
Hans Zimmer - Samara's Song

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Louis Cyphre
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 15 сентября 2011 г. at 20:56:22

Artist: Hans Zimmer
Title: Samara's Song
Source: The Ring
Tags: Morgan Koji Suzuki Daveigh Chase
BPM: 48,67
Filesize: 1009kb
Play Time: 00:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Darkness (2,78 stars, 47 notes)
  2. Lightness (0,7 stars, 26 notes)
Download: Hans Zimmer - Samara's Song
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
She never sleeps.
star but not star because i can't star

too short
Nice Map :3
Scary BG but oh well i like it :3


I hope you could help me doing a map some day :3
43 seconds and 2 diffies... There won't be many things to mod ;p Anyway:

  1. Set a preview point in this diff.
  2. 00:15:914 (3,1) - Avoid overlapping those sliders, as it is an Easy diff.
  3. 00:29:065 (1,2) - Same here.
  4. 00:38:106 (3,1) - ^
  5. 00:41:804 (2) - I'd silence the slider-ticks in this slider.
  1. 00:41:804 (1) - I'd silence the slider-ticks in this slider.
And another suggestion: It'll fit a fade out of the BG from 0:41:804 to 0:45:752. Include this image in your folder:

SB file
//Background and Video events
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
Nice job Louis, as always =)

/me shoots a star (if that SB doesn't work, calle me back to fix it... I haven't tried it while playing orz).
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
thanks Deif~
I played this one so i guess i'll die in 7 days :(
Please take my star, i don't need it anymore
goodbye guys...
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
good bye Shagg..., sorry i forgot to point it out in description...
всегда было early, в среднем от 1 до 6 мс. Хотя с таким OD можно и забить наверно.

00:06:867 (4) - добавь вистл
00:16:730 (4) - ^
00:41:798 (1) - вистл в начало и там как бы голос дальше есть, я бы реверс добавил. + без реверса весь смысл сб пропадает, затухающую тетку будет не видно из за эскейпа после конца диффы.

resnap all notes! 26 objects are unsnapped
00:06:873 (1) - добавь вистл
00:22:078 (2,4) - добавь 2 вистла
00:38:106 (3) - вистл в конец
00:39:339 (1) - вистлы в начало, в конец
ну и насчёт того же реверса, голоса и сб, как в даркнессе.

На звезду
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
забыл сказать, через 7 тебе крышка XD
Спасибо за моддинг
не страшно, у меня такой район, что так чуть ли не каждый день говорят :D

- Use a silence soft-sliderslide, because the song is really smooth and quiet. Download the sound here and paste in your song folder, don't forgot to use the custom hitsounds.
- Change the audio lead-in to 500 please. That's because when you play with doubletime starts very fast.
- Maybe you can use a spin in both difficulties, that's for not leave all the scores equal. You can add a spin at the end of the song and down the volume to 5%.
- Try to up the difficulty of "Darkness" to show a N in the scores page.


00:02:347 (1) Add a whistle at the start to be consistent with the hard difficulty.
00:41:798 (2) ^ Same



Really good job, I want to see it ranked soon.
Double Star ~

-- Add a silent slider slide? This song would suit it.


-- Difficulty name sounds weird to me. "Light" sounds better, but that's just my opinion.


-- Raise the drain to 10... I think you should increase the drain it's practically unfailable, and it's supposed to be creepy xD

Good map, got nothing else to add except my star =P
Enna Alouette
okok i mod it as i promised louis =w=
just NC problems ~

00:15:908 (3) - NC
00:17:141 (1) - remove the NC
00:19:607 (3) - NC
00:21:250 (1) - remove the NC
00:31:935 (3) - NC
00:34:401 (1) - remove the NC
00:38:100 (4) - NC
00:39:333 (1) - remove the NC

