
Thinking of getting a tablet? Endless questions? Read this

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Warning: This will most likely take more than just a few minutes but is way faster than browsing around not knowing what to read nor where. Based in reviews from average players i read and comments/reviews from pro Osu! players. Always giving my own personal opinion/experiences (common player)

This will be most likely the most common questions (and answers) i've seen plus the ones i had myself, random thoughts about it and what not since you guys know is seriously hard to use the "search" option and people keeps making threads about this (which reminds me a seriously funny picture someone posted with a caption that said "Not this shit again." i was laughing my ass off haha)

First off is probably a set of questions of this kind:

What tablet is good? Which one should i get?

On personal experience i've only tried the Bamboo pen and tablet CTL 460 (which i read several reviews about them and i'm happy with it) and some pros i'vestalked seen around are actually using ( Rucker - uses an older version if i'm not wrong but is practically the same imo, i researched for some difference but i couldn't really find).

While browsing loads of threads here i saw that a good amount of players are also using the Intuos tablets and they are happy about them as well.

And well some other players that are using tablets i never heard of before (which i assume the previously had lol, no idea)

You can read a bit more from here about some tablets: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4825 (couldn't find the one i first read, there are way too many threads now lol)

What i read from a good majority of replies from players (in which i now agree) in several threads is that you do not need a $200 ~ $300+ tablet (if is just for osu! lol), you won't even use all the features of the tablet/pen (at least i never used to pen buttons and i don't think i will ever use them for osu!)

so to conclude: Depending on your budget and if is only for osu! a cheap one is just fine. quoting the popular responses "any get the job done."

Note: Depending on the brand of the tablet you can choose the size, so you will wonder what size is fine, which obviously the size affects significantly the price.
Most players (correct me if wrong, i'm getting my words from several topics i've read before) uses the smallest area you can use in the tablet (yes, you can adjust that and i'll cover that later on here) so that means the smaller size of the tablet is just fine.

What is the difference between them?
Basically... The features the tablet/pen has, which for osu in a general basis you will only use for aim and i HIGHLY doubt there is a difference between the feeling of them when moving. (someone who have tried more than just 1 tablet can correct me if wrong).

those are probably the most common questions people starts with, then it goes something like the next.

Will i have to use the entire are of the tablet? (if you didn't already assume you will have to)
No. you can make different set ups for the tablet. here is the thread that helped me a lot with the settings:

Do i tap the tablet with the pen to hit the circles or can i use the same way i use the mouse?
you can use your tablet to aim and z/x in the keyboard for the beats, or tap (make tablet-pen contact to left click) and x (or any other key for the right click). So basically yes, you can use the tablet just to aim.

Do you draw (making contact with the tablet) on the tablet to move or keep it on the air? (i had this question after watching some vids in youtube).
You can do both but i personally find it harder if you play making contact with it. with a tablet you don't really have to make contact, you can keep it on the air (obviously not far from the tablet) to move around.

Aaaand that is about it for common technical questions i think. If i'm forgetting some other common questions (which i probably did) feel free to tell me, i'll add them.

Then you may have some other questions involving game-play, game style, improvments and what not. I'll do this review-like not question-answer-like.

The starting -taboo- subject "tablet or mouse and which one is superior".
I'll offer you two different points of view from 2 pro well known players with different style.

Doomsday - Mouse user (this guy is epic with mouse haha)

