
oh look, competition!

it is what it is

This is extremely tempting....


Beatmaptrans rights

Oh, you have birthday this month, too?


Now you have to live with my Yggdrasil map forever!

With the next season, we plan to transist from article-esque format with description to map showcases in a livestream and VoD format

The maps remain to be chosen for their excellence. The best mappers remain to be rewarded and we plan to expand on that, too.

Uberzolik Loctav

eh, what i meant was the article-esque format with descriptions for each map. it aint really the same anymore when it's just a list, imo

Loctav Uberzolik

With the next season, we plan to transist from article-esque format with description to map showcases in a livestream and VoD format

Ofc you can leave your feedback regarding that in the Spotlights feedback thread, even if it just concerns the scoring rules of lazer generally.

afaik it has actually only loved because of my Oni lol


hold up, Frostmourne map?

There are different kinds of competitions to be interested in. I think some may like the thrive for aim and speed and others would appreciate an alternative to the current meta. And while lazer has no real "incentive" to be tooled with right now other than enjoying the game, we aim to provide said reason with our rework!

We are preparing the season in advance, so a weekly release does not get interrupted.

Like what? The last time I tried lazer out, all four game modes were not unplayable. The only thing that was a bit odd was catch's hyperdashes part, but it is being actively worked on. If you find gameplay bugs, make sure to report them as issues on GitHub!

If you are not overly attached to Performance Points gameplay, I personally find osu!lazer the way more enjoyable version of osu!. Consider checking it out!

Secre Loctav

the problem comes when sidemode players (like the person being responded to) try to play their gamemode on lazer and its still unplayable due to bugs

Loctav Secre

Like what? The last time I tried lazer out, all four game modes were not unplayable. The only thing that was a bit odd was catch's hyperdashes part, but it is being actively worked on. If you find gameplay bugs, make sure to report them as issues on GitHub!

Our curation will deliberately curate content for Hard, Insane and Extra+ difficulty tiers, as we will move on to curate specific difficulties instead of whole beatmap sets. At least that's the plan right now.

It will give people a very good reason to take a look at osu!lazer! All game modes are playable and functional with this league, too.

First, we plan to prepare the entire pool for the whole season in advance and release them incrementally. We will put a focus on newest creations, but given the entire league spin, we will have to consider revisiting older beatmaps, too!


Are you implying that experienced mappers are being given more leeway unfairly? Or that experienced mappers are more likely to be believed in their artistic intend than people who have never shown any evidence whatsoever that they are aware of what they are doing? At first, this might appear biased and unfair but would you entrust experiments to people who know when they are being experimental or would you entrust experiments to people that do one by sheer happenstance without being fully aware of what the ups and downs of their own creation are? Mapping is a social game and establishing yourself in a social environment is crucial to find yourself and your actions more accepted. This is how society works. And I find it fair that people first have to proof and establish that they are knowing what they are doing before they confront this community with controversial and experimental content where it is uncertain whether this is good or bad.


First and foremost, maps are created to incorporate the content the mapper wants to see being shared with everyone. Ideally, this also pleases the audience, too, but isn't a necessity. Mappers create things with the idea that they want to see something like this Ranked. If you want to see something else Ranked, do not tell people to adjust their creations to your desires but rather map it yourself. That way, we simply can have both visions present and we have a typical win-win situation and everyone can play the variant they prefer themselves the most and can ignore the other.


are you actually beginning to criticize something definite here or are you just complaining that nobody treats your criticism with full acceptance without even mentioning what you criticize about the map itself. It not being made for "public" is as big of a question mark as calling community members "customers"

Nomination Assessment Team. pishifat didn't have the chance to update his website yet and will do so, soon!

this is great

knock yourself out



The wiki article might take a few minutes to be published!

Pipi means "pee" in German, too. So what?

I think blue for catch and purple for mania. Don't quote me on that though.

if it was a false positive, you have nothing to worry about.


oh you found a better BG, gj :'D


my god, this is a good one. finally.

you wish!
let's mutually gift it to aEoNNzR if that happens ;D

What the fuck.

We decreased the value of individual bananas from 500 to 350. (on CE only right now, will move to stable before tournament picks up, for sure)

> Peppy
> Flyte
> P
> F


> Tired of circlejerking
> bring the CAT back please

find the mistake

I think you can never make it pleasing everyone, ha

Why would that be related to envy?

Your's is probably the only not-disappointment in the entire line-up :D

The Taiko votes have a really good taste....

Rejoice ! At least Taiko is the only mode that doesn't have a super-hyped-map as #1 just because it's hard.
*keeps his pride*

Loctav Juuryoushin

I hope you did see the old diff name before making that comment.


people feel like they need to express their personal opinion about me instead of my map via the votings.

I am basically Shiirn. hi Shiirn.


Sorry that you have to spend your precious free-time entering maps you don't care about in order to insult people you don't know about things you don't care about, too.


I am sorry that you have to carry out your hate against me here.

his post said something different. dat sneaky edit.


his post said something different. dat sneaky edit.