


tatatat -Flashlight-


-Flashlight- tatatat


hi fellow bocchi

Slyme -Flashlight-

wtf hey fl



i agree!


omg me too (still cis tho)

mais um fã brasileiro de san holo, nice!

worst decision in osu! history

nice interview!!

can you play it now?


é muito bom, ouve lá


9 star diff is now 8.98 :(

lol that's fine, thank you so much for playing my map!! :3


i can't be the only one who tries to sync the song preview with the gif

Uncanny long arms but it's good

BeatmapIn the Flame

such a classic map


back to say WHAT

thank you for ranking this. osu! needs more Crystal Castles.

man i do love [REDACTED] by Mirash

6th ratio

a normal map


hi fellow niko

i don't know much about 55x55 tbh, the only reason i said that is because their songs are huge classics in osu! (this song has 22 million plays in std) and it's nice to see classic osu! songs ranked again / ranked in other modes


ThatAvocado_Boi -Flashlight-

Maybe it's you, who thinks like that. But here, where the 55x55 channel was born, it's not as popular as it was, almost everyone moved on from it


i don't know much about 55x55 tbh, the only reason i said that is because their songs are huge classics in osu! (this song has 22 million plays in std) and it's nice to see classic osu! songs ranked again / ranked in other modes


BeatmapHaggstrom i'm not the one actively commenting on a map ranked 9 days ago 😭 hop off this comment section already


hop off this map 😭

smart girl -Flashlight-

ur notifications are the only reason im here 😭 hop off me fr

-Flashlight- smart girl i'm not the one actively commenting on a map ranked 9 days ago 😭 hop off this comment section already


like 0.01% of people care about C418 outside minecraft lol. but you can map it if you want

smart girl -Flashlight-

hop off me bro 😭

-Flashlight- smart girl

hop off this map 😭

smart girl -Flashlight-

ur notifications are the only reason im here 😭 hop off me fr

-Flashlight- smart girl i'm not the one actively commenting on a map ranked 9 days ago 😭 hop off this comment section already


can you please don't outright lie thank you


idk what you consider an e set but counting only sets that have a single blue diff, i've nominated 3 of them which is around 5% or 1/20th of maps, extremely low. even if it was 1/5th that's still a pretty low number and my comment is still very accurate: "I rank many songs harder than these, it's not like every single thing I've nominated is an E set."

so you didn't make any point at all here


amazing argument

smart girl -Flashlight-

you literally reported me to a nat instead of actually arguing with me stfu

-Flashlight- smart girl

can you please don't outright lie thank you


lol sorry i didn't recognize it


please refer to - I don't see how ranking a single E set means "taiko is dead" (and I don't know how mania enters the equation)

slackk -Flashlight-

lol my response was referencing greenhues comment on e ( I am all for this level being ranked i was kidding.

lol sorry i didn't recognize it


"strong reflection on how far taiko has fallen as a mode"

I've passed my eyes on the last ~100 ranked maps in taiko and I can confidently say around 99% of them have at least an Oni as the top difficulty, but most of them have an Inner. There are songs of every single genre in there too. Unless your standards are extremely high for what is considered "high effort" and "adding [something] to the ranked section", I don't see how ranking a single E set in a multitude of high-star maps means "taiko has fallen as a mode". At the very least, this is an exaggeration. There are thousands of "high-effort maps" to choose from if this is not your cup of tea. And I rank many songs harder than these, it's not like every single thing I've nominated is an E set.

I'd say 90%+ of BNs never rank this kind of set. They are extremely rare. I don't see what's wrong with ranking them once in a while, especially with such a good song. A rule preventing E sets from being ranked was never in effect and still isn't. If anything, taiko had sets like this more frequently years ago than nowadays, so I can't see how it's "falling".

smart girl -Flashlight-

so far a 1/5th of ur maps are e sets just to let you know (that you've nominated)

-Flashlight- smart girl

idk what you consider an e set but counting only sets that have a single blue diff, i've nominated 3 of them which is around 5% or 1/20th of maps, extremely low. even if it was 1/5th that's still a pretty low number and my comment is still very accurate: "I rank many songs harder than these, it's not like every single thing I've nominated is an E set."

so you didn't make any point at all here


"a single difficulty map that likely took less effort than most things that never reach ranked do"

I definitely agree - there are many full-spread (maybe KFMOIU) sets that are 3+ min that don't get the attention of BNs, for example. However, effort doesn't necessarily have to be the most important measure to accept or reject maps. Sure, you can do that if you want, but that shouldn't be forced on any BN. BNs still have preferences like song, difficulty, length, etc, and they can prioritize any of them particularly if they want to. In my case, I tend to prioritize the song. If someone sends me a KFMOIU set with a banger song, I will probably accept it, but if I don't like it, I probably won't accept it. The exact same thing applies to E sets.

It's very sad to read your comment about connections. Just as I don't care "about the time a mapper spent placing notes in the editor", I don't care about who the mapper is. If a random person sent this exact map to me, I would accept it. In fact, you can see in my osumod that Minecraft OST has a "very high acceptance rate" along with other video game OSTs and other types of songs. I've actually just opened it for mappers with zero ranked maps because I want to help them get their first ranked. I get more joy from doing that instead of nominating maps from known mappers. I can guarantee the only thing that motivated me to nominate this was the song. I hate having to mod maps where I dislike the song, because I find it really hard to find motivation to mod them when that's the case.


