Okay, fine. Can he explain specifically why he thinks the map is bad then? The rhythms in this map can indeed be difficult or frustrating to decipher for a new player, especially if they are used to more standard mapping, however, that doesn't necessarily make them bad.
What I love about this mapset is that while the first two difficulties are mapped exactly to the rhythms and melodies you would expect, the top difficulty challenges those expectations by focusing on back-up arrangements (like the bassline, riffs with the supporting guitar, synths) which might otherwise be overlooked! By drawing your attention to these elements, it takes you on a journey through a song you thought you knew offering a fresh perspective! Or at least that's how I experienced it... Excellent work! (I noticed the top diff got some hate in the comments, so I'm backing up my opinion with a 99.89% accuracy HD FC ;D)
What I love about this mapset it's that while the first two diffs are mapped to exactly the rhythms and melodies you are expecting to be mapped, the top diff challenges those expectations and takes focus on back-up arrangements that would otherwise get likely ignored; bringing your attention to them takes you for a journey into a song you thought you knew with a whole new perception of it. Excelent work! (I'm noticing in the comments that the top diff got a lot of hate, so I'm backing up my opinion with a 99.89% acc HD FC :D)
This map is on a league of its own