00:28:409 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - here you can increase the spacing progressively following the song since from here the sound progresses.
00:28:409 (1) -
00:29:169 ( 3) -
00:29:928 (1) -
since this slider 00:28:409 (1) - has a similar spacing to this 00:27:080 (1,3) - although visually the spacing is smaller
I suggest increasing the spacing of this slider 00:28:409 (1) -, the spacing you gave here is fine 00:28:979 (2.3) - and you can increase the spacing of this one a little more 00:29 :928 (1) -
00:50:245 - this part has voice but no notes. Try adding another circle here to match the voice of the song and on top of that try turning this circle 00:50:435 (3) to a 1/2 slider. I know following the red tick drums can increase impact but that can be renovate by just applying hitsounds to every notes in red tick. Also the note placements, be sure that these two notes 00:49:675 (1,2) - are a bit separated. The rest is yours.
00:52:713 (6) - here you could increase the spacing a little since the kin heard here 00:52:713 is a loud sound to emphasize it since this 00:52:144 (4.5) - has more spaced than this 00:52:333 (5.6) -
00:57:270 (5,6,7) - here you can increase the spacing a little to emphasize the loud sound here 00:57:460 and you could also change the flow a little to contrast with this 00:56: 321 (1,2,3,4) -
01:00:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - here you can increase the spacing of the jumps progressively since that part of the song is heard increasing little by little
This 01:07:523 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - is visually unappealing. It feels like you tried to make a straight burst by hand but failed. The slider on the end also completely is off angle for this to look good.
I would do a continuous slight curve burst that would flow into the next pattern, or make it a straight burst.
01:08:473 (1,2,3) - I don't understand why the 01:09:232 (3) - is not apart of the other 01:08:473 (1,2) - sliders to make the pattern feel full. You're mapping vocals here and they don't have much of a change to warrant this.
01:14:549 (2,3) - Spacing ini seharusnya lebih intense dibanding 01:15:118 (1,2). Bisa juga dieksekusi spacingnya jadi sama.
01:16:447 (1,2) - you could stack this... so the players will be ready for what's about to come. you could stack it with this last circle 01:15:308 (2) - so the stack doesn't just wonder off somewhere but that's just my suggestion. Im just not sure about these notes to be separated.
01:17:776 (4,5,6) - if you listen to the song well, you don't hear a triple there, the triple starts here 01:17:397 (2) -
01:21:194 (1,1) - no stack? idk you probably missed this stack opportunity. maybe its intentional that you overlapped them. if you would stack them, be sure that this circle 01:21:954 (1) - will be the one you adjust.
01:21:574 (3) - increase the spacing of the slider a little to emphasize the loud sound since there is more spacing in this 01:21:194 (1,2) - than in this 01:21:384 ( 2,3) -
01:22:144 (4,5) - here you can instead of stacking it you can make a jump between that note and the slider since we are in the kiai of the song since you are following the vowels there
01:30:308 (4,5,6) - hmmm these three circles should have equal distance. You could lower this section 01:30:688 (6,1) and adjust them for the circles to have equal distance. While youre at it, you could also lower this slider 01:30:878 (1) a bit to create more space similar to this section at the beginning of the kiai 01:18:536 (7,1).
01:33:346 (1,2,3) - here you can increase the spacing of this slider 01:33:726 (3) - and decrease this spacing a little 01:33:346 (1,2) - to give it emphasis to the loud sound here 01:33:726
the same here 01:34:106 (1,2,3) - but this one 01:34:485 (3) - has a little less spacing since although the vowel is strong it is less intense than the other vowel here 01: 33:726