to set 1500 for both
  2. Countdown in enabled on Normal, but not on Hard - I suggest to turn off both
  3. Inconsistency in combo color - just copy-paste one to another, though
Also, remove "Korean" from tags because when this map is ranked, a BAT will set this song's language to Korean (therefore, the "Korean" tag here won't be needed anymore)

-> One more, your hitsounding is pretty much random and patternless. I won't mod hitsound much here, just throwing out some general tips:

  1. Look at the timeline on the editor. The long white line there is called downbeat, a beginning of a new stanza. Look for it and try to be consistent with your claps starting there.
  2. For finish sounds, it works best to accompany a cymbal sound from the song, or on a new part of the song. Whistles are pretty much there to sweeten the map, but be careful - random placement of whistle could make the hitsounds abrupt.
  3. "Consistency", I mean here is every 1/2, 1/1, 2/1, or anything that makes good rhythm

Uh, idk... if you wanna learn more about hitsounding, I think yeahyeahyeahhh's or Muya's maps are good examples. (you could try to learn from tieff's advanced hitsounding also, but I don't recommend it for a first-time learner)


-> Hmm, AR -1? AR5 is just too cruel for the easiest difficulty in the set imo

  1. 00:00:498 (1) - Why no finish here on spinner's end? Feels quite empty leaving it unhitsounded
  2. 00:14:418 (2) - (optional) Encircle (3) to get better flow here?
  3. 00:18:738 (2) - Spacing inconsistency. I recommend something like this here:
  4. 00:22:098 (1) - Do you really need to curve it like this? Just curve it with a single waypoint, it will flow more naturally~
  5. 00:25:938 (x) - There should be a note here to continue the vocals (stack above (3) is okay)
  6. 00:28:338 (3,1) - Don't make a jump here on Normal diff. Possible arrangement:
  7. 00:39:858 (2) - This got partially covered by 00:37:938 (5)'s comboburst in play mode (plays fine though)
  8. 00:41:778 (5) - Don't put finish 1/2 before the downbeat here, it's really unfitting
  9. 00:44:658 (3,4,5,6) - These four looks like they're randomly placed imo. Put them in an arc instead?
  10. 00:50:418 (1) - This is actually "new part of the song" I mentioned above - finish on slider's start here?
  11. 00:59:298 (2) - (optional) Move this few grids down to get a better angle
  12. 01:02:898 (4,5) - Spacing inconsistency (for this one, just move (5) leftward and alter its shape a bit, though)
  13. 01:19:218 (1) - Move your endpoint three grids down (pause your editor on 01:18:488 to make it clearer)
  14. 01:25:938 (2,3,4) - Spacing inconsistency again here. Why (3)'s spacing suddenly got accelerated?
  15. 01:32:658 (1) - Again, don't make a jump here on [Normal]. Stack to your previous (3) instead?
  16. 01:35:298 (2,3,4,1) - Both the spacing from (2,3) and (4,1) are inconsistent. Arrange like this?
  17. 01:39:378 (6,1) - (optional) Uhh... I don't think a cross-slider would work well for a Normal diff here, I'd rather curve (6) to the right here
  18. 01:50:418 (1) - Remove new combo. You won't need a NC this fast after the previous one
  19. 01:58:578 (4) - (optional) Maybe move this ~5 grids left so (3,4,5) will form an arc?
  20. 02:00:018 (6,1) - Once more, don't put a jump on Normal diff. The best arrangement here imo is to form a tilted square:
  21. 02:01:938 (5,1) - Spacing inconsistency. (for this case, just curve (5) more to the left)
  22. 02:07:218 (5) - I highly recommend to add a new combo here and add a circle on 02:07:698 (1/1 after) also to get back with the vocals
  23. 02:39:858 (1) - Pretty much same as 00:50:418 (1). Finish here?
  24. 02:43:218 (8) - (optional) To make this part cuter, shape this slider like below?
  25. 03:03:378 (2) - Starting from this slow section here, you could add more whistles to spice up this part, such as on this slider's repeat, for example


