At least this kind of comments can be a feedback, because you actually pointed what was the issue on the map so it's not just a hating. I think players have their own rights to show their dissatisfaction like this, because they are players, not a modders. If the players have less knowledges and some usage of mapping words to explain then I think it can be considered as they did their best to show their opinions. It's really nice to see how players feedback a map.
Oh, of course as Deif responsed it would be 'better' if you wrote some kinda more options like 'stream designs in kiai part were awkward', '1/2 and 1/4 jumps in 00:99:999 were blahblah' but it shall be really hard and complicated for player's sight. No all players can control the editor and know about bpm, beats, and the other musical knowledges.
I try to prioritize having a good gameplay (eg balanced jumps, flow, etc) rather than making my mapsets "pretty". My apologies if you didn't enjoy it, but I'd be more than thankful if you could help me by pointing out the exact spots you found specially "goddamn ugly" as you stated, so I can work on them and improve in my future mapsets :D
I felt i was a bit rude, sorry for that. It's more of that the sliders are so uneven and the hyperchains. I'm not a fan of patterns having varying spacing even though the rhythm is the same.