
Please ppy let our high-ranking Lazer plays show up in "Recent" in our profile T-T Lazer players be like: "This user hasn't done anything notable recently!" <--- This is a like a punishment for switching!


wicked set


Guys for real can someone tell me what Combo colour normalization does? Its not on the Wiki and no one Ive asked knows either

nyan5000 Halliday

basically: when the colors for the hitcircle are too bright/dark, it will normalize them to make it readable

Halliday nyan5000


Im thinking Neuro Neuro oo ee ooo

thank you pp. please merge leadearboards next.

Good thing I grabbed a Taikonator before, now I have one of only 227 in the world, I love him

el psy kongroo

banger song

Godspeed, these changes have been a long time coming, thank you ppy!


ChangelogWeb 2024.724.0

So Daily challenges stats in the website before actually having Daily challenges in the client (?) Or am I missing something

There is a concerning lack of Taikonator in these entries. Never forget the true winner of the Taiko mascot contest.

She is so based for this

Okay, fine. Can he explain specifically why he thinks the map is bad then? The rhythms in this map can indeed be difficult or frustrating to decipher for a new player, especially if they are used to more standard mapping, however, that doesn't necessarily make them bad.

Okay gracias bro, estuve todo este tiempo con el pendiente


cute fingers


This has been explicitedly denied by ppy since the beginning of the program, of course they will always prioritize promoting beatmaps for their official artists from now on, but that's it, osu! will always be free-to-play. You have nothing to worry about, just enjoy the new Featured Artists.

I would like to elaborate but I no longer remember what I was trying to say here

Beatmap7 Senses

Minami Tanaka still the GOAT

congrats man

BeatmapSilver Dream

this should have a million plays but ya'll sleeping

ChangelogStable 20220323

Yes, you get the bundled maps plus a random selection, which is picked from a dedicated pool of FA maps, new osu! installs don't have the exact same starting beatmaps now, I noticed this after having to reinstall osu! a few times due to PC issues

We can finally bring this meme back now

Doco now gets to have a Ganyu on his profile forever, thats awesome

okay 6 digits

peter_greggo Halliday

ad hominem

Halliday peter_greggo

Okay, fine. Can he explain specifically why he thinks the map is bad then? The rhythms in this map can indeed be difficult or frustrating to decipher for a new player, especially if they are used to more standard mapping, however, that doesn't necessarily make them bad.


That was quite a thrilling experience, excellent work!

This is actually amazing

Hey, you shouldn't care too much about the opinion of players who clearly don't have neither enough skill nor experience to judge your map fairly. After FC'ing all diffs, I can safely say this to Elayue and all of the guest mappers: You did a very nice job, be proud :D

now this is a vibe


oh god don't do me like this

that's new for me, thanks for the fact


What I love about this mapset is that while the first two difficulties are mapped exactly to the rhythms and melodies you would expect, the top difficulty challenges those expectations by focusing on back-up arrangements (like the bassline, riffs with the supporting guitar, synths) which might otherwise be overlooked! By drawing your attention to these elements, it takes you on a journey through a song you thought you knew offering a fresh perspective! Or at least that's how I experienced it... Excellent work! (I noticed the top diff got some hate in the comments, so I'm backing up my opinion with a 99.89% accuracy HD FC ;D)

iamalolz Halliday

What I love about this mapset it's that while the first two diffs are mapped to exactly the rhythms and melodies you are expecting to be mapped, the top diff challenges those expectations and takes focus on back-up arrangements that would otherwise get likely ignored; bringing your attention to them takes you for a journey into a song you thought you knew with a whole new perception of it. Excelent work! (I'm noticing in the comments that the top diff got a lot of hate, so I'm backing up my opinion with a 99.89% acc HD FC :D)

Halliday iamalolz

oh god don't do me like this

The hitsounding on this set is top notch, I love it!

are we not even pretending we don't know anymore? lol

This should be the standard mapping style for heavily vocal songs <3

why YES I do love jazz thank you very much

no, you are just bad

BeatmapDark Water

This is how great mapping could be, but people like pp farming too much

Como puedes decir eso cuando justo en esta ocasión eso no ocurrió? lol

F for the people who play without storyboard and using fully black and white skins, they dont know what they are missing

I need a JezoensiS map ASAP T-T Its so goooood

wub wub

Este mapa se debe de jugar todos los dias a la media noche


I love this map so much

BeatmapTiny Stars

omg yes


This map is on a league of its own


This map is on a league of its own