
Werewolf Game 2 [Concluded; Human Victory]

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Agent Spn Here slowly walked out the door of his home. He'd been having wierd dreams, but he'd become accustomed to that.
He saw kuwarudo going around annoying people, but that was nothing unusual.
Luckily for Spin, it looked like kuwarudo wouldn't be with us for much longer.
I'd like to know who read my post at the bottom of page 14, and who is conveniently ignoring it. Those of you who have at least said "I've read it and will think it over.", thanks.

Those like eee who seem to have completely missed it however, need to read it.

To Kuwa: If you're really the guardian angel like you've told me in PM, then stop attempting to get lynched. Ugh.
Sir Minelli

kuwarudo wrote:

Oh, you're wondering Ace why I'm all please kill me, it's because if you see in the last game, no one paid attention to me.
What you are currently doing is a bad way to call for somebody's attention if you ask me.

About deleting posts. I disagree.

I know there are stupid lame posts with no sense. Unluckily or luckily, we already read them all.

Besides this forum IS for posting crap, even if doing so fucks up the entire game.

You can't delete posts. You will be messing with personal thoughts/ideas. Wouldn't be fair.

Don't get me wrong. I'm totally against "LameNotGameRelatedPostsWtfWereYouThinkingBeforePostingThis?"

I suggest a GAME RULE saying that the posts inside the game thread should relate to the GAME only and should focus on the development of the game, rather than focusing on bringing the game down.

This goes for everyone.
The problem is with people who AREN'T reading posts because of all the crap.
This is the FORUM GAMES and random, this is the place where you post shit AND games, unless your game is shit.
All for deleting shitty useless posts that are preventing people from voting with a full collection of information.
Sir Minelli
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Okay, after I've finally.. tried to read the last several pages, I just cannot vote for Kuwarudo anymore. Nor for Suburu. I still think a roleclaim on the first day is wtfux crazy, but Suburu has his reasons, which I have understood.

Change Vote from Kuwarudo to nardi.

Sir Minelli wrote:

Vote Animask

No info available.

I will re vote against you if my theory is correct.
Is there any reason you don't want to share the theory with everybody else?
Sleep Powder
I'll decide on a vote when all the votes so far have been accounted for....
We'll leave the delete/don't delete decision to Ace.

As for the hesitation to believe Suburu:

Usually in standard games, if you have both a seer and a healer (by seer I mean psychic in this game), having the seer reveal on the first day and the healer healing him/her every night (WITHOUT revealing) is a surefire way for the villagers to win, provided the villagers don't do anything stupid. Suburu is an experienced player; she would know this. If you don't believe me, grab a book on Game Theory.

Yes, in this game, the healer has potentially been revealed. This still gives us at least one free assassin.

Remember: at this stage, the order of kills doesn't really matter much. If Suburu fails to deliver an assassin for us to lynch on day 2, then we can kill her. If she is what she claims, then we get a free assassin tomorrow, making us even with the dead villager count. If she's an assassin in disguise and points the finger at a villager, then we still get to kill her the next day, so we'd be 3 for 1. If she decides to sacrifice her teammate to convince us, then we'd still be 2 for 2 by day 3.

No matter what, if Suburu wants to live, she'll have to keep coughing up assassins. There is no reason to lynch her now, until we can verify her claim.

And yes, I'm a humble villager.

Download: Thymeka - Coward Montblanc ~Italian Version~ (Gio96b) [Kurohana's Hard].osu

Echo wrote:

And yes, I'm a humble villager.
We heard you the first time, Echo ;(. Why feel the need to reassure us when you are providing a strategy for a sure-fire civvie win. That should be information enough..

Am I digging to deep here Echo?
While you make a good point, who's to say you aren't poisoning the minds of all of us. People need to understand that these people can be lying to your face. There's nothing stopping me from believing that LadySuburu, kuwarudo, and Echo are the assassins, and are lying to swiftly kill off everyone else. If this were the case, this game could be over VERY quickly. While there seems to be something to gain from announcing your role on the first day, I just don't see it going as easily as we plan.

For day one, this sure has become exciting to say the least.

P.S. - I'm not accusing these people, I just don't want people to be quick to trust anyone on the first day.
And you shouldn't be trusting people easily on the first day. kuwarudo did a bad thing in telling Suburu he was healer without digging deeper into her identity first.

Get on IRC, have a chat, and assure yourself that everyone is who they claim to be.

Do you think I'd be backing up/accusing people without being sure of what I believe, after what happened last game?

@rolled: I felt the need to say that.
I'm going to see how Suburu's "strategy" plays out...if nothing really seems to happen, you can bet your ass I'm voting for kuwarudo.

Also I'm luling at the mixture of references to Suburu genderwise. Half say 'he/his/him', half say 'she/her's/her'
Oh my gosh, so much has been revealed!

Kuu hates Cheese!

foulcoon remembers Unforgotten Realms!

I'm still a bit unsure of Suburu's allegiance, but...

Wojjan, you not only claim a secret diary, full of who knows what sort of stuff that you only release to a few certain people? Could those be your assassin buddies?

