All of the backgrounds are 1280x720 which when converted to 1920x1080 looks really pixelated. You can either download the game gallery from somewhere or upscale the images you already have. If you really want me to do it just message me I can try to help you find them
generally speaking on a normal difficulty you want to have constant distance snap and have each slider go into the start of the next note so new players can play the map intuitively as they are still learning the way the game works. To try to give you something to work off of that can help you immediately, i tried giving you an example of what I would do with your rhythm choice in 00:36:235 - this section. hope this helps!
01:02:875 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is very dense for a normal difficulty. would do something like this to simplify rhythm
would recommend placing 00:28:311 (1,2,3,1) - here and ctrl+g on 00:28:311 (1) - as the way the slider end is opposite to where the next note is which can cause new players to not read it properly
01:33:355 (5) - please space this much farther than a half stack as there is a loud snare and vocal where stacking this feels incredibly underwhelming for representing the song. same with 01:37:195 (2) -
01:06:955 (1,2,3) - this would go alot better like to get the vocals on the blue tick like you're trying to do while also not ignoring the melody on 01:07:435 - . same with 01:10:795 (2,3,4,5,6) - this rhythm
00:43:675 (2) - should make this active because of new measure on 00:43:915 - to make the big white tick be clicked
00:25:153 (2,3,4) - this rhythm would go alot better like to make the vocals be active more
00:12:522 - this section has some notes that seem really spaced out for the least intensity in the song (example 00:12:522 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 00:16:311 (4,5) - that have the same spacing if not more than the kiai which is a lot more intense, would recommend somewhat nerfing the spacing in this section to reflect the music better
add coconut123 chiyarara cooria asumi
to tags as they made gd's and should go in tags to represent that
01:14:266 - would recommend this section to have drum whistles instead of soft finishes as spamming finish hitsound can be annoying for people to listen to, plus the song isn't really having a real soft finish other than 01:14:266 (1) - 01:21:650 (1) - these 2 notes
preference but 01:58:112 (1,2) - this is a really unique sound that happens a decent bit throughout the map but i think just placing 2 circles feels not unique enough on it. I would personally have them be 1/8 kick sliders and silence slider ends to make it a bit more distinct
01:25:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this would be alot better if the spacing actually increased across the whole stream instead of just having it go from no spacing to alot on 1 note as the song continuously builds up and you even did it with the volume constantly increasing every 1/2 but not spacing? same with 02:54:188 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:15:189 (1,2,3) - i get you're following a mix of guitar and harp (i think its harp?) but feels weird not extending the 3 to 00:16:573 - as a repeat as you choose to represent the guitar until the last beat which makes it underwhelming to play as theres no feedback
i noticed that there are a lot of green timing points where i think you mean to silence slider ends but you aren't changing the volume on them such as 00:55:651 - 01:00:222 - etc because you change nothing on them at all from the previous timing points. if you didn't mean to silence the slider ends you can just delete them
02:14:294 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is a good idea but i think it would be better to have .15 or even .2 sv in between each set to really make the sliders seem like they're building up better
01:22:437 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this seems really underwhelming for the song intensity, would recommend buffing
01:04:222 (1) - remove nc as it's easier to read a stream starting on a blue tick from a slider end without nc's
00:53:080 (2,3) - you established that complete stacks are 1/2 and half stacks are 1/4 so having this be complete stack seems out of place and can be weird for players to read
since you lowered spacing between 00:27:651 (4,1) - im assuming to contrast kicks and snares in the stream id recommend also lowering spacing between 00:27:580 (3,4) - to something like to highlight this idea better
when you click ctrl+a you can see something along the lines of this you already used a lot of the playfield, but try to at least get some notes in the corners as well, this is something that can seem hard to do but i think you're already using the playfield more than i excepted which is really good
i think you can improve your contrast a bit throughout the map. for example, you made 01:07:776 (1) - have really fast slider velocity, which is great! However, the intensity you just established for the chorus went away immediately because the spacing and rhythm choices of all the other patterns in the chorus feel pretty much the same as the build up sections. try focusing on making the sections have different spacing or different densities to help the player feel the intensity changes better.
03:34:277 (1) - the crashes feel really underwhelming as a repeat slider. i would prefer you make each crash be active and have 3 separate sliders/notes for this
01:33:195 - don't agree with not mapping the kick or anything at all here. i would put a note here stacked under 01:33:040 (1) - and make 01:33:349 (2) - a jump to highlight melody as well
00:45:720 (1,2,3) - seems kinda underwhelming to stack the whole snare burst, i think it's represented better like 00:50:669 (1,2,3) - or 01:03:040 (1,2,3,4) -
01:00:566 (4) - this whole beat has 1/4 under it not sure if you ignored on purpose, if u want to keep slider body also has a drum addition whistle which seems really unneeded
02:55:651 (1) - 03:17:594 (1) - 05:18:280 (1) - 05:40:223 (1) - 01:38:851 (1) - 02:33:709 (1) - soft finish?
01:16:909 (1) - 06:02:166 (10) - make soft
03:45:366 - to 03:58:737 - i think has alot of nc issues where it nc's on stuff that doesn't seem like it should have an nc and isn't nc'ing on notes where it should. examples 03:46:394 (5,1) - 03:50:509 (7,1) - 03:51:709 (1,3) -
03:06:794 (2) - why ignore the loud snare in the middle of the slider when you don't do this anywhere else, would at the very least make the slider 1/2 instead of 3/4 but i would prefer the snare to be active
02:43:994 (2,3,4,5) - this linear seems really out of place as it doesn't seem to be the style you're going for here
preference but i think it would be better to delete 02:32:680 (1) - as the song stops and would help the start of the kiai feel more impactful
00:57:023 (1,2) - make these active to follow the melody like you do with the rest of this pattern?
00:32:080 (1) - im not really sure what you're following with this spinner because the song is continuing the same way where you've been placing notes the whole time. if you're going for the same background noise as 00:53:594 (1) - then you should probably start it at 00:31:651 - since it feels strange you're going half and half with the rhythm
05:46:784 (3) - why is this stacked when the intensity builds up more than the other jumps. feels underwhelming for such an intense part
maybe make 03:54:243 (5) - active because i think there's more apparent sounds on the slider end than 03:54:155 (4) -
01:07:118 (5) - this curve feels really overdone for nothing really going on in the song. at least put a kick or whistle on it or something to give it more feeling if you don't want to change it