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yeah :)
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Download: 38867 LED - THE LAST
hey Kanon =v=


  1. do you need this osb file? if not then delete it and full submit~


  1. 00:33:116 (2) - two grip to the right looks better~
  2. 00:38:305 (2) - 1 grip down~
  3. 00:46:089 (2) - spacing~
  4. 00:51:278 (2) - 1 grip down~
  5. 01:26:630 (1) - remove this NC~
  6. 01:36:359 (1,2) - 1 grip down~


  1. 00:24:359 (X) - add a note ~
  2. 00:28:251 (X) - ^




Fine as well

nice map Kanon, GL with it ~ >A<"

-Sekai- wrote:


  1. 00:33:116 (2) - two grip to the right looks better~
  2. 00:38:305 (2) - 1 grip down~
  3. 00:46:089 (2) - spacing~
  4. 00:51:278 (2) - 1 grip down~
  5. 01:26:630 (1) - remove this NC~ - Fixed
  6. 01:36:359 (1,2) - 1 grip down~ - Fixed

IMO -> my opinions


you %b9%f7~1.jpg is 1024x640 should size to 1024x768

Some Suggestions

Will be nice if HP -1 IMO

on you osu.notepad you have check at "SliderMultiplier:0.799999999999999" change like 0.8 and save

00:04:251 (3,2) - I not like the (3) is overlaps with 00:06:197 (2) should put another place or try 00:05:549 (1,2,3) change place or something also if you fix this you need fix spacing at 00:08:143 (1).
00:08:143 (1) - this slider is almost hidden with Skin HP drain that very hard read should be more grid dowm if you fix this you need fix spacing at 00:09:441 (2)
00:24:359 (1,2) - ugly overlaps just need clean overlaps like this
00:30:197 (1,1) - IMO This part is hard for this beginner because newbie player can't pass
00:31:495 (1) - Add Finish only start slider
00:57:441 (1) - same what happened 00:08:143 (1) should be grid dowm as this is hard read approeach

stuff cool

SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 same happened "beginner"

00:31:495 this is need add note and add finish because here have aswome ryhthm but probraly will be hard because is near spinner but you decided IMO
00:41:873 (1) - add finish
01:02:630 (3) - I feel this is need new combo IMO

stuff aswome

01:59:873 - add spinner and end at 02:03:603 to same all diffs ?

inaba's taiko

I don mod taiko but
01:59:873 (1) - end here at 02:03:603 to same all diff?

okay.face stuff cool
that all i think
good luck and bye bye
Couldn't find stuff. Hope this gets ranked. Star~
y u no give me kudosu =3=

baka Kanon~ i mean hentai kanon
just stoppin' by. Add led to the tags since you can't search for L.E.D.

Pereira006 wrote:


Will be nice if HP -1 IMO - Fixed

on you osu.notepad you have check at "SliderMultiplier:0.799999999999999" change like 0.8 and save - Fixed

00:04:251 (3,2) - I not like the (3) is overlaps with 00:06:197 (2) should put another place or try 00:05:549 (1,2,3) change place or something also if you fix this you need fix spacing at 00:08:143 (1).
00:08:143 (1) - this slider is almost hidden with Skin HP drain that very hard read should be more grid dowm if you fix this you need fix spacing at 00:09:441 (2)
00:24:359 (1,2) - ugly overlaps just need clean overlaps like this - Fixed
00:30:197 (1,1) - IMO This part is hard for this beginner because newbie player can't pass - Fixed
00:31:495 (1) - Add Finish only start slider - Fixed
00:57:441 (1) - same what happened 00:08:143 (1) should be grid dowm as this is hard read approeach - Fixed

stuff cool
You modded previous version of my diff...;_;

Louis Cyphre

set Audio Lead-in to 2.5 seconds.
disable countdown in all difficulties?
Background size is wrong, current: 1024x640, should be: 1024:768 (4:3).
useless osb file, etc.
"17,15,CS" are 'unsearchable', they don't need to be in tags.
Use same count and length of kiai mod in all difficulties (except taiko)
Use same count and length of breaks in all difficulties (except taiko)
Use same colors in all difficulties.

01:03:603 (10) - new combo

01:55:170 (2,1,2) - avoid please 1/2 rhythm. 01:55:170 (2) - add 1 more repeat, then 01:56:630 (1) - add note here, 01:56:630 (1) - then double repeat slider extend 01:58:738 - .

that slider ticks...
00:41:873 (1) - this is really awkward
01:06:846 (2) - ^
01:37:657 (3) - ^

nice map.