On top of that you vote to put "Kuu" at 6 votes without much explanation!
Bussing if I ever saw it!

Vote: Wojjan

I'm keeping a log of the voting in order (Ace's list doesn't have unvotes/revotes in order). If anyone wants a copy, PM me on the forums. The highest someone has gotten at one point so far is "kuu" at 6 followed by Tode(4) from Echo and Suburu(4) from commandhat

Notice I never call Suburu "he/she/it". You can't go wrong typing Suburu every time for her.
With his makeshift PC complete, Neo was able to finally take a look at the big picture.
Using his toenail mouse and polystyrene keyboard, he navigated to the forums.

BagelBob wrote:

Notice I never call Suburu "he/she/it". You can't go wrong typing Suburu every time for her.
I lol'd.

I'm not sure what to think about everyone else, but Subi's case intrigues me.
From what I've seen, I'm gonna assume, she's a human, and that the claim was true.
(He refers to himself ingame as "she", so I will too.)
What perplexes me is the way Kuwa fits so nicely into the picture, yet he himself acted so retarded at the start of the game. I highly doubt that he would have been able to anticipate how things would change, and so I don't think he's actually the guardian angel. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions, but it seems like a good strategy to gain trust by claiming a role through a PM and then use that false sense of security to wolf-kill a vital role.
Then again, this could all be part of a plan by Subi, Animask, or even... Larto?
Wait, no. Definitely not Larto.

Anyway, I'm not gonna vote until tomorrow night (IRL). There's shitloads of theories so far, and any one of them could be right.

Oh and I suggest rape. America Junon!
Ugh, fine, I'm here again, and I just wanted to say sorry for posting too much, I know that it made the game hard for everyone, so I'm sorry. Really, I am.

So, I'll say it again, sorry guys.

By the way, Nevermind.
Uhhhh Suburu's a dude. I've heard him on vent; he's definitely a dude. foulcoon can back me up on this.
I'm against kuwarudo.

So my vote goes to kuwarudo.

LadySuburu knows my reasons as I've spoken to him prior about kuwarudo. I mean, we'll be better off getting rid of aux roles who would unknowingly reveal themselves to the Assassins.

Also, from the last game, I don't like him. All of what he posts (read: ALL) are counter-productive and kills my mood to RP. And I don't believe I'm alone in thinking this way.
That logic is broken, Pasonia - why kill him ourselves when we know the assassins would kill him tonight anyway? If you do that, you're just offering the assassins a free kill.
How can we be so sure he's not an Assassin, either? We have a 33% chance, thereabouts, to lynch an assassin today; we've got a sizable number of players this so the first-day lynch doesn't really matter. I'd say things heat up more towards the third day onwards, when the situation is clearer. At least to more than half of us, that is.

Precisely because of that, that is why I want to get rid of the blight early. He might be an aux, yes, but what if he reveals his knowledge of the "who's who" to the assassins? That'll be baaaaaaaaad.
Pasonia, I'm sticking with the claim that I'm a guardian angel or support mage, whatever.


Who's who?? I don't even know any other roles.
I'm appalled at seeing us up to page 22 of this thread already.

And I'm throwing my two cents in by saying don't vote for kuwarudo. It's not worth it. xD
YellowYoshi1 quietly listened to the large amount of strategy and debate going on as he leaned on the wall of a nearby building. He looked out to the ocean and wished he was out there somewhere, sailing away from this place.

Finally, he walked towards where people were gathered and began to speak, "Look, there's no way of knowing whose claims are true and whose are false, so I'd recommend being a little more hesitant in trusting people around here. As for me? I don't like Echo's constant claims of being a a civilian. Why's he find it so necessary to continually mention it?"

YellowYoshi1 tells everyone to be a little more hesitant in trusting people and then voices his distrust of Echo. Lynch vote changed to Echo.
coming in as a nonplayer im really wondering why the heck people doubt Echo's logic when its perfectly easy to follow by anyone with half a brain regardless of his actual role. As he said, anyone could pick up a book on game theory and find all of that, or turn on their minds for a moment and realize it for themselves.

That is all.
Pasonia just jumped up 10 points on my suspicion list, I mean, voting on Kuwarudo because he might reveal "the who's who"? That doesn't even make sense, if you mean he'll reaveal the aux roles, it would seem that no one besides Suburu would even be able to put up with him (which itself is pretty damn suspicious) which would mean he could only reveal Suburu who is already revealed, I don't know about you but I think most asassins actually read the thread.

If it's around a 33% chance then why not kill someone else who might be an assassin? I mean atleast kuwarudo has a chance of helping us.
I would like to know what you mean by "aux roles would unknowingly reveal themselves to the Assassins." we still need aux roles, are you suggesting we should kill the roles because they reveal themselves? (I really don't get what you mean, seriously)
I've probably misunderstood most of what you've said, you could be alot clearer with what you said (instead of mysteriously confusing.) so for now atleast, I'm watching you.

