
Update (March 19, 2024) Hello again so there is a slight chance the map will be able to be ranked just need to wait on stuff with how scores work which could be happening this year! So here's to hoping :3c

Update (May 11, 2023) Happy 4 year anniversary! Still waiting on issue to be fixed :c but hey I'm still around so once its fixed the map will get ranked. :D Maybe for my 200th ranked map who knows.

Update (Jun. 14, 2022) Well its been a few months! peppy has stated the issue should be fixed soonish and according to people it may happen around the time they fix the thingie with the database idk. Anyway there is an actual update the set now has two new bns (old ones retired) and I'll hopefully be able to get Noffy to update the storyboard to include any ranked backgrounds from the last 2 years :3c In short stay tuned things should be getting exciting :D!

Update (Jan. 27, 2022) Wew it's been a while but still waiting on the same issues so sadly no new news. I will still rank this map as is when its allowed even though it is getting quite old XD I've actually ranked 86 maps since this thing was originally finished LOL who knows I may remake the whole thing after I rank this one XD anyway sadly yeah there's not really an update here but who knows maybe we'll get to see this map get ranked on it's 3 year anniversary! Here's to hoping owob

Update (Oct. 27, 2020) Hi everyone well it seems like this set will not be my 100th ranked map sadly. Due to the ScoreV2 issue being to big to fix (in an estimatable time frame). Therefore the set will remain graveyarded until the issue is fixed! Sorry for anyone I disappointed or failed I am truly sorry.

As for why I don't just wait, I map like a lot. Like a lot a lot and having to stop progress on all my sets for these couple of months has actually made me completely unmotivated to do anything on osu! It's sad that I care so much about a game like this but I do. To me my motivation and need to enjoy myself outweigh my wanting to make my 100th set special. I hope everyone can understand.

Original Message:
Hi! I want to let everyone know the set's not dead. There is an ongoing issue with ScoreV2 and multiplayer that is preventing me from being able to rank this map at the present time. I have contacted peppy and he has acknowledged the issue and is looking to see if he can fix it. If he does then I'll rank the map right away! If he can't well Black Rover will be my 100th ranked map and this and Kagerou Comp will wait until the issue is fixed in Lazer.

Maps not dead. peppy has to fix a bug.

Thank you Mao for helping me get this comment pinned :3c

im probably late to this, but this issue is just, well, computers. the max score v1 value is the max 32 bit signed integer which is 2,147,483,647. the only way to fix this is to shorten the map and the mp3 (for now at least, maybe peppy will increase max score v1 value to the max 64 bit signed integer, but since peppy is mainly focusing on lazer, so this map might not be ranked till scorev2 is the default score value).

SpaceActive SpaceActive

i may be wrong, btw.

Kyouren Nevo


Nagy Nevo

Lmao imagine graveyarding a 1 hour map


I've graved 2 of them :^

xytoper Nevo

wow i didnt know you could pin comments


I'm trying to get the devs to allow people to!

The only way to now is to find a osu!admin which theres no llist of and ask XD