KRZY - Tablet user (he is the only player i've seen who gave an objective review about "tablet vs mouse")
Literal quote from his review in the "Osu! Monthly 3rd Edition" (if you haven't check this magazine thing you should, is seriously good)
Written by: KRZY
Hi all, KRZY writing here. So, like most
of you, last month I enjoyed Doomsday’s
take on the two major input devices of
osu! gameplay, mouse and tablet. Being a
player who uses a tablet as his main playing
device instead of a mouse, I would
like to offer my view on the same matter.
I am someone who thinks tablet players
have certain advantages over mouse
players. In most cases, the tablet area corresponds
to the game screen in a proportional
way, meaning that a certain spot on
the screen is always the same spot on the
tablet area. This really helps when playing
particularly fast-moving or jumpy maps,
since by setting the tablet area so that you
can reach all corners of the screen while
fixing your wrist, you can enjoy a rather
stable gameplay, whereas the mouse is
likely to fly all over the place, forcing the
player to readjust at every break or so.
A stylus is also much more accurate than
a mouse (in most cases), since it has a
much more precise aim thanks to its tip,
compared to the mouse’s big flat bottom.
Tablets do, of course, have their downside.
Often it takes some time to adjust
to a tablet when one is accustomed to a
mouse, which is, from my personal experience,
quite frustrating. After a year of playing
with a mouse, I switched to a tablet on
June 2010. For the next three days, I had
to struggle to pass Normal difficulties when
I had been passing Insane difficulties with
a mouse a week before! Also, lots of people
have faster streaming skills with their
right hand compared to their left hand, and
while a mouse player can stream with his
right hand, this option is unavailable for a tablet
player. Some players overcome this problem
by incorporating tapping with the stylus
as well as the classic z/x (a recent example
would be TTTL, who has a couple of full combos
in 180bpm maps with DoubleTime mod),
but generally this would be a disadvantage to
tablet players.
Despite these downfalls, it seems to be
generally true that switching to a tablet after
spending some months playing with a mouse
to get a feel for the game helps you become a
better player. In my personal opinion, switching
to a tablet from a mouse sets in action a
positive feedback mechanism that helps one
become a better player overall: one gets better
at jumps, one is able to try faster, more
difficult maps (which, on average, contain
harder streams too), one gets faster fingers as
a result, and the loop repeats itself. While the
fact that most of the high-ranking players use
tablets as opposed to mice might not directly
prove that the former are superior devices, it
certainly shows a correlation.
And that, folks, was my take on tablet vs.
mouse. All comments or questions are appreciated!

Now from personal experience (i'm not even close to be pro) -common player-
I used mouse for 2 years and recently got my tablet. (i wasn't that interested because... you know "real men use mouse 8-) " or some people say so haha) and everything went EXACTLY how KRZY said. After playing insane songs i had to go to normal songs because i couldn't aim properly with the tablet (nothing that practice can't solve) i got completely used to it in probably 2 weeks.

I MUST tell you this... your hand/wrist will hurt like F**K after a few hours of playing at the beginning (i doubt i'm the only one who experienced this lol) but it goes away with the time.

About the improvement even i saw the improvement i had in the first week which was HUGE.
some tablet players will say is the "learning curve" but (not flamming or anything intended, this is personal and honest opinion) i will disagree. From barely FC'ing some insane songs i started FC'ed loads of them, i improved most (if not all) the records i had with mouse (which took me dozens of tries to get) with the 1st or 2nd attempt (not necesarely FC). And omg the spinners, gdam spinners. As a mouse player i can tell that this was a nightmare when they were insane songs and mixed super fast spinners and then really far away beats or really centered beats, the mouse control required to do that perfectly is ridiculous and the control you get from a tablet is just delightful.

Now i will make this clear.
Getting a tablet does not and will never make you better than a pro mouse player just because "the tablet is a magical tool that will magically make you pro", or worst, expecting to play like Cookiezi (ROFLx9000 @ that thought). If you dare to ask "why?" i'll pin point some of the obvious ones.

-You will NOT have enough control, aim.
-You will NOT have the skill to read complex maps.
-You will NOT have the necesary reflexes.
-You will NOT have the finger speed, timming nor stamina required for some insane songs.
lets pretend you are some natural talented player and you have epic control/aim. Just becase you can reach a beat does NOT mean you will be able to hit it on the right timming and lets face it not having a good timming is either 50 or most likely miss in a really hard/fast song making you fail after the first 20 seconds (if not less).

Do NOT expect to go from normal/hard songs (if you are at that level) to be able to FC or handle a lot of insane songs due to some of the points stated before.

I'll give you the best example:
If you ever played Pump it up or DDR in PC you most likely did it on the arcade machine and you will 100% agree with me. In PC you could play seriously and i mean seriously hard songs (using the keyboard) and when you went to the machine you could barely keep up with the start of the song before failing a few seconds after due to your lack of physical conditions required that are gained ONLY and ONLY by practicing in the arcade machine.

Granted, tablet will make you improve significatively but will not make you pro. Practice, practice and more practice is the key if that is your goal.

I'm pretty sure i'm forgetting something else (i forgot some ideas i had for being all focused on what i was actually typing lol) regarding self experiences but bah, most important stuff is here. If someone thinks i got something wrong or missing something, again, feel free to tell me and i will edit.

I'm pretty sure more than one will probably difer from my way of thinking, if you do, please keep the comments objective and constructive i made this based on the several hours i spent reading reviews and personal experiences to help players looking for information.