  1. 00:00:978 (3) - I don't like how this slider's path got 00:02:418 (1) blocked. Encircle (4) instead?
  2. 00:02:898 (3) - Spacing inconsistency (compare with your previous (1,2)'s spacing)
  3. 00:08:178 (6) - I highly recommend to add a note here, stacked below (5)'s end to fill the blank (2/1 delay before the spinner just feels empty)
  4. 00:12:978 (2,3,4,5,6) - Uh... Make this five tidier?
  5. 00:27:378 (x) - Add new circle with new combo here, there's a distinctive bass sound from the song here
  6. 00:29:298 (6) - New combo here - remove new combo on 00:30:258 if you follow above, because most likely new combos will look well if placed on downbeat
  7. 00:37:458 (6,7) - Uh... This jump is very unintuitive. It's pretty much just randomly placed. Either stack (7) to (4), or make (6) repeating?
  8. 00:48:258 (4) - (optional) Unstack to continue your zig-zag pattern here? Like this:

  9. 00:54:978 (2) - The reverse arrow is partially covered by 00:53:778 (7)'s hitburst. Make this slider encircle (1) instead?
  10. 00:58:098 (2) - Put the new combo here instead (refer to what I wrote on 00:29:298 (6))
  11. 01:04:338 (7,8) - Spacing error here, although I doubt it's intentional (just move (8) further from (7) in this case)
  12. 01:19:938 (2,3) - Uhh, again, spacing inconsistency here. Also, I suggest to create an arc here to make it tidier:

  13. 01:31:938 (4,1) - Hmm, is there any particular reason these two isn't stacked? Looks much better if stacked imo
  14. 01:46:098 (1) - Remove new combo - you won't need a new combo this soon after your last
  15. 01:49:218 (3,4) - Minor stuff, but move both two grids up and left so (2,3,4) will form a neater straight line
  16. 01:52:338 (1,2,3) - Yep, another spacing inconsistency here. Possible solution:

  17. 02:07:458 (x) - I highly recommend to add a circle here, to get back with the vocals
  18. 02:09:618 (1,2,3) - (optional) Make an arc from these three by moving (2) left a bit?
  19. 02:19:218 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - On this sequence, new combo should only be added on 02:20:658 (4) / downbeat - else, new combo spam here would only make this part too colorful and distracting
  20. 02:41:298 (4) - (optional) Move this upward, so (1,2,3,4) will form a tilted diamond?
  21. 02:43:938 (x) - Add note - you've followed vocals like this a lot in the mapset, so follow it here too to be consistent :3
  22. 02:44:418 (2,3) - Is there any particular reason you don't map the 1.5 seconds between these two? There's many beats to be mapped here!
  23. 02:56:658 (1) - Remove new combo - you won't need a new combo this soon after your last
  24. 02:57:858 (3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern (especially your jump on (4,5,6)) is very unintuitive. Create something like this?
  25. 03:03:378 (1,2,3,4,5) - Basically, using too many whistles randomly could drain the quiet part's dramatic essence. Try to remove one on (1)'s end, for example - this way, the whistle on (2)'s start could be greatly emphasized


I can't see why you reserved the .osb file...
And remove korean from the tags. It's unnecessary.

00:41:778 (5,6) - Bad overlapping.
00:45:138 (4,1) - ^
00:58:989 (T) - Useless timing point.
02:00:498 (1) - Remove this note may be better.
02:06:738 (x) - Add a note?
02:51:378 (6) - Why you do not add break...?
03:00:978 (6,1) - Add something between them please, it looks weird for now.

