00:16:720 - 00:18:299 - 짤연+덤프 구조로 진행하다가 다음 구간으로 넘어갈때 기타소리 주와앙 하는데 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19030945/5c6f 이런느낌으로 살리면 더 재밌을듯
00:21:457 (21457|2,21457|0,21556|1,21556|3,21654|0,21654|2,21704|1,21753|3,21802|2) - i think it'd be better to break the constant streamy motion here, and use a different approach to start transitioning to the next section (which is way less stream reliant)
highlighted jack is 4 vocal impact
Breaking the flow with a jack here seems to suddenly put too much emphasis imo. I prefer to keep it.
I changed my mind and decided to use a jack to represent the vocal with closed chords ([1][2], [3][4]) for a smooth transition for the next part.
00:26:095 (26095|3) - To col 1? I think it'd be cool to mirror what 00:25:207 does on the right hand since it's a similar rhythm, and differentiates 00:26:194 which is all snares.
00:26:194 (26194|2,26194|1) - use a [34] double instead? no reason for the same positioning as 00:25:997 (25997|1,25997|2) - tbh.
00:30:404 (30404|1,30470|2) - what if you used a split-trill here instead? feel like this stair is a bit much for the evident 1/4 guitar strums
00:31:128 (31128|2,31128|3,31168|1,31207|0,31247|3,31286|1,31326|2,31365|0,31404|3,31444|1,31483|2,31523|0,31562|3,31602|2,31641|1,31681|0) -
00:31:918 (31918|1,31918|0,31957|2,31997|3,32036|0,32076|2,32115|1,32154|3,32194|0,32233|2,32273|1,32312|3,32352|0,32391|1,32431|2,32470|3) - etc
really think snap for these should be way lower (1/8 or 1/9 max) to emphasize the evident pitch and intensity difference there is between this sequence of sounds and the first 1/10 streams
00:55:010 (55010|0,55128|0,55256|0,55355|0,55483|0) - This specific anchor is concerningly strenuous out of nowhere in the mix of everything else. It's a huge chore to properly play when considering the surrounding patterns, and doesn't suit the music well. I think it would be beneficial to rearrange the streams here slightly to avoid this.
00:59:154 (59154|0,59203|3,59253|0,59302|3,59352|2,59352|1,59401|0,59450|2,59500|0) - 양손트릴 4개 두번 연달아 나오는 배치 저 구간안에서 좀 이질감 들음. 저 구간에서 대부분의 보컬 덤프 표현은 한쪽으로 흘러가는 드르륵 표현이거나 확실한 소리에 양손트릴이나 한손트릴 노트 4개로 강조주는데 저기만 애매한 소리에 양손트릴이 두번 연달아 나와서 그런듯
01:29:747 (89747|0,89747|1,89779|2) - i really don't think this minijack is very necessary, i understand your intentions behind it but i think its a bit more annoying to have to do a mini jumptrill into a minijack double rather than have one at all when i think flipping this would be just as fine and easier to play making this much more simple
01:29:549 (89549|3,89549|2,89648|1,89648|0) - okay I have another idea, these are relatively weak compared to the previous two sounds, so I'd just change these to single and rearrange them
01:42:724 (102724|0,103118|3) - 이 노트들 1번과 4번에 굳이 싶은 짤연 생기는데 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19030963/6611 이렇게 2번 3번으로 바꿔서 짤연 풀어주는게 치기에도 부드러워서 플로우 타기 훨 좋음
01:54:220 - 01:55:799 -> From here I find that there's an imbalanced amount of effort needed for column 1 compared to everything else. There's a lot of dense focus on col 1 anchors that it's really easy to choke for the left hand. I think a few rearrangements would be beneficial around this section.
02:07:148 (127148|1,127148|0,127247|2,127247|3,127345|1,127345|0,127444|2,127444|3,127543|3,127543|2,127641|3,127641|1,127641|0) - eh this is kinda me just being picky but i would maybe something like this as I think this better represents the double sounds whilst capturing more of that minijack stuff you seem to do throughout the chart
02:46:523 (166523|3,166523|0,166562|2,166602|1,166720|3,166720|0,166760|2,166799|1) - just making sure but was this intentionally supposed to be the same thing? feels a bit out of place imo which is why i ask but feel free to close if it is. if not then maybe just do a flip or rearrange since i dont think it would make sense to have it repeat
03:25:799 - This is the only instance without a 1/4 jack for the guitar, but 03:25:404 (205404|0,205503|0) and 03:26:194 (206194|3,206293|3) does it. Is this intended? It seems a little odd to break it here.
04:14:154 (254154|1,254747|3) - 없는게 더 깔끔할거같음 04:14:352 (254352|2,254352|1,254451|2,254451|1) - 소리가 달라서 배치 다른게 좋을거같음