mapped by Celektus
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00:01:056 (3,4,5) - and 00:06:389 (3,4,5) - I Feel like the rhythm could be more active here
specially since previously you made a 1/2 Beat Slider at : 00:00:056 (1,2) -

A more active rhythm where the current slider-head are replaced by a note could give a stronger impact to them.

It would also help making : 00:02:722 (1) - more pronounced and impactful
Maybe something like :


Song is too calm, would simply make the more intense sections appear less different.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

00:34:556 (7) - I feel like a more accurate way to map this part is doing something like this (see timeline also):


Don't care much about the pattern but the rhythm it makes adding a circle and moving the slider to the next white tick :)


00:34:722 - Shouldn't be clickable because there isn't a vocal syllable on it and I'm prioritizing vocals.

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00:51:222 (6) - There isn't a vocal or otherwise strong sound here - so it's presence kind of dulls the emphasis the following circles give to the sound.



added a slider

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00:52:889 (5,6) - 6 should not be stacked with the triplet as not moving between 5 and 6 doesn't really make sense (there isn't a pause in the music to necessitate a pause in cursor movement.) I would move 6 away from the triplet to better emphasize the noise (woosh? zipper? the sound on 6) being mapped


Pauses in movement don't always necessitate a pause in the music, in fact this problably wouldn't really express a pause super well since the sudden change in movement adds emphasis on (6) by being awkward to play.

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the problem to me is not about how it emphases the song here, but it is just super annoying to read and it creates inconsistency. you can fix that by moving (6) a bit to x:398 y:210. it would keep the idea of emphasing tension without causing this kind of ludicrous reading issue i mentioned above

Reopened by Carcosa

I like that it's hard to read.

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could just NC 00:53:056 (6) - so it still has the same feeling

Reopened by YEYHA

nah, people can read this without help

Marked as resolved by Celektus

yea i realized took me a while to see it


01:01:722 (5) - could use a whistle


04:55:878 (3) - could also really use a whistle



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01:10:389 (4) - spacing of this one from 01:09:889 (3) - is quite low compared to other iterations like 01:05:056 (3) - 01:15:722 (4) - 01:21:056 (3) - even if the music stays with a similar intensity as the first one

maybe you could move it above 01:09:389 (2) - or something like that to keep the same flow direction but with the increased spacing


Increased, moved below (2)

Marked as resolved by Celektus

01:25:389 (5) - there's no real sound in the song that this is mapped to. i get why you might want it, but you could make this part of the music stand out much more without it


true actually, deleted

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01:29:056 (3) - Add circle here to cover the gap to match hihat? :D


Also connects both patterns and higlights the guitar / voice better


Hat is kind of an irrelevant sound. I prefer the large gaps in rhythm, they work really well together with the CS.

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01:43:389 (3) - love the little touch to the slider for the vocal there. Awesome


01:46:056 (6) - this one could also have the

slider since it has the weird vocal sound sound effect that 01:43:389 (3) - and 01:44:389 (7) - have

maybe since this time it appears on the left side of the headphones you could ctrl+j the shape or something like that



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02:01:722 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - This is really hard to follow here, id suggest making new combos in this section so that it's easier to read


I don't want it to be easier to read, I like it this way.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:01:722 (6,7,8) - could NC this but still keep rest as normal

Reopened by YEYHA

Nah people can read it as is.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:07:722 (1,2) - Shouldn't the 1 be stacked (Not perfectly) over 02:07:389 (8) - be better? cuz playability wise it's feel kinda off in term of small micro movement

Or atleast moved further from it, since soo far throughout the map , every 1/2 distance snapping you spaced everything further apart and for every combo too you spaced it out more.


Nope, it's supposed to be an anti-jump, i.e. the sudden low spacing adds emphasis via awkward movement.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:09:222 (8,9) - You can add two circles here so this part doesn't feel uncomplete (unless that's the intention)


Selected the wrong objects I think. I'm assuming you mean I should add objects on 02:09:222 - and 02:09:389 - given the screenshot.

on 02:09:222 - there's an irrelevant hat sound and putting an object on 02:09:389 - makes the transition into the break time feel a bit more odd.

