
Then this lacks of TV size, frankly.

Not seperating the votes was not my call. I asked for it but it wasn't done. Stop shooting the messenger.

It's not THAT bad, okay?

Locatv, it IS bad. Please don't pretend it isn't.

Let's put it this way, ok? A box of chocolates has white, black, milk and chocolates with nuts. The milk chocolates are produced only to be bitter as hell. And then everyone who doesn't like the milk chocolates don't buy that box, but everyone else who likes the white, black and nut chocolates buy it, making it the most popular box.

tl;dr: The votes for Taiko, CtB and Mania are pure bullshit. There are some much better sets than these.

Separate the votes next year. And it's simple as fuck, right? Just another Google Doc. If even that's a hassle, how can you even gain respect from some of the community who already hate you?

Loctav Nakano Itsuki

Not seperating the votes was not my call. I asked for it but it wasn't done. Stop shooting the messenger.

afaik, we never had an anime song in the #1 in the Best of Votings.

Also, to figure if we can do 3v3 or 4v4. But yes, we will most likely determine a captain (based on who passes and who is considered as proper captain - also considering if they have been captain already or took some sort of responsibility already), albeit temporarily. This captain can pick from a ready-list and form his team. This seemed the most fair way to do it without pillorying the ones who may did not pass the security checks.


You may read the judge responses to this beatmap.


Only in certain occassions, whereas the contest is one of them.


You may rethink what "ranked beatmap" means. Always consider, ranked beatmaps are no more and no less than "official osu! beatmaps", approved by the staff and/or community to be considered as such - and therefore being granted a ladderboard. It's just logical that winners of official contests get the favor of being finally also a part of the official osu! beatmap collection.




Definitely, you are.

Yauxo Loctav

Care to explain?

Loctav Yauxo

You may read the judge responses to this beatmap.


Why it got ranked? Especially because it WAS part of the contest that promised it to be approved. Read the contest rules. This is an official contest, therefore we consider the winner of it as one of osu!s official beatmaps, hence an approval one, reserved for marathon or gimmick maps. (which is the original intend and purpose of the approval category)

Kamikaze Loctav

So since approval section is reserved for gimmick maps as well, are we going to see more of maps like this one approved in future? I mean will it be possible, because atm every attempt is shot down and we keep getting told that approval is for marathons only

Loctav Kamikaze

Only in certain occassions, whereas the contest is one of them.

Zak Loctav

I still don't really agree with it, but whatever I guess... It's not my call after all.

Loctav Zak

You may rethink what "ranked beatmap" means. Always consider, ranked beatmaps are no more and no less than "official osu! beatmaps", approved by the staff and/or community to be considered as such - and therefore being granted a ladderboard. It's just logical that winners of official contests get the favor of being finally also a part of the official osu! beatmap collection.

Since this was a creativity contest, we decided to give the "Creativity" part a higher value and impact by doing this.

now I am hungry. Thank you.


This has been fixed so not only time travellers can join the RO16

It is clearly stated to be either NHI or ENH.

Yes, both are needed.

You can only submit .osu files. Therefore: no.

how is that appropriate

Charles445 Loctav

It needs clarification on easiest difficulty requirements

Loctav Charles445

It is clearly stated to be either NHI or ENH.

Standard only, yes.

I will look into this. There is something iffy going on with some borderline ranks.

Why do people have to screenshot that stuff? It's already fixed .-.

You do know that it was me actually posting it?

Go! Go! Register!

It happens all the time :P

In Summer. Please refer to the World Cup Tournament Schedule here:

Exactly. Every sub community is obligated to sort out this issue within themselves. If no agreement has been met, internal algorithms decide about who gets accepted and who not.

Tachibana Loctav

has it happened before? regardless at least i have my answer :D

Loctav Tachibana

It happens all the time :P

Please do not forget to send me a confirmation forum PM after filling out the form! That is very important, else your registration can not be considered!

The score in charts differs per map based on star rating. This has been implemented by woc to make the maps weighten differently. This only happens on the chart and is intended behavior.

There is no score bug?

There is a score bug again. If you will notice there are only 10 mania maps and the maximum score should be only 10M. The 1st placer got 14M. Seems like maps with other mode difficulties gives off scores :/

Loctav arcwinolivirus

The score in charts differs per map based on star rating. This has been implemented by woc to make the maps weighten differently. This only happens on the chart and is intended behavior.

They received supporter tag.

Detailed results can be found here. Please check the bottom tabs to change view.

You misunderstand the idea of a "top of the month" ranking.

Time to contact them, uh? :P

You should create a team then? :D

Stefan Loctav

I have no idea how. I mean Austria obviously do not have enough qualified player (also do not count as good one since I am really bad wwwww) so.. the only potential player in Austria are LittleMagic and Neko Necro but both probably won't practiciate and/or are semi-quit at least. :c

Loctav Stefan

Time to contact them, uh? :P

Well. It contains maps of November.

No and no

Yes and yes.

A trophy that you can put on your bookshelf or into your glass cabinet - whatever you prefer.

There will be osu!mania World Cup. But this is only about osu! World Cup self. MWC will start in August next year.

Use the form to suggest maps.

It's not a map that can be played properly for tournament purposes.


Please use the form to suggest maps.

Unsubmitted and unranked maps tend to not have the quality approval of the staff and therefore can't be used.

That's not needed. Our mapselectors do know what they do.

Some people tend to suggest paraparamax :D

Any year.

Please use the form to suggest maps.

Do not suggest TAG Maps please, since they are supposed to be played in Tag-Coop mode with 4 players.


Do not suggest TAG Maps please, since they are supposed to be played in Tag-Coop mode with 4 players.