Louis Cyphre wrote:

that slider ticks...
00:41:873 (1) - this is really awkward
01:06:846 (2) - ^
01:37:657 (3) - ^
All Fixed!


(General부분은 알아서 바꿔줘. 앞으로 계속)
Good map~
hi~ Nakagawa-Kanon :)

from my queue ~

here my mod ~

  1. 00:26:954 (1) - why use DS 0.80x ? I think it is better to the same DS(1.0x)
  2. 00:31:170 (1) - ^
  3. 00:45:116 (1,2) - more symmetric slider. like this ↓ code. free to use
  4. 01:04:251 (2) - grid down. x200,y84
  5. 01:10:738 (1) - add clap to end of the slider ? this is Intentional ?
  6. 01:23:387 (1) - Suggestion of the form. Ctrl+H,R form.
  7. 01:46:738 (1) - spacing too far (1.16x) DS 1.0x is better. because this diff is easy
  8. 01:59:711 (1) - It's too loud volume IMO><. Suggestion: gradually lower the volume
  1. 00:17:873 (1) - add finish
  2. 00:25:981 (3) - slider end 00:26:305.( and add finish to end of the slider ? ) I think that this matches me ><
  3. 01:14:143 - Break Time start - move to 01:13:170. like this :
  4. 01:31:170 (3) - add NC ?
  5. 01:33:765 (1) - add finish
  6. 01:46:901 (1) - spacing too far ? (1.26x)
  7. 01:59:873 (1) - same Normal diff 01:59:711
  1. nothing KIAI TIME ?
  2. 00:54:846 (1) - Suggestion of the form. Ctrl+R
  3. 01:24:522 (6) - add NC
  4. 01:29:711 (4) - add NC ?
  5. 01:48:684 (3) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  1. 00:17:873 (1) - add finish
  2. 00:31:495 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  3. 00:34:819 (3) - rhythm does not match for me :( Suggestion of the rhythm: move to 00:34:738
  4. 01:33:765 (1) - add finish
  5. 01:59:792 (1) - same Normal diff 01:59:711
that' all ~

good map ~ star☆~ :D

Good luck ~ :)
S h i o n
hi :)

01:59:062 (1,2,3) - try this

01:08:954 (4,1) - adjust the shape of the sliders , make them more perfect~

00:22:738 (3,4,5,6) - kinda weird ryhthm It's okay when I play.
00:48:927 (3) - make the spacing smaller like other same patterns you've made and redo the shape maybe?


kosiga wrote:

  1. 00:26:954 (1) - why use DS 0.80x ? I think it is better to the same DS(1.0x)
  2. 00:31:170 (1) - ^
  3. 00:45:116 (1,2) - more symmetric slider. like this ↓ code. free to use
  4. 01:04:251 (2) - grid down. x200,y84
  5. 01:10:738 (1) - add clap to end of the slider ? this is Intentional ?
  6. 01:23:387 (1) - Suggestion of the form. Ctrl+H,R form.
  7. 01:46:738 (1) - spacing too far (1.16x) DS 1.0x is better. because this diff is easy
  8. 01:59:711 (1) - It's too loud volume IMO><. Suggestion: gradually lower the volume
hi, Im surprised that a requirement to mod you is not having a ranked map =v=


00:10:657 - this timeline should be the same volume of the first (70% volume) just for keep the volume
00:28:332 (7) - a clap here would keep the pattenr used on the end of 00:25:332 (4)
00:31:009 (11) - finish increase the bass effect and leave a nice effect for incoming notes
00:36:116 (3) - this note should be on previous white tick 00:36:035 < here, just following the song, stack it at end of 00:35:711 (2) if you have moved
00:39:927 (3) - simmilar as up ↑
00:52:170 - why volume decrease? the sound of 70% was so nice >:
00:54:198 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - ok this pattern is just so weird, let me explain, we have 3 doubles on back and a stream starting on a blue tick, a common way would be move 00:54:279 (7) to 00:54:359 and delete 00:54:441 (8), of course making a nice jump on (6,7)
and incoming streams are just stream, dont follow the song, but you are not changing it anyway.
01:12:846 (9) - finish for accentuate the bass effect
01:33:278 (6) - ↑
01:33:441 (7) - ↑ on start of slider
nice whistles on kiai <:


00:10:657 - this timeline should be the same volume of the first (70% volume) just for keep the volume
00:41:549 (4) - no finish on end of slider, its sounding bad >_<

[inaba's taiko]

- the "t" from taiko must be on caps > "inaba's Taiko"
- and normalize the volume of all timelines? there is a 60% volume and a 5% (I think 5% is not rankable, but not sure at all)

01:12:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - this combo must be kkkkkkkkkkd, since the last note feels on an lower level


- nothing to say, just many 1/2 slider changes on kiai

00:10:657 - this timeline should be the same volume of the first (70% volume) just for keep the volume


- aproach rate is not too high?