- Tablet will not make you instant pro. It may help but it pretty much depends on the player. Some people improve greatly after getting a tablet, some other don't, and many others never get used to it. So if you're just getting a tablet to "be a pro", just try understanding that it won't just happen like that.
- Spinners are not easier with tablet, overall the best spinners I've saw have been done by mouse players, and I know loads of average-bad mouse players that can spin over 430 easily after playing for 2 months.
- Some stuff is easier with tablet than with mouse, the same can be applied the other way around. Note snapping/jolting is done way more naturally with mouse than with tablet, it took me months to start doing this correctly and I still see many tablet players that can't do it properly. Why? What's this you ask? When you play with a tablet you tend to do circular movements, when you get a square you end up making like a circle, since it makes the path shorter and it's really natural to make a circle with a pen, this ends up making you inaccurate and to often get misses in any kind of pattern like squares, diamonds, etc. By playing with mouse you end up doing each shape properly since you don't tend to make circles, proved myself. But then again, with tablet doing other stuff like a sig-sag maybe is way easier than with a mouse, for example.

How long to get used to it? I got used to it after playing for 5 or 6 hours, but it can take weeks. And about how to play with a tablet, hover the pen + z x is the best imo, tap + x is better for streams I guess but sucks for jumps.

And get a Wacom one (Bamboo series are cheap and good enough, if you feel like tapping get an Intuos).
Sup A Noob
I wish those ignorants would just read this and shut the fuck up eternally on this matter. Good topic there.

In related news, remind me to kill those who buy tablets just for playing osu!

Hikaros wrote:

I MUST tell you this... your hand/wrist will hurt like F**K after a few hours of playing at the beginning (i doubt i'm the only one who experienced this lol) but it goes away with the time.
Thank goodness it wasn't only me.
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OzzyOzrock wrote:

Hikaros wrote:

I MUST tell you this... your hand/wrist will hurt like F**K after a few hours of playing at the beginning (i doubt i'm the only one who experienced this lol) but it goes away with the time.
Thank goodness it wasn't only me.
hahahaha nope not only you xD and it was seriously frustrating at the beginning cuz i wanted to keep playing but at some point the pain wouldn't let you play so it was better to take a break from playing for a while at that point lolol.

Wishy22 wrote:

tap + x is better for streams I guess but sucks for jumps.
the hell are you smoking? : O

tap+x is easy for jumps, fast streams are easy to do but ACCURACY IS A BITCH. If you want to get 95%+ accuracy on maps, don't use tap+x, you will regret it.

Oh, also you can't do 140-170bpm streams without terribly bad accuracy.

Also, I bought a tablet just for playing osu!, but because I tried before buying and it's fun as hell. My tablet sucks balls though, not that it was really a waste of money.
Insta pro nope, but I'm improving using tablet. I suck at mouse because i'm not familiar using my right hand as the primary hand and only can play normal using it. I think it really depends on your brain coordination on how to react against what you see on the screen.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Wishy22 wrote:

tap + x is better for streams I guess but sucks for jumps.
the hell are you smoking? : O

tap+x is easy for jumps, fast streams are easy to do but ACCURACY IS A BITCH. If you want to get 95%+ accuracy on maps, don't use tap+x, you will regret it.

Oh, also you can't do 140-170bpm streams without terribly bad accuracy.

Also, I bought a tablet just for playing osu!, but because I tried before buying and it's fun as hell. My tablet sucks balls though, not that it was really a waste of money.
Actually I said that based in TTTL. Saw him do some 270 BPM DTs with EPIC accuracy, getting long deathstreams with an SS that probably nobody except him can do (maybe Cookiezi or Rucker though), while I saw him play some other jumpy maps with DT were I could do way better. He didn't play it 500 times ofc, but saw him try Messiah with DT and he missed lots of things that lots of other players that are not even close to be as good as him can do. Plus you can see a video of him playing matzcore, you gonna see how he aces pretty much every stream and still miss quite a lot in every jumpy pattern you can find in that map.

And that stuff about you not being able to do 140-170 without having bad accuracy is completly up to you. When I started playing tablet and I couldn't so some slow streams, I tried using tap + x and I got them way better than with zx (with way better I mean almost SS), only did so in closely stacked stream (don't know how to call them) since if I had to follow the movement with the stream with tapping + x I would just miss everything (never played that style). Slow streams are hard for lots of players, for example me I can't do a damn 170-200 stream AT ALL while I can manage way better with faster streams like over 240 or slower ones like 150 160, that depends on the player I guess.