01:20:898 (5,6) - Remove (5)'s finish and add it to (6).
02:19:938 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:51:378 (9) - The gap was too long, add break please.
02:56:658 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:59:058 (5) - Add new combo.
03:06:258 (1) - Starts at 03:06:738.
irc mod
17:02 <Kuma-san> : Сделай слайдеры нормальными.открой гайд и посмтори как они должны выглядеть
17:03 <3er123> : Ты пр окакую мапу?
17:03 *Kuma-san is editing (SiSTAR - Shady Girl)[]
17:03 <3er123> : аа
17:03 <3er123> : а где они там именно не такие
17:04 <Kuma-san> : 00:07:218 (5) - не должен так выглядеть
17:04 <Kuma-san> : 00:21:618 (5,6) - сделай симметричными
17:04 <3er123> : вот так?
17:06 <Kuma-san> : у тебя св какой то странный
17:07 <3er123> : св?
17:07 <Kuma-san> : слайдер велосити
17:07 <3er123> : аа
17:07 <3er123> : не знаю
17:07 <Kuma-san> : а.
17:08 <Kuma-san> : нет
17:09 <Kuma-san> : так вроде симметричен
17:10 <Kuma-san> : 00:31:218 (5) - нет
17:10 <Kuma-san> : 00:34:098 (4) - ^
17:11 <Kuma-san> : 00:51:378 (3) -
17:11 <Kuma-san> : 00:52:338 (5) -
17:11 <Kuma-san> : 00:53:778 (7) -
17:11 <Kuma-san> : 00:58:098 (1) - dna&
17:11 <Kuma-san> : gjxtve yr&
17:11 <Kuma-san> : почему нк?
17:12 <Kuma-san> : 01:04:338 (7) - вниз сдвинь
17:12 <Kuma-san> : на х:188 у:48
17:13 <Kuma-san> : 01:05:778 (1) -
17:13 <Kuma-san> : 01:29:778 (5) -
17:13 <Kuma-san> : 01:33:138 (2) -
17:13 <Kuma-san> : 01:36:018 (4) -
17:14 <3er123> : что с ними делать
17:14 <Kuma-san> : 01:44:658 (1) - форму менять
17:14 <Kuma-san> : 01:47:058 (6) -
17:15 <Kuma-san> : 02:43:218 (6) -
17:15 <Kuma-san> : 02:50:898 (8) -
17:15 <Kuma-san> : 02:55:218 (1) -
17:16 <Kuma-san> : я не слышу ритма в твоей мапе.так что больше модить не могу
17:16 <3er123> : о_о
17:17 <Kuma-san> : и хард не мапается на 1/2 используй 1/4
17:17 <3er123> : по синим нотам бьется не в ритм
17:17 <Kuma-san> : ну даа

* How come the "title.png" in design mode? Remove it please


00:12:978 (3) - Spacing error?
00:18:738 (1) - Remove clap at head slider
00:23:538 (4) - Remove whistle and clap
00:46:578 (1) - No jump on normal diff
01:31:218 (4) - The tail slider is touched the HP Bar
02:08:178 (1) - Remove new combo

* Set the Audio Lead-In to 2000 for consistency on each diff
* 4th Kiai times should end at 03:02:898 for consistency on each diff

00:02:418 (1) - Spacing error
00:24:498 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody
00:25:938 (5) - ^
00:31:218 (5) - New combo
01:33:138 (2) - Spacing error

Good luck
Topic Starter
716 Girl

* How come the "title.png" in design mode? Remove it please


00:12:978 (3) - Spacing error?
00:18:738 (1) - Remove clap at head slider
00:23:538 (4) - Remove whistle and clap
00:46:578 (1) - No jump on normal diff
01:31:218 (4) - The tail slider is touched the HP Bar
02:08:178 (1) - Remove new combo

* Set the Audio Lead-In to 2000 for consistency on each diff
* 4th Kiai times should end at 03:02:898 for consistency on each diff

00:02:418 (1) - Spacing error
00:24:498 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody
00:25:938 (5) - ^
00:31:218 (5) - New combo
01:33:138 (2) - Spacing error
Небольшой мод от меня ;)

● Creator's Words - код не отображается, советую оформить через спойлер
● Слабые хитсаунды, заметно не хватает хлопков.
● Трек можно было и в 192 kbps вставить, чтоб звучал получше. ^^'



● Circle Size -1 ?
Если больше дифок не будет, то минимальная должна быть меньше 3 звезд по сложности, без увеличения размера сирклов 2,99 получить будет сложно.