00:10:657 - this timeline should be the same volume of the first (70% volume) just for keep the volume
01:10:738 (1) - god, the claps was almos silent on previous patterns, and this sounds so bad on end of slider >_<
01:34:414 (1) - gets covered by hitburst of previous spinner.
01:37:657 (3) - no finish on start/repeat/end of slider
01:51:927 (1) - finish on repeat
01:57:116 (1) - no whistle on this note give a nice 3 - 0 - 3 - 0 hitsound effect since the spinner have no hitobject where it start*

ikari_kyon wrote:


- aproach rate is not too high?

00:10:657 - this timeline should be the same volume of the first (70% volume) just for keep the volume
01:10:738 (1) - god, the claps was almos silent on previous patterns, and this sounds so bad on end of slider >_<
01:34:414 (1) - gets covered by hitburst of previous spinner.
01:37:657 (3) - no finish on start/repeat/end of slider
01:51:927 (1) - finish on repeat
01:57:116 (1) - no whistle on this note give a nice 3 - 0 - 3 - 0 hitsound effect since the spinner have no hitobject where it ends
  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~
    General :
  1. Delete .osb files in the folder ( Full Submit )
  2. Use the same kiai time in all osu standard diff ( except Taiko )
    Beginner :
  3. 00:48:684 (2) - Spacing~
  4. 01:51:927 (1) - add finish end
    Standard :
  5. Looks good for me ~
    Hyper :
  6. You forgot to add kiai time ~
    Another :
  7. Looks good for me ~
    inaba's taiko :
  8. Use the same volume in all Inherited Timing
  9. 00:18:684 (1,1) - dk?
    You must to read~!
    red: I think you must to fix. bule: need to discuss. Black: just suggest.
Nice map!!!~ I can't say many thing sorry :(
Have my Star~ Good Luck :3

bossandy wrote:

  • Beginner :
  1. 00:48:684 (2) - Spacing~
  2. 01:51:927 (1) - add finish end
All Fixed

Hey! Mod from my queue.

Combo colours: Hyper has different combo colours to the rest, you should make them the same as other diffs ^^
Taiko is different too.. but it's taiko ;)

Kiai: Hyper has no kiai time please make a kiai time for this difficulty that starts on 01:33:765, ends on 01:54:522, to keep consistent kiai times. Your map may not be able to be ranked without it.

01:02:630 (1) - The red anchor point is noticeable in-game.
Heres 2 options you could use:


Personally, I like this second one:


01:37:657 (3) - You could make this similar to the above "smooth" slider if you like. Fine as is though. Just think it goes nicer with combo's like
01:40:251 (2,3) - that fit well together.

00:02:468 (1) - This sounds much better at 00:02:305!
00:25:332 (2) - The repeat is mapped in 1/3, doesn't really suit the song in my opinion. Guess it sound's okay because of the hitsounds though.

01:53:062 (5) - The top of this note briefly touches the hp bar, bring it down by 1-2 grids to avoid?

Nice streaming ^^

Well, the mapset is pretty good for now. Looks to be it unless I find something when I quickly go over it again.


00:21:765 (1) - New combo for preventing of spinner bug
00:31:819 (1) - ^
00:30:197 (1) - Extend this into long white tick for following instruments?
00:56:143 (2) - Make parallel (Nazi)
01:36:522 (1,2,3,4) - Would be good if you remove whistle on each slider
01:45:441 (4) - Remove whistle?
01:46:901 (1,2,3,4) - Same issue as 01:36:522 (1,2,3,4)


00:10:738 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:11:062 (2) - New combo?
00:13:332 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:13:657 (2) - New combo?
00:25:657 (2) - Move to 00:25:576 for following instruments?