NeverDie wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I wish those ignorants would just read this and shut the fuck up eternally on this matter. Good topic there.

In related news, remind me to kill those who buy tablets just for playing osu!
But....I did that....

I feel bad that I'm asking for one for my birthday and the main reason I'm getting it is for osu :<
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rofl don't worry guys, i did too hahahaha. In fact i'm going for more. Getting a mechanical keyboard (Razor Blackwidow) soon (yup, just for osu! hahaha).

But hey! is like cookiezi said to this question "Speaking of tablets, how much of a role do you think equipment plays in being
good at osu!?"

About half of being good at osu! is what equipment you have, I’d say. For instance,
if I ditched my mechanical keyboard and went back to my rubber dome keyboard
now, I would not be able to Double Time anything above 160 BPM. Same goes for
tablet/mouse. There are, of course, players with mice who do amazing things, so
that’s why I say half.

Cookiezi wrote:

About half of being good at osu! is what equipment you have, I’d say. For instance,
if I ditched my mechanical keyboard and went back to my rubber dome keyboard
now, I would not be able to Double Time anything above 160 BPM. Same goes for
tablet/mouse. There are, of course, players with mice who do amazing things, so
that’s why I say half.
I will maybe switch to a better keyboard only if I can fc songs at approx. 160 bpm with dt, which approx. like 3% of all osu players can do.
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what is the point if you don't aim that high? xD changing to a gaming keyboard for osu is like changing from mouse to tablet lol ( besides i found playing with tablet way more fun than mouse). If anything helps and can afford it, why not? :P
mech board will help you if you hit your current cap with a normal board tbh.
if you switch to a mech board when you can't even use your rubber properly you'll be at the same level really.
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I'll gift it away if i can't even start to keep up with the speed of certain deathstreams ;)

besides that was a quote from what he said haha. a mech keyboard has way more adventages than just what he said. I thought you guys were going to look further into those words and not just stay and focus just in that, just stating 'one' of the things there. but anyways not intending to start a discussion about this lol.

Now that i realize it, this is getting off topic. lets stop here. This is a thread for tablet info not comparison between keyboards efficiency and what not.
i hav mech kb and i stream 400bpm 1/8 streams ez with 1 finger
You noob I can do over 5k BPM by just looking at it.
I can do 6k BPM with virtual keyboard
lol u guys sck hard since i have tablet i do fl dt hr hd banned forever SS fc
I don't know why but when I started playing tablet, it was VERY hard for me which is why I quit osu! last summer; I found hovering & smashing my keyboard too hard, no problem with the pen though, I never had any pain. :U
Gee, are we comparing bench presses or what?

I find it funny how Page 2's getting entirely off-kilter. Let's get back on track, okay guys?

(p.s. Thanks Hika <33)
I've been playing longer than most of my mouse friends and they're FCing songs I can't even pass. Tablet is far from the magical tool to become a 300bpm DT deathmap master; is it really that hard to grasp? Some people will improve, some won't.

I'm a veteran rhythm gamer and I still suck balls at osu!. Maybe I'm just bad at this game in particular.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I wish those ignorants would just read this and shut the fuck up eternally on this matter. Good topic there.

In related news, remind me to kill those who buy tablets just for playing osu!
why you kill me

edit: I also bought 2 mechanical keyboards that I'm gonna make some ghettoreds with just to play osu.

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Gee, are we comparing bench presses or what?

I find it funny how Page 2's getting entirely off-kilter. Let's get back on track, okay guys?

(p.s. Thanks Hika <33)

Also, I don't see a point in just buying a new keyboard JUST to stream on osu!. I also don't see a point in buying a 400$ tablet just to play this game but if you want..sure go ahead.
Consider buying a new laptop for the next month salary. Mainly for gaming (Osu! ftw <3 but not for sole purpose of gaming of course. My laptop kinda old anyway :cry:

Hika wrote:

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Gee, are we comparing bench presses or what?

I find it funny how Page 2's getting entirely off-kilter. Let's get back on track, okay guys?

