
7!! - Bye Bye (TV Size)

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Yo modding ur song because of ur request :)

00:55:400(1) - Aline the end point to (2)
01:24:938(1) - 3 grids right

00:21:246(5) - End it at 00:21:708
00:50:785(5) - Aline it to (3)
00:51:246(6) - Aline it to (4) from there fix the spacing till 00:54:477

00:57:246(1) - Make this a short repeat and end it at 00:57:477 it should be like this if u don't know wat i'm saying

01:26:669(7) - 1 grid down

This is the best i can do. GL :D
Requested mod.

Pretty much a flawless easy. Nice job. \o/

00:24:477 > I'm being little picky, but I suggest making (5) X:464 Y:116.

Your easy and normal are <3.

01:41:785 > New combo?
01:42:938 > If you did ^, Remove this new combo.
01:43:400 > If you did ^, Add a new combo here.

Try to think of a new name for this difficulty. 'Yeah' seems out of place, even though you mean it like "Yeah!" some people may not get it. (Like Zelos said, 'Flash' or 'Snap', but you can do anything you'd like.)
01:13:400 > Try making (5) X:244 Y:272.
01:31:054 > Try something like this? (Just to make the notes easier to see.)
01:31:400 > (1,2,3) ^
There are a lot more sections like ^. I suggest spacing those too.

I like the song, and I like the map. Star.
hi~ o/ time to mod your map~

00:49:861 (1) add finish in the end?
01:18:938 (x) add circle?
01:29:092 (2) sliding like this? don't forget about spacing (3,4,5) :3

00:49:861 (3) NC?

01:24:015 (6) NC?
01:54:015 (1) spinner in the end 40%?

01:50:554 (3) move into 01:50:438?

Okay... that's all my mod : ) sorry is too short
Request taken in #modreqs.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. You'll have to change these difficulty names.There's absolutely no way to tell which diff is what except from star rating.
  2. Add "opening" to the tags of all difficulties since this is the opening of an anime. =P
  3. The offset is early in the beginning and late after a while (where you started using the normal sampleset). Try this:
    • offset 14795 || BPM 130.000
      offset 29092|| BPM 130.000
      offset 29545 || BPM 130.000
  1. I usually don't recommend this because slidertick hitsounds are awful to me, but you really need to add custom sliderticks to make the missing claps. Without them, the map sounds inconsistent. Talking about inconsistency, these claps are placed where there shouldn't be any clap (that is, not on a second white tick):
  2. 00:31:391 (3) -
  3. 00:36:929 (1) -
  4. 00:38:314 (2) - There should be a clap here
  5. 00:40:621 (5) - There's a calp when there shouldn't be any.
  6. 01:08:314 (3) -
  7. 01:17:544 (1) -
  8. 01:24:006 (2) - The first one, also why is it a custom clap and not a normal one like in the rest of the kiai ? o.o
  9. 01:24:929 (1) -
  10. 01:36:006 (1) -
    One more thing:
  11. 00:43:391 (1,2) - You should swap the new combos (that is the new combo should be on (2), not (1) ) to make your comboing consistent with your hitsounding: the hitsounding changes from (2), not from (1).
  1. 00:33:246 (1,2) - For all patterns like this, I find it to sound amazing to add a clap on the tick before the end of the slider. Of course, if you did add sliderticks, for slider like these 00:59:092 (1,2) - only use the clap slidertick for the first tick and use normal ticks after !
  2. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the, hum... Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
  1. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
    I must say I liked this diff. It's a real Hard for once, and the hitsouding is rather nice.
  1. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
    I'm not a fan of this HUGE spacing, but it plays fine and is quite intuitive.
Nice mapset ! Call me back when you're done fixing.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

Request taken in #modreqs.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. You'll have to change these difficulty names.There's absolutely no way to tell which diff is what except from star rating.
    add in brief Photo-Easy Pose-Norma....Problem decide XD?
  2. Add "opening" to the tags of all difficulties since this is the opening of an anime. =P FIX :D
  3. The offset is early in the beginning and late after a while (where you started using the normal sampleset). Try this:
    • offset 14795 || BPM 130.000 :arrow: Too slow I think;_;....I use this off and then osu test tell me I need minus more then 20ms Orz.....change to this :arrow: offset 14780 || BPM 130.000 ...feel batter
      offset 29092|| BPM 130.000 :arrow: I use ↑ so this offset can Delete :oops:
      offset 29545 || BPM 130.000
:arrow: Good offset XD!!!!!!!!!FIX :D!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. I usually don't recommend this because slidertick hitsounds are awful to me, but you really need to add custom sliderticks to make the missing claps. Without them, the map sounds inconsistent. Talking about inconsistency, these claps are placed where there shouldn't be any clap (that is, not on a second white tick):
  2. 00:31:391 (3) -
  3. 00:36:929 (1) -
  4. 00:38:314 (2) - There should be a clap here
  5. 00:40:621 (5) - There's a calp when there shouldn't be any.
  6. 01:08:314 (3) -
  7. 01:17:544 (1) -
  8. 01:24:006 (2) - The first one, also why is it a custom clap and not a normal one like in the rest of the kiai ? o.o
  9. 01:24:929 (1) -
  10. 01:36:006 (1) -
    Use slidertick and fix XD!
    One more thing:
  11. 00:43:391 (1,2) - You should swap the new combos (that is the new combo should be on (2), not (1) ) to make your comboing consistent with your hitsounding: the hitsounding changes from (2), not from (1).

