00:11:704 (1,2) - Spacing seems a little overemphasized since there's no bass drum on 00:11:862 (2) and compared to 00:11:073 (1,2,1,2). Maybe stack these to help show that contrast between it and the drum patterns
00:17:073 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - If you want to show some of the difference in the guitar/melody, this rhythm is the same as 00:06:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) despite the difference in guitar tones. Maybe make 00:17:546 an active rhythm instead to follow some of those louder differences. Could also consider making 00:17:073 (1) a 1/4 slider to match how you did emphasis for 00:21:967 (1,2) :D
00:27:020 (7,1) - The sliderbody on 00:27:178 (1) going opposite direction of this movement makes it stand out given how easy/comfy the rest of the section is, maybe ctrl+h 00:27:178 (1) or do something similar to 00:24:336 (5,6,1) to not have the sudden change in direction
00:47:073 (5,1) - Spacing here is really similar to how you emphasized crashes like 00:45:809 (5,1) + 00:50:862 (6,1). Might lower it just a little bit here to be more consistent with showing that difference
01:05:546 (3,4,5,6) - i think i prefer what you did with the rhythm on the Insane difficulty, where there's a slider instead of 4 individual circles. to me, 2 sliders o 2 circles + 1/2 slider match the intensity of the vocals way more instead of what you currently have
the idea here is to emphasize the cymbal and strong vocal at 01:06:178 (1) - after the jumps, and it's for rhythm progression between diffs too so i think i will keep it
01:12:336 (1,2) - Could make them less spaced cuz it is kinda imbalanced considering that it's pretty much the same sound as 01:11:704 (1,2,1,2) -
01:23:862 (6,1) - Going for the visuals here is reasonable but considering how strong is the sound on 01:24:336 (1) - it is a bit underwhelming having them spaced like that.
Would probably space them more.
Take note that you've used spacings like 01:06:020 (6,1) - 01:21:020 (5,1) - for strong sounds so something similar would be expected.
01:23:862 (6) - Super small thing, but maybe ctrl+g this slider so that it's movement follows 01:23:546 (3,4) instead of going opposite it. I imagine most players at this skill level will just pause on it/move straight up but it'll keep flow this way throughout the pattern for those who might not