(p.s. Thanks Hika <33)

Also, I don't see a point in just buying a new keyboard JUST to stream on osu!. I also don't see a point in buying a 400$ tablet just to play this game but if you want..sure go ahead.
You can get a tablet for well under 100 dollars. Within that price range, it's no different than buying Band Hero/Rock Band peripherals. Nobody seems to have a problem with that. What's wrong with buying a tablet just for osu?
That's not it, I mean, I have my own but the thought of spending 400$ on an expensive tablet..then having the person think 'oh well I'm going to be super pro if I use this!', seems pretty pointless to me.
You noobs buying stuff for playing this I pay some asian guy to play using my name so my e-***** grows bigger and bigger everyday.
mfw people cannot talk about skill without making every effort to subtly brag about their own.
it's the same as buying rock band peripherals
When I was a mouse user, it would take ages to get 100m points, but after reaching 400 after 5 months,
I got a wacom bamboo MTE450.

Since then I reached the #9999+ ranks within a matter of weeks and gained many top 40s (also achieving 500m points within a few days).

A tablet is definitely the fast track to becoming pro, but mice are harder and take much longer to become pro using, but once you do get good with one, you can get great accuracy with them as opposed to the tablet.

And as Cookiezi said in the osu!monthly, good hardware is half, skill and experience is the other half.
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i wouldn't buy a kb just to stream hahaha, i just liked the idea in general of a gaming kb besides the kb i have sucks haha. now about the tablet and mouse improvement thing is like what one guy said: some people are good with mouse and some are not. is all about the person i believe. as for me, it did help me improve a lot.

a matter of getting new equipment for a game is just efforts to try something different and improve. everything depends on the goals you have. some people (if not most) plays only for fun (which i do too) but i'm the kind of competitive player who wants to improve no matter what, if not, i would just play this game for like 1 hour a day if not less.

it is like this other game i play (Pangya) which is about golf online. you can play using math (which is hard as fck to do it properly) or just randomly shooting (guessing). People is ALWAYS in conflict there in how the game should be played but the ones who always complains are the ones who does not use math saying it is unfair and what not, but they have no idea how much effort, endless hours and study it takes, that is what makes the fun in the game for me.

people in this forum seems to love to troll. thought they would be more serious, kinda sad.
Believe it or not mechanical keyboards are really helpful if not just necessary for some stuff, but this thread is about hacks I mean tablets so not kb chat.
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NeverDie wrote:

Hikaros wrote:

people in this forum seems to love to troll. thought they would be more serious, kinda sad.
ROFL!!! dang! u got me there :<
Two days with the tablet, I was already beating older scores that I had with the mouse, and many beatmaps are getting easier to complete. I got the hang of it at the 1 hour mark, and got used to hover+zx in another. I haven't improved enough that I can do insanes (I was doing hards before) but I feel that if I sat down and forced myself to retry an insane, I would get it faster than with a mouse.
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i believe that's what a lot of tablet players call the "learning curve", which means it becomes easier to play haha but yeah, you still gotta play s--tloads to get better haha.

Just keep practicing and you will see yourself improving seriously fast.

Hikaros wrote:

i believe that's what a lot of tablet players call the "learning curve", which means it becomes easier to play haha but yeah, you still gotta play s--tloads to get better haha.

Just keep practicing and you will see yourself improving seriously fast.
Iunno, I only use like 3 hours to get used to tablet, about 3 days get to the new level. Maybe because I am more familiar using my left hand in this case.

JesusYamato wrote:

mech board will help you if you hit your current cap with a normal board tbh.
if you switch to a mech board when you can't even use your rubber properly you'll be at the same level really.
i'm the living example
well im a new member just start playing osu for bout 1 month going 2 month and im started to able to play some insane beat but my spin is really suck that after spin i will unable to control myself anymore so if the beatmap contain beat after spin i sure die so for this reason i think im going to tablet my point is mouse user need more effort to trian more than a tablet user???

Mithost wrote:

Two days with the tablet, I was already beating older scores that I had with the mouse, and many beatmaps are getting easier to complete. I got the hang of it at the 1 hour mark, and got used to hover+zx in another. I haven't improved enough that I can do insanes (I was doing hards before) but I feel that if I sat down and forced myself to retry an insane, I would get it faster than with a mouse.
i can also beat older scores with my mouse which i played with the same mouse.
just because you get a tablet does not mean you are automaticly better, it may also mean that you jsut got a bit better at the game and think the tablet was the reason.

i bought a new pc and since i have that new pc ive been FCing maps i couldnt FC before, does that mean the pc is the reason? no, it just means i got a bit better at the game.
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