i Hit the Ending ! !
Beautiful map <33 StoryBoard is goodd Too, very ColorFul @ End but kill My Poor lap-Top to 40fps so I have 2 Turn off To get my Pass :(
Kino. Bone chilling, spine tingling, slow burn, sharty saving gemerald.
USE#WS nbin Binjo UCULARS U&M Mrek I know U there I know U tehre I Se with MY BINcfoular CLOSE UP Vision . MREK . k . Litsen. WE gonna Do Doubblerrr tme Go run It Go QUick and BAbabABBAAB on all The Jumping NWO You get like SoooOoooo Much PPP like HARUMACE CLover but SUPERMAN mode. SUPERMAN CLover. COME . ON. MRekk. CHJEERS u ON Letss Gooo MREKKKK OK . . . I WIll Be Sat Here .
MREK GO GO GO O OG MREKK GOGOGOGOGOGGOL mrek Go Mrek Go mrek go go go o go g mREK GO now NMREK GO) now Mrek FC It nOW MREKKK IM WAITING Tapping Foot TAPpin jFOot* TAPPing FOot* Ummm REKKK MREKK o MRkek GOo mrekk Go ALL MODS ALL MODS H DDTFFLLFJKRHRHHR ROOOO GOOO OGOO 1540000 PP GO NOW MREKK helkllOOO IS THIS THING ON MREKK Hey . >> He.yu MREKK >?? !?: !"? !? !@
USE#WS nbin Binjo UCULARS U&M Mrek I know U there I know U tehre I Se with MY BINcfoular CLOSE UP Vision . MREK . k . Litsen. WE gonna Do Doubblerrr tme Go run It Go QUick and BAbabABBAAB on all The Jumping NWO You get like SoooOoooo Much PPP like HARUMACE CLover but SUPERMAN mode. SUPERMAN CLover. COME . ON. MRekk. CHJEERS u ON Letss Gooo MREKKKK OK . . . I WIll Be Sat Here .
I choke on LAST note .... maybe Is Only possible For 4 Digit . . .
"GYZE isn't the only renowned metal artist we've got on the docket for this month"
oag draogofn fdrago doago dor DRAGe Drageon DRAGA FORRRRRRRRRRRRkkkkkcccc eeeeeeee
FGSKY | Hirawara Yui - Amefuri [Final Performance] HDDTHRFL (92.81%) 10.38☆ 2 miss 435/460 #2 | 1532PP (NEW STD PP RECORD)