  1. 00:33:246 (1,2) - For all patterns like this, I find it to sound amazing to add a clap on the tick before the end of the slider. Of course, if you did add sliderticks, for slider like these 00:59:092 (1,2) - only use the clap slidertick for the first tick and use normal ticks after ! FIX
  2. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the, hum... Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
you mean .....this?→

  1. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
    I must say I liked this diff. It's a real Hard for once, and the hitsouding is rather nice.

  1. 01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.
    I'm not a fan of this HUGE spacing, but it plays fine and is quite intuitive.
:D XD \;D/

Nice mapset ! Call me back when you're done fixing.
Thank you for you help XD!

00:30:237 (4) - 這個為啥特別遠?
01:13:621 (6) - 這個也是
00:38:775 (9) - new combo
01:06:468 (1) - 有點醜 往旁邊移一點?

I hope this song gets ranked soon!

Megurine Luka

Yeah!!! Moe!!!
Topic Starter

Kiiwa wrote:

Yeah!!! Moe!!!
.............after 4 day kiiwa give me irc mod ...............and then, I don't know how to save Orz...........
Megurine Luka

tutuhaha wrote:

Kiiwa wrote:

Yeah!!! Moe!!!
.............after 4 day kiiwa give me irc mod ...............and then, I don't know how to save Orz...........


tutuhaha wrote:

Odaril wrote:

[*]01:50:784 (1) - For consistency with the, hum... Photo diff, make this start at least 1/2 later and add a circle where it used to start.[/list]
you mean .....this?→
Yes, exactly !

As for the mapset itself, I'm not hearing any custom slidertick nor seeing any in the folder. Did you forget to full submit after adding them ?
Also, the timing is wrong. As I said in my previous post...
Megurine Luka

如果有人说combo set skin一定要256*256

I love Kimi to Boku very much<3
Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

I love Kimi to Boku very much<3
Good luck~ :)
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megurine Luka wrote:

如果有人说combo set skin一定要256*256

fix and full!
7!!的歌我都好喜欢> <

少年同盟 w


Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  • Nothing to say !
  1. 00:36:006 (3) - There shouldn't be a clap here - it's not an offbeat tick (it's the 3rd white tick, not the 2nd or 4th)
  2. 00:57:237 (3) - Remove the clap on the beat in the middle ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  3. 01:18:929 - The lack of beat here (and consequently of clap) sounded extremely weird to me. You've been using constant 1/1 rhythms (thanks to sliderticks) since the kiai, why did you stop here ?
  4. 01:27:237 - Same.
  5. 01:27:698 (2,1) - This beat placement breaks the comboing. You should use slider-circle so you can add a new combo on the circle.
  6. 01:42:929 (1,2) - To stay consistent with your comboing, swap the new combos, then remove 01:45:237 (1) - this one.
  1. 00:21:256 (5,1) - This sounded a bit weird to me, because of the sudden 1/2 rhythm (with a whistle on top of that, when whistles used to be all on white ticks). Make (5) a 1/1 slider ?
  2. 00:42:006 - The lack of beat (and consequently of clap) here sounded weird to me. It breaks the rhythm you had been using...
  3. 00:57:698 (3) - Remove the clap on the first beat ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  4. 00:59:083 (1,2) - and 01:06:468 (1) - and 01:13:852 (1) - and 01:32:314 (1) - and 01:39:698 (1) - are all missing a clap on their first tick.
  1. 00:17:794 (5) - To stay consistent with your hitsounding afterwards, add a whistle here ?
  2. 00:21:487 (2,4) - For consistency with your hitsounding afterwards (and with ^) the whistle should be on (2), not (4) =P
  3. 00:47:545 (7) - This beat misses a clap. Also what is that timing section for ? o.o
  4. 00:57:698 (2) - Remove the clap on the first beat ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  5. 01:08:775 - Add a beat with a clap here ? Your clap pattern is pretty consistent but breaks here due to the lack of one, and that sounds weird.
  6. 01:15:468 (4) - This souds really weird. the clap is at the wrong place, and when you remove it, there won't be any clap anymore while there should be one at 01:16:160 - . Try doing something like this (5 having of course a clap) ?
  7. 01:34:621 - Add a beat with a clap here ? Your clap pattern is pretty consistent but breaks here due to the lack of one, and that sounds weird.
  8. 01:50:891 (1) - This spinner ends 1/4 too late.
  • Looks fine. I don't really like the huge spacing and the tons of 1/4, but well.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:


Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  • Nothing to say !
  1. 00:36:006 (3) - There shouldn't be a clap here - it's not an offbeat tick (it's the 3rd white tick, not the 2nd or 4th)
  2. 00:57:237 (3) - Remove the clap on the beat in the middle ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  3. 01:18:929 - The lack of beat here (and consequently of clap) sounded extremely weird to me. You've been using constant 1/1 rhythms (thanks to sliderticks) since the kiai, why did you stop here ?
  4. 01:27:237 - Same.
  5. 01:27:698 (2,1) - This beat placement breaks the comboing. You should use slider-circle so you can add a new combo on the circle.
  6. 01:42:929 (1,2) - To stay consistent with your comboing, swap the new combos, then remove 01:45:237 (1) - this one.
  1. 00:21:256 (5,1) - This sounded a bit weird to me, because of the sudden 1/2 rhythm (with a whistle on top of that, when whistles used to be all on white ticks). Make (5) a 1/1 slider ?
  2. 00:42:006 - The lack of beat (and consequently of clap) here sounded weird to me. It breaks the rhythm you had been using...
  3. 00:57:698 (3) - Remove the clap on the first beat ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  4. 00:59:083 (1,2) - and 01:06:468 (1) - and 01:13:852 (1) - and 01:32:314 (1) - and 01:39:698 (1) - are all missing a clap on their first tick.
  1. 00:17:794 (5) - To stay consistent with your hitsounding afterwards, add a whistle here ?
  2. 00:21:487 (2,4) - For consistency with your hitsounding afterwards (and with ^) the whistle should be on (2), not (4) =P
  3. 00:47:545 (7) - This beat misses a clap. Also what is that timing section for ? o.o
  4. 00:57:698 (2) - Remove the clap on the first beat ? It will follow the bass at that moment and soud better imo.
  5. 01:08:775 - Add a beat with a clap here ? Your clap pattern is pretty consistent but breaks here due to the lack of one, and that sounds weird.
  6. 01:15:468 (4) - This souds really weird. the clap is at the wrong place, and when you remove it, there won't be any clap anymore while there should be one at 01:16:160 - . Try doing something like this (5 having of course a clap) ?
  7. 01:34:621 - Add a beat with a clap here ? Your clap pattern is pretty consistent but breaks here due to the lack of one, and that sounds weird.
  8. 01:50:891 (1) - This spinner ends 1/4 too late.
  • Looks fine. I don't really like the huge spacing and the tons of 1/4, but well.

all fix
Thank you for you recheck
Everything is good now !

Topic Starter
Thank you XD!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Megurine Luka
seems all good for me..
Good luck
之前都忘了mod (抱歉...
  1. Artist: According to Kimi to Boku's official website and, the title is "Bye Bye". The "-" must be removed.
  2. Timing Sections:
    1. 01:50:775 ~ 01:53:545 - Aren't these sections supposed to reduce the volume gradually? All of them are using 5%.
    2. 01:54:006 - 70% sounds way too loud for this part, try 40~50% please.
  3. Skin: Spinner-circle shouldn't be this transparent. You must be able to see "something" spinning, right now it's impossible to tell if the "spinner-circle" is actually spinning (except for that tiny circle in the centre). Try increasing the opacity a bit or add "something" to the spinner-circle. Here's a suggestion (looks way better while spinning)
  1. Aim for short and consistent combos when you're mapping the easiest diffs, I noticed some long combos that you should split up:
  2. 00:36:929 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This one is too long, perhaps, NC on (5)?
  3. 00:49:852 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ on (4). (Then remove this one 00:55:391 (1) and add one here: 00:57:237 (5). It should look like this afterwards)
  4. 01:48:929 (3,4) - This pattern is not following the rhythm correctly, thus becoming quite disorienting. This part has beats on 1/4 and then 1/2 so I understand that it's a bit hard to come up with something to fit [Easy], here's a suggestion, it fits the rhythm perfectly.
  1. I don't see major problems, just something minor:
  2. 00:57:698 (2,3) - Is this reduced spacing intentional? Looks a kinda odd, if it's not, fix it please.
Overall, really nice mapset, I like all the diffs. Let me know when you're ready and I'll re-bubble immediately.
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Artist: According to Kimi to Boku's official website and, the title is "Bye Bye". The "-" must be removed.
  2. Timing Sections:
    1. 01:50:775 ~ 01:53:545 - Aren't these sections supposed to reduce the volume gradually? All of them are using 5%.
    2. 01:54:006 - 70% sounds way too loud for this part, try 40~50% please.
  3. Skin: Spinner-circle shouldn't be this transparent. You must be able to see "something" spinning, right now it's impossible to tell if the "spinner-circle" is actually spinning (except for that tiny circle in the centre). Try increasing the opacity a bit or add "something" to the spinner-circle. Here's a suggestion (looks way better while spinning)
  1. Aim for short and consistent combos when you're mapping the easiest diffs, I noticed some long combos that you should split up:
  2. 00:36:929 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This one is too long, perhaps, NC on (5)?
  3. 00:49:852 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ on (4). (Then remove this one 00:55:391 (1) and add one here: 00:57:237 (5). It should look like this afterwards)
  4. 01:48:929 (3,4) - This pattern is not following the rhythm correctly, thus becoming quite disorienting. This part has beats on 1/4 and then 1/2 so I understand that it's a bit hard to come up with something to fit [Easy], here's a suggestion, it fits the rhythm perfectly.
  1. I don't see major problems, just something minor:
  2. 00:57:698 (2,3) - Is this reduced spacing intentional? Looks a kinda odd, if it's not, fix it please.
Overall, really nice mapset, I like all the diffs. Let me know when you're ready and I'll re-bubble immediately.
All done and Thank you Gonzvlo XD!
The 5% sections were not removed, well, it doesn't make any difference so it's okay. Good luck!

Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

The 5% sections were not removed, well, it doesn't make any difference so it's okay. Good luck!

3 weeks since last being checked? That's no good. But hey, have a few suggestions.

  1. 00:48:006 (3) - New Combo mark.
  2. 00:49:852 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  3. 00:52:160 (2) - New Combo mark.
  1. 01:24:006 (4) - Sounds awkward. Might want a normal slidertick, to emphasize the lighter texture. Keep that clap in somehow, though.
  1. 00:54:698 (2) - Throw a Clap on the first beat of this.
  2. 01:16:621 (7) - This is an awkward pattern variation. If you want this, I'd suggest changing up your placement of 6 and this, moving 7 forward by 1/2 (also, you'd probably want to make it the start of the next combo and on top of the current 1).
  3. 01:23:083 (5) - While I don't have a problem with this in terms of overall flow, it just sounds weird, as there is no motive like that until 6.
Take a look at these suggestions and do any other tidying up I might've missed, and I'd be happy to rebubble if you make changes.
Topic Starter

Mogsworth wrote:

3 weeks since last being checked? That's no good. But hey, have a few suggestions.

  1. 00:48:006 (3) - New Combo mark.
  2. 00:49:852 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
  3. 00:52:160 (2) - New Combo mark.
  1. 01:24:006 (4) - Sounds awkward. Might want a normal slidertick, to emphasize the lighter texture. Keep that clap in somehow, though.
  1. 00:54:698 (2) - Throw a Clap on the first beat of this.
  2. 01:16:621 (7) - This is an awkward pattern variation. If you want this, I'd suggest changing up your placement of 6 and this, moving 7 forward by 1/2 (also, you'd probably want to make it the start of the next combo and on top of the current 1).
  3. 01:23:083 (5) - While I don't have a problem with this in terms of overall flow, it just sounds weird, as there is no motive like that until 6.
Take a look at these suggestions and do any other tidying up I might've missed, and I'd be happy to rebubble if you make changes.
Thank you very much!
Topic Starter
Thank XD!!!
Yutsuki yukari
Topic Starter
nice song !!
timing,folder and map settings are nice

01:24:006 (2) - off-beat :/ you should do something with it..choose between these:
  1. make a reverse slider from 01:24:006 with a repeat at 01:24:352
  2. make a slider from 01:24:006 to 01:24:698
00:46:160 (4,5) - swtich them,I mean:
01:50:775 (2) - no no,you can't have silenced beats,use previous volume settings for this note (+ finsih?)

01:50:775 (2) - again you can't have this note silenced

01:50:775 (4) - yes,once again

is it just to me,or hitsounds are a bit loud?
if yes,use (50~60%) for kiai chorus parts and 40% for the rest

hm,that's it,fix those silent notes and think of my sliders' suggestions and I'll rank
Topic Starter
FIX all!!
Thanks XD!!
S h i o n
Bye Bye

S h i o n wrote:

Bye Bye
Kawayi Rika
哇 ~ 兔兔 bye bye ~
Congratz here.
Congrats! :)
2nd ranked "Kimi to Boku" beatmap in osu<3
Insane is overmapped ._.

But still a nice map.
Megurine Luka
Topic Starter
Thank you for everbody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breeze wrote:

K a Y e
I love the song!~ Great map ^.^
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