My Movie isn't even a song. Haggstrom is one of the best songs in the Minecraft OST (in my opinion, of course). At the very least, it's the OST of what is one of the highest-selling games of all time. It adds a nostalgic song to the ranked section.

I couldn't care less about the time a mapper spent placing notes in the editor. I just want to rank the songs I like, and this is one of them.

I can't understand the hate with low-star-only maps / E sets. New players can play them - considering how popular this song is in the Minecraft OST, I suspect many people will come from other modes to play it. Higher-ranked players can put mods if they want to. And if you don't like the map, you can just not play it. I don't see anything wrong or negative in this map getting ranked. What's the disappointment? I genuinely don't get it.

What I also don't like about this kind of argument is that what we're saying here is basically "C418 - Haggstrom is banned from being ranked", since it's impossible to go above a Kantan for this song. That is nonsense. All songs should be rankable. Some songs will deserve an Inner Oni top diff and others will deserve a Kantan top diff, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Lumenite- -Flashlight-

"I couldn't care less about the time a mapper spent placing notes in the editor."

see this is what's so sad, regardless of the audience or "nostalgia" of the song, i grew up on Minecraft, and trust me i know the nostalgia that haggstrom brings to myself as a middle school student. but at the end of the day what this is, is a single difficulty map that likely took less effort than most things that never reach ranked do, and it's just a plain insult that connections to bns or anything like that allows you to map something so low effort and so simple like this. sure you might like it, but being tone deaf to the fact that this map is objectively low effort and adding very little to the ranked section is a sad, strong reflection on how far taiko has fallen as a mode

-Flashlight- Lumenite-

"strong reflection on how far taiko has fallen as a mode"

I've passed my eyes on the last ~100 ranked maps in taiko and I can confidently say around 99% of them have at least an Oni as the top difficulty, but most of them have an Inner. There are songs of every single genre in there too. Unless your standards are extremely high for what is considered "high effort" and "adding [something] to the ranked section", I don't see how ranking a single E set in a multitude of high-star maps means "taiko has fallen as a mode". At the very least, this is an exaggeration. There are thousands of "high-effort maps" to choose from if this is not your cup of tea. And I rank many songs harder than these, it's not like every single thing I've nominated is an E set.

I'd say 90%+ of BNs never rank this kind of set. They are extremely rare. I don't see what's wrong with ranking them once in a while, especially with such a good song. A rule preventing E sets from being ranked was never in effect and still isn't. If anything, taiko had sets like this more frequently years ago than nowadays, so I can't see how it's "falling".

smart girl -Flashlight-

so far a 1/5th of ur maps are e sets just to let you know (that you've nominated)

-Flashlight- smart girl

idk what you consider an e set but counting only sets that have a single blue diff, i've nominated 3 of them which is around 5% or 1/20th of maps, extremely low. even if it was 1/5th that's still a pretty low number and my comment is still very accurate: "I rank many songs harder than these, it's not like every single thing I've nominated is an E set."

so you didn't make any point at all here

-Flashlight- Lumenite-

"a single difficulty map that likely took less effort than most things that never reach ranked do"

I definitely agree - there are many full-spread (maybe KFMOIU) sets that are 3+ min that don't get the attention of BNs, for example. However, effort doesn't necessarily have to be the most important measure to accept or reject maps. Sure, you can do that if you want, but that shouldn't be forced on any BN. BNs still have preferences like song, difficulty, length, etc, and they can prioritize any of them particularly if they want to. In my case, I tend to prioritize the song. If someone sends me a KFMOIU set with a banger song, I will probably accept it, but if I don't like it, I probably won't accept it. The exact same thing applies to E sets.

It's very sad to read your comment about connections. Just as I don't care "about the time a mapper spent placing notes in the editor", I don't care about who the mapper is. If a random person sent this exact map to me, I would accept it. In fact, you can see in my osumod that Minecraft OST has a "very high acceptance rate" along with other video game OSTs and other types of songs. I've actually just opened it for mappers with zero ranked maps because I want to help them get their first ranked. I get more joy from doing that instead of nominating maps from known mappers. I can guarantee the only thing that motivated me to nominate this was the song. I hate having to mod maps where I dislike the song, because I find it really hard to find motivation to mod them when that's the case.

bro what

if a new mapper sent me this exact same map the way it is rn I would've accepted it. i don't care at all about who is mapping it, i care about the map.

wdym "song choice doesn't matter", is this song objectively bad? everyone has different opinions about what song they like and want to nominate, i personally like meme songs (this) and mainstream pop songs (that would be the original) so there's nothing to do with "being relevant" here

Minion24 -Flashlight-

my comment was made with basically a thought of a new mapper sending this song as a first (or second maybe) attempt of ranking it, they would surely encounter a wall at getting mods because most people (afaik idk if that changed or not) would reject this map because of the song choice

that being said, my fault on the "being relevant" part, that was a bit of an exageration from me but (as i said to maxie as well) this was written in kind of an impulse

-Flashlight- Minion24

if a new mapper sent me this exact same map the way it is rn I would've accepted it. i don't care at all about who is mapping it, i care about the map.

should be 2022-08-29 btw


should be 2022-08-29 btw