
Hans Zimmer - Samara's Song

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Louis Cyphre
Artist/Title: This is not the correct title, the correct title is "The Well", you can find the reference in (or Youtube) ? Only music is similar. But there is no vocal. Samara's Song can not be found in official OST disc of the "The Ring". I tried to get some official stuff, but i couldn't. So i think just Samara's Song is enough. If you can find official link i'd be glad. But i doubt that someone could do that. And i didn't find even search option on his official webiste.
I also didn't find anything here too

1. Map a longer version of the song, there are many versions, the 1:30 one would be fantastic.
There is no longer version of this song. 01:30 has 2 same loops. It's annoying

2. Add a Spinner at the end of map to increase the length a bit.
As you see there are no beats in the end of the song. Even final note has no beat. How can i add spinner on nothing?

Timing: Seems alright but sometimes feels sliiightly off, if you'd like to be sure try to get a Timing Expert.
What i already did before lol.

The minimum draining (play) time for a map is 30 seconds (but the recommended minimum is 45 seconds).
Draining Time: 0:39. Before submitting i asked several BAT's about length, and all of them said me: "Just Do It"

Thanks for modding Gonzo :P
even if i didn't watch the film, can i try mapping a 3rd diff?

EDIT: ended

Download: Hans Zimmer - Samara's Song (Louis Cyphre) [Remembrances].osu
  1. The mp3 seems to be much, much quieter than the 'average' of other osu! beatmaps. Any reason to not increase volume? The intro could also be faded-in to not sound abrupt.
  2. What about that difficulty above my post? Aren't you going to add it?
Just my two cents~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
About difficulty above: I've already discussed with author. About mp3, i didn't make it, it was made by Hans Zimmer. And including self changes would break 'original atmosphre'. Volume is not an issue. :p
Okay then, I guess the volume is acceptable. Have fun~
congrats Lucifer
Prepare for the most awesome scoreboard ever
- S a T o -
This is way too creepy. ._.
Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Only 32 #1's so far?

I am very, very disappointed in the lot of you. You oughta be ashamed of yourselves!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Original Girl
Excellent beatmap, sad that a short ...

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Are there any original BG without blackout?
If yes, please upload. Thanks in advance.
Original Girl
Thank you very much.
This is so hard ):
Grats btw
Firo Prochainezo
7 DAYS...
мапа отличная, как и песня. но короткая, вот что хреново.
всё, что нашёл:
MirotvoreC - Samara Song (The Ring Tribute)
4-х минутный кавер, вполне годный. може, захочешь сделать дольше версию)
Прекрасная мапка. Поздравляю!
Why am I slowly going up the list?
Are people getting removed?
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Of course, Have you seen The Ring movie? All gonna die after 7 days. DX

Louis Cyphre wrote:

Of course, Have you seen The Ring movie? All gonna die after 7 days. DX
But your first got removed on a difficulty and you're still alive :o

Don't tell me... you're a zombie!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
I've played and mapped it without eyes :3

Louis Cyphre wrote:

I've played and mapped it without eyes :3
I'm amazed that no one scored a permanent #1 on Taiko, even with the easiest diff. So I gave it a shot and... well, it does take me 40+ times to memorize all the notes on [Lightness] diff. :P

Next stop: [Darkness] on Taiko.
LUL now iam #1
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