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G35 user here

failboat wrote:

30 bucks thrown away
King of Spades_old
30 bucks thrown away my ass.

Way better than my crappy old earphones.

The only thing that pisses me off about 'em is I couldn't get warranty on them because it wasn't available...

I have two pairs of Sony MDR-200s or whatever they're called.

They're pretty good. I'd get some noise-cancelling headphones but apparently you either spend $200+ or they suck

and apparently only meant for ambient noise

King of Spades wrote:

30 bucks thrown away my ass.

Way better than my crappy old earphones.

The only thing that pisses me off about 'em is I couldn't get warranty on them because it wasn't available...

Okay, well enjoy walking on the streets and looking like a tool and listen to the marvelous ten times below average sound quality.

failboat wrote:

Okay, well enjoy walking on the streets and looking like a tool and listen to the marvelous ten times below average sound quality.
While i reckon theyre POS if your only willing to spend $30 on headphones then i dont think sound quality is the biggest factor when buying em. Just let him have his piece of cake and be glad he didnt buy beats =p
You can get a pair of koss porta pro's for about the same amount of money.
I use an hd555 now.

but before that I used an px100

Arghhhnold wrote:

Just spoiled myself with Beyerdynamic DT990's =D
Also have Audio Technica AD400's, Beyerdynamic DT250's (borrowing off my sister for now), Westone 2's and an M-stage amp running out of an Asus Xonar STX.
Do love my audio (b^.^)b
Why low quality headphones on the audio output possible...

ampzz wrote:

Why low quality headphones on the audio output possible...
Hmmm, bit confused with your wording but theres not too much in my set up i'd consider low quality =(

Arghhhnold wrote:

ampzz wrote:

Why low quality headphones on the audio output possible...
Hmmm, bit confused with your wording but theres not too much in my set up i'd consider low quality =(
Indeed. They all sound like good headphones and components, other than the AD 400s. As far as I can tell, they're fairly low-rung.
So hey, my AD700s have arrived and they're fantastic:


D33d wrote:

So hey, my AD700s have arrived and they're fantastic:
Yeeee, those wings. :D

Nekoroll wrote:

D33d wrote:

So hey, my AD700s have arrived and they're fantastic:
Yeeee, those wings. :D
D33d and Nekoroll: WINGS OF JUSTICE

Tell me this: do you get much creaking with your pair, and if you do, do you put up with it during quieter moments or did you fix the creaking?

D33d wrote:

Nekoroll wrote:

Yeeee, those wings. :D
D33d and Nekoroll: WINGS OF JUSTICE

Tell me this: do you get much creaking with your pair, and if you do, do you put up with it during quieter moments or did you fix the creaking?
Sorry to disappoint you, but I've never experienced any of this creaking you speak of on my AD700s. They are pretty silent when I move around and put them on/take them off. I have a lot of cord noise if my cord happens to rub against my desk or something though.

Nekoroll wrote:

D33d wrote:

D33d and Nekoroll: WINGS OF JUSTICE

Tell me this: do you get much creaking with your pair, and if you do, do you put up with it during quieter moments or did you fix the creaking?
Sorry to disappoint you, but I've never experienced any of this creaking you speak of on my AD700s. They are pretty silent when I move around and put them on/take them off. I have a lot of cord noise if my cord happens to rub against my desk or something though.
In that case, they must be a bit worn. They were bought used and the box was in pretty bad shape. I'm assuming that the headphones wear out over time, but that shouldn't be anything that silicon spray couldn't fix.

Either way, expect some creaking at some point. :P

300$ :3
Steelseries Siberia V2

Need your muffin (Love) and that's a muffin ? O.o'
That's a muffin. A chocolate chip muffin.
Lucky ._.
Firo Prochainezo

-Kamui- wrote:

300$ :3
Why so expensive.
All of you are weak, also

the poot did you do

Natteke wrote:

the poot did you do
Gave up repairing them :P
Topic Starter
I use my iPhone's earphones now. On my NDS.

Natteke wrote:

Steelseries Siberia V2

that hole on the ceiling is sexy
Just bought this sexy
I'm not wearing it.

[/google search]

'coz I'm always saying "it's still new, it might be worn out early ;w;"

edit: oh, same with kamui's model *w*
Firo Prochainezo
Are those "Beats" headphones really that good? Is it really worth 300$?

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Are those "Beats" headphones really that good? Is it really worth 300$?
They're notoriously bad value for money, but that doesn't stop them from being popular. Mind you, I've never used them.
Firo Prochainezo

Jarby wrote:

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Are those "Beats" headphones really that good? Is it really worth 300$?
They're notoriously bad value for money, but that doesn't stop them from being popular. Mind you, I've never used them.
I always assumed they're popular because of the artist tag, but I see what you're trying to say.
They'd probably be worth it if they cost £50-100. Of course, that's not the reason why that nigger Dre whored himself out to a grossly overcharging company.
these :>

I hear that they have a really good sound for the price, albeit with quite a lot of bass. What are your thoughts?

Can't find the specific name of this version, but it's whatever the Bose in-ear headphones were when I bought them. I use earbuds because then I can have just one set, and I chose these because the ones with the round silicone tip are really uncomfortable and always fall out. Couldn't find any others which were comfortable and didn't fall out, and that's really all I care about.
Topic Starter

Drakari wrote:

Can't find the specific name of this version, but it's whatever the Bose in-ear headphones were when I bought them. I use earbuds because then I can have just one set, and I chose these because the ones with the round silicone tip are really uncomfortable and always fall out. Couldn't find any others which were comfortable and didn't fall out, and that's really all I care about.
they're fucking awesome
pretty amazing headphones in a

Soundblaster audigy SE 7.1 soundcard ^^
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