i think a rhythm like this is a bit more applicable since it allows you to follow the drums better and maintain a reasonable density https://imgur.com/a/T5xV3aV
00:19:471 (4,5,6,7) - This feels hard to hit for beginners, especially when the stream starts on a blue tick it's a bit uncomfy. Would you like use something like this https://defreeyay.s-ul.eu/GptQ6WQt for rhythm? Also would make this triple much lower in spacing or just stack it.
00:19:563 (4,5,6) - personally think this is a bit too spaced and don't really think a lot of newer players would expect this.
00:31:204 (4) - I think would be better if you delete 00:31:204 (4) and put a circle on 00:31:386 for following piano better.
I think my rythms are correct here, the piano is enunciating the spacing for 00:31:568 (5) - a bit but its not the focus
00:35:929 (3,4) - Turn on "stacking" in editor and make them a bit to the right so that stands exactly between 00:35:747 (2,5) (just a minor visual thing lol)
00:42:998 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Considering that this is a calm part of the song, this is very difficult to hit such a dense rhythm, I think would be better if you do something like this https://defreeyay.s-ul.eu/xXv8Nmim
also added a triple for the melody on the background
00:51:928 (1,2) - This stacking could be confused for beginners to play, can you please space it out? https://defreeyay.s-ul.eu/74GzjvhE something like this would be nice.
should be fine since I already did this before and in general my experience is that beginners can read this actually perfectly fine since its just one stack
01:06:996 (5) - Can you put a circle here instead of slider? We can hear a distinct stop in the rhythm of the song, but at the same time you actively hold the slider, which is pretty meh. I think it would give much more emphasis if you make gap here
01:08:268 (4) - Maybe put here a triple to highlight the song? There an audible claps sounds and you missing them which is quite underwhelming.
01:09:907 (6) - 01:10:271 (7) - 01:10:635 (8) - 01:12:274 (5) - 01:12:820 (7) - 01:13:185 (8) - 01:13:549 (9) - 01:14:641 (4) - unsnapped?
01:25:642 (9,10) - why not stack these two notes on top of each other? all of your other bursts/doubles seem to be stacked