00:09:744 (1) - remove the NC
00:31:935 (1) - ^
00:39:333 (1) - ^

8-) 8-)
8-) 8-)
8-)' 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
8-) 8-)
I'm not sure about timing, but the last part is obviously off, consider finding a timing expert to double check the timing
And I think you can silence sliderslide sound, it sounds a bit noising sinice the music is quiet
here's a empty soft sliderslide sound
Download: soft-sliderslide.rar

short map, I think there's nothing much to mod more
Colin Hou
modded in IRC

here is the log
00:40 <Colin_Hou> : oh, now modding
00:40 <Louis Cyphre> : O_o
00:41 <Louis Cyphre> : , oh thanks man
00:41 <Colin_Hou> : the BG is 1024x728 o.o
00:41 <Louis Cyphre> : damn
00:41 <Colin_Hou> : seems like a mistake
00:42 <Louis Cyphre> : of course
00:42 <Louis Cyphre> : 768 should be
00:42 <Louis Cyphre> : one sec
00:42 <Colin_Hou> : and the sliderslide is a bit loud
00:43 <Louis Cyphre> : i heard that it's unrankable to add silenced sliderslider.wav
00:43 <Louis Cyphre> : or it's not true?
00:44 <Louis Cyphre> : if it's not true, i'll silenced one
00:44 <Louis Cyphre> : oh sec
00:44 <Louis Cyphre> : i'll ask BAT
00:44 <Colin_Hou> : silent both sliderslide.wav & slidertick.wav is unrankable as I see
00:44 <Colin_Hou> : but 1 of them is fine
00:44 <Louis Cyphre> : i asked osuplayer111
00:44 <Louis Cyphre> : let's see
00:45 <Louis Cyphre> : he said rankable
00:45 <Louis Cyphre> : well i'll add
00:46 <Louis Cyphre> : done
00:46 <Louis Cyphre> : and fixed BG
00:46 <Colin_Hou> : and slider velocity is not 3.00/1.80 in .osu
00:46 <Louis Cyphre> : ?
00:46 <Colin_Hou> : SliderMultiplier:2.99999990463257
00:47 <Louis Cyphre> : uh and what?
00:47 <Louis Cyphre> : it's just 1/10000000
00:47 <Colin_Hou> : not a big deal though, I wonder how that's made
00:47 <Louis Cyphre> : dunno
00:47 <Colin_Hou> : ;)
00:47 <Louis Cyphre> : maybe i fixed timing that happy30 said
00:48 <Louis Cyphre> : and it affected on SV
00:48 <Colin_Hou> : probably
00:48 <Louis Cyphre> : yea
00:48 <Louis Cyphre> : or song is cursed
00:50 <Colin_Hou> : the last slider's end is a bit off for the vocal
00:50 <Louis Cyphre> : yea i know
00:50 <Louis Cyphre> : asked several timing masters
00:50 <Louis Cyphre> : they said it's should be fine
00:51 <Louis Cyphre> : it's off vocal, but it's not off timing
00:51 <Louis Cyphre> : actually there is no beat at the very end of the vocal
00:51 <Colin_Hou> : yea, I'm just suggesting cance the whistle
00:51 <Colin_Hou> : *cancel
00:51 <Colin_Hou> : and make the volume for the ending circle lower
00:52 <Louis Cyphre> : good idea
00:52 <Louis Cyphre> : 5%
00:52 <Colin_Hou> : ye
00:52 <Louis Cyphre> : yea
00:52 <Louis Cyphre> : done

short map is short, bubbled
I redid the storyboard to include a fade in and save you 2.27 KB of filespace, which is probably silly but oh well.

- I think you could have possibly maybe managed three difficulties. But I suppose that's alright.
- Personally I don't like purely white circles, something like 222,222,222 looks nicer for me.
- The difficulty name "Lightness" seems a bit odd. Perhaps you could change them to like, [Light] and [Dark] or something.
- You should also probably keep those inheriting sections consistent between difficulties. It seems much lovelier and more consistent that way.

00:06:867 (1,2,1,2) - These two blankets could be improved.

That's really it. And then we all die.

Download: all the zombies in the house put yo hands
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
- I think you could have possibly maybe managed three difficulties. But I suppose that's alright.
Personally I don't like purely white circles, something like 222,222,222 looks nicer for me.
- The difficulty name "Lightness" seems a bit odd. Perhaps you could change them to like, [Light] and [Dark] or something.
I redid the storyboard to include a fade in and save you 2.27 KB of filespace, which is probably silly, but oh well.
- You should also probably keep those inheriting sections consistent between difficulties. It seems much lovelier and more consistent that way.
I'm so uncertain of myself all the time, ohoho. Oh well. Thanks for looking through it, at least.
Sorry that I'm being late...You're in my reserve list now.