Sorry, can't find something wrong
ok then

  1. Just like ouran said before, add led on the tags so it's easier to search for this map
  2. Please add Oni on the taiko diff
  3. Add timing sections to fade out the last spinner on every diff to lower the spinner bonus sound. I suggest this volume setting
    1. 02:01:008 - Add timing section with 60% volume
    2. 02:01:657 - ^ 50% volume
    3. 02:02:305 - ^ 40% volume
    4. 02:02:954 - ^ 30% volume
  1. 00:21:116 - Add timing section to increase the volume of this section to 60% Current volume are way too low compare to the music (or use 70% volume for this then use 80% volume for 00:30:197)
  2. 00:30:197 - Replace this timing section to 00:31:495
  3. 00:52:251 - Remove this timing section. The previous section pretty much have the same intensity so the lower volume is strange
  4. 01:23:387 (1) - Add finish?
  5. The claps on the kiai time is very random and it don't sound very good. Try to use a clap pattern like 2/1 clap pattern even if not every object will get a clap. It's better than the random clap use
  1. 00:52:170 - Remove this timing section. The reason is the same as 00:52:251 on Beginner
  2. 01:52:090 (1) - Sounds better if you remove the whistle from the slider slide
  1. 01:48:684 (3) - Add whistle at the repeat?
  1. 00:28:900 (1,2) - It's better if if you just remove the 1/4 jump and make it like the other pattern like 00:25:332 (4,5), 00:33:116 (2,3), etc
  2. 00:47:062 (1,2) - ^
  3. 01:52:414 (1) - Unnecessary NC, please remove it
  4. 01:52:414 (1) - ^
  5. 01:52:900 (1) - ^
The fact that you only made one diff (and it's the normal diff) and because the diff name doesn't have the creator name on it, looks like all the diff is made by you,this made me cringe a bit. Well it's still within the rule so it's ok I guess
Nice map, call me back later after you got more mods on the taiko (try to get lepidon, arken, or wmfchris to mod the taiko)
Someone called me?

Short impressions for inaba's Taiko Oni
00:00:360 ~ 00:21:116 - Hmm, this part, I just can't get those patterns at all. It sounds quite random to me.
00:21:441 ~ 00:30:035 - The patterns based on 'd d k d d d k d' sound aren't that well-suited to this part.
00:52:414 ~ 01:13:008 - Well, the music got something changed, but patterns here does not show any changes... To be honest it feels too similar with previous part. Try using some other patterns what you didn't used in previous part(00:31:495 ~ 00:52:414).
01:23:387 ~ 01:28:251 - Similar issue with 00:00:360 ~ 00:21:116.
01:59:873(T) - Why 5% of volume only in here?

Some general problems. I don't feel I really need to mod specific patterns now.

Hmm, I can't officially do something, but I want to make bubbling process halt until this Taiko map gets better, I hope

@Nakagawa-Kanon: 그렇다고 태고 맵 빼면 가만히 안둘꺼에요 ㅇㅅㅇ = I won't forgive you if you delete this Taiko from the map set
hmmmm I think I'll mod taiko after inaba's fixing
Sorry for late taiko recheck

01:03:927 - In order to fit the trilling in the music, I prefer not to break the stream into 6-2, 9-plet be works better
01:06:522 - same here, long stream is preferred
01:12:684 - kkkkd
01:13:170 - remove your break in .osu
01:23:387 - the 0.5-1-1-1.5 beat separation sounds really odd without musical support, making some 1/1 will be fine here
01:59:711 - add a D, then spinner

sounds good now.

wmfchris wrote:

Sorry for late taiko recheck

01:03:927 - In order to fit the trilling in the music, I prefer not to break the stream into 6-2, 9-plet be works better
01:06:522 - same here, long stream is preferred
01:12:684 - kkkkd
01:13:170 - remove your break in .osu
01:23:387 - the 0.5-1-1-1.5 beat separation sounds really odd without musical support, making some 1/1 will be fine here
01:59:711 - add a D, then spinner

sounds good now.
mod thx ><

Download: L.E.D. - THE LAST STRIKER (Nakagawa-Kanon) [inaba's Taiko Oni].osu
Sorry for the late reply
Ok then but before that

  1. You forgot to add LED on Beginner & Hyper diff
  1. 00:21:116 - Add timing section to increase the volume of this section to 60% Current volume are way too low compare to the music (or use 70% volume for this then use 80% volume for 00:30:197)
  2. 00:30:197 - Replace this timing section to 00:31:495
  3. 00:52:251 - Remove this timing section. The previous section pretty much have the same intensity so the lower volume is strange
    Those things still stand, unless you can give good reason for not changing it I'm holding the bubble for this map
I'll be following this thread so you don't have to PM me back (but it'll be great if you could poke me lol)

EDIT: BUBBLE!! poof~
lol you guys totally ignored meeeeeeee

Nah I'm joking, go ahead.

lepidopodus wrote:

lol you guys totally ignored meeeeeeee

Nah I'm joking, go ahead.
oh god, you scared me :o
Oh god I can't wait to play this.
Love the song and hopefully will love the map.
omedetou >w<
ta da-h ta da-h tadah tadah tadadah

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