Your point kinda inspired me to make the break time start exactly on 02:09:389 - tho.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:17:222 (9) - I honestly believe you could remove the spinner and make it active instead
it feels kinda off having a spinner there, subjective i guess

Maybe something like this : rhythm wise (1/8)


I could map whatever is in the song there (I would probably even then prefer sliders over circles cuz it's so calm), but a spinner to me just seems way more fitting for those sounds (also the sound probably has not 100% distinct snapping anyway).

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:17:722 (1,2,3) - because of cs7, this turns out to be an unintentional diff spike when placed directly after the spinner. consider moving it a little closer to the center of the playfield from where it is now


I wouldn't say it's a huge spike, but I can move it a little closer to the middle.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:20:056 (1) -
Imo, since it's a way stronger sound than the upcoming section , i would up the SV. maybe to something like SV.3 ?

Further note (I'll condense it into this mod suggestion)
Imo the blue tick is predominant enough to be mapped as a circle instead of a slider-head


That's way too fast compared to the rest of the map, 2.3x is already twice as much as almost every single SV before.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

Since you usually stack 1/2 rhythms together 02:20:639 (2,3) could be easily missread and unexpected, you should do something to differentiate it from other 1/2 rhythms


Nc should work


or this can also be good 02:55:278 (5,6,7) -


watch out here too, 04:46:831 (7,8) same stack thing happening 04:48:437 (1,2,3,4) - but these ones are less important due to they happening later in the song, so if you figure out a way to introduce them for players to be expecting them would be awesome :)


People can easily read that imo. And even if I don't think readability is a concern

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:36:056 (1) - imo , I would off-set stack it over 02:35:722 (8) -
Would make the stop motion (nothing to it) more pronounce)


Similar reasoning compared to #4111248/10963916 it's an anti-jump.

Stacking would be too comfortable easy.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:40:722 (3,4,5,6) - I feel like this could be more active, with some kick slider instead of singular note, would give a stronger punch to it


I hate using 1/4 sliders when there's no 1/4 in the song, that's just cringe.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:44:056 You have the chance to do something like this (see timeline) to highlight vocals in this case to not leave this gap empty :D


I LOVE empty gaps.

For real tho I don't like this because it only really takes away priority from the vocals by making a tick without a vocal on it clickable 02:44:222 -

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:51:889 - Can add triplet before 02:52:056 (1) starts


There's nothing in the song to support that and I don't feel like overmapping here. The gap in rhythm is way better, it feels so satisfying to stop there after playing 02:51:389 (7,8,9) -.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

02:54:556 (3) - should be stacked on 02:54:222 (2) - to follow your trend of stacking 1/2 rhythm gaps in the kiai


I would argue that there's something a bit different happening in the song here with the vocals. Hard to describe, kinda feels less abrupt. Might have something to do with how the word 'something' is split up over the two kicks 02:54:056 (1,2) -.

Also this type of movement appears a lot in the map in general.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:08:389 (2) - Imo this feels way too fast and sudden for it , the sound is not that pre-dominant
a SV of 2.8x would work better i think


If you take into account that the slidershape is very contracted (i.e. sliderhead and -end are very close to each other) sliderleniency makes it so in actual gameplay it doesn't feel fast, it just looks fast and might surprise someone.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:08:722 (3,4,5,6) - Feels a bit inconsistent with how you've done spacing. For example on a very similar part 02:47:389 (2,3,4,5) - you have the two weaker vocals stacked + wide angle movement. So I don't think sharp angle jumps are appropriate.


I think arguably 02:47:389 (2,3,4,5,6) - is more of the outlier because spacing there is supposed to feel more erratic to compliment the vocals being shouted/screamed and the vocal on (3) being stacked cuz it's a little less audible.

Otherwise in the kiai most jumps are actually regular sharp angle jumps sometimes ending in a abrupt pause or having stacks.

Also in the second half of the kiai there's also a bit of a change in intensity, I kinda wanted to represent that with there being more consecutive jumps.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:10:722 (3,4,5) - why suddenly those 3 are stacked? Even if it's to ease the entrance to the 1/12 rhythm, this section has overall quite some movement with the vocals, even some of them with a lower volume such as 03:08:722 (3,4,5,6,7) - have pretty decent spacing.

Since 03:11:056 (5) - has a lower pitch compared to the first two maybe you could put it slightly below 03:10:722 (3,4) - to represent that change?