Your message is too short.
It's already bubbled! :P

Great and horror...


and Your message is too short.
Hey Louis, I'm a bit late. (I'll try to mod your other pending too)

  1. Artist/Title: This is not the correct title, the correct title is "The Well", you can find the reference in (or Youtube)
  2. Length: IIRC when I talked to Derek about this, he told me that the min. length is currently 45s. I can offer 2 solutions:
  1. 1. Map a longer version of the song, there are many versions, the 1:30 one would be fantastic.
  2. 2. Add a Spinner at the end of map to increase the length a bit.
  1. Mapset: I can't find major problems, good job!
  2. Timing: Seems alright but sometimes feels sliiightly off, if you'd like to be sure try to get a Timing Expert.
Good luck, Louis!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Artist/Title: This is not the correct title, the correct title is "The Well", you can find the reference in (or Youtube) ? Only music is similar. But there is no vocal. Samara's Song can not be found in official OST disc of the "The Ring". I tried to get some official stuff, but i couldn't. So i think just Samara's Song is enough. If you can find official link i'd be glad. But i doubt that someone could do that. And i didn't find even search option on his official webiste.
I also didn't find anything here too

1. Map a longer version of the song, there are many versions, the 1:30 one would be fantastic.
There is no longer version of this song. 01:30 has 2 same loops. It's annoying

2. Add a Spinner at the end of map to increase the length a bit.
As you see there are no beats in the end of the song. Even final note has no beat. How can i add spinner on nothing?

Timing: Seems alright but sometimes feels sliiightly off, if you'd like to be sure try to get a Timing Expert.
What i already did before lol.

The minimum draining (play) time for a map is 30 seconds (but the recommended minimum is 45 seconds).
Draining Time: 0:39. Before submitting i asked several BAT's about length, and all of them said me: "Just Do It"

Thanks for modding Gonzo :P
even if i didn't watch the film, can i try mapping a 3rd diff?

EDIT: ended

Download: Hans Zimmer - Samara's Song (Louis Cyphre) [Remembrances].osu
  1. The mp3 seems to be much, much quieter than the 'average' of other osu! beatmaps. Any reason to not increase volume? The intro could also be faded-in to not sound abrupt.
  2. What about that difficulty above my post? Aren't you going to add it?
Just my two cents~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
About difficulty above: I've already discussed with author. About mp3, i didn't make it, it was made by Hans Zimmer. And including self changes would break 'original atmosphre'. Volume is not an issue. :p
Okay then, I guess the volume is acceptable. Have fun~
congrats Lucifer
Prepare for the most awesome scoreboard ever
- S a T o -
This is way too creepy. ._.
Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Only 32 #1's so far?

I am very, very disappointed in the lot of you. You oughta be ashamed of yourselves!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Original Girl
Excellent beatmap, sad that a short ...

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Original Girl
Thank you very much.
This is so hard ):
Grats btw
Firo Prochainezo
7 DAYS...
мапа отличная, как и песня. но короткая, вот что хреново.
всё, что нашёл:
MirotvoreC - Samara Song (The Ring Tribute)
4-х минутный кавер, вполне годный. може, захочешь сделать дольше версию)
Прекрасная мапка. Поздравляю!
Why am I slowly going up the list?
Are people getting removed?
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Of course, Have you seen The Ring movie? All gonna die after 7 days. DX

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Of course, Have you seen The Ring movie? All gonna die after 7 days. DX
But your first got removed on a difficulty and you're still alive :o

Don't tell me... you're a zombie!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
I've played and mapped it without eyes :3

Louis Cyphre wrote:

I've played and mapped it without eyes :3
I'm amazed that no one scored a permanent #1 on Taiko, even with the easiest diff. So I gave it a shot and... well, it does take me 40+ times to memorize all the notes on [Lightness] diff. :P

Next stop: [Darkness] on Taiko.
LUL now iam #1
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