mapped by Burgerdog
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 18 February 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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does anybody wanna be my Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 APPLICATIONS OPEN😜😜😜😝😝😝😝

-Must be Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍
-Must be Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 on roblox not Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍
-Must have deep Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 voice😈😈
-I will be your Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 daddy 😂😂🤑🤑🤑😈😈😈
-Only Epic Fútbol.. 😍😍😍😍😍 Memers Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌


what the gyatt








no problem ❌❌❌

Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

the bg art is of straight people kissing i demand that you change it to men


MocaLoca is right. You Need TO change it NOW. or else


made it gay furries.

Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

Hi, this is a veto.

I am formally submitting this veto regarding the map All I Need by Burger Dog in the game osu!mania. While I appreciate the effort and creativity put into creating maps for the community, there are significant concerns regarding the map’s appropriateness and suitability within the context of the osu!mania environment. These concerns primarily relate to the background imagery and its potential impact on the community.

First and foremost, the background imagery prominently features men kissing, with the added element of them being portrayed as anthropomorphic animals, commonly referred to as furries. While individual preferences and artistic expressions are valid in their own spaces, the inclusion of such imagery in a gaming environment like osu!mania raises questions about its appropriateness. osu! is a platform enjoyed by a diverse audience, including younger players. Such imagery might be perceived as controversial or inappropriate for a significant portion of the player base, leading to discomfort or alienation.

The osu! mapping community has long emphasized the importance of keeping content accessible and suitable for its broad audience. Background visuals are a significant aspect of a map’s presentation, and they can greatly influence a player’s overall experience. In this case, the imagery may detract from the focus on gameplay by introducing a polarizing and potentially distracting visual element. Maps should strive to maintain a neutral and inclusive tone that welcomes players of all backgrounds, beliefs, and comfort levels.

Additionally, the imagery raises potential issues of cultural sensitivity. While inclusivity and representation are important values, the combination of the furry theme and explicit romantic imagery may not align with the expectations of the community or the standards generally upheld for ranked maps. It is important to ensure that content remains respectful and mindful of differing cultural norms and sensitivities.

Furthermore, this veto is not an attack on creativity or artistic freedom but rather a call to prioritize the context and audience of the osu! platform. There are many ways to showcase creativity without including elements that may be perceived as inappropriate or divisive within a community setting. A compromise could involve adjusting or replacing the background imagery with something more neutral or universally accepted.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain the integrity of the osu!mania ranking process. Ranked maps are held to high standards not only in terms of gameplay but also in terms of presentation and accessibility. Upholding these standards ensures that the game continues to be an enjoyable and welcoming environment for all players.

In conclusion, this veto is being submitted due to concerns about the appropriateness of the background imagery in All I Need. While the effort and creativity of Burger Dog are appreciated, the imagery’s explicit and polarizing nature makes it unsuitable for ranked status within osu!mania. I encourage the mapper to consider alternative background choices that better align with the community’s expectations and standards. Thank you for taking the time to consider this veto and the concerns outlined.

Reopened by Skibidi Toilet


Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

the bg art is of gay people kissing i demand that you change it to women


mnyuh uh


Remove from platform.


ur not sigma.

Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

the bg art is of gay people kissing i demand that you change it to women



Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

Hello I'm vetoing this map as i find the background quite uncomfortable. Please change your background to lesbians Thanks

Reopened by flvxify


Marked as resolved by Burgerdog