Main reasons are the large gap between the drum sounds on 03:10:722 (3,6) - and I'm trying to build tension before 03:11:222 (6,7,8,9) - making it feel more sudden. It's funny you think my intention was to ease the player into that rhythm when it actually makes it a little bit harder imo.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:21:556 (4,5) - you don't really make a weird flow like this anywhere else so you can 03:21:556 (4) - ctrl+g this to make it feel better


Short sliders like (4) tend to play basically like circles because the hitwindow in which you can actually get a 100 instead of a 300 is so short you basically don't have to hold down your key for longer than a few ms.

TL;DR it just plays like a normal sharp angle jump.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:22:722 (3,4,5,6,7) - this deal right here feels restrictive to play at such a high cs since angles are harder to hit so you can do smth like 03:23:056 (4,5) - switching these two so its more relaxed


I don't see why it should be more relaxed. It's the climax of the section I want it to be hard an emphasize the changes in the music.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

03:42:413 (7,8,9,1) - sounds like this quad drum kick starts on 03:42:358 instead of where you have it now



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04:09:381 (1,2,3,4,5) - rearrange these so they aren't feeling cluttered at the drop or at least 04:09:627 (3) - nc this so you can actually distinguish its a 1/4 and not 1/2


I don't want them to be easier to play. A large part of the map is designed like this so it wouldn't make sense to just change it here or change the entire map.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

04:10:857 (2) - goes SO HARD i love the slider shapes you use for this section


04:35:201 (7,8,9) - isn't the spacing insconsistent with 04:34:217 (2,3,4) - ?
1 Overlap while the other doesnt, i would make 04:35:201 (7,8,9) - not overlap , would make it more consistent spacing wise


04:34:217 (2,3,4) - Are very short slider and because of how sliderend and -body leniency affects them they play effectively like circles while 04:35:201 (7,8,9) - are too long and the rhythm is more awkward so different spacing is required.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

04:48:437 (1,2,3,4,5) - funny rhythm


unmapped vocal 04:48:497 here. consider moving 04:48:556 (2) - over to it on the timeline, or making the stack a 1/12 triple


It sounds like it's on 04:48:497 if you play it at lower playback. But at normal playback it sounds a lot more like the current rhythm to me.

I think either way the current rhythm would be a better simplification of what's going on here than a 1/12 triple or double.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

04:50:878 (3,4,5,6) - the vocals don't get any more relaxed here, why the sudden drop in spacing for this pattern

if its because of the different rhythm signature, maybe you could space a bit 04:50:878 (3,4) - from 04:51:235 (5,6) - but keep the stacked sliders as they are now to still have the different feeling from the usual 1/4 or 1/8 sliders


Because the gaps in rhythm are super short and the rhythm here is also pretty hard to sightread. I've done the same for 04:33:971 (1,2) - and 04:35:201 (7,8,9) - 04:37:906 (1,2) -

Also rhythm signature isn't a real word wtf

Marked as resolved by Celektus

04:56:295 (5) - i think this slider should be shaped more like 04:54:152 (6) - or have some additional texture because it follows the same kind of sound as 04:54:152 (6) -



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05:18:437 (1,2) - / 05:19:508 (3,4) -
Shouldn't those 2 follow the same note placement relative to the slider?

Atleast from what i saw, during the kiai you were consistent during combo where the note after the slider where placed in the same fashion


No, it's not necessary to be that consistent and changing it would mess up some other visual spacing like:


Marked as resolved by Celektus

05:36:295 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - again, here's flow that at high cs is restrictive since angles are really unforgiving. 05:36:295 (2,3) - ctrl+g here will lead the player down the right direction and make it less tense


I want it to be that way, there isn't really any reason why it should be comfortable to play.

Marked as resolved by Celektus

05:41:473 (2,3) - I see what this double is following, but at the same it still feels very unexpected in gameplay, as there isn't any noticeable sections in the map where it would've happened earlier. Many peeps will most likely drop accuracy on this sudden double, thoughts on changing it into a slider possibly?


For now, I would say it's fine. There is somewhat of a prior expectation that there can be swing-ish rhythms like 04:35:201 (7,8,9) - 04:48:437 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 04:50:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and people I would say are able to read rhythms like this by just seeing the approach circles.

Marked as resolved by Celektus