mapped by Spectator
This map is estimated to be ranked on 2 April 2025 if no issues are found. It is #7 in the ranking queue.
This map is currently blocked from leaving the Qualified section until these problems are resolved.
Hype Train12 / 5
Nomination Status2 / 2
nominated by Verti and skill issue lol
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Marked as resolved by Spectator

One of my main concerns would be the contrast between the non-kiai and kiai parts of this map, almost everything is fullscreen so when you enter the kiai it feels no different from playing anything else in the map. I strongly believe you should reduce a lot of your spacings during the non-kiai parts and overall reduce a lot of your chains (maybe even simplify the chains into non-hyper versions and save full hyper versions for the kiais) so that there is proper contrast and buildup into the main parts of the song


fat agree, the map having nearly no contrast in gameplay or spacing and no noticeable buildups/winddowns hurts song expression a lot; what's meant to be the highlight of the song doesn't feel hype at all


there’s a clear difference in terms of distances between non-kiai and kiais, especially the second and third non-kiais are pretty easy compared to the kiais. I’ll try nerfing some jumps in the first non-kiai section(which is before the first kiai) since it’s the most intense non-kiai part


it would also be nice if you can leave some timestamp about the parts I can mainly nerf, it’s 10 stars map and I don’t want to nerf everything


talked with creeper in dms, here's the changelog

  • nerfed excessive jumps in first and second non-kiai
  • made most of the 1/4 hyperchains inward instead of outward
  • did some pattern change for first non-kiai since some stream parts were harder than kiai

made more changed

  • made cs from 4.2 to 4.0
  • nerfed overspaced 1/2s
  • changed some stream patterns to give more diversity
  • nerfed non kiai part in general

resolving for now

Marked as resolved by Spectator

00:16:649 (2,3) - 01:18:578 (4,5) - 02:16:864 (4,5) - I feel like you could do more than just use this pattern throught the whole map even in kiais, it becomes really repetitive so maybe you could change some of them into a tap dash to add more variety


changed a lot of them

Marked as resolved by Spectator

i think you oversimplified the intro rhythm too much :(


not on timeline:
00:15:149 (4) - doesn't really cover the kick on 1/2
00:15:792 (2,3) - there are 1/4 hihats that add onto the feedback of an amen snare
00:17:292 (1) - triplet
00:20:292 (4,5,6) - lots of 1/4ths here, especially where the (6) is
00:22:006 (4) - 1/4 kicks here
00:26:239 - missed a kick here


I think i'll keep them simplified for some reasons it's the intro so i don't wanna go too dense on it

Marked as resolved by Spectator

would still at least add a triplet here 00:22:006 (4) - , you did add stuff like this here 00:24:364 (2,3) -, don't see why not

Reopened by skill issue lol


Marked as resolved by Spectator

can you switch jump & speed kiais?

I find it very unfair that jump kiai is easier than speed kiai, yet its placed further in the song. switching is better for difficulty progression throughout the map imo.

maybe some people will find speed easier, so i'd love to hear opinions


on top of that i would also suggest nerfing some distances in jump kiai, some are close to cross screen for no whatsoever reason


jump kiai has different snare sample as speed kiai which really fits nicely with the 1/2 jumps so i'd not switch the parts, applied all of the suggestion tho

Marked as resolved by Spectator

I know this might be a bit controversial but any chance you could increase the SV or at least the distance between the 1/2 (01:15:578 (1,4,3) - for example) sliders in all the kiais? it feels really underwhelming to have the same in both non kiai and kiai parts when there's a clear difference on which one is more intense so buffing the kiais in that aspect wouldn't hurt imo


sure, made them 1.1x

Marked as resolved by Spectator

00:00:150 - 00:07:007 - thoughts about adding a spinner and then start mapping from there? I think the beat is strong enough to support a soft intro


already read zonda mod but I still think this would be a great addition ngl


would rather not make the intro any longer, added a slider tho

Marked as resolved by Spectator