Pasonia wrote:

we've got a sizable number of players this so the first-day lynch doesn't really matter.
He might be an aux, yes, but what if he reveals his knowledge of the "who's who" to the assassins? That'll be baaaaaaaaad.
What sort of logic is that? If you think we should kill someone random and hope for the 33% (it's more like 27%, actually), then kill someone who hasn't said a word yet. Not someone who claims a strong role who, like adam said, actually has a chance of helping us.

I think we should lynch someone who hasn't talked yet. Someone who doesn't contribute is either a normal villager or an assassin. If you pick someone who hasn't posted yet, I'll say you get a 50% chance of killing an assassin.
RP time. :)

Jinxy watches the fight for the life of Kuu, the idiot that could help or harm.
"The last game was never this nuts."


Sir Minelli wrote:

About deleting posts. I disagree.

I know there are stupid lame posts with no sense. Unluckily or luckily, we already read them all.

Besides this forum IS for posting crap, even if doing so fucks up the entire game.

You can't delete posts. You will be messing with personal thoughts/ideas. Wouldn't be fair.

Don't get me wrong. I'm totally against "LameNotGameRelatedPostsWtfWereYouThinkingBeforePostingThis?"

I suggest a GAME RULE saying that the posts inside the game thread should relate to the GAME only and should focus on the development of the game, rather than focusing on bringing the game down.

This goes for everyone.
We can keep the idiotic posts, but the ones Im pissed about is the Item Creation posts. They are irrelevent and offer 0% help, compared to idiotic posts' 5% help.


commandhat wrote:

I really wouldn't expect that he'd be using radio as a source for his reason, I mean, he could just ignore it.
What radio?
JInxyjem, I would take the former of the your statement.

JInxyjem wrote:

Jinxy watches the fight for the life of Kuu, the idiot that could help or harm.

And thanks for still calling me Kuu.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

coming in as a nonplayer im really wondering why the heck people doubt Echo's logic when its perfectly easy to follow by anyone with half a brain regardless of his actual role. As he said, anyone could pick up a book on game theory and find all of that, or turn on their minds for a moment and realize it for themselves.

That is all.


Echo's logic makes sense but I'm going to go with nardi. I've got my eye on you Echo. *peers suspiciously*
I don't understand where this is going. How can you be able to tell the role of someone in day 1? There's no evidence to back up what anyone says. I mean, I'm not exact;y experienced at werewolf, but kuu just has it coming.
Damned I tried using my mobile to post.

Anyway, I saw most of what has been written here prior to getting home so I'll list out a few points.

1. I just don't like kuwarudo, like I said, no matter if he's an aux or not, I'll be happy to see him go. I'll feel better if I know that one of my votes helped in seeing him off this game.
2. Of course I'm civvy. The odds are 27% to be an assassin, like Echo said.
3. Echo, the way you defended kuwarudo is suspicious, after reading your defence and highly-charged comments. Firstly, without knowing if kuwarudo really is a civilianor not, why are you so eager to come to his defence? It works both ways to defend a person, you know, who's just claiming an important role, but you are SO sure that kuwarudo is an aux without even actually going through the first day. To me, that either means YOU are an assassin as well, or nothing else.

It all boils down to simpler logic than I earlier suggested.

Kuwarudo is human, and if you defend him and earn his trust, he might unwittingly become your ally and "spy" should he be human, and worse if he happens to be an aux.
Kuwarudo is an assassin, and you defend him because you know he is one.

Eight of us are still holding that wait-and-see approach. I guess they're being cautious. I won't, like a certain *someone*, just blindly suspect those people to be assassins simply because they are cautious. That's an even more haphazard approach than my suggestion to get a Cirno out of the game.
If he's human, he will die tonight. There's no question about that. Otherwise, Suburu will be able to name two assassins instead of just one. In other words, as long as Suburu's alive, we can't kill kuwarudo or Suburu.

If both of them are still alive by tomorrow, then whether we kill them or not depends on what the coroner tells us about the person we killed on day 2.

This isn't taking sides; it's just logic! Besides, bringing your personal emotions into the game as a "reason" to vote someone off sounds very wrong to me.

In summary:

Killing them hurts our chances at winning more than not killing them (for now).

Learn maths!
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foulcoon wrote:

The accused one usually doesn't get a say.
Kuu, where has all your PW memory gone to?
I forgot, sir.

Ah, I'm losing my mood to go here, maybe I should just ask Ace. *sigh*
Seriously, you guys...


JInxyjem wrote:


commandhat wrote:

I really wouldn't expect that he'd be using radio as a source for his reason, I mean, he could just ignore it.
What radio?
my version of "OOC". :P
Sir Minelli

Rolled wrote:

Sir Minelli wrote:

Vote Animask

No info available.

I will re vote against you if my theory is correct.
Is there any reason you don't want to share the theory with everybody else?
Won't say it now. But maybe if you read ALL of his posts, you will find out by yourself.
This is just a theory, therefore an abstract reasoning.

Personally i don't like to state something if i'm not at least 90% sure. And currently i'm 75%

-Sir Minelli munches an apple-
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