mapped by Burgerdog
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 18 February 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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nitpick stuff:
00:25:080 (25080|2,25420|2,25761|2) - should try to avoid, its noticeably heavy


is it the 2 notes to the LN?



Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

I think the coherent in layering of the map is in consistent which really confuse to play as a regular mania map nowadays

would map notes at 00:34:625 - 00:34:966 - to keep the flow as the kick are still there and audible, would be strange to suddenly give a rest
then from 00:46:898 - the notes for kick and hihat are completely gone making the map difficulty imbalance

layering for LN vocals start from 00:35:989 -
I have no problem with exaggerated long LNs but I don't think the usage of the map is clear
for 00:35:989 (35989|3) - would shorter for 1/4 as vocal doesn't sound like echoing, got extended or sth reasonable enough


thank you, and some of the reason i remove kick is to put more emphasis on vocals, but i understand what you mean

Marked as resolved by Burgerdog

consistency stuff:
from 00:23:034 - around here I would assume you use LN and chordsize based on strength of the bass

in this case I think
00:27:466 - should be single
00:30:193 - 00:32:920 - 00:43:830 - double
00:33:943 - triple


used all your suggestions <3

Marked as resolved by Burgerdog