● 00:04:818 (1) - слишком близко к спинеру, предлагаю удалить эту ноту.
● 00:31:698 (1) - можно подвинуть на x:35 y:30, дистанс 0,8
● 01:04:818 (1) - дистанс 0,92 = =
● 02:14:898 (1) - большой дистанс
● 02:18:738 (1) - а тут маленький, причем в обе стороны x:438 y:168 и все довольны :3
Дистанс вроде 0,8, но по всей мапе встречается как 0,74, так и 0,92...что не есть хорошо, ведь довольно просто пройтись еще разок по всему мапсету с 0,8 :D


● 00:05:778 (4) - add clap?
● 00:06:738 (2) - ^
● 00:07:218 (4) - ^
● 00:08:178 (5) - add finish в конце слайда
● 00:08:658 (1) - add clap?
● 00:09:618 (2) - remove finish and add clap?
● 00:10:578 (3) - add clap?
● 00:12:498 (2) - remove finish and add clap?
● 00:13:458 (4) - add clap?
и далее . . .
● 02:44:658 (1,2,3) - вот тут 3 хлопка не к месту, может оставить только на 02:45:138 (3)
● 02:48:498 (2,3,4) - ^
Собственно ритм легко читается, проблем с другими хитами думаю не возникнет.
P.S. Я сам не мастер хитсаундов, не понравится, тогда не обращай внимания ^^'




● 01:41:298 - слайдер слишком вниз залез
● 02:11:298 - мб добавить ноту?
● 02:11:538 (2) - конечно джампы в харде можно делать, даже нужно, но тут как-то 1,2 не к месту. Может подвигать 1 и 2, чтоб 0,9 сделать? ^^'
В целом мапсет понравился, играется довольно легко 8-) :D


Собственно с хитами такие-же проблемы как в нормале, даже серьезней (много мест просто без ничего, разбавленных финишем). Думаю стоит переделать. ;)


Очень понравился трек, слышал его уже давно и не раз!
Удачи с мапкой :D
k-pop рулит!
Привет ! Как ты ?) (Yeah, I only know these 3 words in russian \:D/)


Nothing wrong here.


This difficulty doesn't have Tick Rate 2 like in Hard.

00:06:738 (2,3,4) - You didn't use the same pattern as 00:05:298 (2,3,4) (Flipped horizontally and vertically obviously), was it on purpose?
00:09:138 (2) - Not aligned with the previous note. Not really a big deal, but looks better imo.
00:12:498 (2) - ^
00:12:498 (2) - ^
00:33:138 (1,2,3) - See 00:06:738 (2,3,4) -.
01:09:618 (1) - See 00:09:138 (2) -.
01:12:978 (4) - ^
01:38:898 (5,6) - ^
01:46:578 (2) - Irregular spacing. It wouldn't be noticeable in game but it would be better if you fix it. :v
01:49:938 (2,1) - See 00:09:138 (2) -.
02:01:938 (5) - See 01:46:578 (2) -.
02:03:378 (1) - See 00:09:138 (2) -.
02:05:298 (3,4) - ^
02:07:218 (1) - ^ If you fix this one, make sure to fix 02:07:698 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - too.
02:22:098 (4) - ^
02:40:338 (2) - ^
02:48:018 (1) - Not stacked with 02:45:618 (4,5) - .
02:57:138 (6) - See 00:09:138 (2) -. And this one have irregular spacing too.
02:58:578 (7,1) - Man, this is 1,5x distance spacing, this is HUGE for the easiest diff. Fix it.
03:05:778 (4) - See 00:09:138 (2) -.
03:06:738 (1,2) - ^
03:09:618 (4) - ^


00:27:378 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Change the spacing of this pattern.
01:13:938 (1,2,3) - <3
02:21:498 - I suggest having a note here.

Anyway here lots of alignment and spacing issues too. Recheck your map closely and check if some notes are aligned using Shift with Distance Snap enabled. \:D/
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